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利用红外图像对设计的新型石油焦富氧燃烧器进行热态试验分析,并提出了基于红外测温原理的火焰温度修正方法。基于红外热像仪采集到的红外图像,研究了该石油焦富氧燃烧器的着火特性,对不同工况下石油焦富氧火焰温度场进行了分析探讨,并对富氧火焰的红外测温模型进行了修正研究。实验结果表明,该燃烧器一次氧的增加能促进石油焦粉更快完全燃烧,单位时间释放更多的热量;随着一次风量的增加,炉内火焰平均温度呈现的是先增加后减小的变化趋势;一次氧直流喷射时的整体温度场较旋流喷射时更高,更适合此扁平火焰燃烧器的双一次风孔结构。研究提出的火焰红外测温模型和后期修正方法科学有效,可有效减小红外测温的误差。 相似文献
《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2006,49(19-20):3371-3378
This paper presents selected results of numerical simulations of processes in utility boiler pulverized coal tangentially fired dry-bottom furnace. The simulations have been performed by specially developed comprehensive mathematical model. The main features of the model are a three-dimensional geometry, k–ε gas turbulence model, Eulerian–Lagrangian approach, particles-to-turbulence interaction, diffusion model of particle dispersion, six-flux method for radiation modeling and pulverized coal combustion model based on the global particle kinetics and experimentally obtained kinetic parameters. Five operation regimes of 210 MWe boiler furnace burning Serbian lignites, with different grinding fineness of coal and coal quality, have been simulated. The model successfully predicts the influence of the parameters on the furnace processes and operation characteristics (like the flue gas temperature and the furnace walls radiation fluxes). The predicted flame temperature and percentage combustibles in bottom ash are in good agreement with the measurements. The developed model can find different applications, both in research and practice. 相似文献
针对现阶段我国电站燃煤锅炉运行状况,分析微油点火技术和等离子点火技术的工作原理、系统组成及应用,从技术和经济的角度指出其各自的特点,并对节油及运行中出现的问题提出改进措施。 相似文献
SandroDal-Secco 《热科学学报(英文版)》2000,9(4):376-380
IntroductionThe developments relative to coal combustion havebeen performed into a general purpose 3D code namedESTET under quality assurance, and used to modelcomplex turbulent reactive flows. In the case ofindustrial boilers we can assume a no-slip conditionbetween gas and particles which is the case for the mostpart of the furnace, except possibly in the near field ofthe burners. With such an assumption, the equations for apafticle-gas fixture with a mean density can be written.The combu… 相似文献
In this paper, a new technology for a tangential firing pulverized coal boiler, high efficiency and low NOx combustion technology with multiple air-staged and a large-angle counter flow fuel-rich jet (ACCT for short) is proposed. To verify the characteristics of this technology, experiments of two combustion technologies, ACCT and CFS-1 (Concentric Firing System-1), are carried out under a cold model of a 1025 t/h tangential firing boiler with a PDA (particle dynamics anemometer). The distributions of velocity, particle concentration, particle diameters and the particle volume flux of primary air and secondary air are obtained. The results show that the fuel-rich primary air of ACCT can go deeper into the furnace and mix with the main flow better, which means that the counter flow of fuel-rich jets in ACCT can realize stable combustion, low NOx emission and slagging prevention. 相似文献
In this paper we present an automatic system for early smoke source detection through the real time processing of landscape images. The first part describes the segmentation technique we use to extract persistent dynamical envelopes of pixels into the images. We describe the temporal algorithm at the pixel level (filtering) and the spatial analysis to bring together connected pixels into the same envelopes (object labeling). The second part deals with the method we use to discriminate the various natural phenomena that may cause such envelopes. We describe the image sequence analysis we developed to discriminate distant smokes from other phenomena, by extracting the transitory and complex motions into little pre-processed envelopes. We present then our main criterion for smoke recognition based on the analysis of the smoke plumes velocity. 相似文献
《Combustion and Flame》1985,59(1):69-80
In order to study the distributions of droplet size and volume density in high-concentration jet sprays, a new technique is developed, which combines the forward and backward light scattering method and an image processing method. A pulsed ruby laser is used as the light source. The Mie scattering theory is applied to the results obtained form image processing on the scattering photographs. The time history is obtained for the droplet size and volume density distributions, and the method is demonstrated by diesel fuel sprays under various injecting conditions. The validity of the technique is verified by a good agreement in the injected fuel volume distributions obtained by the present method and by injection rate measurements. 相似文献
Rohan Stanger Terry Wall 《Progress in Energy and Combustion Science》2011,37(1):69-88
The oxy-fuel process is one of three carbon capture technologies which supply CO2 ready for sequestration - the others being post-combustion capture and IGCC with carbon capture. As yet no technology has emerged as a clear winner in the race to commercial deployment. The oxy-fuel process relies on recycled flue gas as the main heat carrier through the boiler and results in significantly different flue gas compositions. Sulphur has been shown in the study to have impacts in the furnace, during ash collection, CO2 compression and transport as well as storage, with many options for its removal or impact control. In particular, the effect of sulphur containing species can pose a risk for corrosion throughout the plant and transport pipelines. This paper presents a technical review of all laboratory and pilot work to identify impacts of sulphur impurities from throughout the oxy-fuel process, from combustion, gas cleaning, compression to sequestration with removal and remedial options. An economic assessment of the optimum removal is not considered. Recent oxy-fuel pilot trials performed in support of the Callide Oxy-fuel Project and other pilot scale data are interpreted and combined with thermodynamic simulations to develop a greater fundamental understanding of the changes incurred by recycling the flue gas. The simulations include a sensitivity analysis of process variables and comparisons between air fired and oxy-fuel fired conditions - such as combustion products, SO3 conversion and limestone addition. 相似文献
P.S. Cumber M. Fairweather 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2005,48(25-26):5221-5239
This article considers the application of flame emission models used for predicting the thermal radiation fluxes from flames and fires within a computational fluid dynamic framework, used in conjunction with the discrete transfer method. The flame emission models differ in their generality, sophistication, accuracy and computational cost, and are assessed in terms of their ability to predict radiation transfer in idealised situations, as well as flames in tubes representative of burner systems, laboratory-scale jet flames and wind-blown jet fires. It is concluded that the implementation of simple flame emission models, based on the grey gas assumption, must be treated with caution due to convergence problems. The key problem occurs when the grey absorption coefficient is based on a length scale linked to the size of the control volume. This issue is well known in the radiation modelling community, but not so in the combustion modelling community. Use of models based on the banded mixed grey gas, TTNH, wide and narrow band approaches yield satisfactory results for all the simulated flames and fires considered, typically being within 20% of the measured radiation heat flux. 相似文献
Experimentally derived pdfs of turbulent, premixed, flame curvatures from a variety of sources, for a wide range of conditions are surveyed and a suitable expression sought to generalize these. This proves to be one based on the Damköhler number, Da. This is tantamount to normalizing the curvature by multiplying it by the Taylor scale of turbulence. It enables the distribution of flame curvature when normalized by the laminar flame thickness, to be expressed in terms of the Karlovitz stretch factor, K, and the turbulent Reynolds number, Rl. The value of the pdf at zero curvature is linearly related to Da1/2.The pdf expressions of Yeung et al. [3] obtained from numerical simulations are used for the strain rate distribution and, on the assumption that these and that for flame curvature are statistically independent, values of flame stretch rate pdfs are generated numerically. It is necessary to define an appropriate surface to define the burning velocity, flame stretch rate, and appropriate Markstein numbers. Two surfaces are considered and employed in the computations, one located at the start of the preheat zone, the other at the start of the reaction zone. The latter seems more rational and gives the better generalisation of the pdfs of flame stretch rate.An assumed linearity of laminar burning velocity with flame stretch rate, extending over both positive and negative stretch rates, enables flame stretch rate pdfs to be generated. It is concluded that negative values of burning velocity are unlikely and that burning velocities should tend to zero rather than attain negative values. This modifies the derivation of flame stretch rate pdfs. These depend on the Markstein number, Karlovitz stretch factor and turbulent Reynolds number. Computations suggest that, for values of K above 0.1 and of Rl above 100, the pdf of stretch rate is similar to that of strain rate. At very low values of K and negative values of Markstein number, pronounced flamelet instability might be anticipated. 相似文献
本文通过分析某电厂制粉系统雨季堵煤的原因,提出使用降低给煤机出口煤流的速度的方法,并加大给煤机到磨煤机之间落煤管的距离,同时对磨煤机内部流动过程进行了三维数值模拟,获得了磨煤机内部风粉混合物运动的规律,达到了煤流顺利通过落煤管而不与内壁接触的目的,取得了良好的工程改造效果。 相似文献
用简化方法计算了亚临界、超临界、超超临界凝汽式火电机组的煤粉锅炉飞灰含碳量对电厂供电煤耗的影响,并对计算结果进行分析讨论.计算结果表明:当飞灰含碳量提高1%时,电厂的供电煤耗提高约0.8~2.09g/kWh.煤的发热量越低,供电煤耗的增加幅度越大.锅炉的压力等级越低,供电煤耗的提高幅度越大. 相似文献