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Critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling under axially nonuniform heating conditions was experimentally investigated using a tube heated with a dc power source. The thickness of the tube wall in the axial direction was varied to attain axially nonuniform heating. The different thicknesses, therefore, separated the tube into regions of high heat flux and regions of low heat flux. The lengths of these regions of the tube were also varied to study the effect on the CHF. The objective of this system is to initiate boiling in the high-heat-flux region, thus increasing heat transfer, and to interrupt the bubble boundary layer in the low-heat-flux region. Because it is the initiation of boiling that increases heat transfer, the performance of such a system is linked to its effectiveness in repeatedly interrupting and re-establishing the bubble boundary layer. Our experiments, involving tubes that had sections of different thicknesses and different lengths, showed that when the heat flux in the low-heat-flux region was below the net vapor generation (NVG) heat flux, this system enhanced the CHF, but not when it was above the NVG. Also, for relatively short low-heat-flux regions, the CHF was not enhanced, presumably because there was insufficient time to interrupt the bubble boundary layer. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(2): 169–178, 1998  相似文献   

INTanDUCTI0NBoilingheattransferandcriticalheatflux(CHF)inaconfinednarrowspacehavebeenstudiedexperi-melltallybyanumberofinvestigatorsinthepastfewdecades.However,thereisnoanypopularlyacceptedmodelintheheattransferinnarrowspaceboiling,althoughsomepopularknowledgeabouttheboilingheattransferinthenarrowspacehavebeenacceptedbymanyresearchers.Theknowledgecanbecon-cludedasthatthenucleateboilingheattransferisenhancedatlowheatfluxregionanddeterioratedathighheatfiuxregi0nespeciallyatCHF.Theenhanceme…  相似文献   

Heat transfer measurements and photographic studies are performed to capture the detailed evolution of the liquid–vapor interface near critical heat flux (CHF) for a 90-degree downward-facing convex surface. The test surface, with a width of 3.2 mm and a 102.6-mm radius, consists of a series of nine heaters that dissipate equal power. Instrumentation within each heater facilitates localized heat flux and temperature measurements along the convex surface, and transparent front and back windows enable optical access to a fairly two-dimensional liquid–vapor interface. Near CHF, vapor behavior along the convex surface is cyclical, repeatedly forming a stratified vapor layer at the bottom of the convex surface, which stretches as more vapor is generated, and then flows upwards along from the surface. Subsequently, heaters at the bottom of the convex surface, followed by the other heaters, are wetted with liquid before the nucleation/coalescence/stratification/release process is repeated. This study proves that despite the pronounced thickening of the vapor layer as it propagates upwards along the convex surface, CHF always commences on the bottom of the surface.  相似文献   

分别在光滑及波形结构的铜表面上对水和乙醇进行饱和池沸腾实验,观测了临界热流密度(CHF)下临界波长的变化趋势,并分析了表面结构对沸腾传热系数及CHF的影响。实验验证了光滑表面上,临界波长随工质的不同而变化,继而影响CHF,其实验值与经典的临界波长及临界热流密度理论一致。而粗糙表面上的乙醇沸腾实验进一步发现,波形结构可以减小临界波长,从而有效提高CHF,其影响规律与相关文献的理论模型较为符合。  相似文献   

SurfacesInvestigationofEnhancedBoilingHeatTransferfromPorousSurfaces¥LinZhiping;MaTongze;ZhangZhengfang(InstituteofEngineerin...  相似文献   

In previous papers (Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2008;50:3481–3489, 2009;52: 814–821), the authors conducted measurements of liquid–vapor structures in the vicinity of a heating surface for subcooled pool boiling on an upward‐facing copper surface by using a conducting probe method. We reported that the macrolayer dryout model is the most appropriate model of the CHF and that the reason why the CHF increases with increasing subcooling is most likely that a thick macrolayer is able to form beneath large vapor masses and the lowest heat flux of the vapor mass region shifts towards the higher heat flux. To develop a mechanistic model of the CHF for subcooled boiling, therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the effects of local subcooling on boiling behaviors in the vicinity of a heating surface. This paper measured local temperatures close to a heating surface using a micro‐thermocouple at high heat fluxes for water boiling on an upward‐facing surface in the 0 to 40 K range of subcooling. A value for the effective subcooling, defined as the local subcooling during the period while vapor masses are being formed was estimated from the detected bottom peaks of the temperature fluctuations. It was established that the effective subcooling adjacent to the surface remains at considerably lower values than the bulk liquid subcooling. This suggests that, from nucleation to coalescence, the subcooling of a bulk liquid has a smaller effect on the behavior of primary bubbles than the extent of the subcooling would appear to suggest. An empirical correlation of the effective subcooling is proposed to provide a step towards quantitative modeling of the CHF for subcooled boiling. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20277  相似文献   

An experimental and semitheoretical study was carried out for the critical heat flux (CHF) on natural convective boiling in uniformly heated vertical short‐thick tubes and vertical short‐thick annular tubes submerged in saturated liquids. By adapting a mathematical dealing method based on the theoretical formulas of CHF of both the natural convective boiling in vertical narrow‐long tubes and the pool boiling, a simple semitheoretical formula was derived. The new formula expands the prediction range of CHF from pool boiling of vertical plates to very long vertical tubes and agrees well with the data of the tubes, annular tubes submerged in water or other liquids under various pressure conditions. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 32(5): 402–410, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.10103  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical studies were carried out on the natural convective boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux (CHF) in uniformly heated vertical annular tubes filled with a porous medium and submerged in saturated water and R11 liquid. The heat transfer experimental results were compared with the case without a porous medium. It was shown that heat transfer is greatly enhanced by the porous medium in the region of low heat flux. By adopting a simple mixing flow model, a generalized approximate relationship was derived for predicting the CHF. The prediction agrees relatively well with the CHF experimental data. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 29(6): 447–458, 2000  相似文献   

The pool boiling characteristics of dilute dispersions of alumina nanoparticles in water were studied. Consistent with other nanofluid studies, it was found that a significant enhancement in critical heat flux (CHF) can be achieved at modest nanoparticle concentrations (<0.1% by volume). During experimentation and subsequent inspection, formation of a porous layer of nanoparticles on the heater surface occurred during nucleate boiling. This layer significantly changes surface texture of the heater wire surface which could be the reason for improvement in the CHF value. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20301  相似文献   

The interfacial instabilities important to the modeling of critical heat flux (CHF) in reduced-gravity systems are sensitive to even minute body forces, especially for small coolant velocities. Understanding these effects is of paramount importance to both the reliability and safety of two-phase thermal management loops proposed for future space and planetary-based thermal systems. Unfortunately, reduced gravity systems cannot be accurately simulated in 1g ground-based experiments. However, ground-based experiments can help isolate the effects of the various forces (body force, surface tension force and inertia) which influence flow boiling CHF. In this project, the effects of the component of body force perpendicular to a heated wall were examined by conducting 1g flow boiling experiments at different orientations. Boiling experiments were performed using FC-72 in vertical and inclined upflow and downflow, as well as horizontal flow, and with the heated surface facing upward or downward relative to gravity. CHF was very sensitive to orientation for flow velocities below 0.2 m/s and near-saturated flow; CHF values for downflow and downward-facing heated surface were much smaller than for upflow and upward-facing surface orientations. Increasing velocity and subcooling dampened the effects of flow orientation on CHF. For saturated flow, the vapor layer characteristics fell into six different regimes: wavy vapor layer, pool-boiling, stratification, vapor stagnation, vapor counterflow, and vapor concurrent flow. The wavy vapor layer regime encompassed all subcooled and high-velocity saturated conditions at all orientations, as well as low-velocity upflow orientations. Prior CHF correlations and models were compared, and shown to predict the CHF data with varying degrees of success.  相似文献   

The effect of the heated length on the Critical Heat Flux (CHF) of subcooled flow boiling with water was experimentally investigated by means of a direct current heated plate made of stainless steel with various lengths. The motion of bubbles at near burnout was observed by a high‐speed video camera under atmospheric pressure conditions. Consideration was made of the critical wavelength of the Helmholtz instability in several CHF mechanistic models. The slug length at CHF almost coincided with the critical wavelength. It is further confirmed that when the heated length is shorter than the critical wavelength, a large enhancement of the CHF is seen. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 29(2): 132–143, 2000  相似文献   

Heat transfer for flow boiling of water and critical heat flux (CHF) experiments in a half‐circumferentially heated round tube under low‐pressure conditions were carried out. To clarify the flow patterns in the heated section, experiments in the round tube under the same conditions were also carried out, and their results were compared. The experiments were conducted with atmospheric‐pressure water in test sections with inner diameter D = 6 mm, heated length L = 360 mm, inlet water subcooling ΔTin = 80 K, and mass velocity G from 0 to 2000 kg/(m2·s) for the half‐circumferentially heated round tube and from 0 to 7000 kg/(m2·s) for the full‐circumferentially heated tube. The experimental data demonstrated that the wall temperature near the outlet of the half‐circumferentially heated tube remained almost the same until CHF. It was found that burnout occurred when the flow regime changed from churn flow to annular flow, and the liquid film on the heated wall dried out although liquid film on the unheated wall remained. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 31(3): 149–164, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.10022  相似文献   

基于单组分多相流格子Boltzmann方法结合精确差分法建立了汽液相变模型,运用伪势模型以及双分布函数,结合所提出的沸腾冷凝相变模型,对微小空间内超亲水和超疏水组合表面下汽液共存沸腾时两个汽泡合并、生长、离开水平面以及蒸汽冷凝凝结成两个液滴融合、脱落的过程进行了研究。着重分析了重力加速度对汽泡脱离直径和汽泡脱离时间的影响以及流固作用强度对接触角的影响,最后拟合出了对应关系,并对汽泡和液滴运动过程进行了分析。研究发现与现有已发表的对应关系和公开实验结果基本吻合,并得出结论:随着重力加速度的增大,汽泡脱离直径和汽泡脱离时间均呈现出减小的趋势;接触角随着流固作用强度的增大呈现出减小的趋势;沸腾过程受热产生的蒸汽在模型内部在平衡移动原理作用下向着冷源移动,冷源液化消耗近似等量蒸汽产生水滴逐渐成长落入水中,实现了系统内热力平衡和循环过程。  相似文献   

Using the Hallinan‐Ervin model, the flow and evaporation in a bubble microlayer were theoretically analyzed, and the dryout characteristics and Staub's criterion were discussed in detail. It was revealed that the critical dryout radius is associated with the wettability of the heated surface, and that the dominant role for microlayer evaporation is disjoining pressure, not surface tension gradient. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 31(6): 456–462, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.10052  相似文献   

The macrolayer thickness at critical heat flux has been determined based on the energy balance relation qCHFlHfgδl·f, with measurements of the critical heat flux and the detachment frequency of vapor masses (coalesced bubbles) for various liquids at pressures from 0.05 MPa to 0.35 MPa for upward and vertical 20 mm diameter disk heaters. The macrolayer thickness correlation proposed in the fourth report of this series by Kumada and Sakashita [Trans. JSME, 58 (552) (1992), 2505] was modified with the data obtained in the present report. Macrolayer thicknesses at low heat fluxes for water and ethanol under atmospheric pressure were also measured while changing the orientation of the heating surface from vertical to downward. The measured macrolayers at low heat fluxes were thinner than those obtained from existing data measured by a probe method in the nucleate boiling region and agreed fairly well with the proposed correlation. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Heat Trans Jpn Res, 25 (8): 522–536, 1996  相似文献   

Critical heat flux (CHF) of subcooled flow boiling with water in a tube with an internal twisted tape under nonuniform heating conditions was experimentally investigated by direct current heating of a stainless steel tube. The boiling curve of the subcooled flow under a high heat flux was measured to confirm the characteristics of the nucleate boiling. The net vapor generation (NVG) point almost agreed with the Levy correlation. The increase of the CHF with an internal twisted tape under nonuniform heating conditions was explained by assuming an alternate development and disruption of the bubble boundary layer in which the bubble boundary layer is assumed to be disrupted when the heat flux is lower than the NVG heat flux. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Heat Trans Jpn Res, 25(5): 293–307, 1996  相似文献   

The effects of orientation on flow boiling critical heat flux (CHF) were investigated using high-speed video and microphotographic techniques. Interfacial features were measured just prior to CHF and statistically analyzed. A dominant wavy vapor layer regime was observed for all relatively high-velocities and most orientations, while several other regimes were encountered at low velocities, in downflow and/or downward-facing heated wall orientations. The interfacial lift-off model was modified and used to predict the orientation effects on CHF for the dominant wavy vapor layer regime. The photographic study revealed a fairly continuous wavy vapor layer travelling along the heated wall while permitting liquid contact only in wetting fronts, located in the troughs of the interfacial waves. The waves, which were generated at an upstream location, had a tendency to preserve a curvature ratio as they propagated along the heated wall. CHF commenced when wetting fronts near the outlet were lifted off the wall. This occurred when the momentum of vapor normal to the wall exceeded the pressure force associated with interfacial curvature. The interfacial lift-off model is shown to be very effective at capturing the overall dependence of CHF on orientation.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of surface wettability on the pool boiling heat transfer, nucleate pool boiling experiments were conducted with deionized water and silica based nanofluid. A higher surface roughness value in the range of 3.9 ~ 6.0μm was tested. The contact angle was from 4.7° to 153°, and heat flux was from 30kW/m2 to 300kW/m2. Experimental results showed that hydrophilicity diminish the boiling heat transfer of silica nanofluid on the surfaces with higher roughness. As the increment of nanofluid mass concentration from 0.025% to 0.1%, a further reduction of heat transfer coefficient was observed. For the super hydrophobic surface with higher roughness (contact angle 153.0°), boiling heat transfer was enhanced at heat flux less than 93 kW/m2, and then the heat transfer degraded at higher heat flux.  相似文献   

多孔表面新型复杂结构优化沸腾传热的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了R11在烧结多孔表面开槽时沸腾传热的实验研究,实验发现,与普通槽道和双空隙层多孔表面相比,沸腾换热增强,沸腾表现为液体灌注、槽道起泡、底部蒸干三个区,对特定的多孔层,开槽可获得更好的换热效果。带槽道的多孔表面实验件与均匀多孔表面相比,在相同壁面过热度(θ)条件下,热流密度(q)提高2-10倍,临界热流密度提高2-4倍。  相似文献   

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