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平动式啮合电机的机械结构复杂、气隙变化大、磁场非线性,采用等效磁路和静力学分析方法建立的模型精度较低。针对该问题,提出了一种联合仿真方法,将有限元软件Ansoft Maxwell计算获得的电机磁场特性参数传递给MSC Adams建立的电机机械系统模型,利用MATLAB搭建控制系统并实现平动式啮合电机系统的动态仿真。仿真结果与物理样机试验结果较为接近,证明了提出的联合仿真方法具有较高的精确度,能够作为平动式啮合电机的分析模型。  相似文献   

柔性平动式啮合电机动态分析与转矩控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种柔性机构平动式啮合电机结构和运行原理.该电机利用4组磁极间的磁场力驱动转子在柔性机构约束下绕定子轴线做圆周平动,进而直接带动摆线机构输出低速大扭矩.针对该电机特点,依据磁共能原理,采用动态分析方法建立了电机的磁场和转矩特性模型,分别运用解析方法和有限元方法计算了电机的电感特性;结合直接转矩控制原理推导出了柔性平动式啮合电机的转矩控制算法.设计了物理样机和控制系统,通过仿真和物理样机实验证明了直接转矩控制较开关控制方法降低了电机的振动,控制转速波动在10%以内.理论分析和实验结果均表明该转矩控制方法具有较高的可行性和实用性.  相似文献   

啮合式磁阻电机是一种新型电机,它将磁阻电机与行星齿轮减速器天然融为一体,可作直驱电机使用。为了提高啮合式磁阻电机的输出扭矩,需建立参数化矩角特性模型。用非线性磁网络法建立了6极啮合式电机的参数化模型。给出了气隙磁导的解析算法,详细讨论了磁阻矩阵和雅各比矩阵的生成,给出了磁网络模型的求解步骤,建立了参数化的磁链函数和矩角特性模型。最后用实测法和有限元法验证了矩角特性模型的精度和正确性,结果表明该模型计算精度与有限元法比较接近。  相似文献   

平动式啮合电机的非线性等效磁路模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对平动式啮合电机独特的运行原理和磁场分布,建立了适合对该电机运行性能进行分析的非线性等效磁路模型。该模型借用磁力线和等磁位线互换的方法,将磁力线分布不均匀的磁通管引入到模型中,在对电机磁场分布不均和磁路局部饱和现象进行有效处理的同时,减少了模型中磁通管单元的数量,使模型简化并兼顾了求解精确度。在该模型的基础上,推导了电机绕组满足的以绕组磁链为状态变量的微分方程,建立了电机稳态运行分析的数学模型。对样机单相导通状态下的稳态运行特性进行了仿真分析,其结果与非线性磁参数法所得结果相吻合,表明该模型可以作为平动式啮合电动机性能分析和优化设计的有效手段。  相似文献   

针对机器人等对驱动设备有空间限制的应用场合,提出了一种三相齿轮啮合式电动机结构。分析了电机的运行原理和磁场特性,给出了控制方式;推导了转矩计算方法。为提高分析精确性,采用Ansoft Maxwell有限元磁场分析软件计算了电机转子在不同工作区域的静态转矩。计算结果表明该电机具有低转速、大扭矩特点。该电机集成了减速机构,缩短了传动链,结构紧凑,有着较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

李瑞华  丁瑞华 《微电机》2012,45(6):10-13
针对于平动式电机啮合机构的传动比大、中心距小、易干涉特点,提出平动式啮合电机渐开线齿轮设计方法.根据给定的模数、齿数、压力角和变位系数计算得到的齿形参数代入干涉条件和重合度条件等式进行试算,找到能够满足条件的变位系数和中心距并计算出所有结构参数.利用提出的方法进行算例分析,设计制作一套渐开线内啮合齿轮,在新型平动式啮合电机上成功运行,获得较高的效率,证明设计方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

本文根据开关磁阻直接驱动式电机磁链特点,选取适应的电流和位置角的函数,利用最小二乘法拟合了电机磁链的数学模型,通过MATLAB仿真研究,对有限元方法和此模型计算的磁链进行了比较,结果证实了建模的可行性。  相似文献   

针对平动式啮合电机的变气隙磁场、磁通密度深度饱和,简单的换相控制方法具有转矩脉动大、振动强的问题。根据输出转矩与磁场力及电流之间关系,推导出输出转矩与电感、绕组电压的关系模型。该模型利用有限元计算获得的磁链、电流与气隙数据推导电感的插值多项式,通过电感计算结果计算绕组电压,从而实现对输出转矩的精确控制。用所建立的模型对样机进行加载试验,结果表明,采用提出的恒接转矩控制方法可有效减小啮合电机的振动,获得较为恒定的输出转矩和加速度。  相似文献   

尤向阳  史敬灼 《微电机》2007,40(10):77-81
总结了超声波电机驱动控制系统建模与仿真研究的现状,指出必要的数学模型和建立在模型基础上的仿真分析是研究超声波电机驱动控制系统的一种重要手段,并对未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

宋受俊  张蔓  尹文财  李岩 《微特电机》2012,40(12):1-4,15
针对开关磁阻电机磁场的强非线性和高饱和性,通过有限元法得到了磁化以及转矩特性曲线簇。在此基础之上,利用神经网络的非线性映射能力,分别采取反向传播神经网络以及径向基函数神经网络对曲线簇进行了学习,进而在Matlab中建立了开关磁阻电机驱动系统的非线性动态仿真模型。对神经网络的结构及训练参数进行了敏感性分析,优化了取值,提高了逼近及泛化能力。在不同控制方法下,通过与有限元分析所得相电流以及合成转矩曲线的比较,验证了所建立开关磁阻电机驱动系统神经网络动态仿真模型的有效性。  相似文献   

针对平动式啮合电动机在结构设计上缺乏理论指导,物理样机性能低下的问题,利用等效磁路法和能量关系,提出了基于电动机效率与磁极结构参数的优化设计方法。在给定磁极几何参数、功率与转速条件情况下进行了算例优化计算分析,并将优化计算结果应用在新型平动式啮合电动机结构参数设计与制作中。物理样机试验结果表明:忽略机械传动机构损耗后测得的样机最大效率与理论设计结果较为接近,且经过参数优化的平动式啮合电动机与未经优化设计的平动电动机相比,在效率、转矩及转矩重量比上有较大提升,尤其在功率密度上增加了15~20倍,试验结果表明了该优化设计算法的有效性。  相似文献   

步进电机控制系统建模及运行曲线仿真   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了优化开环情况下步进电机的控制,研究运行曲线和传动刚度对步进电机开环控制系统运动情况的影响.依据步进电机运行原理和系统动力学特性,建立控制系统数学模型.设计一种基于正矢函数,高阶平滑的加减速曲线,并与常见的匀加减速曲线和指数型加减速曲线进行了比较仿真.仿真结果表明正矢型加减速曲线能够更好地抑制运动过程中的冲击,减小终...  相似文献   

永磁同步电机矢量控制系统的VisSim建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究正弦波永磁同步电机(以下简写SPMSM)的调速性能,依据SPMSM的d-q-0轴数学模型,采用运动控制仿真软件VisSim/Motion建立了SPMSM的仿真模型,并在VisSim仿真环境下基于所建立的模型构建了SPMSM的转子磁场定向矢量控制系统.通过仿真表明,在双闭环(速度环采用PI控制,电流环采用滞环控制)控制下,矢量控制系统响应迅速,稳态性能好,验证了所设计的控制算法;同时,也证明了所建立的SPMSM模型的有效性,为永磁同步电机控制系统设计和调试提供了新的方法和思路.  相似文献   

The unmanned control of the steering wheel is, at present, one of the most important challenges facing researchers in autonomous vehicles within the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITSs). In this paper, we present a two-layer control architecture for automatically moving the steering wheel of a mass-produced vehicle. The first layer is designed to calculate the target position of the steering wheel at any time and is based on fuzzy logic. The second is a classic control layer that moves the steering bar by means of an actuator to achieve the position targeted by the first layer. Real-time kinematic differential global positioning system (RTK-DGPS) equipment is the main sensor input for positioning. It is accurate to about 1 cm and can finely locate the vehicle trajectory. The developed systems are installed on a Citroe/spl uml/n Berlingo van, which is used as a testbed vehicle. Once this control architecture has been implemented, installed, and tuned, the resulting steering maneuvering is very similar to human driving, and the trajectory errors from the reference route are reduced to a minimum. The experimental results show that the combination of GPS and artificial-intelligence-based techniques behaves outstandingly. We can also draw other important conclusions regarding the design of a control system derived from human driving experience, providing an alternative mathematical formalism for computation, human reasoning, and integration of qualitative and quantitative information.  相似文献   

A new approach to model the current-source-inverter-fed induction motor drive is presented. The mathematical model takes into account the rectifier, inverter, and induction motor dynamics and is established in the stationary reference frame. For controlling the drive speed, a modified indirect field-oriented control is proposed. To counter the effects of torque pulsations at very low speeds and rotor resistance variation, a slip compensation loop is included in the control law formulation. A microprocessor-based prototype system is also implemented, providing full digital control of the drive speed. Both computer simulation and experimental results are presented  相似文献   

Recently, a tiny piezoelectric linear motor using a vibration mode of the transducer has been invented. The motor consists of a shaft, mobile element, and piezoelectric transducer using a piezoelectric radial mode bimorph disk. The fringe of the bimorph disk is fixed firmly which means this area has no degree of freedom. Therefore, the radial mode of the transducer transfers to the flexure mode. The mobile elements move along the Pyrex shaft by the impact force generated by the flexure mode of the piezoelectric transducer. The motors are operated at their resonant frequencies. The dynamic properties of the motor have been intensively measured and analyzed according to the applied voltage waveforms at the resonant frequencies. As the sawtooth and rectangular voltage waveforms are applied, the velocity, the thrust force, and the velocity dependence of the mobile position are measured. The dynamic characteristics are also analyzed within a period of each wave using laser vibrometer. The velocity of the mobile is moderately constant along the shaft. The better dynamic characteristics are obtained in the case of applying the rectangular waveform.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic rotary motor which has cross type stator was studied. The stator was consists of hollowed cross type metal which has four piezoelectric ceramics on the ends of cross bars. When two harmonic voltages which have 90 phase difference were applied to ceramics, the symmetric and anti-symmetric displacements were generated at the inside tips to make the elliptical motion. The finite element analysis was used for optimizing the dimension and displacement of the stator. And the analyzed results were compared with the experimental results of the motor. As results, the speed of motors could be controlled by changing the applied voltages, and the rotational direction of motors could be changed by the phase change. Speed and torque of the motors were increased by increasing the width of cross bars, and the torque and displacement was increased by increasing angle of the cross bars.  相似文献   

无刷直流电动机简易正弦驱动的原理和实践   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
正弦驱动的无刷电动机控制电路复杂,价格较高,难以在普通场合被采用,提出了三种简易正弦驱动方法,并对其运行原理和适用性进行分析。简易正弦驱动方法,利用线性霍尔传感器敏感转子位置,直接获得三相正弦驱动控制信号或利用线性霍尔传感器替代旋转变压器。另一种简易正比驱动方法则利用方波霍尔传感器敏感转子磁极位置,然后将磁极位置信号锁相倍频,再由译码器解译成三相正弦驱动控制信号,实现简易正弦驱动。实验证明这是一类性能价格比较高的无刷电动机简易正比驱动方法。  相似文献   

The authors have been considering the use of a linear pulse motor (LPM) as a driving source of a totally implantable artificial heart (TAH), and have developed a series of artificial heart models that incorporate such a motor. The newly developed linear-type TAH (linear TAH) has two blood-pumps, which are inflated and deflated alternately by the LPM, causing a pusher plate to pulsate the blood. This paper deals with the performance calculation of the LPM using the loading ratio. Some motors manufactured for driving TAHs were then selected to compare their machine parameters. The selected motors were LPM, linear oscillatory actuator, brushless dc motors, and ultrasonic motor. Two parameters were selected for the comparison: the mechanical output/volume ratio and the motor constant. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. The LPM was designed based on the loading ratio, and the kinetic thrust and velocity were obtained at the range of 77 newtons and 80 mm/s, respectively. 2. The loading ratio of the LPMs were more than eight times larger in comparison with the rotary motors that were used in industrial machines. 3. The motor constants of the LPMs were recognized to be one figure larger than that of the brushless dc motors. In order to reduce the volume of the linear TAH, it is necessary to increase the drive velocity of the LPMs. Application of the linear motor to a nonpulsatile artificial heart will be one way to achieve this. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 123(1): 43–50, 1998  相似文献   

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