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Following iv administration of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and [4-3H]HNE to rats, 15 polar urinary metabolites accounting for about 50% of the urinary radioactivity were separated by HPLC. Among them, eight major compounds and tritiated water were quantified. The metabolites were unequivocally characterized using GC/MS and ESI/MS/MS/MS. Most of "HNE polar metabolites" originate from omega-oxidation of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenoic acid (HNA): 9-hydroxy-HNA, its mercapturic acid conjugate, and two diastereoisomers of the corresponding lactone. The oxidation of 9-hydroxy-HNA by alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases leads to the excretion of 9-carboxy-HNA and of the corresponding lactone mercapturic acid conjugate. 1, 4-Dihydroxy-2-nonene (DHN) originating from the reduction of HNE by alcohol dehydrogenase was to a lesser extent omega-hydroxylated, leading to 9-hydroxy-DHN which was excreted as a mercapturic acid conjugate (two diastereoisomers).  相似文献   

1,2-Epoxybutene (BMO) and diepoxybutane (BDE) are metabolic products of 1,3-butadiene in rodents. Both BMO and BDE are suspect in the development of tumors in rats and mice. To understand the distribution and elimination of these compounds in the absence of the rate-limiting production from butadiene, the pharmacokinetics of BMO and BDE in blood were determined in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats following intravenous administration. All animals were dually cannulated in these studies. For the BMO studies, rats were dosed with 71, 143, or 286 mumol/kg BMO (n = 3 for each dose group). For the BDE studies, rats were dosed with 523 mumol/kg BDE (n = 3). All animals tolerated the BMO and BDE doses without grossly observable adverse effects. Blood was drawn at predetermined time points and extracted in methylene chloride. BDE and BMO concentrations were quantitated by gas chromatography or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The BMO distribution half-lives were short and ranged from 1.4 min at the lowest dose to 1.8 min at the highest dose. Volume of distribution at steady state ranged from 0.53 +/- 0.17 to 0.59 +/- 0.31 l/kg. Systemic clearances ranged from 67 +/- 17 to 114 +/- 20 ml/min per kg. The terminal elimination half-lives were also short and ranged from 5.7 to 8.5 min among the doses. The pharmacokinetic parameters after an i.v. dose of 523 mumol/kg BDE were a distribution half-life of 2.7 min, terminal elimination T1/2 of 14 min, volume of distribution at steady state of 0.73 +/- 0.06 l/kg, and systemic clearance of 76 +/- 8 ml/min per kg. These pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrate the similarity between disposition of the two epoxides in rats, that include a rapid distribution after i.v. administration into a small extravascular body compartment as well as a rapid elimination from blood. These pharmacokinetic data provide useful blood clearance information for assessing the critical physiological and biochemical determinants underlying the disposition of butadiene epoxides.  相似文献   

Antihypertensive effects of SKP-450 (KR-30450, CAS 172489-10-0, (-)-(2R)-2"-(1",3"-dioxolan-2-yl)-2-2methyl-4-(2'-oxopyrr olidin-1-yl)-6- nitro-2H-1-benzopyran), a newly synthesized potassium channel activator, and its major metabolites SKP-818 ((-)-(2R)-2"-hydroxymethyl-2-methyl-4-(2'-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl)-6-ni tro- 2H-1-benzopyran) and SKP-310 ((-)-(2R)-2"-carboxy-2-methyl-4-(2'-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl)-6-nitro-2H -1- benzopyran) were evaluated in freely moving spontaneously hypertensive (SHR), renally hypertenisve (RHR), DOCA/salt-induced hypertensive (DHR) and normotensive rats (NR). The effects of long-term treatment with SKP-450 on blood pressure and arterial reactivity were also studied in SHR. SKP-450 (3-300 micrograms/kg, p.o.) and SKP-818 (3-100 micrograms/kg, i.v.) dose-dependently decreased mean arterial pressure (MAP) (potency order: SKP-450, RHR > SHR = DHR > NR; SKP-818, DHR = SHR = RHR > NR); however, SKP-310 did not influence MAP. Compared with lemakalim, SKP-450 was 2 to 5 fold more potent in SHR and NR, and equipotent in RHR and DHR. Repeatedly administration of SKP-450 to SHR over 21 days (10 and 30 micrograms/kg, p.o., once a day), had no significant effect on the degree and pattern of its antihypertensive effects and on the reactivity of isolated aorta to various vasoconstrictors and vasodilators. These results suggest that SKP-450 is a potent peripheral vasodilator acting without the development of tolerance and the alteration in vascular reactivity. SKP-818 and SKP-310 may play a role as an active metabolite and inactive intermediary, respectively.  相似文献   

The metabolism of levonorgestrel (LNG) in the bile following oral administration of the drug was examined in female rat. 1) Within 48 h after administration of 14C-labelled LNG (LNG-14C), 67-82% of the radioactivity was excreted into the bile. 2) Almost all the metabolites in the bile were conjugated with glucuronic acid or sulfuric acid and only a small amount of the unchanged compound was found. 3) After treatment of these metabolites in the bile with beta-glucuronidase and arylsulfatase, more than ten aglycones were detected on TLC. Three main aglycones, M1, M2 and M3, were isolated. They accounted for 68.0, 0.8 and 11.5% of the radioactivity excreted into the bile, respectively. 4) The structures of M1 and M2 were assumed to be 13-ethyl-18,19-dinor-5 alpha,17 beta-pregn-20-yne-3 alpha,17- diol and 13-ethyl-18,19-dinor-5 beta,17 beta-pregn-20-yne-3 alpha,17-diol, respectively, by NMR and LC/MS analyses, and confirmed by direct comparison with respective authentic samples. M3 was assigned to be 13-ethyl-18,19-dinor-5 alpha,17 beta-pregn-20-yne-3 alpha,16 beta,17-triol by NMR, LC/MS and GC/MS analyses and acetonide derivation. 5) Isolation of the glucuronide metabolite, M4, from the bile, was achieved by column chromatography using Amberlite XAD-2 and Sephadex LH-20. Hydrolysis of this compound with beta-glucuronidase released M1 and glucuronic acid. After M4 was converted to an acetylated-methyl ester derivative, the definite structural assignment of M4 was established to be M1-3-O-yl glucuronic acid by NMR analysis. The NOE effect and the value of the corresponding coupling constant of the anomeric proton showed that the glucoside moiety was in the beta configuration. These findings suggested that LNG was predominantly converted to 5 alpha-reduced metabolites and that the 5 beta-metabolite accounted for less than 1% of the total metabolites in female rats. These metabolites were excreted as glucuronides into the bile.  相似文献   

Carzelesin is a novel cyclopropylpyrroloindole prodrug analogue that has recently been tested in Phase I clinical trials. To increase our understanding in the pharmacology of this new class of cytotoxic drugs, we have compared the pharmacology of this drug in mice, rats, and humans. The mouse was the most tolerant [10% lethal dose (LD10), 500 microg/kg], the rat was intermediate (LD10, 40 microg/kg), and humans were the least tolerant species in this series (maximum tolerated dose, 300 microg/m2 corresponding to 7.5 microg/kg). In both mice and humans, bone marrow toxicity was the primary toxic side effect. Pharmacokinetic studies, using a validated high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure, revealed that differences in drug clearance and conversion to the active drug (U-76,074) could not explain the substantial interspecies differences. The area under the plasma concentration time curve (AUCs) of carzelesin in mice and rats at their LD10s were about 80- and 20-fold higher, respectively, than in humans receiving the maximum tolerated dose, whereas the respective AUCs of U-76,074 in mice and rats were 50- and 10-fold higher. By using a colony-forming assay with bone marrow stem cells from mice and humans, we observed only a 3-fold higher toxicity in the latter. Although some of this discrepancy may be explained by the fact that the in vitro and the in vivo assays probably reflect the toxicity on different populations of colony-forming units, the tolerance of the mouse bone marrow in vivo against the very high drug levels in plasma suggest the presence of a protective mechanism, which is less active in humans. An important consequence of the much higher susceptibility of the human bone marrow for carzelesin is that the target plasma levels in humans are much below active concentrations achieved in mice, and it is clear that this may compromise the successful use of this agent in the clinic. Ultimately, however, the efficacy of this drug will be established in Phase II clinical trials.  相似文献   

The relative ability of derivatives of 2-piperidinecarboxylic acid (2-PC; pipecolic acid) and 3-piperidinecarboxylic acid (3-PC; nipecotic acid) to block maximal electroshock (MES)-induced seizures, elevate the threshold for electroshock-induced seizures and be neurotoxic in mice was investigated. Protective index (PI) values, based on the MES test and rotorod performance, ranged from 1.3 to 4.5 for 2-PC benzylamides and from < 1 to > 7.2 for 3-PC derivatives. PI values based on elevation of threshold for electroshock-induced seizures and rotorod performance ranged from > 1.6 to > 20 for both types of derivatives. Since preliminary data indicated that benzylamide derivatives of 2-PC displace [3H]1-[1-(2-thienyl)-cyclohexyl]piperidine (TCP) binding to the phencyclidine (PCP) site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in the micromolar range and such low affinity uncompetitive antagonists of the NMDA receptor-associated ionophore have been shown to be effective anticonvulsants with low neurological toxicity, the 2-PC derivatives were evaluated in rat brain homogenates for binding affinity to the PCP site. Although all compounds inhibited [3H]TCP binding, a clear correlation between pharmacological activity and binding affinity was not apparent. Select compounds demonstrated minimal ability to protect against pentylenetetrazol-, 4-aminopyridine- and NMDA-induced seizures in mice. Corneal and amygdala kindled rats exhibited different sensitivities to both valproic acid and the nonsubstituted 2-PC benzylamide, suggesting a difference in these two models. Enantiomers of the alpha-methyl substituted benzylamide of 2-PC showed some ability to reduce seizure severity in amygdala kindled rats.  相似文献   

Liver toxicity following an overdose of acetaminophen is frequently considered a model for drug-induced hepatotoxicity. Extensive studies over many years have established that such toxicity is well correlated with liver protein arylation by acetaminophen metabolites. Identification of protein targets for covalent modifications is a challenging but necessary step in understanding how covalent binding could lead to liver toxicity. Previous approaches suffered from technical limitations, and thus over the last 10 years heroic efforts were required to determine the identity of only a few target proteins. We present a new mass spectrometry-based strategy for identification of all target proteins that now provides a comprehensive survey of the suite of liver proteins modified. After administration of radiolabeled acetaminophen to mice, the proteins in the liver tissue lysate were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In-gel digestion of the radiolabeled gel spots gave a set of tryptic peptides, which were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. Interrogation of data bases based on experimentally determined molecular weights of peptides and product ion tags from postsource decay mass spectra was employed for the determination of the identities of modified liver proteins. Using this method, more than 20 new drug-labeled proteins have been identified.  相似文献   

In a study on the metabolism of flavonoids, the isoflavone glycoside daidzin was orally administered to rats. Urine samples were collected and treated with beta-glucuronidase and arylsulfatase. Aglycone daidzein (M3) and other three metabolites, 3',4',7-trihydroxyisoflavone (M1), 4',7-dihydroxyisoflavanone (M2) and 4',7-dihydroxyisoflavan (M4) were isolated from the urine following treatment with enzymes. The structures of M1, M2 and M4 were determined on the basis of chemical and spectral data.  相似文献   

Malformations of the maxillary incisors, diagnosed as dental dysplasia, were observed as a spontaneous background lesion in 3% (females) to 9% (males) of CD-1 mice and 14.5% (females) to 10.5% (males) of CD (Sprague-Dawley) rats in a chronic inhalation study. Lesions were reported grossly as overgrown, maloccluded, or malformed incisors. Microscopic findings included tooth pulp and periodontal abscesses, fractured and necrotic teeth, periodontal cysts, malformations of the incisor roots, and expansile masses, including odontomas, of the incisor roots. Development of lesions followed a pattern of tooth pulp necrosis and/or traumatic disruption of the epithelial root sheath at the base of the tooth. Feeding a powdered ration, which reduced the normal wearing of the incisors, and repeated clipping of overgrown incisors were believed to contribute to the incidence of disease.  相似文献   

The comparative toxicokinetics of oxazepam were studied in F344 rats, B6C3F1 mice, and Swiss-Webster mice of both sexes after an i.v. dose of 20 mg/kg and oral gavage doses of 50, 200, and 400 mg/kg. In addition, the toxicokinetics of oxazepam in a 3-week dosed-feed study of male B6C3F1 mice at 125 and 2500 ppm were also investigated. Results indicated that the elimination of oxazepam from plasma after i.v. injection in both rats and mice were first-order and could be best described by a two-compartment model with a terminal elimination half-life of 4-5 h for rats and 5-7 h for mice. After oral gavage dosing the peak oxazepam plasma concentrations in most rodents were reached within 2-3.5 h. At all doses studied, female rodents had significantly higher plasma concentrations than males. Absorption of oxazepam was significantly extended at higher oral doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg. At 50 mg/kg, the bioavailability of oxazepam in rats (< 50%) was lower than in Swiss-Webster mice (> 80%). The bioavailability of oxazepam in both B6C3F1 and Swiss-Webster mice decreased with increasing dose. A dose proportionality of Cmax was not observed in rats and mice after gavage doses of 50, 200, and 400 mg/kg. Plasma concentrations of oxazepam in the dosed-feed study increased with the concentration of oxazepam in the feed, a quasi-steady-state of plasma concentrations of oxazepam was reached after approximately 4 days ad libitum exposure. In B6C3F1 mice, the estimated relative bioavailability of oxazepam from dosed feed (relative to gavage study at 50 mg/kg) was about 43%.  相似文献   

Propafenone (PF) is a class 1C antiarrhythmic agent. To study the mechanisms of PF interactions with dietary nutrients in isolated, perfused rat livers, metabolites of PF in liver perfusate were identified and an analytical method was developed for these metabolites plus parent drug. Identification of phase I metabolites was performed using HPLC/MS equipped with a Lichrospher RP-18 column and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) with electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionizations. Three major metabolite peaks, whose protonated molecular ions were m/z 358, 358 and 300, were identified as a propafenone derivative hydroxylated in the omega-phenyl ring (omega-OH-PF), 5-hydroxypropafenone (5-OH-PF), and N-despropylpropafenone (N-des-PF). The levels of omega-OH-PF, 5-OH-PF, N-des-PF and PF were determined simultaneously by HPLC with UV detection at 210 nm and a mobile phase of 0.03% triethylamine and 0.05% phosphoric acid in water-acetonitrile-methanol (45:20:35, v/v/v) after extraction with 5 ml diethyl ether at pH 10.0 and evaporation of solvent under nitrogen. The results revealed that omega-OH-PF, which was not found in humans, was the major metabolite of PF in rat liver perfusate, not 5-OH-PF which is the major metabolite in human plasma.  相似文献   

Metabolism of benzene is required to produce the classical hematological disorders associated with its exposure. After coadministration of hydroquinone (0.9 mmol/kg, ip) and phenol (1.1 mmol/kg, ip) to male Sprague-Dawley rats and DBA/2 mice, 2-(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone was identified in the bone marrow of both species. 2,5-Bis(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone, 2,6-bis(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone, and 2,3,5-tris(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone were also observed in the bone marrow of rats but were detected only sporadically in mice. Both species produced 2-(cystein-S-ylglycinyl)hydroquinone, 2-(cystein-S-yl)hydroquinone, and 2-(N-acetylcystein-S-yl)hydroquinone, indicating the presence of a functional mercapturic acid pathway in bone marrow. The ability of bone marrow to acetylate 2-(cystein-S-yl)hydroquinone and deacetylate 2-(N-acetylcystein-S-yl)hydroquinone was confirmed in vitro. Total quinol thioether concentrations were higher in, and eliminated more slowly from, the bone marrow of mice. Intravenous injection of 100 micromol/kg 2-(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone to rats gave rise to substantially lower bone marrow C(max) and AUC values compared to values found following coadministration of hydroquinone/phenol, suggesting that the major fraction of the GSH conjugates present in bone marrow are formed in situ. Finally, the erythrotoxicity of several of these conjugates was determined in rats using the erythrocyte 59Fe incorporation assay. Administration of 2,3,5-tris(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone (17 micromol/kg, iv), 2,6-bis(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone (50 micromol/kg, iv), and benzene (11 mmol/kg, sc) significantly decreased 59Fe incorporation into reticulocytes to 45 +/- 6%, 28 +/- 3%, and 20 +/- 9% of control values, respectively. Although the doses of 2,3,5-tris(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone and 2,6-bis(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone represented only 0.2% and 0.4% of the dose of benzene, both conjugates reduced 59Fe incorporation to the same degree as benzene. 2-(Glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone had no effect at the dose tested (200 micromol/kg, iv). In summary, these data suggest that hydroquinone-glutathione conjugates are erythrotoxic and may contribute to benzene-mediated hematotoxicity.  相似文献   

The antimycobacterial drug rifabutin is extensively metabolized in humans and laboratory animals. About 40% of the dose is excreted in urine as unchanged drug, and lipophilic (extractable with 1-chlorobutane) and polar metabolites. Polar metabolites accounted for 59.1 +/- 2.5% and 88.8 +/- 4.4% of radioactivity in urine collected over 96 hr after intravenous administration of 25 and 1 mg/kg of [14C]rifabutin to Sprague-Dawley rats, respectively. After 48 hr, all urinary radioactivity consisted of polar metabolites. The most abundant polar metabolite, identified by electrospray ionization-MS, collision-induced dissociation-MS, and comparison of HPLC retention times with the synthetic standard, was N-isobutyl-4-hydroxy-piperidine. Lipophilic metabolites accounted for <20% of urinary radioactivity. Major lipophilic metabolites, 25-O-deacetyl-rifabutin, 27-O-demethyl-rifabutin, 31-hydroxy-rifabutin, 32-hydroxy-rifabutin, and 20-hydroxy-rifabutin were isolated from both human and rat urine by HPLC and identified by electrospray ionization-MS, collision-induced dissociation-MS, and NMR spectrometry. In addition, two metabolites formed by the oxidation of the N-isobutyl-piperidyl group of rifabutin were found in the urine of rats, but not humans.  相似文献   

Under in vitro conditions, muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis secreted minute amounts of a cysteine proteinase into the outer environment from the stichosome. The proteinase hydrolyzed azocoll at pH 5.0 but not a number of synthetic N-blocked and N-unsubstituted proteinase substrates at this pH. The reducing compound dithioerythritol enhanced the enzyme activity, but the thiol-blocking reagent sodium-p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (0.1 mM) was without effect. Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) (2 mM) and leupeptin (100 mM) produced partial and complete inhibition, respectively, whereas soybean trypsin inhibitor, pepstatin A, and 1,10-phenanthroline were non-inhibitory. Calcium (1 mM) produced a slight decrease in the activity that was reversed by 1 mM EGTA. Although multiple proteinase activities were detected histochemically in the somatic muscles, stichosome, midgut, and genital primordium of the muscle larvae, none of these enzymes appeared to be the one secreted. Several histochemically demonstrable proteinases were also found in the cells of 48- to 72-h-old juveniles of the parasite. One was localized in the esophageal lumen and at or around the anterior esophagus of the larvae, where developing stichocytes are believed to occur. The proteinase hydrolyzed N-acetyl-L-methionine-L-naphthyl ester and was sensitive to the metal cation-complexing compound EGTA as well as to PMSF, an inhibitor of serine proteinases.  相似文献   

1. To examine the metabolic fate of (1RS, trans)- or (1RS, cis)-tetramethrin [3, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydrophthalimidomethyl (1RS, trans)- or (1RS, cis)-chrysanthemate], rat was administered a single oral dose of trans- or cis-[alcohol-14C]tetramethrin at dose levels of 2 or 250 mg/kg. 2. The radiocarbon was almost completely eliminated from rat within 7 days after administration in all groups. 14C-recoveries (expressed as percentages relative to the dosed 14C) in faeces and urine were 38-58 and 42-58% respectively in rat administrated trans-[alcohol-14C]tetramethrin, and in faeces and urine were 66-91 and 9-31% respectively in rat administered cis-[alcohol-14C]tetramethrin. 3. Fourteen metabolites found in excreta were purified by using several chromatographic techniques and identified by spectroanalyses (nmr and MS). Five sulphonate derivatives and three dicarboxylic acid derivatives were found. 4. The main metabolites were sulphonate derivatives in the faeces, and in the urine, alcohols, dicarboxylic acid and reduced metabolites derived from the 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide moiety.  相似文献   

A study of the effects of abrupt weaning on the very young pig showed that the samll intestine undergoes an acute inflammatory response and a reduction in plasma cell population by weaning day +7 or +8, in the absence of severe scours and abnormal proliferation by intestinal coliform bacteria. It is suggested that these changes may be common progenitors of nutritional and bacterial scours, and that they are due in part to increased metabolic activity of the "normal" microflora.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine relationships between measures of total distortion (TD) and individual 2nd and 3rd harmonic distortion in various types of hearing aids. Measures of 2nd harmonic, 3rd harmonic, and TD were determined for six instruments. Analysis of the results revealed that little additional information is obtained from a measure of TD as opposed to individual harmonic measures. Furthermore, in two instances TD measures resulted in erroneously high distortion readings because of ambient and system noise. It is recommended that in less than ideal acoustic environments, measures of 2nd and 3rd harmonic distortion be used in lieu of TD.  相似文献   

The effects of cyclophosphamide were studied 2, 5 and 9 days after terminating a two-week every-second-day intraperitoneal medication in young, male rats. The cytostatic effect was assessed by counting white blood cells (WBC) in arterial blood. WBC counts were reduced by 72% of control values at 2 days and regained normal values at 9 days after an overshooting leucocytosis at 5 days. Compared to control animals, the treated rats had significantly reduced body weights, metaphyseal bending strength and longitudinal growth of the femur at all time intervals observed. The torsional strength of the femur diaphysis and the strength of wounded skin were not affected at 2 days, but significantly reduced at 5 and 9 days. The tensile strength of intact skin was not found to be affected by the drug. From the 5th to the 9th day after ending medication, the curves for control and treated animals were assuming parallel slopes regarding metaphyseal bone strength, longitudinal bone growth and tensile strength of wounds. This may indicate reversion of the drug effects approximately one week after terminating medication.  相似文献   

1. The oncogenicity of Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) has been studied in the mouse and rat. CD-1 mice were administered PBO in the diet at target doses of 0, 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg/day for 79 weeks and Sprague-Dawley rats 0, 30, 100 and 500 mg/kg/day for 104/105 weeks. 2. At termination of the study in the mouse there was evidence of increased liver weights and an increased incidence of eosinophilic adenomas at 100 and 300 mg/kg/day in males and 300 mg/kg/day in females. 3. In rats there was increased liver weights at 100 and 500 mg/kg/day associated with hepatocyte hypertrophy in both male and female rats. There was no increased incidence of neoplasia at any site. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyroid follicles was observed at 500 mg/kg/day in both sexes. 4. The observations reflect the expected changes related to the induction of the mixed function oxygenase group of enzymes. In the mouse the increased incidence of eosinophilic adenomas is not considered relevant for human risk evaluation.  相似文献   

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