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基于减法聚类改进的模糊c-均值算法的模糊聚类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对模糊c-均值(FCM)聚类算法受初始聚类中心影响,易陷入局部最优,以及算法对孤立点数据敏感的问题,提出了解决方案:采用快速减法聚类算法初始化聚类中心,为每个样本点赋予一个定量的权值,用来区分不同的样本点对最终的聚类结果的不同作用,为提高聚类速度采用修正隶属度矩阵的方法,并将算法与传统的FCM相比.实验结果表明,该算法较好地解决了初值问题,与随机初始化方法相比,迭代次数少、收敛速度快、具有较好的聚类结果.  相似文献   

提出一种针对位置指纹的模糊核c-means聚类算法.将位置指纹归结为一种服从正态分布的区间值数据以反映接入点信号强度采样值的不确定性,通过区间中值和大小确定的正态分布函数将位置指纹映射为特征空间中的一点,并在该特征空间中采用基于核方法的模糊c-means算法对其进行聚类.通过ZigBee定位实验表明,该方法对于位置指纹的分类效果明显好于基于信号强度平均值的c-means聚类,可在保证定位精度的前提下有效降低定位的计算量.  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition letters》2003,24(9-10):1607-1612
Based on the defect of rival checked fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, a new algorithm: suppressed fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm is proposed. The new algorithm overcomes the shortcomings of the original algorithm, establishes more natural and more reasonable relationships between hard c-means clustering algorithm and fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new recursive hybrid algorithm for training a radial basis function (RBF) network. The algorithm consists of a proposed clustering algorithm to position the RBF centres and the Givens least-squares algorithm to estimate the weights. This paper begins with a discussion about the problems of clustering in positioning RBF centres. Then a new clustering algorithm called adaptive fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm is proposed to reduce the problems. The capability of the proposed algorithm was tested to model three data sets: one simulated and two real data sets. It was found that the algorithm provided good performance. The performance of the algorithm was then compared with adaptive k-means, non-adaptive k-means and non-adaptive fuzzy cmeans clustering algorithms. Overall performance of the RBF network that used the proposed clustering algorithm was found to be much better than those that used other clustering algorithms. Simulation results also revealed that the algorithm was not sensitive to initial centres.  相似文献   

This article presents a multi-objective genetic algorithm which considers the problem of data clustering. A given dataset is automatically assigned into a number of groups in appropriate fuzzy partitions through the fuzzy c-means method. This work has tried to exploit the advantage of fuzzy properties which provide capability to handle overlapping clusters. However, most fuzzy methods are based on compactness and/or separation measures which use only centroid information. The calculation from centroid information only may not be sufficient to differentiate the geometric structures of clusters. The overlap-separation measure using an aggregation operation of fuzzy membership degrees is better equipped to handle this drawback. For another key consideration, we need a mechanism to identify appropriate fuzzy clusters without prior knowledge on the number of clusters. From this requirement, an optimization with single criterion may not be feasible for different cluster shapes. A multi-objective genetic algorithm is therefore appropriate to search for fuzzy partitions in this situation. Apart from the overlap-separation measure, the well-known fuzzy Jm index is also optimized through genetic operations. The algorithm simultaneously optimizes the two criteria to search for optimal clustering solutions. A string of real-coded values is encoded to represent cluster centers. A number of strings with different lengths varied over a range correspond to variable numbers of clusters. These real-coded values are optimized and the Pareto solutions corresponding to a tradeoff between the two objectives are finally produced. As shown in the experiments, the approach provides promising solutions in well-separated, hyperspherical and overlapping clusters from synthetic and real-life data sets. This is demonstrated by the comparison with existing single-objective and multi-objective clustering techniques.  相似文献   

Effective fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms for data clustering problems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clustering is a well known technique in identifying intrinsic structures and find out useful information from large amount of data. One of the most extensively used clustering techniques is the fuzzy c-means algorithm. However, computational task becomes a problem in standard objective function of fuzzy c-means due to large amount of data, measurement uncertainty in data objects. Further, the fuzzy c-means suffer to set the optimal parameters for the clustering method. Hence the goal of this paper is to produce an alternative generalization of FCM clustering techniques in order to deal with the more complicated data; called quadratic entropy based fuzzy c-means. This paper is dealing with the effective quadratic entropy fuzzy c-means using the combination of regularization function, quadratic terms, mean distance functions, and kernel distance functions. It gives a complete framework of quadratic entropy approaching for constructing effective quadratic entropy based fuzzy clustering algorithms. This paper establishes an effective way of estimating memberships and updating centers by minimizing the proposed objective functions. In order to reduce the number iterations of proposed techniques this article proposes a new algorithm to initialize the cluster centers.In order to obtain the cluster validity and choosing the number of clusters in using proposed techniques, we use silhouette method. First time, this paper segments the synthetic control chart time series directly using our proposed methods for examining the performance of methods and it shows that the proposed clustering techniques have advantages over the existing standard FCM and very recent ClusterM-k-NN in segmenting synthetic control chart time series.  相似文献   

针对现有模糊聚类方法仅仅是对已有数据点的聚类的不足,提出了在已有数据集的基础上找到新的一类集群的聚类方法 CFCM。该算法在FCM算法的基础上,通过引入观测点P作为聚类的先验知识,来大致确定未知集群的聚类中心,定义了权重系数λ来限定观测点对新的一类聚类中心形成的影响程度。人造数据集和UCI真实数据集的实验结果表明,该算法不仅对已知数据点有较好的聚类效果,并且可以在观测点P的作用下在特定区域创造出新的一类无已知数据点的集群中心点的大致位置,因而在实际中有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

In this study, hard k-means and fuzzy c-means algorithms are utilized for the classification of fine grained soils in terms of shear strength and plasticity index parameters. In order to collect data, several laboratory tests are performed on 120 undisturbed soil samples, which are obtained from Antalya region. Additionally, for the evaluation of the generalization ability of clustering analysis, 20 fine grained soil samples collected from the other regions of Turkey are also classified using the same clustering algorithms. Fuzzy c-means algorithm exhibited better clustering performance over hard k-means classifier. As expected, clustering analysis produced worse outcomes for soils collected from different regions than those of obtained from a specific region. In addition to its precise classification ability, fuzzy c-means approach is also capable of handling the uncertainty existing in soil parameters. As a result, fuzzy c-means clustering can be successfully applied to classify regional fine grained soils on the basis of shear strength and plasticity index parameters.  相似文献   

This paper presents adaptive and non-adaptive fuzzy c-means clustering methods for partitioning symbolic interval data. The proposed methods furnish a fuzzy partition and prototype for each cluster by optimizing an adequacy criterion based on suitable squared Euclidean distances between vectors of intervals. Moreover, various cluster interpretation tools are introduced. Experiments with real and synthetic data sets show the usefulness of these fuzzy c-means clustering methods and the merit of the cluster interpretation tools.  相似文献   

针对区间型数据的聚类问题,提出一种自适应模糊c均值聚类算法。该算法一方面基于区间数的中点和半宽度,通过引入区间宽度的影响因子以控制区间大小对聚类结果的影响;另一方面通过引入一个自适应系数,以减少区间型数据的数据结构对聚类效果的影响。通过仿真数据和Fish真实数据验证了该算法的有效性,并对聚类结果进行比较和分析。  相似文献   

电站空预器积灰会严重影响机组运行经济性.提出加权模糊C均值聚类算法对空预器积灰程度进行监测,该方法计算多维样本中每一维数据的标准差,将其作为权重,计算样本与类心之间的加权欧式距离,降低模糊C均值聚类算法对离群点的敏感度.利用人工数据对该方法进行验证,结果表明,相比于传统模糊C均值聚类算法,提出的方法对离群点识别更加准确...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - To design an efficient partial differential equation-based total variation method for denoising and possibilistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for...  相似文献   

Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is one of the most popular techniques for data clustering. Since FCM tends to balance the number of data points in each cluster, centers of smaller clusters are forced to drift to larger adjacent clusters. For datasets with unbalanced clusters, the partition results of FCM are usually unsatisfactory. Cluster size insensitive FCM (csiFCM) dealt with “cluster-size sensitivity” problem by dynamically adjusting the condition value for the membership of each data point based on cluster size after the defuzzification step in each iterative cycle. However, the performance of csiFCM is sensitive to both the initial positions of cluster centers and the “distance” between adjacent clusters. In this paper, we present a cluster size insensitive integrity-based FCM method called siibFCM to improve the deficiency of csiFCM. The siibFCM method can determine the membership contribution of every data point to each individual cluster by considering cluster's integrity, which is a combination of compactness and purity. “Compactness” represents the distribution of data points within a cluster while “purity” represents how far a cluster is away from its adjacent cluster. We tested our siibFCM method and compared with the traditional FCM and csiFCM methods extensively by using artificially generated datasets with different shapes and data distributions, synthetic images, real images, and Escherichia coli dataset. Experimental results showed that the performance of siibFCM is superior to both traditional FCM and csiFCM in terms of the tolerance for “distance” between adjacent clusters and the flexibility of selecting initial cluster centers when dealing with datasets with unbalanced clusters.  相似文献   

基于空间信息的可能性模糊C均值聚类遥感图像分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张一行  王霞  方世明  李晓冬  凌峰 《计算机应用》2011,31(11):3004-3007
可能性模糊C均值(PFCM)聚类算法作为模糊C均值(FCM)聚类算法的一种改进算法,能在一定程度上克服FCM算法对噪声的敏感性;但由于PFCM没有考虑像元间的空间信息,对含有较大噪声的图像分割效果依然不理想。为此,提出一种新的基于空间信息的PFCM算法(SPFCM),克服了PFCM算法对含有较大噪声的图像分割效果不佳的缺点。通过对人工图像和IKONOS遥感图像进行分析,结果表明,SPFCM算法无论是在视觉上还是在分割正确率上都优于传统的FCM算法、PFCM算法及两种加入空间信息的FCM算法;对于含有高斯噪声和盐椒噪声的图像,平均分割正确率高达99.71%,是一种去噪效果较好的图像分割算法。  相似文献   

The purpose of video segmentation is to segment video sequence into shots where each shot represents a sequence of frames having the same contents, and then select key frames from each shot for indexing. Existing video segmentation methods can be classified into two groups: the shot change detection (SCD) approach for which thresholds have to be pre-assigned, and the clustering approach for which a prior knowledge of the number of clusters is required. In this paper, we propose a video segmentation method using a histogram-based fuzzy c-means (HBFCM) clustering algorithm. This algorithm is a hybrid of the two approaches aforementioned, and is designed to overcome the drawbacks of both approaches. The HBFCM clustering algorithm is composed of three phases: the feature extraction phase, the clustering phase, and the key-frame selection phase. In the first phase, differences between color histogram are extracted as features. In the second phase, the fuzzy c-means (FCM) is used to group features into three clusters: the shot change (SC) cluster, the suspected shot change (SSC) cluster, and the no shot change (NSC) cluster. In the last phase, shot change frames are identified from the SC and the SSC, and then used to segment video sequences into shots. Finally, key frames are selected from each shot. Simulation results indicate that the HBFCM clustering algorithm is robust and applicable to various types of video sequences.  相似文献   

The fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm is a widely applied clustering technique, but the implicit assumption that each attribute of the object data has equal importance affects the clustering performance. At present, attribute weighted fuzzy clustering has became a very active area of research, and numerous approaches that develop numerical weights have been combined into fuzzy clustering. In this paper, interval number is introduced for attribute weighting in the weighted fuzzy c-means (WFCM) clustering, and it is illustrated that interval weighting can obtain appropriate weights more easily from the viewpoint of geometric probability. Moreover, a genetic heuristic strategy for attribute weight searching is proposed to guide the alternating optimization (AO) of WFCM, and improved attribute weights in interval-constrained ranges and reasonable data partition can be obtained simultaneously. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is superior in clustering performance. It reveals that the interval weighted clustering can act as an optimization operator on the basis of the traditional numerical weighted clustering, and the effects of interval weight perturbation on clustering performance can be decreased.  相似文献   

Categorical data clustering is a difficult and challenging task due to the special characteristic of categorical attributes: no natural order. Thus, this study aims to propose a two-stage method named partition-and-merge based fuzzy genetic clustering algorithm (PM-FGCA) for categorical data. The proposed PM-FGCA uses a fuzzy genetic clustering algorithm to partition the dataset into a maximum number of clusters in the first stage. Then, the merge stage is designed to select two clusters among the clusters that generated in the first stage based on its inter-cluster distances and merge two selected clusters to one cluster. This procedure is repeated until the number of clusters equals to the predetermined number of clusters. Thereafter, some particular instances in each cluster are considered to be re-assigned to other clusters based on the intra-cluster distances. The proposed PM-FGCA is implemented on ten categorical datasets from UCI machine learning repository. In order to evaluate the clustering performance, the proposed PM-FGCA is compared with some existing methods such as k-modes algorithm, fuzzy k-modes algorithm, genetic fuzzy k-modes algorithm, and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm using fuzzy membership chromosomes. Adjusted Ranked Index (ARI), Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), and Davies–Bouldin (DB) index are selected as three clustering validation indices which are represented to both external index (i.e., ARI and NMI) and internal index (i.e., DB). Consequently, the experimental result shows that the proposed PM-FGCA outperforms the benchmark methods in terms of the tested indices.  相似文献   

针对单纯使用模糊c-均值算法(FCM)求解模糊聚类问题的不足,首先,提出一种改进的万有引力搜索算法,通过一定概率按照不同方式对速度进行更新,有效增大了种群的搜索域.其次,提出了模糊万有引力搜索算法(FG-SA).最后,在模糊万有引力搜索算法(FGSA)和模糊c-均值算法(FCM)的基础上,提出了一种新算法(FGSAFCM)来求解模糊聚类问题,有效避免了单纯使用模糊c-均值算法时对初始值敏感且易于陷入局部最优的缺点.采用目标函数和有效性评价函数作为评价标准,选取10个经典数据集作为测试数据,实验结果表明,新算法比单一的模糊c-均值算法有更高的准确性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - The task of pedestrian detection in video surveillance applications will face challenges like dynamic background changes, false human detection (shadow), and...  相似文献   

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