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Transnational organizations refer to governmental and non-governmental organizations engaged in transnational behaviors,which are important carriers of political globalization.Given the wave of world city studies sweeping the academia worldwide,transnational organizations have attracted increasing attentions.Through a review of existing research,an analysis of historical archive and interviews,and the application of space syntax,this paper examines the development process and characteristics of spatial distribution of transnational organizations in Guangzhou since the founding of P.R.China.It divides the development process of transnational organizations in Guangzhou into three stages: budding period,starting period,and developing period.In this process,the number of organizations and related types increased sharply,and the business was much extended.Along with the eastward shift of the city center,the distribution center of transnational organizations consequently moved to the east,indicating their location characteristics of geographical centrality and proximity to major globalized spaces.The spatial distribution of transnational organizations shows: proximity to city center or high-level transportation center; demands for security,communication,and notability of geographical position; locations of different types of organizations owning different levels of integration value; organizations of specific functions prefer urban districts with related functions.  相似文献   

This article puts forth, in light of the investigation of Shanghai's parking problem inrecent years, the principles governing the location of motor vehicles' public parking lots,integrated with landuse planning of the CBD forecast of parking demand and the possibil-ity of urban renewal. It further puts forth in accordance with reality the recommendedplanning for location of parking lots in CBD of Shanghai and makes economic analysiswith the feasibility of implementation demonstrated.  相似文献   

Public–Private Partnership (PPP) in construction is gaining in popularity. Although papers published in major journals have documented real cases of PPP projects, there appears to be a lack of systematically summarizing what they have already provided. Consequently, this paper reviewed PPP studies published in the six top journals in the construction field. The objectives are to compare and contrast the findings of the studies so as to provide insights for directing further PPP research and improving the existing practices of PPP projects. To achieve the review objectives, studies were first classified as either empirical or non-empirical. Empirical studies were further grouped under three themes: risks, relationships, and financing. Non-empirical studies were grouped under five themes: financing, project success factors, risks, and concession period. Suggestions for further research are risks, financing, contractual agreements, development of PPP models, concession periods, and strategies in choosing the right type of PPP.  相似文献   

From a stakeholder perspective, this paper discusses the positive and negative impacts of “We Media” on public participation in urban planning based on a case study on the public event related to the Urban Design of Xuanwu Avenue in Nanjing. This research draws the following conclusions. Firstly,“We Media” helps to reduce the cost of the bottom-up feedback in the public participation process as it expands information dissemination approaches, and the comprehensiveness and objectiveness of the in...  相似文献   

From the PersPective of the systemsaPProaeh,the urban eeonomie functions re-fer to the role Played by the eeonomy of theeity in its surrounding areas.Beeause of different geograPhieal loeations,historiealeonditions,the various roles and funetionsof the eities in the national economy,theeeonomie funetions of a eity may be of sin-gle  相似文献   

According to the study on history, the construction of Beijing-Hankou Rail Line and Lianyungang-Lanzhou Rail Line during the late Qing Dynasty and the era of the Republic of China (1912 - 1949) not only decided the spatial layout of modern Zhengzhou, but also brought about the rapid development of Zhengzhou’s commercial industry. Without scientific planning, they have already caused essential changes of Zhengzhou’s urban spatial structure. From the early days of the People’s Republic of China, urban planning became the most important factor to shape Zhengzhou’s urban spatial structure, in terms of the rational allocation of industrial areas. In above mentioned two successive periods, the driving forces of urban construction were different, the characteristics of urban spatial structure was also opposite, i.e., disorderly and unsystematic layout in the former period, while rigorous and regularized structure in the latter one. The problems existed in Zhengzhou’s spatial construction today are also closely related to this specific character formed in the early development period.  相似文献   

In 1980, Giancarlo de Carlo wrote in the Perspecta: Yale Journal, "An Architecture of the Participation". Carlo, proposed a sequence of procedures: the problem definition, the solution and the results evaluation, in all the three steps, the social communities should be integrated in as part of a share and dynamic process. This text corresponds to a new way of understanding the importance of the social communities in the architecture definition. From de Carlo's text, the main goal of this paper is to present the results of an intervention in public space renewal of the Lagarteiro neighborhood (in Oporto city) and the relation of this process with the participation of the resident population. The urban context of Lagarteiro's neighborhood presented before the intervention the typical and classic signs of disqualification of environmental and urban peripheral areas of resettlement. The term "disadvantaged areas" is associated with these areas in urban or peri-urban case, was framed in a specific Portuguese policy, called Initiative Critical Neighborhoods. Being a recent intervention, the renewal of the public space in Lagarteiro is a complete case study that allows comprehending the participation phenomenon in nowadays, at the same time that seduces a reflexion about technical and architectural solutions for "critical" neighborhood.  相似文献   

1 Preface In urban green space system, urban parks, with wide space, perfect facilities, low density of building, can provide excellent emergency shelter condition. Due to  相似文献   

Take bronze mirror, one can be properly dressed. Take tradition asbronze mirror, we can know some problems of urban planning and designin modern cities. This article is intended to relatively analyse theinadequate space in modern cities on the basis of the traditional ideas andmeans recaardincf space in 9 aspects in order to seek the ways of reform.  相似文献   

<正>Urban Planning of Beijing(1949 – 1960)Author: Li Hao Year: 2022Publisher: China Architecture & Building Press ISBN: 9787112281725(447 pages, in Chinese)The 1950s is an important period in terms of the urban planning history study of China. It is not only the initial and foundation stage of China’s modern urban planning, with profound influence on contemporary urban planning,  相似文献   

<正>In the 1950s and early 1960s,the American society took on an air of unprecedented material prosperity.However,the flourishing economy failed to provide people with the spiritual content they expected to come with it.The inanition in the spiritual world and the affluence in the material world created a sharp contrast which led to a growing sense of anxiety and dissatisfaction.As a result,"many Americans reacted to these developments with ambivalence,even hostility."(Brinkley 1999:  相似文献   

Large-scale venues for exhibitions and events are important public infrastructure. Developing venues have captured much of governments' attention due to the potential benefits the industry would bring to the community. However, venue development requires considerable capital and operating costs, unique standards of design and complicated operational issues. Public–Private Partnerships were introduced by governments as innovative delivery models to bring forward venue projects. This paper presents comparative case studies of two PPP venue projects in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and New Zealand aiming to investigate key challenges for using PPPs in venue development and propose strategies to address the problems and assist future planning and organization for venue PPPs. The research shows that for a successful venue PPP, the following are critical features: (1) sound business case development; (2) streamlined financial arrangements; (3) robust tendering; (4) effective governance structure and partnership-based consortium; and (5) realistic risk allocation.  相似文献   

In this article. the programme of Nanjing's Outer ring road planning. and the investiga-tion. analysis and forecast of the volume of this section's traffic are discussed; the corre-sponding construction and technical indices put forward; and the economic analysis ofthe implementation of the mentioned programme carried out.  相似文献   

1 Liu Yuan Everyone who visited Liu Yuan(The Lingering Garden)was moved by its ever-changing space when walking in it with the scenes seen always alternating and the spaces experienced always effecting and reflecting each other.  相似文献   

To set up self-rule organizations forsocial life of the mass at city's local level isnot uncommon in other countries.But toset up a resident committee of completestructure and with overall functions thatserves as an intermediate between the localpolitical organization and family units issomething peculiar to China.Then,how  相似文献   

A survey of the trace metal distribution in the sediments of Liverpool Bay, and the Dee and Mersey estuaries in 1972–1974 has been followed by a series of regular monitoring surveys in the Mersey estuary during the last 10 years. Over 15 000 individual observations have been recorded, including measurements of the trace metal content (cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel and zinc), organic carbon content and particle size distribution. In parallel with the physical and chemical measurements, a limited biological sampling programme has also been carried out.These results are discussed in relation to the spatial and temporal variability detected, and in relation to the potential biological effect of the sedimentary trace metals.  相似文献   

4.Typical modes of infrastructure financing in China After summarizing the general situations of infrastructure financing in China,further analyses will be made on several typical modes of infrastructure financing on the basis of the interviews,surveys,and data collections in certain Chinese cities.  相似文献   

This article takes a brief look at the history of modern Central European planning, especially spatial planning in Czechoslovakia. It is primarily focused on urban and regional planners, planning ideas, concepts, and projects that can be considered ‘organic’. Several important planners (all males) who kept pace with the most current European and US trends (e.g. Vladimír Zákrejs, Jind?ich Kumpo?t, Bohuslav Fuchs, Alois Miku?kovic, Ladislav ?ák, Karel Honzík, and Emanuel Hru?ka) are discussed. The text also mentions some of the driving forces of the time, which had a fundamental impact on organic approaches in planning, including the institutionalization of urban and regional planning. Attention is also given to various international influences and the transfer of ideas that have not yet been adequately analysed. In conclusion, there are some reflections on the significance of organic modernity that succinctly express the atmosphere of that time as well as the efforts of the mentioned planners and thinkers. The main message is to show the close connection between early modern urban planning and the phenomenon of organicism, or rather, organic modernity.  相似文献   

The pre-determination of the effect of earthquake in subsurface structures is gaining importance increasingly. One of the main factors in determination of the damages due to earthquakes in subsurface structures, especially tunnels are horizontal acceleration value. The aim of the study is to put forward the scale of damage due to earthquake in a wastewater tunnel in Istanbul, the most populated city of Turkey, under construction. Possible damage caused by earthquake will be determined by utilizing the information about the route of the wastewater tunnel analyzed in the study.  相似文献   

The variation of linear attenuation coefficients μμ (cm−1) with the freezing–thawing (F–T) cycles has been investigated for concretes, in which different materials were used as an aggregate. For this purposes, six different concrete blocks have been produced in various ratios of water/cement (w/c) utilizing different materials as aggregates. Then, linear attenuation coefficients were measured for five different F–T cycles. It was noticed that the linear attenuation coefficients decreased with F–T cycles for all concrete types and also different effect observed for different w/c ratio and different aggregate.  相似文献   

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