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An efficient method for privacy preserving location queries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, the issue of privacy preserving location queries has attracted much research. However, there are few works focusing on the tradeoff between location privacy preservation and location query information collection. To tackle this kind of tradeoff, we propose the privacy persevering location query (PLQ), an efficient privacy preserving location query processing framework. This framework can enable the location-based query without revealing user location information. The framework can also facilitate location-based service providers to collect some information about the location based query, which is useful in practice. PLQ consists of three key components, namely, the location anonymizer at the client side, the privacy query processor at the server side, and an additional trusted third party connecting the client and server. The location anonymizer blurs the user location into a cloaked area based on a map-hierarchy. The map-hierarchy contains accurate regions that are partitioned according to real landforms. The privacy query processor deals with the requested nearest-neighbor (NN) location based query. A new convex hull of polygon (CHP) algorithm is proposed for nearest-neighbor queries using a polygon cloaked area. The experimental results show that our algorithms can efficiently process location based queries.  相似文献   

Privacy has become a major concern for the users of location-based services (LBSs) and researchers have focused on protecting user privacy for different location-based queries. In this paper, we propose techniques to protect location privacy of users for trip planning (TP) queries, a novel type of query in spatial databases. A TP query enables a user to plan a trip with the minimum travel distance, where the trip starts from a source location, goes through a sequence of points of interest (POIs) (e.g., restaurant, shopping center), and ends at a destination location. Due to privacy concerns, users may not wish to disclose their exact locations to the location-based service provider (LSP). In this paper, we present the first comprehensive solution for processing TP queries without disclosing a user’s actual source and destination locations to the LSP. Our system protects the user’s privacy by sending either a false location or a cloaked location of the user to the LSP but provides exact results of the TP queries. We develop a novel technique to refine the search space as an elliptical region using geometric properties, which is the key idea behind the efficiency of our algorithms. To further reduce the processing overhead while computing a trip from a large POI database, we present an approximation algorithm for privacy preserving TP queries. Extensive experiments show that the proposed algorithms evaluate TP queries in real time with the desired level of location privacy.  相似文献   

Recently, several techniques have been proposed to protect the user location privacy for location-based services in the Euclidean space. Applying these techniques directly to the road network environment would lead to privacy leakage and inefficient query processing. In this paper, we propose a new location anonymization algorithm that is designed specifically for the road network environment. Our algorithm relies on the commonly used concept of spatial cloaking, where a user location is cloaked into a set of connected road segments of a minimum total length L{\cal L} including at least K{\cal K} users. Our algorithm is “query-aware” as it takes into account the query execution cost at a database server and the query quality, i.e., the number of objects returned to users by the database server, during the location anonymization process. In particular, we develop a new cost function that balances between the query execution cost and the query quality. Then, we introduce two versions of our algorithm, namely, pure greedy and randomized greedy, that aim to minimize the developed cost function and satisfy the user specified privacy requirements. To accommodate intervals with a high workload, we introduce a shared execution paradigm that boosts the scalability of our location anonymization algorithm and the database server to support large numbers of queries received in a short time period. Extensive experimental results show that our algorithms are more efficient and scalable than the state-of-the-art technique, in terms of both query execution cost and query quality. The results also show that our algorithms have very strong resilience to two privacy attacks, namely, the replay attack and the center-of-cloaked-area attack.  相似文献   

Location privacy: going beyond K-anonymity,cloaking and anonymizers   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
With many location-based services, it is implicitly assumed that the location server receives actual users locations to respond to their spatial queries. Consequently, information customized to their locations, such as nearest points of interest can be provided. However, there is a major privacy concern over sharing such sensitive information with potentially malicious servers, jeopardizing users’ private information. The anonymity- and cloaking-based approaches proposed to address this problem cannot provide stringent privacy guarantees without incurring costly computation and communication overhead. Furthermore, they require a trusted intermediate anonymizer to protect user locations during query processing. This paper proposes a fundamental approach based on private information retrieval to process range and K-nearest neighbor queries, the prevalent queries used in many location-based services, with stronger privacy guarantees compared to those of the cloaking and anonymity approaches. We performed extensive experiments on both real-world and synthetic datasets to confirm the effectiveness of our approaches.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a fundamental approach to perform the class of Range and Nearest Neighbor (NN) queries, the core class of spatial queries used in location-based services, without revealing any location information about the query in order to preserve users’ private location information. The idea behind our approach is to utilize the power of one-way transformations to map the space of all objects and queries to another space and resolve spatial queries blindly in the transformed space. Traditional encryption based techniques, solutions based on the theory of private information retrieval, or the recently proposed anonymity and cloaking based approaches cannot provide stringent privacy guarantees without incurring costly computation and/or communication overhead. In contrast, we propose efficient algorithms to evaluate KNN and range queries privately in the Hilbert transformed space. We also propose a dual curve query resolution technique which further reduces the costs of performing range and KNN queries using a single Hilbert curve. We experimentally evaluate the performance of our proposed range and KNN query processing techniques and verify the strong level of privacy achieved with acceptable computation and communication overhead.  相似文献   

Privacy preservation has recently received considerable attention for location-based mobile services. A lot of location cloaking approaches focus on identity and location protection, but few algorithms pay attention to prevent sensitive information disclosure using query semantics. In terms of personalized privacy requirements, all queries in a cloaking set, from some user’s point of view, are sensitive. These users regard the privacy is breached. This attack is called as the sensitivity homogeneity attack. We show that none of the existing location cloaking approaches can effectively resolve this problem over road networks. We propose a (K, L, P)-anonymity model and a personalized privacy protection cloaking algorithm over road networks, aiming at protecting the identity, location and sensitive information for each user. The main idea of our method is first to partition users into different groups as anonymity requirements. Then, unsafe groups are adjusted by inserting relaxed conservative users considering sensitivity requirements. Finally, segments covered by each group are published to protect location information. The efficiency and effectiveness of the method are validated by a series of carefully designed experiments. The experimental results also show that the price paid for defending against sensitivity homogeneity attacks is small.  相似文献   

Mobile devices with global positioning capabilities allow users to retrieve points of interest (POI) in their proximity. To protect user privacy, it is important not to disclose exact user coordinates to un-trusted entities that provide location-based services. Currently, there are two main approaches to protect the location privacy of users: (i) hiding locations inside cloaking regions (CRs) and (ii) encrypting location data using private information retrieval (PIR) protocols. Previous work focused on finding good trade-offs between privacy and performance of user protection techniques, but disregarded the important issue of protecting the POI dataset D. For instance, location cloaking requires large-sized CRs, leading to excessive disclosure of POIs (O(|D|) in the worst case). PIR, on the other hand, reduces this bound to \(O(\sqrt{|D|})\), but at the expense of high processing and communication overhead. We propose hybrid, two-step approaches for private location-based queries which provide protection for both the users and the database. In the first step, user locations are generalized to coarse-grained CRs which provide strong privacy. Next, a PIR protocol is applied with respect to the obtained query CR. To protect against excessive disclosure of POI locations, we devise two cryptographic protocols that privately evaluate whether a point is enclosed inside a rectangular region or a convex polygon. We also introduce algorithms to efficiently support PIR on dynamic POI sub-sets. We provide solutions for both approximate and exact NN queries. In the approximate case, our method discloses O(1) POI, orders of magnitude fewer than CR- or PIR-based techniques. For the exact case, we obtain optimal disclosure of a single POI, although with slightly higher computational overhead. Experimental results show that the hybrid approaches are scalable in practice, and outperform the pure-PIR approach in terms of computational and communication overhead.  相似文献   

基于位置服务中的连续查询隐私保护研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年来,伴随着移动计算技术和无限设备的蓬勃发展,位置服务中的隐私保护研究受到了学术界的广泛关注,提出了很多匿名算法以保护移动用户的隐私信息.但是现有方法均针对snapshot查询,不能适用于连续查询.如果将现有的静态匿名算法直接应用于连续查询,将会产生隐私泄露、匿名服务器工作代价大等问题.针对这些问题,提出了δp-隐私模型和δq-质量模型来均衡隐私保护与服务质量的矛盾,并基于此提出了一种贪心匿名算法.该算法不仅适用于snapshot查询,也适用于连续查询.实验结果证明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper tackles a privacy breach in current location-based services (LBS) where mobile users have to report their exact location information to an LBS provider in order to obtain their desired services. For example, a user who wants to issue a query asking about her nearest gas station has to report her exact location to an LBS provider. However, many recent research efforts have indicated that revealing private location information to potentially untrusted LBS providers may lead to major privacy breaches. To preserve user location privacy, spatial cloaking is the most commonly used privacy-enhancing technique in LBS. The basic idea of the spatial cloaking technique is to blur a user’s exact location into a cloaked area that satisfies the user specified privacy requirements. Unfortunately, existing spatial cloaking algorithms designed for LBS rely on fixed communication infrastructure, e.g., base stations, and centralized/distributed servers. Thus, these algorithms cannot be applied to a mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) environment where mobile users can only communicate with other peers through P2P multi-hop routing without any support of fixed communication infrastructure or servers. In this paper, we propose a spatial cloaking algorithm for mobile P2P environments. As mobile P2P environments have many unique limitations, e.g., user mobility, limited transmission range, multi-hop communication, scarce communication resources, and network partitions, we propose three key features to enhance our algorithm: (1) An information sharing scheme enables mobile users to share their gathered peer location information to reduce communication overhead; (2) A historical location scheme allows mobile users to utilize stale peer location information to overcome the network partition problem; and (3) A cloaked area adjustment scheme guarantees that our spatial cloaking algorithm is free from a “center-of-cloaked-area” privacy attack. Experimental results show that our P2P spatial cloaking algorithm is scalable while guaranteeing the user’s location privacy protection.  相似文献   

In location-based services, a density query returns the regions with high concentrations of moving objects (MOs). The use of density queries can help users identify crowded regions so as to avoid congestion. Most of the existing methods try very hard to improve the accuracy of query results, but ignore query efficiency. However, response time is also an important concern in query processing and may have an impact on user experience. In order to address this issue, we present a new definition of continuous density queries. Our approach for processing continuous density queries is based on the new notion of a safe interval, using which the states of both dense and sparse regions are dynamically maintained. Two indexing structures are also used to index candidate regions for accelerating query processing and improving the quality of results. The efficiency and accuracy of our approach are shown through an experimental comparison with snapshot density queries.  相似文献   

用户位置隐私保护已经成为基于位置服务领域研究的热点问题之一,现有的方法多是只针对用户单独一次查询的隐私保护,没有考虑移动过程中由于连续查询而造成的位置隐私泄露问题。主要针对连续查询下的移动对象位置隐私保护提出一种基于历史用户的虚假用户生成的位置匿名方法,该方法结合用户历史数据,通过确定合理的假用户生成区域及假用户生成时刻其空间位置,使虚假用户能够实时对真实用户位置进行保护,通过实验验证其可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于位置服务中的隐私保护方法存在只关注保护用户位置和标识信息的问题,当匿名集中提出的查询均属于敏感查询时,将产生敏感同质性攻击。针对此问题,提出了个性化(k,p)-敏感匿名模型。并基于此模型,提出了基于树型索引结构的匿名算法--PTreeCA。空间数据库中的树型索引具有两大特点:1)空间中的用户已根据位置邻近性在树中被大致分组;2)在树的中间节点中可以存储聚集信息。利用这两个特点,PTreeCA可以从查询用户所在叶子节点和其兄弟节点中寻找匿名集,提高了匿名算法的效率。最后,在模拟和真实数据集上进行了实验,所提算法平均匿名成功率可达100%,平均匿名时间只有4ms。当隐私级别较低和适中时,PTreeCA在匿名成功率、匿名时间和匿名代价方面均表现出良好性能。  相似文献   

An important class of LBSs is supported by the moving k nearest neighbor (MkNN) query, which continuously returns the k nearest data objects for a moving user. For example, a tourist may want to observe the five nearest restaurants continuously while exploring a city so that she can drop in to one of them anytime. Using this kind of services requires the user to disclose her location continuously and therefore may cause privacy leaks derived from the user's locations. A common approach to protecting a user's location privacy is the use of imprecise locations (e.g., regions) instead of exact positions when requesting LBSs. However, simply updating a user's imprecise location to a location-based service provider (LSP) cannot ensure a user's privacy for an MkNN query: continuous disclosure of regions enable LSPs to refine more precise location of the user. We formulate this type of attack to a user's location privacy that arises from overlapping consecutive regions, and provide the first solution to counter this attack. Specifically, we develop algorithms which can process an MkNN query while protecting the user's privacy from the above attack. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our privacy protection technique and the efficiency of our algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a delay-tolerant mix-zone framework for protecting the location privacy of mobile users against continuous query correlation attacks. First, we describe and analyze the continuous query correlation attacks (CQ-attacks) that perform query correlation based inference to break the anonymity of road network-aware mix-zones. We formally study the privacy strengths of the mix-zone anonymization under the CQ-attack model and argue that spatial cloaking or temporal cloaking over road network mix-zones is ineffective and susceptible to attacks that carry out inference by combining query correlation with timing correlation (CQ-timing attack) and transition correlation (CQ-transition attack) information. Next, we introduce three types of delay-tolerant road network mix-zones (i.e., temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal) that are free from CQ-timing and CQ-transition attacks and in contrast to conventional mix-zones, perform a combination of both location mixing and identity mixing of spatially and temporally perturbed user locations to achieve stronger anonymity under the CQ-attack model. We show that by combining temporal and spatial delay-tolerant mix-zones, we can obtain the strongest anonymity for continuous queries while making acceptable tradeoff between anonymous query processing cost and temporal delay incurred in anonymous query processing. We evaluate the proposed techniques through extensive experiments conducted on realistic traces produced by GTMobiSim on different scales of geographic maps. Our experiments show that the proposed techniques offer high level of anonymity and attack resilience to continuous queries.  相似文献   

Preventing Location-Based Identity Inference in Anonymous Spatial Queries   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The increasing trend of embedding positioning capabilities (for example, GPS) in mobile devices facilitates the widespread use of location-based services. For such applications to succeed, privacy and confidentiality are essential. Existing privacy-enhancing techniques rely on encryption to safeguard communication channels, and on pseudonyms to protect user identities. Nevertheless, the query contents may disclose the physical location of the user. In this paper, we present a framework for preventing location-based identity inference of users who issue spatial queries to location-based services. We propose transformations based on the well-established K-anonymity concept to compute exact answers for range and nearest neighbor search, without revealing the query source. Our methods optimize the entire process of anonymizing the requests and processing the transformed spatial queries. Extensive experimental studies suggest that the proposed techniques are applicable to real-life scenarios with numerous mobile users.  相似文献   

针对查询K近邻兴趣点方法多基于欧氏空间的不实用问题,提出了适用于路网环境下的查询方法。首先,利用四叉树索引划分路网结点。然后,用户基于划分结果,计算所在路段指向的路网顶点,以该顶点为出发点查询路网距离下的K近邻目标兴趣点。最后,用户构造包含这K个目标兴趣点的匿名框并注入虚假兴趣点查询请求,LBS服务器只返回匿名框内的兴趣点查询结果。该方法在控制通信开销的同时,能够保护用户的位置隐私和查询内容隐私。  相似文献   

Due to the advancement of wireless internet and mobile positioning technology, the application of location-based services (LBSs) has become popular for mobile users. Since users have to send their exact locations to obtain the service, it may lead to several privacy threats. To solve this problem, a cloaking method has been proposed to blur users’ exact locations into a cloaked spatial region with a required privacy threshold (k). With the cloaked region, an LBS server can carry out a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) search algorithm. Some recent studies have proposed methods to search k-nearest POIs while protecting a user’s privacy. However, they have at least one major problem, such as inefficiency on query processing or low precision of retrieved result. To resolve these problems, in this paper, we propose a novel k-NN query processing algorithm for a cloaking region to satisfy both requirements of fast query processing time and high precision of the retrieved result. To achieve fast query processing time, we propose a new pruning technique based on a 2D-coodinate scheme. In addition, we make use of a Voronoi diagram for retrieving the nearest POIs efficiently. To satisfy the requirement of high precision of the retrieved result, we guarantee that our k-NN query processing algorithm always contains the exact set of k nearest neighbors. Our performance analysis shows that our algorithm achieves better performance in terms of query processing time and the number of candidate POIs compared with other algorithms.  相似文献   

基于位置的服务(LBS)给人们带来巨大便利的同时可能导致位置隐私的泄露。为了保护用户的位置隐私,一种有效的方法是将用户的精确位置匿名成一个空间区域,现有基于Quad-Tree的匿名算法导致匿名时间较长并且准确度较低。提出两种匿名算法QFC和SWC,与传统的匿名算法(Casper)相比,QFC算法在保持匿名准确度相同的情况下,可以减少CPU时间;SWC算法以牺牲一定的CPU时间为代价,可以达到较高的匿名准确度。  相似文献   

Recent development of wireless communication technologies and the popularity of smart phones are making location-based services (LBS) popular. However, requesting queries to LBS servers with users’ exact locations may threat the privacy of users. Therefore, there have been many researches on generating a cloaked query region for user privacy protection. Consequently, an effcient query processing algorithm for a query region is required. So, in this paper, we propose k-nearest neighbor query (k-NN) processing algorithms for a query region in road networks. To effciently retrieve k-NN points of interest (POIs), we make use of the Island index. We also propose a method that generates an adaptive Island index to improve the query processing performance and storage usage. Finally, we show by our performance analysis that our k-NN query processing algorithms outperform the existing k-Range Nearest Neighbor (kRNN) algorithm in terms of network expansion cost and query processing time.  相似文献   

The popularity of location-based services (LBSs) leads to severe concerns on users’ privacy. With the fast growth of Internet applications such as online social networks, more user information becomes available to the attackers, which allows them to construct new contextual information. This gives rise to new challenges for user privacy protection and often requires improvements on the existing privacy-preserving methods. In this paper, we classify contextual information related to LBS query privacy and focus on two types of contexts—user profiles and query dependency: user profiles have not been deeply studied in LBS query privacy protection, while we are the first to show the impact of query dependency on users’ query privacy. More specifically, we present a general framework to enable the attackers to compute a distribution on users with respect to issuing an observed request. The framework can model attackers with different contextual information. We take user profiles and query dependency as examples to illustrate the implementation of the framework and their impact on users’ query privacy. Our framework subsequently allows us to show the insufficiency of existing query privacy metrics, e.g., k-anonymity, and propose several new metrics. In the end, we develop new generalisation algorithms to compute regions satisfying users’ privacy requirements expressed in these metrics. By experiments, our metrics and algorithms are shown to be effective and efficient for practical usage.  相似文献   

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