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Ca(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 microwave dielectric ceramics were prepared using a solid-state reaction process, and their microwave dielectric properties were evaluated as functions of sintering and postdensification annealing conditions. The relationship between microwave dielectric properties and processing was interpreted through the variation of microstructures. The dielectric constant showed slight variation with sintering and annealing conditions, but the Q × f value increased at first and then decreased with increased sintering temperature, and annealing in oxygen indicated significant improvement in Q × f , especially for the specimens sintered at higher temperatures. The good microwave dielectric properties were obtained in the ceramics sintered at 1225°C in air for 3 h and annealed at 1100°C in oxygen for 8 h: ɛ= 34.1, Q × f = 15 890 GHz, τf=−48 ppm/°C.  相似文献   

A solution sol-gel method has been developed to prepare 0.9Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.1PbTiO3 (0.9PMN-0.1PT) ceramics. During the processing the gel first converted to cubic pyrochlore phase at a calcination temperature of 600°C followed by the formation of pure perovskite phase at 775°C. The ceramics sintered at 1250°C for 4 h showed ≈98% of the theoretical density. The room-temperature dielectric constant of the pellets sintered at 1250°C showed a maximum value of 25035 at 1 kHz. Sintering studies at different temperatures revealed that the dielectric constant increased with increasing grain size in these ceramics.  相似文献   

(Na1/2La1/2)(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 undergoes a series of phase transitions that involve cation order on the A- and B-sites of the parent perovskite structure. At high temperatures both sites contain a random distribution of cations; below 1275°C a 〈111〉 layering of Mg and Nb leads to the formation of a 1:2 ordered structure with a monoclinic supercell. A second transition was observed at 925°C, where the Na and La cations order onto alternate A-site positions along the 〈001〉 direction of the parent subcell. By quenching samples from above 1275°C to preserve the disorder on the B-site, a fourth variant of this compound was obtained by inducing A-site order through a subsequent anneal at 900°C. Although the changes in structure do not produce significant alterations in the relative permittivity (ɛr∼ 35), they do have a significant effect on the value of the temperature coefficient of the capacitance.  相似文献   

CaRAlO4 (R = Nd, Sm, Y) ceramics with a K2NiF4 structure were prepared by a solid-state reaction approach, and their microwave dielectric characteristics were evaluated, along with their microstructures. Dense CaNdAlO4, CaSmAlO4, and CaYAlO4 ceramics were obtained by sintering at 1425°–1500°C in air for 3 h, and good microwave dielectric characteristics were achieved: (1) ɛ= 18.2, Qf = 17 980 GHz, τf=−52 ppm/°C for CaNdAlO4; (2) ɛ= 18.2, Qf = 51 060 GHz, τf=−3 ppm/°C for CaSmAlO4; and (3) ɛ= 18.9, Qf = 39 960 GHz, τf= 6 ppm/°C for CaYAlO4.  相似文献   

The microwave dielectric properties of CaTi1− x (Al1/2Nb1/2) x O3 solid solutions (0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.7) have been investigated. The sintered samples had perovskite structures similar to CaTiO3. The substitution of Ti4+ by Al3+/Nb5+ improved the quality factor Q of the sintered specimens. A small addition of Li3NbO4 (about 1 wt%) was found to be very effective for lowering sintering temperature of ceramics from 1450–1500° to 1300°C. The composition with x = 0.5 sintered at 1300°C for 5 h revealed excellent dielectric properties, namely, a dielectric constant (ɛr) of 48, a Q × f value of 32 100 GHz, and a temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency (τf) of −2 ppm/K. Li3NbO4 as a sintering additive had no harmful influence on τf of ceramics.  相似文献   

Samples of 1/6Ba5Nb4O15·5/6BaNb2O6 along with the pure end members, Ba5Nb4O15 and BaNb2O6, were sintered under low oxygen partial pressure. The degradation mechanisms of dielectric loss in this reducing atmosphere have been studied. We found that the degradation occurred primarily due to the formation of oxygen vacancies caused by the reduction of Nb5+. This was determined by measuring the electrical conductivity, and through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. More importantly, the dielectric loss of 1/6Ba5Nb4O15·5/6BaNb2O6 samples with higher temperature stability was further decreased on sintering in a reducing atmosphere. This observation has been explained by considering the increased porosity and formation of a reduced second phase, Ba0.65NbO3.  相似文献   

The BiVO4 additive was found effective for low-temperature firing of ZnNb2O6 polycrystalline ceramics below 950°C in air without a serious degradation in their microwave dielectric properties. Dense BiVO4-doped ZnNb2O6 samples of a relative sintered density over 95% could be prepared even at 925°C. An optimally processed specimen exhibited excellent microwave dielectric properties of Q · f = 55000 GHz, ɛr= 26, and τf=−57 ppm/°C. With increasing BiVO4 addition up to 20 mol% relative to ZnNb2O6, while the quality factor Q · f was gradually decreased, the relative dielectric constant, ɛr, was linearly increased and the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency, τf, was slightly increased. The variations in Q · f and ɛr are surely attributable to the residual BiVO4 in the ZnNb2O6 matrix. An unexpected slight increase in τf is probably due to the formation of the Bi(V,Nb)O4-type solid solution.  相似文献   

The effect of the Ba/Ti ratio on microstructure, dielectric/ferroelectric properties, and domain width was studied using optical microscopy, ɛ( T ) curves, D – E hysteresis, and transmission electron microscopy. Although Ti-excess samples showed abnormal grain growth and a decrease of room-temperature permittivity due to a liquid phase at grain boundaries, its ferroelectric properties were similar to those of stoichiometric BaTiO3 ceramics. However, in Ba-excess samples, an increase of permittivity and ferroelectric properties different from those of stoichiometry were found. Changes in domain width and ferroelectric transition behavior indicated that the variation of dielectric properties was related to the internal stress. It is proposed that this internal stress originated from differences in the thermal expansion coefficient between the matrix and the second phase.  相似文献   

Dielectric ceramics in the system (Zn1− x Co x )TiO3 ( x = 0–1) were synthesized by the solid-state reaction route. The phase distribution, microstructure, and dielectric properties were characterized by using powder X-ray diffraction analysis, electron microscopy, and microwave measurement techniques. Three phase composition regions were identified in the specimens sintered at 1150°C; [spinel + rutile] at 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5, [spinel + ilmenite + rutile] at 0.5 < x ≤ 0.7, and [ilmenite] phase at 0.7 < x ≤ 1. For the 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 region, the amount of Ti-rich precipitates incorporated into the spinel phase decreased with the Co content at 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5, with a concomitant increase of the rutile phase. The ilmenite phase appeared for high Co content. The microwave dielectric properties depended on the phase composition and volume according to the three phase regions, where the relative amount of rutile to the spinel or ilmenite determined the dielectric properties. The dielectric constant as a function of Co addition was modeled with a Maxwell mixing rule. An optimum phase distribution was determined in this system with dielectric constant of 25, a Q * f 70 000 GHz, and a low temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency.  相似文献   

The effect of ZrO2 on crystallographic order, microstructure, and microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 (BZT) ceramics was investigated. A small amount of ZrO2 disturbed the 1:2 cation ordering. The average grain size of the BZT significantly increased with the addition of ZrO2, which was attributed to liquid-phase formation. The relative density increased with the addition of a small amount of ZrO2, but it decreased when the ZrO2 content was increased. Variation of the dielectric constant with ZrO2 addition ranged between 27 and 30, and the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency increased abruptly as the ZrO2 amount exceeded 2.0 mol%. The Q value of the BZT significantly improved with the addition of ZrO2, which could be explained by the increased relative density and grain size. The maximum Q × f value achieved in this investigation was ∼164 000 GHz for the BZT with 2.0 mol% ZrO2 sintered at 1550°C for 10 h.  相似文献   

Effect of geometrical shape and induced thermal strain on the microwave dielectric properties of the layered structure ceramics of Mg0.93Ca0.07TiO3 with (Ca0.3Li0.14Sm0.42)TiO3 was investigated as a function of the number of dielectric layers. The dielectric constant and the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (TCF) were not changed significantly with the number of dielectric layers but only depended on the net compositional ratio. However, the dielectric loss quality was affected by the number of interfaces between dielectric layers, which had a partial composition inhomogeneity due to the diffusion of Mg2+ and Ti4+ ions. The dielectric loss quality also decreased with an increase of thermal strain induced to each dielectric layer.  相似文献   

The sintering behavior and dielectric properties of perovskite Ag(Nb1− x Ta x )O3 (0 < x < 1) solid solutions and two-phase composite assemblages were explored. A small amount of CuO (1 wt%) was used for liquid-phase sintering and led to high densification at temperatures <950°C. The temperature coefficient of capacitance, TCC, was adjusted by varying the Nb:Ta ratio within the solid-solution series and by creating composite microstructures. Two-phase assemblages consisting of Ag(Nb3/4Ta1/4)O3 and Ag(Nb1/4Ta3/4)O3 were synthesized to achieve a temperature-stable dielectric material for high-frequency applications. The composite dielectric with CuO addition had an average dielectric constant of 390 and a Q × f factor of 410 GHz at 2 GHz, with a stable TCC (0 to −180 ppm/°C) in the temperature range from −20° to +60°C. In addition, process compatibility with a silver conductor was confirmed by high-frequency ring-resonator measurements and microstructural characterization. The Ag(Nb1− x Ta x )O3 solid solutions and composites are promising candidates as embedded capacitors for radio-frequency/microwave applications.  相似文献   

Microwave Dielectric Properties of Doped BaTi4O9   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polycrystalline BaTi4O9 doped with Mn, Sn, Zr, Ca, Sr, and Pb was prepared from carbonates and oxides. Single-phase ceramics with densities exceeding 97% of theoretical were made with up to 3 mol% Mn; 6 mol% Sn, Zr, and Ca; and 8 mol% Sr and Pb. Dielectric constant, k , quality factor, Q , and temperature coefficient of frequency, τ f , of ∼37, 5675, and 15 ppm/°C, respectively, were determined at 4 GHz for undoped BaTi4O9. Doping did not significantly affect k and τ f . However, doping with Mn, Sn, and Pb lowered Q , whereas doping with Zr, Ca, and Sr increased Q by up to 2000. Additions of 0.5 mol% MnO2 as a second phase improved Q from 3675 to 7600.  相似文献   

A particulate coating process incorporating small amounts of several additives such as titanium, zinc, barium, strontium and iron was used to modify the composition and resultant dielectric and electromechanical properties of a commercially available 0.96(0.91Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3·0.09PbTiO3)·0.04BaTiO3. This method led to intimate mixing of the additives at the nanoscale without an additional ball-mixing process. Low- and high-field characteristics including dielectric properties, induced strain and polarization, and associated hystereses were evaluated for the samples sintered at 1200°C for 4 h. All properties were found to depend on the chemical additives and temperature. Specifically, the addition of small quantities of titanium and barium tended to increase strain and Q eff while maintaining a low dielectric constant which is a promising result for room temperature transducer applications. The addition of titanium with zinc or iron raised dielectric constant, strain, and polarization with significant increases in the temperature of maximum permittivity. On the other hand, the electromechanical properties of the samples containing barium or zinc with titanium did not exhibit a transition to piezoelectric behavior at the temperature expected from the dielectric measurements.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of (1− x )Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3· x PbTiO3 solid solutions were investigated from 102 to 106 Hz in the temperature range 150–600 K. The phase transition of Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3 (PFW) was shifted by PbTiO3 (PT) additions to higher temperatures at a rate of 6.3 K/mol% of PT. The temperature dependence of dielectric permittivity showed a sharper transition as the PT content increased. Dielectric measurements in a wide temperature range showed the presence of a second set of dielectric peaks at higher temperatures (350–600 K), besides the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition. This second set of peaks vanished when the samples were annealed in nitrogen. The activation energy values for the second relaxation varied between 0.50 and 0.63 eV, in agreement with the conduction activation energy determined for each sample. This relaxation is apparently related to electron holes.  相似文献   

Ba2Bi4Ti5O18 single crystals were grown, and their dielectric permittivity, conductivity, and ferroelectricity were investigated along the a -(or b -)axis and the c -axis separately. The dielectric permittivity at 1 MHz along the a -(or b -)axis was 2000 at the Curie temperature (360°C); this value was 8 times greater than that along the c -axis. The dc conductivity was greater along the a -(or b -)axis than that along the c -axis, by one order of magnitude. In regard to the ferroelectricity, the saturated remanent polarization was 120 mC/m2 and the saturated coercive field was 3 MV/m along the a -(or b -)axis; values of 8.5 mC/m2 and 0.81 MV/m, respectively, were observed along the c -axis. The Ba2Bi4Ti5O18 single crystals had large electrical anisotropies, which were due to the layered structure.  相似文献   

The effect of B2O3 on the sintering temperature and microwave dielectric properties of Ba5Nb4O15 has been investigated using X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and a network analyzer. Interactions between Ba5Nb4O15 and B2O3 led to formation of second phases, BaNb2O6 and BaB2O4. The addition of B2O3 to Ba5Nb4O15 resulted in lowering the sintering temperature from 1400° to 925°C. Low-fired Ba5Nb4O15 could be interpreted by measuring changes in the quality factor ( Q × f ), the relative dielectric constant (ɛr), and the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) as a function of B2O3 additions. More importantly, the formation of BaNb2O6 provided temperature compensation. The microwave dielectric properties of low-fired Ba5Nb4O15 had good dielectric properties: Q × f = 18700 GHz, ɛr= 39, and τf= 0 ppm/°C.  相似文献   

The structure and dielectric properties of (1− x )Pb(Sc2/3W1/3)O3–( x )Pb(Zr/Ti)O3 ceramics have been investigated over a full substitution range. All compositions with x < 0.5 adopt a cubic perovskite structure; however, for x ≤ 0.25 a doubled cell results from a 1:1 ordered distribution of the B-site cations. The structural order in Pb(Sc2/3W1/3)O3 (PSW) can be described by a random-site model with one cation site occupied by Sc3+ and the other by a random distribution of (Sc1/33+W2/36+). The ordering is destabilized in solid solutions of PSW with PbZrO3 (PSW–PZ), but stabilized by PbTiO3 in the (1− x )PSW–( x )PT system. The changes in order are accompanied by alterations in the dielectric response of the two systems. For PSW–PZ the temperature of the permittivity maximum ( T ɛ,max) increases linearly with x ; however, for PSW–PT T ɛ,max decreases in the ordered region (up to x = 0.25) and then increases rapidly as the order is lost. Similar effects were produced by modifying the degree of order of (0.75)PSW–(0.25)PT; when the order parameter was reduced from ∼1.0 to ∼0.65, T ɛ,max increased by more than 60°C.  相似文献   

The influence of mechanical stress and chemical homogeneity on the permittivity of BaTi0.9Zr0.1O3 ceramics prepared from mixed-oxide and hydrothermal powders was studied. To reduce stress, liquid-phase sintering was applied in conjunction with a low heating rate to stimulate the formation of large grains. The influence of chemical homogeneity was studied by variations in sintering temperatures and times. For both types of ceramics, the dielectric constant at the Curie temperature was influenced by both factors, but to a different extent. In the mixed oxide ceramic, chemical homogeneity played a more prominent role, while internal stress appeared to exert a larger influence in the hydrothermal ceramics. The dielectric constant at the Curie temperature could be increased by 5%–10% by an annealing treatment at 200°C, followed by slow cooling.  相似文献   

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