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采用原子力显微镜(AFM)对淀粉及碘嵌入淀粉的微观结构进行了观察与研究,结果发现,糊化淀粉分子间以水做媒介通过分子氢键的相互作用形成大分子量复合物,当浓度为0.16012 g/L时,淀粉分子间卷曲成螺旋型构象的表面较光滑单层超大分子。淀粉分子形成的超大分子在原子力显微镜下没有明显的空隙,小分子量的碘在分子间力的作用下能吸附在淀粉分子的表面,进而进一步嵌入到超大淀粉分子之中,螺距发生了非常明显的变化,由300 nm左右变成700nm左右,表面变得粗糙,形成了网状拓扑结构,网格的最大高度为5 nm。据估算每个螺距范围内有5×107个碘的复合分子嵌入淀粉分子中。  相似文献   

原子力显微镜AFM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王更新 《材料工程》1993,(10):38-40
一、AFM的发展 世界最新型原子力显微镜AFM(Atomic Force Micro-scope)是1986年由电子扫描隧道显微镜STM(ScamningTunneling Microscope)的发明者Binning试制成功的,1990年完成了实用化装置并开始投放市场,目前AFM在世界上的普及速度大大超过了STM。 其理由是STM不能测定绝缘材料,而AFM不但具有与STM同等高的分辨能力,还能直接测定包括绝缘材料在内的各种物质。由于STM能够逐个地识别原子,所以作为显微镜来说是划时代的,但是不能直接测定绝缘物质是它的最大缺点。使用STM测定绝缘物质时,必须  相似文献   

利用原子力显微镜研究了浓度分别为0.01 mg/mL、0.1 mg/mL、1 mg/mL的透明质酸(HA)在云母上的自组装形貌,从中得出透明质酸在云母表面生长聚集形成树枝状分形结构是有浓度限制的结论,并对其生长聚集形成树枝状分形结构的作用机理和生长过程进行了研究。透明质酸的树枝状分形结构具有统计意义上的自相似性,属不规则分形结构,与计算机模拟的DLA模型相一致。研究透明质酸的分形结构为研究透明质酸各种存在状态与其生物功能之间的关系提供了有益的帮助。  相似文献   

原子力显微镜   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 引  言1986年 ,为了观察绝缘材料表面的原子图像 ,IBM的G .Binning和斯坦福大学的C .F .Quate、C .Gerber合作 ,发明了原子力显微镜 (AtomicForceMicroscope :AFM )。当时 ,AFM的横向分辨率达到2nm ,纵向分辨率达到 0 .0 1nm ,放大倍数高达 10 0万倍以上 ,而且AFM对工作环境和样品制备的要求比电镜的低得多 ,因此立即得到了广泛的重视。最早的AFM主要是作为观察样品表面形貌的显微镜使用的。由于表面的高低起伏状态能够准确地以数值的形式获取 ,AFM也作为检查表面粗…  相似文献   

将纳米羟基磷灰石(Hap)分散在不同pH值胶原稀溶液中,从而得到羟基磷灰石/胶原分散体系。在原子力显微镜(AFM)下观察,发现当pH=2.5时,在酸溶的胶原溶液中获得高分散性的胶原包裹纳米羟基磷灰石体系;而当pH高于或低于此值时,羟基磷灰石与胶原均维持混合前的状态。  相似文献   

生物纳米结构成像与纳米操纵的原子力显微镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱杰 《纳米科技》2005,2(3):42-46
介绍了离体单细胞在空气中或生理缓冲液中表面纳米精细结构的AFM表征和AFM在生物大分子如核酸、蛋白、多糖结构细节研究中的相关工作。特别总结了AFM在蛋白分子功能研究和单分子操纵中的应用情况,给出了一些典型的事例。最后,结合试验进展,对仪器自身的改进和发展及其在生物样品研究中的应用前景进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

碳纳米管以其极小的曲率半径、良好的柔韧性和定位性等独特优势成为原子力显微镜针尖修饰的理想材料。文章评述了气相沉积法、化学缩合法等几种成功率较高的修饰技术及其应用。  相似文献   

原子力显微镜对几种纳米材料的结构表征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原子力显微镜作为一种强有力的表面表征工具,它不仅可以表征表面的三维形貌,还能定量地研究表面的粗糙度、孔径大小和分布及颗粒尺寸,在许多学科均可发挥作用。本文采用原子力显微镜对光催化材料、乳胶材料和高分子材料进行表征分析,阐述了它在这些学科中的应用。  相似文献   

介绍了当前几种AFM探针针尖修饰技术,以及它们在高分子材料、生物材料、微观摩擦学、粘附力、纳米级电化学、碳纳米管及纳米加工方面的研究进展。AFM探针针尖修饰的目的主要是:提高扫描图像分辨率,其分辨率可达纳米或亚纳米级别;用力曲线探究特定基团间的相互作用,定量分析端基与端基之间、分子链与分子链之间及端基与分子链之间的相互作用力,避免针尖对生物样品表面的损坏;对分子材料结构进行修饰,特别是在生物细胞、DNA分子链上及分子识别;避免Si或Si3N4针尖与表面硬度较大的样品直接接触,延长探针针尖的使用寿命。在研究天然橡胶硫化的作用机理时,可以用针尖修饰技术来模拟这个过程,探究天然橡胶分子链与单个硫原子的相互作用方式与作用力。通过电化学接枝聚合把高分子接枝在AFM针尖上,为研究单链的弹性力、引起构象转变的力、相互作用的双分子的分离力及特定的官能团的相互作用提供了许多可能性。分析了影响AFM探针针尖修饰的因素,结合材料领域方面的发展,对针尖修饰技术的发展及应用前景做了分析和预测。  相似文献   

超声检测技术与原子力显微技术相结合,构成原子力声显微镜(AFAM),能够实现样品内部纳米结构的测量,并分析如局域弹性模量、刚度等力学性能.本文在传统的原子力显微镜(AFM)的基础上初步构建了AFAM,利用AFM轻敲模式下的微悬臂梁振动激励信号来驱动样品背面的压电超声换能器,并利用轻敲模式控制系统中的锁相环检测经过样品后由探针收集的振动信号,形成振幅及相位图像.这种AFAM方法不需外接信号发生器、锁相放大器及相关控制电路,从而避免AFM内、外部的仪器及控制电路的不同步而引起的AFAM振幅/相位与形貌图像间的偏移.此外,还分析了形貌结构对AFAM振幅图像的影响,为进一步研究AFAM亚表面成像奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The present investigation aims to study the effect of degumming time on the structural property of silk fiber obtained by silk cocoons of Bombyx mori, followed by preparation of the regenerated silk fibroin (RSF) solution which can be subsequently molded into silk nanoparticles. Silk fibers degummed with different media at different time intervals were investigated for the degumming loss and were characterized using Ffourier transform infrared (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Maximum degumming was observed when the fibers were treated with sodium carbonate for 60 min. SEM and atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of RSF solution showed aggregation of silk globules resulting in formation of solvated macrochains and giving it an appearance of island-like morphology. Blank silk nanoparticles prepared from the RSF solution showed a smooth and spherical surface devoid of any adhesion using SEM, AFM, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The prepared silk nanoparticles may further be explored for loading drug entities and targeting.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope (AFM) has become integrated into standard characterisation procedures in many different areas of research. Nonetheless, typical imaging rates of commercial microscopes are still very slow, much to the frustration of the user. Developments in instrumentation for “high‐speed AFM” (HSAFM) have been ongoing since the 1990s, and now nanometer resolution imaging at video rate is readily achievable. Despite thorough investigation of samples of a biological nature, use of HSAFM instruments to image samples of interest to materials scientists, or to carry out AFM lithography, has been minimal. This review gives a summary of different approaches to and advances in the development of high‐speed AFMs, highlights important discoveries made with new instruments, and briefly discusses new possibilities for HSAFM in materials science.  相似文献   

Physical patterns represent potential surface cues for promoting osteogenic differentiation of stem cells and improving osseointegration of orthopedic implants. Understanding the early cell–surface interactions and their effects on late cellular functions is essential for a rational design of such topographies, yet still elusive. In this work, fluidic force microscopy (FluidFM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) combined with optical and electron microscopy are used to quantitatively investigate the interaction of preosteoblasts with 3D-printed patterns after 4 and 24 h of culture. The patterns consist of pillars with the same diameter (200 nm) and interspace (700 nm) but distinct heights (500 and 1000 nm) and osteogenic properties. FluidFM reveals a higher cell adhesion strength after 24 h of culture on the taller pillars (32 ± 7 kPa versus 21.5 ± 12.5 kPa). This is associated with attachment of cells partly on the sidewalls of these pillars, thus requiring larger normal forces for detachment. Furthermore, the higher resistance to shear forces observed for these cells indicates an enhanced anchorage and can be related to the persistence and stability of lamellipodia. The study explains the differential cell adhesion behavior induced by different pillar heights, enabling advancements in the rational design of osteogenic patterns.  相似文献   

以原子力显微镜(AFM)为加工工具进行了纳米级加工实验,对不同加工条件下的材料去除过程和切屑形态进行了研究.切屑形态通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)进行观察,分析了不同垂直载荷、循环次数和针尖加工方向下铝铜被加工表面的切屑形成过程.实验结果表明:低栽下切屑呈细小断屑,散布在加工区域周围;随着垂直载荷的增加,切屑逐渐变成连续的带状切屑.不同循环次数、针尖加工面时切屑形成都有很大影响.在此基础上,对比分析了相同实验条件下,不同力学性能材料的切屑形成过程.最后,通过检测被加工表面得出被加工表面质量与切屑的数量和形态之间的关系,提出了改善被加工表面质量的方法,以帮助人们更好地理解基于AFM的纳米级加工技术.  相似文献   

Silkworm silk is among the most widely used natural fibers for textile and biomedical applications due to its extraordinary mechanical properties and superior biocompatibility. A number of physical and chemical processes have also been developed to reconstruct silk into various forms or to artificially produce silk‐like materials. In addition to the direct use and the delicate replication of silk's natural structure and properties, there is a growing interest to introduce more new functionalities into silk while maintaining its advantageous intrinsic properties. In this review we assess various methods and their merits to produce functional silk, specifically those with color and luminescence, through post‐processing steps as well as biological approaches. There is a highlight on intrinsically colored and luminescent silk produced directly from silkworms for a wide range of applications, and a discussion on the suitable molecular properties for being incorporated effectively into silk while it is being produced in the silk gland. With these understanding, a new generation of silk containing various functional materials (e.g., drugs, antibiotics and stimuli‐sensitive dyes) would be produced for novel applications such as cancer therapy with controlled release feature, wound dressing with monitoring/sensing feature, tissue engineering scaffolds with antibacterial, anticoagulant or anti‐inflammatory feature, and many others.  相似文献   

For two-dimensional x-ray imaging of thin films, the technique of scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) has achieved images with feature sizes as small as 40 nm in recent years. However, calibration of three-dimensional tomographic images that are produced with STXM data at this scale has not yet been described in the scientific literature, and the calibration procedure has novel problems that have not been encountered by x-ray tomography carried out at a larger scale. In x-ray microtomography, for example, one always has the option of using optical imaging on a section of the object to verify the x-ray projection measurements; with STXM, on the other hand, the sample features are too small to be resolved by light at optical wavelengths. This fact implies that one must rely on procedures with higher resolution, such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), for the calibration. Such procedures, however, generally depend on a highly destructive sectioning of the sample, and are difficult to interpret because they give surface information rather than depth information. In this article, a procedure for calibration is described that overcomes these limitations and achieves a calibration of an STXM tomography image with an AFM image and a scanning electron microscopy image of the same object.A Ge star-shaped pattern was imaged at a synchrotron with a scanning transmission x-ray microscope. Nineteen high-resolution projection images of 200 × 200 pixels were tomographically reconstructed into a three-dimensional image. Features in two-dimensional images as small as 40 nm and features as small as 80 nm in the three-dimensional reconstruction were resolved. Transverse length scales based on atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray transmission and tomographic reconstruction agreed to within 10 nm. Toward the center of the sample, the pattern thickness calculated from projection images was (51 ± 15) nm vs (80 ± 52) nm for tomographic reconstruction, where the uncertainties are evaluated at the level of two standard deviations.  相似文献   

Magnesium stearate (MgSt) is commonly used in pharmaceutical formulations as a lubricant to facilitate tablet release from the die after compression. In this study, we quantify the effect of MgSt on the interaction forces between microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and steel surfaces. A quantitative approach to better understand the mechanism by which MgSt affects powder performance will assist in improved control and formulation design. We find that the forces between MgSt and steel surface are stronger than the interactions between MgSt itself, between MgSt and an MCC particle, and an MCC particle and a steel surface. These quantitative findings offer an explanation how MgSt facilitates lubrication during tablet ejection.  相似文献   

The linking of our macroscopic world to the nanoscopic world of single molecules, nanoparticles and functional nanostructures is a technological challenge. Researchers in nanobiotechnology face the questions “How extract and analyze a single nano‐object?”, “How to pick and place nano‐objects?” and “How to prototype a functional nanostructure?”. Here, nanomanipulation by an atomic force microscope (AFM) in combination with optical manipulation by a microbeam laser offers a practicable solution. In such a system, the AFM can be operated as a nanorobot for manipulation purposes allowing for nanometer precision. A contact free manipulation is achieved by the laser microbeam.  相似文献   

Non‐contact atomic force microscopy at cryogenic temperatures is used for the controlled lateral manipulation of individual 3,4,9,10‐perylene‐tetracarboxylicacid‐dianhydride (PTCDA) molecules on the Ag(111) surface. The molecules are moved along the [‐110] direction of the Ag lattice in the regime of repulsive tip‐molecule forces performing discrete jumps that span distances from single to multiple lattice spacings. The analysis of the two‐dimensional force field measured before and during the manipulation reveals that the displacement beyond nearest neighbor sites cannot be explained by long range tip‐molecule forces but instead has to involve an energy transfer to translational modes of the molecule. Combined with the results of the simultaneous measurement of the energy dissipation, these findings allow to identify a likely manipulation mechanism and provide insight into the process of energy transfer between excited large molecules and metal surfaces. Furthermore, implications for the theoretical treatment of NC‐AFM based molecule manipulation are discussed.  相似文献   

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