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刘莉  苏小丽  段金华 《广州化工》2010,38(9):249-251
随着生产的发展和人民生活水平的提高,固体废弃物的排放量骤增,而堆放和处置场地却日益减少,处置费用也越来越高,以及由于有害废弃物处置不当所造成的对大气、水体和土壤的严重污染,加剧恶化着环境,危害人体健康。固体废物的污染控制问题已成为我国重要的环境问题之一,影响了经济、社会的发展。鉴于此,笔者在分析固体废弃物的来源和危害的基础上,结合我国固体废弃物的污染现状,从循环经济的视角探索了我国固体废弃物的管理与防治思路。  相似文献   

钱津旺 《当代化工》2012,(1):108-110
挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds,VOCs)是强挥发性有机化学物质的总称,挥发性有机物在常温下,是一种逸散性排放的物质,对空气和环境的污染比较严重,对人体的健康也会产生极大的威胁。挥发性有机物主要来源石油化工产品、汽车尾气、化学溶剂、涂料油漆、废物处理等等,因此对挥发性有机物的污染受到越来越多的人重视。通过利用气相色谱对空气和室内进行测量、分析、研究。  相似文献   

线路板行业蚀刻废液处置技术千差万别,如处置方法的不当,则会引起第二次环境污染。随着环境保护越来越重视,开发PCB废水零排放、资源化、综合利用技术,是危险废物处置行业的主方向,并应用于实际,在保护环境的同时获得较好经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

陈曦  陈扬  李樱  陈刚 《农药》2011,50(5)
持久性有机污染物(POPs)的巨大危害和淘汰、消减的必要性已经成为国际社会共识.为了控制危险物质(包括危险废物)不适当的处置、非法投弃和闲置的废弃场地所造成的环境污染,发达国家建立并逐渐完善相关法律体系,对POPs废物从发现到最终修复的全过程给予了明确的法律规范.重点研究中国杀虫剂类POPs废物处置技术选择要求、技术应用现状分析,最后形成杀虫剂类POPs废物处置技术短名单,为我国杀虫剂类POPs废物处置的技术选择提供依据.  相似文献   

戴佳佳 《水泥工程》2018,31(2):75-78
针对水泥窑协同处置危废的生产特点,详细分析了水泥企业在实际运行过程中可能发生的突发性环境风险,包括危废收集、运输、贮存过程可能带来的环境风险,危废未按照正常比例投加可能带来的环境风险,废气处理设施故障带来的环境风险等,并制定必要的环境应急措施,切实提高了企业的应急处置能力,确保迅速有效地处理因水泥窑协同处置危废造成的局部或区域环境污染事件,将事故对人员、财产和环境造成的损失将至最小程度,最大限度地减少对环境的影响。  相似文献   

纳米材料在环境保护方面的最新应用进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
卓成林  伍明华 《化工时刊》2004,18(3):5-7,18
综述了近年来纳米材料在环境保护中的应用情况,重点介绍了纳米技术在大气污染、污水处理等环保方面的应用情况。在噪声污染控制,固体废弃物处理,环境监测等方面的应用情况也做了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

王钟晖 《江苏化工》2007,35(3):48-50
在化工品库区操作中,会因化工品废气排放而造成空气污染。介绍了一套针对水溶性化工品废气的二级水洗净化系统,该系统充分利用了水喷射器和填料塔的作用,可有效降低废气排放,减轻空气污染,具有设备简单、投资不多、安全高效的特点,适用于较少需要进行净化排放处理的场合。  相似文献   

生物与化学实验室常见废弃物的处理与回收   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
饶长全 《广东化工》2006,33(8):71-73
本文概述了生物及化学类实验室废弃物的特点和相应的处理原则,并从环境保护和节约资源的角度,提出了针对实验过程中产生的一系列常见废弃物的处理方法,对一些有用物质的回收方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

水泥窑协同处置危废是近几年水泥企业资源化利用和无害化处理新兴的危废处置方式。水泥生产结合危废处置,如何做到既能控制好水泥熟料的产量和品质,又能最大化实现危废处理,是对现有水泥生产运行人员提出的新要求。MES作为面向生产制造企业车间执行层的生产信息化管理系统,其具备的数据管理、排产管理、生产调度管理、库存管理、质量管理、生产过程控制、底层数据集成分析、上层数据集成分解等功能,可以有效地为水泥企业解决跨行业的痛点和难点,协助水泥企业实现水泥熟料生产和危废处置安全、可靠的协同生产。  相似文献   

黎子进 《广东化工》2010,37(6):87-89
化学危险品是具有爆炸、易燃、毒害、感染、腐蚀、放射性等危险特性,在运输、储存、生产、经营、使用和处置中,容易造成人身伤亡、财产损毁或环境污染而需要特别防护的物品。文章介绍了易燃固体、自燃物品及遇水放出易燃气体的物质、易燃液体、危险气体、爆炸品、毒性物质和感染性物质、氧化性物质和有机过氧化物六类化学危险品的基本特性,说明了其火灾预防措施,并概述了它们在发生灾害事故时的处置措施或灭火方法。  相似文献   

Solidification and encapsulation of special wastes for disposal purposes . Apart from problems caused by special wastes due to their generally high content of harmful substances as well as other hazardous properties, difficulties in treatment and disposal of liquids, slurries and sludges are increased by their nonsolid state. Transformation of such special wastes into solid and largely non-reactive products could offer a possibility of avoiding the difficulties at conventional disposal facilities. Solidification processes are also of interest in as much as they might open a way to dispose of such special wastes not only at special-waste disposal facilities but also jointly with residential wastes at ordinary landfills. Recently solidification processes have been developed and are, in part, commercially applied in various countries. Utilisation or landfill disposal of the solidification products demand the definition of certain minimum requirements. Requirements with regard to water pollution prevention (e. g. leachability) are more difficult to formulate than other requirements unrelated to water protection (e. g. strength).  相似文献   

曹礼梅  邱兆富  张巍  杨骥 《化工进展》2021,40(10):5293-5301
全世界化工行业每年会置换出大量的废催化剂,如处置不当,不仅污染环境,而且浪费了资源。本文对化工行业废催化剂的现状进行了初步调查分析,综述了其来源、类别及特点。基于废催化剂中有价金属的含量远远高于矿藏中所含有的相应组分的特点,建议将其作为二次资源进行利用;分析了化工废催化剂潜在的环境风险并提出了开展环境风险评价的流程,建议建立废催化剂环境风险信息数据库;概括论述了废催化剂减量化、资源化、无害化等的控制手段及存在的问题。文中提出:对于化工废催化剂的处理处置应从清洁生产的角度考虑,不局限于单纯的末端污染控制;建议开展废催化剂减量化、资源化及无害化处理的绿色新技术,达到减少污染、资源综合回收利用的目的。  相似文献   

Systematic, inter-factory disposal of waste gas and waste air streams from chemical production plants. (A contribution to environmental protection.) Increasing demands upon environmental protection and increasingly stringent legislation necessitated, at the end of the 1960's and the beginning of the 1970's, development of a new technology for the disposal of waste gas and waste air streams from production plants. The special conditions of the Dormagen works of Bayer AG led to a process resulting in the separation of the single waste air streams and their thermal combustion in central combustion plants and power stations. After a development period of several years and the extension of the plants, a standard was reached which permits the operation of even difficult production processes without problems as to waste air.  相似文献   

Incineration of waste from a chemical facility. Waste from chemical plants includes solids, liquids, gases – all of which require disposal. Solid and liquid wastes can be readily incinerated or deposited in a central plant. Gas purification is the final step of the process, performed at a limited distance from the production plant. If several substances having different properties are involved then thermal waste air purification is appropriate. This paper considers the design concepts of such a thermal waste air purification unit.  相似文献   

Environmental protection, a task of chemical engineering . The environmental burden in air and water in Germany is surveyed. The terms “eco-unobjectionable technology” and “disposal technology” are then considered with the aid of examples. These are fundamental chemical engineering approaches for reducing or eliminating environmental burdens due to industrial production processes. “Ecounobjectionable processes” are those in which undesired pollutants are not even formed, i. e. when possible emissions are eliminated at source. If this is only partly possible, or impossible, then disposal measures are adopted. This means removal of unavoidable pollutants from waste gases and waste water, and the disposal of other wastes.  相似文献   

高培  沈伯雄  赵忠 《化工进展》2020,39(10):4185-4190
废旧电池中含有大量的金属物质,如果不妥善处理,会造成严重的环境污染和资源浪费。而将废旧电池回收之后用于制备功能材料,既能有效解决废旧电池难处置、危害大的问题,又可以减少功能材料的制备成本。文章首先概述了电池的组成及种类、废旧电池的回收意义与回收和处理现状;其次重点介绍了回收废旧电池制备功能材料的研究现状和最新进展,根据废旧电池制备功能材料所采用回收工艺的不同对废旧电池的回收利用进行了分类;最后探讨了目前回收废旧电池制备功能材料所存在的一些问题,并指出简单处理废旧电池制备功能材料将会是未来的主要发展趋势。  相似文献   

为了研究高危险物质的管控范畴,调研了美国和我国高危险物质管控的相关法律法规及标准,采用统计分析方法对比了两国法律法规及标准中高危险物质管控范畴的共性和差异性,研究了两国相关法规标准中高危险物质目录的范围、临界量设定及分级管理方法,综合了物质目录和危险性判定条件制定的开放的物质范畴更全面;科学制定高危险物质及危险特性的分级管控临界量可提高管控目录的可操作性,根据分级管控临界量制定分级管理方法有利于合理分配安全监管资源.  相似文献   

燕来荣 《玻璃》2011,38(11):13-18
电光源玻璃是制造光源设备、电器元件的主要材料之一。由于电光源多使用铅玻璃,容易造成污染,其生产和使用过程中所带来的有害物质对环境的污染引起了人们的关注。文章针对玻璃的类型、化学成分与结构特点,论述了电光源用铅玻璃的产品结构特征,研究了电光源用铅玻璃的危害及其污染治理,阐述了解决电光源用铅玻璃对环境污染的治理对策,提出了电光源用环保玻璃的发展趋势。  相似文献   

An often unavoidable consequence of the manufacture, of valuable products is the creation of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes. By “hazardous material’ is meant the commercial product—a commodity of value which has hazardous properties that may be essential to its effectiveness. “Hazardous wastes’ are byproducts that usually have little or no value to the company that generates them, but that usually result from manufacturing processes and must be managed to prevent injury to the public and the environment. (Of course, through the establishment of waste exchanges, one company’s waste may become another company’s feedstock, thereby eliminating or at least postponing the disposal problem.) The more stringent individual countries or regional groups of countries become in their regulation of hazardous wastes, the greater the incentive there is in those, countries to export wastes to nations where requirements are less rigorous. Thus, the development of a world policy on hazardous waste appears to be worthwhile, but in considering such a policy, it is essential to learn from the mistakes others have made.  相似文献   

本文在综合评述磷灰石晶体化学特征的基础上,阐述了磷灰石的环境属性.包括孔道效应、表面吸附、离子交换、化学活性、纳米效应、生物相容性等,并简要介绍了磷灰石在核废料处置、水体污染治理、土壤污染治理中的研究情况.  相似文献   

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