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太阳能技术对我国未来减排CO2的贡献 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
1世界对可再生能源减排作用的估计可再生能源不但是重要的后续能源,而且对未来减排CO2将发挥重要作用。国际上许多组织和国家预测,本世纪中叶可再生能源在一次性能源消耗中将超过50%。最近20年来,各种可再生能源技术的日趋成熟和生产规模的不断扩大,对能源的贡献也日渐增大。可以预料,随着可再生能源的快速发展,对未来CO2减排的贡献会越来越大。为加速发展中国家可再生能源的发展,1996年世界银行通过全球环境基金(GEF)项目,对未来CO2的排放作了如下估计:如果不采取措施,50年后,大气中CO2的含量就是现在的3.5倍,如果积极采取各种清洁能… 相似文献
太阳能技术对我国未来减排CO2的贡献 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在《我国后续能源发展战略研究》基础上对太阳能技术在我国未来减排CO2中的作用进行了估计。结果表明,在2010年后太阳能技术对CO2减排作用开始有较明显影响。2020年后开始有显著影响。 相似文献
一九九八年,在邓小平理论和党的十五大精神指导下,在自治区党委、政府的正确领导和区林业局的直接领导下,遵照自治区党委提出加快我区发展的“三大战略,六大突破”的决策,依靠全区农村能源系统工作者的共同努力,奋发进取,我区农村能源建设有了较大的发展,取得了可喜的成绩。 相似文献
气体燃料对减缓CO2排放的贡献 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
简述了以甲烷为主要成分的天然气、煤层气等气体燃料的性质与优势;认为气体燃料将会发展成世界最重要的一次能源。文章重点指出:使用气体燃料,采用燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电、热电冷(或热电)联产以及燃气高热值热水锅炉等高效的能源转换系统与设备,可以大大提高能源利用率,与使用其它石化燃料相比,可为减缓CO2排放作出明显贡献。 相似文献
在联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会召开会议之际.法国数十家环境组织联合发起倡议,希望全体法国公民及机构2月1日晚关灯断电5分钟,借此向浪费能源行为宣战。 相似文献
去年,我随中国农村可再生能源考察团赴日本进行了考察和参观。在考察过程中与日本有关人员就农村生活污水和畜禽粪便处理,以及太阳能利用领域的政策法规、技术开发、试验研究、商业应用等方面进行了充分地交流讨论,初步了解了日本在相关领域的现状和发展趋势,给我留下了深刻的印象。日本能源消费以石油和煤炭为主,其能源供应的80%依赖进口,能源保障供应是一个十分重要的问题。自从20世纪70年代连续发生的两次石油危机以来,日本政府开始重视包括太阳能、风能、水能和生物质能的研究与发展,投入了大量的资金启动可再生能源的各… 相似文献
文章论述了可再生能源的结构及其在我国农村的发展,指出农村可再生能源的建设是一项综合的系统工程,需要政府,企业,农户的积极投入,才能达到能源,经济和环境的协调发展,才能推动“生态家园富民计划”的实施完成。 相似文献
《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》2007,11(8):1903-1912
Rural household biogas construction is a key program of renewable energy construction in China, which can partly help to reduce the problem of global warming.This article uses the international commonly used calculation of emission reduction to analyze the quantity of reduction in CO2 and SO2 emissions, which is resulting from the substitution of household biogas in place of traditional biomass energy and coal during the period from 1996 to 2003. The result shows that such substitution can reduce the discharge of CO2 by 397.6–4193.9 thousand tons and SO2 by 21.3–62.0 thousand tons annually. This article then predicts the amount of reduction in CO2 and SO2 emissions that would occur in 2010, 2020 and 2050 with the substitution of biogas energy instead of traditional energy sources in rural areas. All of these prove that rural biogas construction is an effective means of reducing the emission of greenhouse and other harmful gases into the atmosphere. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》1998,23(6):419-425
The thermal decomposition of natural gas forms the basis for the production of hydrogen with reduced CO2 emission. The hydrogen can be used to reduce CO2 from coal-fired power plants to produce methanol which can be used as an efficient automotive fuel. The kinetics of methane decomposition is studied in a one inch diameter tubular reactor at temperatures between 700 and 900 °C and at pressures between 28 and 56 atm. The Arrhenius activation energy is found to be 31.3kcal/mol of CH4. The rate increases with higher pressures and appears to be catalyzed by the presence of carbon particles formed. The conversion increases with temperature and is equilibrium limited. A thermodynamic study indicates that hydrogen produced by methane decomposition while sequestering the carbon produced requires the least amount of process energy with zero CO2 emission. Application to methanol synthesis by reacting the hydrogen with CO2 recovered from coal burning power plant stack gases can significantly reduce CO2 from both the utility and transportation sectors. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy. 相似文献
能源洁净利用与CO2排放控制技术 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
温室气体CO2的大量排放而引起的全球变暖、温室效应问题,越来越引起世人的关注。针对由于化石燃料燃烧利用过程中排放出的大量CO2对生态环境造成的危害,探讨了多种CO2排放控制和分离回收技术。对于能源高效清洁利用、CO2排放控制和分离回收有着重要的借鉴作用。 相似文献
在刚刚闭幕的两会上,节能减排引起了代表们的广泛关注。温总理在《政府工作报告》中坦承"去年全国没有实现年初确定的单位国内生产总值能耗降低4%左右,主要污染物排放总量减少2%的目标。"实际上"十一五"开局之年,我国单位GDP能耗仅下降1.23%,而COD和CO_2排放量不降反升,分别增长1.9%和2.4%。可见节能减排形势严峻,任重道远。需要下大力气,有新的大举措。 相似文献
低碳经济发展越来越多地受到世界各国的广泛关注。环境、气候变化问题,已经成为整个人类面临的最严峻挑战。本文通过分析中国CO2排放的基本状况,并运用计量经济模型,对中国能源消费的环境效应影响、中国能源消费产生的CO 2的影响因素进行定量化分析,探讨了中国能源行业高耗能、外部不经济的主要因素。最后,提出了适合中国可行的降低CO 2排放的能源发展路径。 相似文献
合同能源管理(简称EMC)是20世纪70年代在西方发达国家开始发展起来的一种基于市场运作的全新节能机制。在我国蹒跚数十年来,终于迎来了行业发展的春天——继2010年4月初国务院转发《关于加快推行合同能源管理促进节能服务产业发展的意见》后,不久,中央财政就下拨20亿元补贴该行业的发展,而配套政策将陆续出台。而大力发展EMC正是一位政协委员在2010年两会上的一个提案,只是这位委员当时根本没有想 相似文献
Clara Inés Pardo Martínez Semida Silveira 《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》2012,16(7):5285-5294
This study analyses the trends in energy use and CO2 emissions for 19 sub-sectors in the Swedish service sectors following the classification of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) at the 2-digit level of aggregation over the period 1993–2008. This empirical study intends to examine energy use, energy efficiency and CO2 emissions using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and panel data techniques. DEA is applied to assess energy efficiency within a production framework. Panel data techniques are used to determine which variables influence energy efficiency. The results show that Swedish services industries have increased energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the period 1993–2008. The results from the DEA show significant variation in energy efficiency across service industries. The results also indicate that this sector has increased technical efficiency and energy efficiency while decreasing CO2 emissions, especially in the later years of our sample period. The results of panel data techniques show that higher energy taxes, electricity consumption, investments and labour productivity generate higher energy efficiency, while higher fossil fuel consumption leads to lower energy efficiency. All findings of this study are important for developing effective energy policies that encourage better energy use and energy management in the service industries. 相似文献
Arshad Raza Guo Meiyu Raoof Gholami Reza Rezaee Vamegh Rasouli Mohammad Sarmadivaleh 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2018,40(13):1647-1656
Energy supply is an essential element for development in any country. However, the huge energy demand in future, which depends mainly on fossil fuels, may create an environmental crisis. In this paper, an attempt was made to highlight the shale gas prospect of Pakistan as a solution for its future energy demands. It seems that Pakistan is currently consuming a huge amount of domestic natural gas and crude oil, which may soon result in climate change. As such, it is crucial to consider shale gas reserves as an ultimate solution for energy and achieving a low carbon economy. 相似文献
《Energy Policy》2014
China's carbon dioxide (CO2) emission ranks the highest in the world. CO2 emission from urban central heating, which has an average annual growth rate of 10.3%, is responsible for 4.4% of China's total CO2 emission. The current policy for improving urban central heating focuses on replacing coal with natural gas. This paper analyzes the existing situation and problems pertaining to urban heating, and evaluates the potential for reducing energy consumption and CO2 emission by heat pump heating. The results show that the current policy of replacing coal with natural gas for urban central heating decreases energy consumption and CO2 emission by 16.6% and 63.5%, respectively. On the other hand, replacing coal-based urban central heating with heat pump heating is capable of decreasing energy consumption and CO2 emission by 57.6% and 81.4%, respectively. Replacing both urban central and decentralized heating with heat pump heating can lead to 67.7% and 85.8% reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emission, respectively. The decreases in CO2 emission will account for 24.5% of China's target to reduce total CO2 emission by 2020. 相似文献