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为了便于在扭矩扳子检定、校准中科学地选择适用的扭矩扳子检定仪,针对扭矩扳子检定、校准专业性强,选型资料单一,选型不便的实际,通过对现有扭矩扳子检定仪结构、种类、性能、特点及发展动向的分析,为选型提供参考。 相似文献
为了便于在扭矩扳子检定、校准中科学地选择和使用扭矩扳子检定仪,针对扭矩扳子检定、校准专业性强、选型资料单一、选型不便的实际,通过对现有扭矩扳子检定仪结构、种类、性能、特点及发展动向对扭矩扳子检定的分析,为选型及使用提供参考。 相似文献
台式扭矩扳子检定仪检定方法探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
扭矩扳子检定仪作为检定、校准扭矩扳子的主要标准装置,在计量检定机构和工业企业被广泛使用。特别是对于500N·m以下的中小型扭矩扳子,台式扭矩扳子检定仪(以下简称“检定仪”)由于安装便捷、加荷机构简单、性能稳定而得到广泛应用。根据JJG797—1992《扭矩扳子检定仪》检定规程,检定仪的检定设备为标准扭矩机或带力值砝码的检定杠杆,但在实际工作中上述两种检定设备使用起来较为困难, 相似文献
几种期间核查方法的实例分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍了对计量标准装置、测量设备进行期间核查的几种运用方法的实例,分析了如何应用高一级精度等级的计量标准进行核查及采用同等精度的计量标准进行比对和应用统计技术对计量标准实施过程控制的期间核查方法. 相似文献
文章通过采用电学计量标准数字多用表(DCV档)对PC-3电脑型pH/离子计自动检定仪标准进行期间核查比对工作,介绍计量标准期间核查的方法选择和数据处理。 相似文献
本文所介绍的智能扭矩扳子的设计符合扭矩扳子检定仪便携化、智能化的发展趋势。其具有的自动调零、自动校准等技术保证了其测量的正确性。总体设计在保证准确度的前提下减低功耗,微观上,硬件设计和软件算法设计保证了其智能化、便携化特点的实现。 相似文献
加载装置对扭矩扳手标准检定装置测量误差的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
扭矩扳手标准检定装置中的不少加载装置产生的测量误差远远大于仪器和传感器产生的系统误差。本文以工程力学定性剖析扭矩传感器配套的加载装置是引起扭矩扳手标准检定装置测量误差的主要因素,认为结构不良的扭矩加载装置是最大的测量误差源。 相似文献
An atmospheric-correction method appropriate for high-spatial-resolution sensors that uses cloud-shaded pixels together with pixels in a neighboring region of similar optical properties is described. This cloud-shadow method uses the difference between the total radiance values observed at the sensor for these two regions, thus removing the nearly identical atmospheric radiance contributions to the two signals (e.g., path radiance and Fresnel-reflected skylight). What remains is largely due to solar photons backscattered from beneath the sea to dominate the residual signal. Normalization by the direct solar irradiance reaching the sea surface and correction for some second-order effects provides the remote-sensing reflectance of the ocean at the location of the neighbor region, providing a known ground target spectrum for use in testing the calibration of the sensor. A similar approach may be useful for land targets if horizontal homogeneity of scene reflectance exists about the shadow. Monte Carlo calculations have been used to correct for adjacency effects and to estimate the differences in the skylight reaching the shadowed and neighbor pixels. 相似文献
随着高精度液位测量仪表的广泛应用,对液位计的量值溯源尤其是液位计检定装置的整体不确定度也有更高的要求。为解决目前采用钢直尺作为主标准器无法满足高精度液位计在JJG971-2002《液位计》中规定(整个检定设备在内的扩展不确定度U95应不超过被检液位计最大允许误差绝对值1/4至1/5的溯源要求)的问题,设计一种采用补偿微压计原理,水准头进行液位精确定位,高精度直线式感应同步器测量水准头位移量,从而准确测出液位变化量的液位计检定装置。通过对装置各部件设计结构带来的不确定度进行综合评定,完全满足检定规程中最高0.02级高精度液位计的量值溯源要求,有效补充高精度液位计的量值溯源难题,保障液位计量值溯源的准确性。 相似文献
Finite element methods are being applied to a number of manufacturing processes such as rolling, forging, etc. This paper focuses on the effort to simulate turbine blade casting using commercially available software. Comparisons between experimental and analytical results are presented for simple geometries. A novel solution to the radiation boundary condition problem is discussed. 相似文献
Satonobu J. Magane F. Koike Y. Nakamura K. Ueha S. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1997,44(6):1348-1354
This paper presents a new method to accumulate the output of several torsional transducers together into one output. The torsional transducers are connected around the circumference of a thick metal disk (the accumulator) in which the fundamental torsional mode is excited. The torque of each transducer is transmitted to the accumulator, and the accumulated torque appears on both the top and the bottom surfaces of the accumulator. The authors discuss the torque accumulation and the transformation mechanism analytically by using an equivalent electrical circuit model and obtaining the analytic expression of the torque factor, which represents the maximum output torque per unit voltage applied to the electrical port. In an experimental study, four Langevin torsional transducers 30 mm in diameter attached to an accumulator 100 mm in diameter was used as a prototype. The measured torque factor is found to be proportional to the number of connected transducers, and the calculated torque factor agrees well with the experimentally determined one 相似文献
免疫支持向量机复合故障诊断方法及试验研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
研究了传统分类算法在故障诊断中的不足,融合人工免疫系统中的实值否定选择(RNS)算法和支持向量机(SVM)算法提出了一种复合的故障诊断方法。在新方法中使用RNS算法产生检测器(非己集合)当作故障样本,这些样本再作为SVM算法的输入进行训练,这样就能解决分类算法所面临的训练样本不足的难题。轴向柱塞泵发生故障时,由于滑靴对斜盘冲击产生的振动信号被高频谐振信号调制,通过小波簇包络解调方法将调制信号解调出来,然后对包络信号用小波包分解子带特征能量法进行特征提取。最后用轴向柱塞泵多松靴和配流盘磨损多故障模式样本进行诊断测试,正确率可达90%以上,验证了复合诊断方法的有效性。 相似文献
This paper proposes a novel magnetic nutation gear drive (MA-ND) which offers several advantages compared to the traditional mechanical one in terms of contact-free, low noise and vibration, inherent overload protection, no need of lubrication and low-loss energy. Firstly, the working principle of the proposed MA-ND is introduced. The structure design of the MA-ND is developed and the three-dimensional model of the MA-ND is further accomplished. Based on the coordinate transformation and the geometric analysis, the geometric properties and the meshing characteristics are revealed. Furthermore, the force and torque are deduced based on equivalent magnetic charge method, a prototype of this MA-ND is developed and the transmission ratio experiment under variable load is carried out to indicate that the proposed MA-ND can meet the requirement. 相似文献