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以乳清蛋白为基质的脂肪替代品对冰淇淋品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以乳清蛋白WPC-80为基质制备脂肪替代品,替代中脂冰淇淋中25%的脂肪。随着脂肪替代率的增加,冰淇淋浆料黏度和膨胀率增大,抗融化率和硬度下降,制得的低脂冰淇淋的各项感官指标均与中脂冰淇淋相当。当替代全部脂肪时,所制得的无脂冰淇淋也有较好的感官接受性。  相似文献   

以乳清蛋白为基质的脂肪替代品的微粒化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了以乳清蛋白WPC-80为基质制备脂肪替代品的微粒化工艺。用组织捣碎机分别设定不同的微粒化时间和强度组合对乳清蛋白热凝胶进行微粒化处理。粒径分布分析发现微粒化处理后,50%的颗粒在10μm左右,超微结构分析发现,微粒化处理后的蛋白质凝胶表面变得光滑、柔软,可以模拟脂肪的特性。乳清蛋白脂肪替代品的最佳微粒化工艺条件为转速12 000 r/min,处理时间为5 min。  相似文献   

脂肪替代品可以替代传统冰淇淋中的脂肪,减少热量,有利于消费者的身体健康。文章综述近年来国内外学者对于脂肪替代品在冰淇淋中的应用研究成果,对其研究方法和结果进行分析、总结,并对脂肪替代品存在的问题和发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

以果胶为基质的脂肪替代品对冰淇淋品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以果胶为基质的脂肪替代品替代冰淇淋中的脂肪,随着脂肪替代率的增加,冰淇淋浆料黏度和膨胀率增大,抗融化率下降,硬度增大.不同替代比例制得的低脂冰淇淋的各项感官指标均与中脂冰淇淋无显著差异;当替代全部脂肪时,所制得的无脂冰淇淋也有较好的感官接受性.  相似文献   

脂肪蔗糖替代品在芦荟大豆冰淇淋中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用几种脂肪和蔗糖替代品来替代芦荟大豆冰淇淋对照配方中的奶油和蔗糖,通过单因素实验和正交实验探讨替代品的替代效果及合理用量。结果表明,质量分数为5.5%麦芽糊精、质量分数为9%脱脂奶粉、质量分数4,5%34梨醇以及0.12%安塞蜜组成的脂肪蔗糖复合替代品,应用于芦荟大豆冰淇淋中具有很好的效果,产品的膨胀率可达99.6%,融化率9.6%,产品风味纯正清爽、口感细腻滑润、质地均匀。  相似文献   

淀粉为基质的脂肪替代品对无脂冰淇淋特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了淀粉为基质的脂肪替代品对无脂冰淇淋的膨胀率、抗融化能力、硬度、粘弹性和感官指标的影响,结果表明,脂肪替代品能明显增加冰淇淋的膨胀率并改善其抗融化性,当无脂冰淇淋中脂肪替代品的含量达到3%时,其融化率与中脂冰淇淋接近。脂肪替代品还能明显增加无脂冰淇淋的硬度、G'和G"。用模糊数学的方法评价了无脂冰淇淋的感官指标,发现无脂冰淇淋中脂肪替代品的最佳添加量为3%。脂肪替代品能明显改善无脂冰淇淋的感官品质。  相似文献   

研究了淀粉为基质的脂肪替代品对无脂冰淇淋的膨胀率、抗融化能力、硬度、粘弹性和感官指标的影响,结果表明,脂肪替代品能明显增加冰淇淋的膨胀率并改善其抗融化性,当无脂冰淇淋中脂肪替代品的含量达到3%时,其融化率与中脂冰淇淋接近。脂肪替代品还能明显增加无脂冰淇淋的硬度、G’和G  相似文献   

以乳清蛋白为基质的脂肪替代品对酸乳品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以浓缩乳清蛋白WPC-80为基质制备脂肪替代品(Fat Replacers),替代全脂搅拌型酸乳中25%、50%、75%、100%的脂肪.随着脂肪替代率的增加,酸乳的脱水率下降,衷观粘度增大,坚实度增大,粘稠度增大.FR用于搅拌型酸乳的最佳脂肪替代率为75%.  相似文献   

碳水化合物作为冰淇淋中脂肪替代品罗郑生摘编(山西垣曲矿区商业饮食服务部,垣曲,043700)今天市场上出现的各种不同的、在包装上标著“清淡”、“低脂”、“无糖”或“低热量”等字眼的食品和饮料,全都是含有脂肪替代物的产品。基于植物衍生物的脂肪替代物和代...  相似文献   

研究以麦芽糊精为基质的脂肪替代品在冰淇淋中的应用。通过单因素和正交实验研究了影响脂肪替代品品质的油水比、麦芽糊精添加量、单甘酯添加量、蔗糖酯添加量最佳比例。结果表明,在油水比为3∶7、麦芽糊精添加量为35%、单甘脂添加量为1.8%、蔗糖酯添加量为0.2%时人造脂肪的黏稠度、乳化稳定性达到最佳。将研制出的脂肪替代用于冰淇淋生产中,通过正交实验研究结果表明,脂肪替代品添加量35%,奶粉添加量25%,单甘酯添加量0.6%时冰淇淋的感官品质达到最佳。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the texture of regular (12%), low fat (6%), and fat-free vanilla (0.5%) ice creams by sensory and instrumental analyses. The low fat and fat free ice cream were prepared using a whey protein based fat replacer (Simplesse ® 100) as the fat replacement ingredient. Two processing trials with continuous commercial-like process conditions were undertaken. Sensory analyses disclosed that ice creams containing 6% of fat replacer in place of or with milk fat had no demonstrable effect on vanillin flavour. While the sensory attributes of the low fat samples were comparable to the regular vanilla ice cream, the trained sensory panel rated the fat free ice cream to have lower viscosity, smoothness and mouth coating properties. Instrumentally determined apparent viscosity data supported the sensory data. Compared with the fat replacer, milk fat significantly increased the fresh milk and cream flavours of the ice cream. Results emphasized the importance of fat as a flavour modifier and the improvement of texture by addition of Simplesse ® 100.  相似文献   

A protein dispersion blend of β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin was heat-denatured at pH 7.5, hydrolyzed by α-chymotrypsin and then acidified with glucono-δ-lactone to form gels at room temperature. Heat treatment induced the formation of whey protein polymers with high concentration of reactive thiol groups (37 μmol/g). The reactive thiol group concentration was reduced by half after 40 min enzymatic hydrolysis. It was further reduced after enzyme thermal deactivation. During acidification, the first sign of aggregation for hydrolyzed polymers occurred earlier than for non hydrolyzed polymers. Increasing the hydrolysis duration up to 30 min resulted in more turbid gels characterized by an open microstructure. Elastic and viscous moduli were both reduced, while the relaxation coefficient and the stress decay rate constants were increased by increasing the hydrolysis duration. After one week storage at 5 °C, the hardness of gels made from hydrolyzed polymers increased by more than 50%. The effect of polymer hydrolysis on acid-induced gelation is discussed in relation to the availability and reactivity of thiol groups during gel formation and storage.  相似文献   

乳清蛋白酶解的工艺条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用二次旋转回归试验设计较系统地研究了乳清蛋白在碱性蛋白酶催化下的水解作用,得到了在一定的条件变化范围内乳清蛋白水解物的水解度变化规律。建立的回归模型所得结果与实际结果相符,所以该模型可用于对水解度的预测;二次旋转回归设计还可对于乳清蛋白的限制水解进行优化条件选择。  相似文献   

糯米淀粉质低脂冰淇淋的品质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周原  丁文平 《食品科技》2011,(2):79-82,89
实验选取籼糯和粳糯两个品种的糯米淀粉,研究了以糯米淀粉为基质的脂肪替代品对低脂冰淇淋品质的影响。结果表明:糯米淀粉加入低脂冰淇淋提高了浆料黏度,降低了冰淇淋成品的硬度,改善了冰淇淋的抗融化性。用模糊数学的方法评价了低脂冰淇淋的感官指标,发现脂肪替代率为25%的籼糯淀粉低脂冰淇淋的感官指标与中脂冰淇淋最接近。表明低脂冰淇淋中糯米淀粉的最适添加量为25%。  相似文献   

乳清蛋白的酶法改性主要包括水解和交联。其中,用转谷氨酰胺酶改性具有比较大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

Seven batches of nonfat yoghurt stabilized with different concentrations of whey protein concentrate (WPC) and Gum Tragacanth (GT) were produced to study the effects of WPC and GT as fat replacers on the rheological properties of yoghurt. By increasing the WPC up to 15 g/L, storage modulus (G'), loss modulus (G) and complex dynamic viscosity (η*) values were increased and sensory impressions of texture and appearance were improved when compared with the control nonfat yoghurt. Addition of gum above 0.5 g/L led the decrease of G', G, η* and resulted in lower scores for sensory attributes than control nonfat yoghurt.  相似文献   

不同酶切方式对乳清蛋白疏水性和乳化性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同的蛋白酶对乳清蛋白进行水解,考察了肽键断裂方式对乳清蛋白肽疏水性和乳化性的影响,以及乳清蛋白不同酶解产物的疏水性和乳化性的关系。结果表明:不同蛋白酶作用于乳清蛋白得到的水解产物疏水性不同,6种蛋白酶解液的疏水性均随水解度的增大而降低,其中以胰凝乳蛋白酶酶解液的疏水性下降的最慢。研究还发现,乳化性随着水解度增加而先升高后下降,以双酶复合酶解液最差。不同蛋白酶水解液的乳化性指数随疏水性指数的降低而升高,乳化性指数与疏水性氨基酸质量分数成正相关。  相似文献   

探究乳清蛋白在碱性蛋白酶限制性水解下功能性质变化。以乳清蛋白的溶解性,乳化性、乳化稳定性,起泡性、起泡稳定性为考察指标,确定乳清蛋白的等电点及分析不同水解度下乳清蛋白功能性质在p H调控下的变化。结果表明:乳清蛋白的等电点为4.8。乳清蛋白进行限制性酶解后功能性质有了很大提高,其中溶解性在DH14、p H10下达到最大值,较原蛋白提高了14.55%;起泡性在DH14、p H4下达到最大值,较原蛋白提高了107.5%;起泡稳定性在DH4、p H4下达到最大值,比原蛋白提高了8.66%;乳化性在DH14、p H12下达到最大值,比原蛋白提高了56.1%;乳化稳定性DH4、p H12下达到最大值,比原蛋白提高了50.42%。   相似文献   

Instrumental analyses were used to evaluate the rheological properties of regular (10%), reduced-fat (6%) and low-fat (3%) ice cream mixes and frozen ice creams stored at −18 °C. The reduced-fat and low-fat ice creams were prepared using 4% whey protein isolate (WPI) or 4% inulin as the fat replacement ingredient. The composition, colour, apparent viscosity, consistency coefficient, flow behaviour index, hardness and melting characteristics were measured. No effect of WPI or inulin was obtained on the colour values. Compared with regular ice cream, WPI changed rheological properties, resulting in significantly higher apparent viscosities, consistency indices and greater deviations from Newtonian flow. In addition, both hardness and melting resistance significantly increased by using WPI in reduced-fat and low-fat ice creams. Inulin also increased the hardness in comparison to regular ice cream, but the products made with inulin melted significantly faster than the other samples.  相似文献   

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