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方健  缪燕子  王浩华 《黄金》2006,27(5):29-32
针对黄金矿山设备管理的特点,研究基于C/S和B/S混合模式的设备管理信息系统,描述了软件系统功能模块设计、所能用到的软件技术以及安全性数据库技术。该系统已在山东某黄金集团公司投入试运行,为企业生产自动化、管理规范化打下了良好基础。  相似文献   

This review is devoted to rate-controlled sintering (RCS) problems. It is shown that nonlinear nonisothermal sintering provides dense fine-grained materials based on ultrafine and submicron powders of different substances and mixtures of them. The theoretical and procedural bases of RCS as well as possible methods for a priori determination of its major parameter, i.e., maximum safe rate, are considered.Institute of Materials Science Problems, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev. Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, Nos. 3–4, pp. 1–10, March–April, 1994.  相似文献   

The paper examines how the grain-size composition of starting titan diboride powders and calcium silicon and calcium hexaboride additives influence the consolidation of titanium diboride in hot pressing and the structure and properties of hot-pressed materials. It is shown that 3 and 5 wt.% of calcium silicon decrease the pressing temperature by 200 °C, refine the structure, and improve the density and mechanical properties of titan diboride materials.  相似文献   

轧钢技术和装备国产化问题的分析与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国板带轧制技术与装备的发展过程,说明了60年代我国已自主设计制造了2800、4200大型板带轧机和1700热连轧机,而现在为什么还从国外成套引进的原因。由于国外板形理论未突破,提高板形质量主要靠设备创新及复杂的控制系统。从我国工业的基础水平来看,跟踪国外的发展并从设备上赶上国外从而实现国产化是行不通的。板带装备与技术国产化必须走一条创新道路。板形计方法、张力复合控制系统的工业实验和推广应用不仅可实现国产化,而且可达到世界领先水平。  相似文献   

周宇  高联群 《冶金自动化》1998,22(4):26-28,50
介绍了计算机辅助设计的一种新方法,以建立表格数据库的方式,通过数据转换,完成了PLC系统的标准化设备设计。给出了表格数据库的基本格式及建表方法,该设计方法已在若干工程项目上获得良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

Urodilatin (95-126) (URO) appears to play a major physiologic role in fluid homeostasis and produces major changes when administered intravenously. Here we describe a monospecific, high-affinity antiserum against URO with no cross-reactivity (<0.01%) against the structural highly homologous atrial natriuretic peptide 99-126 (ANP-99-126), ANP analogs, and related peptides such as brain natriuretic peptide. A competitive RIA was developed, based on this antiserum. Urine samples with or without ethanol extraction and plasma samples without pretreatment were analyzed by the RIA, which had a detection limit of 10.5 ng/L, a linear measuring range between 10.5 and 1000 ng/L, and recoveries of 93-102% in urine and 90-104% in plasma. The intraassay CVs were 8.2% and 8.1% for urine samples with 269 and 669 ng/L URO; the interassay CV was 9.7% at 839 ng/L. Using this assay, we present URO data for urine from healthy volunteers receiving low and routine sodium diets and from clinical urine specimens; we also present pharmacokinetic data for URO in plasma from patients suffering from bronchial asthma and treated by URO infusion.  相似文献   

The sintering behavior in vacuum of ultrafine nonmilled titanium boride powder and a composite of the latter with CaB6 was investigated. It was shown that such titanium boride powders and TiB2?CaB6 composites poses better sinterability than conventional powders; the temperature of rapid densification was approximately 200°C lower. The introduction of ~1% each of Fe and Ni into the TiB2?5% CaB6 composite noticeably accelerated densification due to the formation of a transient liquid phase. The effect was further enhanced by the activation of surface and volume diffusion by the solution of Fe and Ni in TiB2, as well as recrystallization processes.  相似文献   

As a result of studying the sintering of ceramic material YBa2Cu3O7–x in a temperature field with a constant gradient the possibility of rapid mass transfer with participation of a liquid phase is established. Its formation provides rapid sintering and radial shrinkage in the high-temperature region. Redistribution and crystallization of the liquid in the low-temperature region causes ceramic swelling. The effects described are also accompanied by a change in material phase composition in a direction parallel to the temperature gradient.Kharkov University. Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 8(368), pp. 43–47, August, 1993.  相似文献   

双频淬火过程存在着强电磁场耦合、非线性、强噪声和过程参数多变性,传统的控制方法难以凑效。采用模糊控制算法和模糊解耦算法,可以获得满意的控制效果。  相似文献   

The sintering behavior,microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of (1–x)CaTiO3–xLaAlO3 (x=0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,respectively) ceramics were investigated systematically by thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DSC),X-ray diffraction (XRD),scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and a network analyzer.The result showed that forming temperature of the perovskite type crystal increased with increasing of x value.0.9CaTiO3-0.1LaAlO3 ceramics were sintered well from 1 400 to 1 550 oC,its bulk density increased with sintering temperature,and microwave dielectric properties of the ceramics at 1 400 oC was shown as follows: relative dielectric constant εr= 45.1,Q×f= 46 087 GHz and τf=–14.1×10–6/oC,respectively.But 0.7CaTiO3-0.3LaAlO3 ceramics were sintered well only when sintering temperature rose to 1 500 oC.(1–x)CaTiO3–xLaAlO3 (x=0.5,0.7 and 0.9,respectively) were not sintered well up to 1 550 oC and the sintered samples exhibited porous characteristic and with low bulk density.  相似文献   

本文针对贵溪冶炼厂闪速炉常见设备故障进行了深入的分析、探究,通过持续的技术装备创新,加强对常见设备故障的控制,使炉况更加稳定,提升了吨铜能耗、耐火材料损耗、渣含铜等主要冶炼技术经济指标水平,有效地延长了闪速炉的使用寿命.  相似文献   

大型烧结设备余热整体利用方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据烧结余热特点和余热品质分析,提出了将余热进行分段回收、有效利用、优化用能的技术方案,即同时采用余热发电和热风点火、热风烧结以及料矿加热等多种有效的回收形式对烧结余热加以综合利用的整体解决方法,可将大型烧结设备产生的余热最大限度地加以回收利用。  相似文献   

针对单吹颗粒镁铁水脱硫工艺参数控制精度和全自动控制要求高的特点,基于工艺机理和大量工程实践经验数据,建立脱硫剂质量、喷吹给料强度、喷枪插入深度、喷吹氮气流量等关键喷吹工艺参数控制模型,实现上述工艺参数的自动计算和精确控制,在此基础上实现铁水脱硫"一键式"全自动喷吹控制。所述控制模型和控制方法已在国内某炼钢厂150 t单吹颗粒镁铁水脱硫工程中成功应用并取得良好的控制效果。  相似文献   

新型棒材线设备及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储茂青 《江苏冶金》2002,30(5):11-12,22
介绍了涟源钢厂新建棒材线钢种、工艺流程,设备布置及相关设备的功能特点,着重介绍了Φ350mm轧机的有关参数。  相似文献   

摘要:为减少因低品位废弃含镍矿堆积而产生的重金属污染和镍资源浪费,同时达到有效利用固废资源及改善褐铁矿型红土镍矿烧结性能的目的,在研究两者基本物化性能及矿物赋存状态的基础上,对比了褐铁矿型红土镍矿无铺底料烧结工艺、烧结矿铺底料烧结工艺及废弃块矿铺底料烧结工艺各项指标,并揭示了相关机制。结果表明:相对于无铺底料烧结工艺及烧结矿铺底料烧结工艺,采用废弃块矿作为铺底料能更为有效地改善褐铁矿型红土镍矿烧结性能,烧结矿转鼓强度分别提高10.16%、3.82%,利用系数分别增加13.40%、6.80%,固体燃耗分别降低9.64%、9.20%;同时,烧结矿冶金性能优异,RI和RDI+3.15mm分别高达78.24%及96.79%。固结机制研究发现:相对于其他2种工艺,废弃块矿铺底料烧结工艺中,烧结矿微观结构由大孔薄壁结构转化为大孔厚壁结构,且孔洞趋于规则的圆形;另外,SFCA面积分数由7.27%、8.78%增至12.21%,并沿孔洞边缘向内部发展,主要固相—铁尖晶石晶粒有所长大,彼此之间连结程度较好,能更为有效地被液相所润湿,烧结矿微观结构更为紧密,从而使得烧结矿强度进一步提高。而强度更高的块矿作为铺底料,料层透气性更为有效地提高,促进了无烟煤的充分燃烧,使得烧结矿固体燃耗大幅降低,利用系数明显改善。  相似文献   

基于UDP业务数据在互联网的剧增导致了严重的网络拥塞.首先通过OPNET仿真平台建立起适当的仿真模型,通过仿真阐明了UDP协议不具备拥塞控制机制是网络拥塞产生的最根本原因,并且同一链路过多的UDP数据还可能导致对TCP数据流的不公平性;然后提出了在通信子网节点进行IP网络拥塞控制方法,并且通过仿真数据也证明了在通信子网进行IP拥塞控制是可行的;最后对将来新的拥塞控制技术进行展望.  相似文献   

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