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Matching deformable objects using their shapes are an important problem in computer vision since shape is perhaps the most distinguishable characteristic of an object. The problem is difficult due to many factors such as intra-class variations, local deformations, articulations, viewpoint changes and missed and extraneous contour portions due to errors in shape extraction. While small local deformations have been handled in the literature by allowing some leeway in the matching of individual contour points via methods such as Chamfer distance and Hausdorff distance, handling more severe deformations and articulations has been done by applying local geometric corrections such as similarity or affine. However, determining which portions of the shape should be used for the geometric corrections is very hard, although some methods have been tried. In this paper, we address this problem by an efficient search for the group of contour segments to be clustered together for a geometric correction using dynamic programming by essentially searching for the segmentations of two shapes that lead to the best matching between them. At the same time, we allow portions of the contours to remain unmatched to handle missing and extraneous contour portions. Experiments indicate that our method outperforms other algorithms, especially when the shapes to be matched are more complex.  相似文献   

在复杂背景下,传统轮廓跟踪方法会发生漂移,甚至丢失目标。针对上述问题,提出一种基于局部模型匹配(LMM)的目标轮廓跟踪算法。利用超像素技术结合EMD相似性度量构建局部特征模型,从而进行局部模型匹配。结合粒子滤波的Snake模型作提取目标轮廓,实现目标轮廓精确跟踪。实验结果表明,该算法在目标形变、部分遮挡、复杂背景等条件下均具有较高的跟踪成功率。与多种目标轮廓跟踪算法进行对比,该算法具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

An algorithm is presented to recognize and locate partially distorted 2D shapes without regard to their orientation, location, and size. The algorithm first calculates the curvature function from the digitized image of an object. The points of local maxima and minima extracted from the smooth curvature are used as control points to segment the boundary and to guide the boundary-matching procedure. The boundary-matching procedure considers two shapes at a time, one shape from the template databank, and the other from the object being classified. The procedure tries to match the control points in the unknown shape to those of a shape from the template databank, and estimates the translation, rotation, and scaling factors to be used to normalize the boundary of the unknown shape. The chamfer 3/4 distance transformation and a partial distance measurement scheme constitute the final step in measuring the similarity between the two shapes. The unknown shape is assigned to the class corresponding to the minimum distance. The algorithm has been successfully tested on partial shapes using two sets of data, one with sharp corners and the other with curve segments. This algorithm not only is computationally simple, but also works reasonably well in the presence of a moderate amount of noise  相似文献   

Ji  Naye  Zhang  Fan  Zhang  Haoxiang  Zhao  Youbing  Yu  Dingguo 《Virtual Reality》2023,27(2):887-901
Virtual Reality - Mixed reality applications often require virtual objects that are partly occluded by real objects. However, previous research and commercial products have limitations in terms of...  相似文献   

目的 在复杂背景下,传统轮廓跟踪方法只考虑了目标的整体特征或显著性特征,没有充分利用目标的局部特征信息,尤其是目标发生遮挡时,容易发生跟踪漂移,甚至丢失目标.针对上述问题,提出一种基于局部模型匹配的几何活动轮廓(LM-GAC)跟踪算法.方法 首先,利用超像素技术将图像中的颜色特征相似的像素点归为一类,形成由一些像素点组成的超像素,从而把目标分割成若干个超像素块,再结合EMD(earth mover's distance)相似性度量构建局部特征模型.然后,进行局部模型匹配,引入噪声模型来估算局部模型参数θ,这样可以增强特征模型的自适应性,提高局部模型匹配的准确性.最后,结合粒子滤波的水平集分割方法提取目标轮廓,实现目标轮廓精确跟踪.结果 本文算法与多种目标轮廓跟踪算法进行对比,在部分遮挡、目标形变、光照变化、复杂背景等条件的基准图像序列均具有较高的跟踪成功率,平均成功率为79.6%.结论 实验结果表明,根据不同的图像序列,可以自适应地实时改变噪声模型参数和粒子的权重,使得本文算法具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性.特别是在复杂的背景下,算法能较准确地进行目标轮廓跟踪.  相似文献   

In this paper, an elastic graph dynamic link model (EGDLM) based on elastic contour matching is proposed to automate the Dvorak technique for tropical cyclone (TC) pattern interpretation from satellite images. This method integrates traditional dynamic link architecture (DLA) for neural dynamics and the active contour model (ACM) for contour extraction of TC patterns. Using satellite pictures provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 120 tropical cyclone cases that appeared in the period from 1990 to 1998 were extracted for the study. An overall correct rate for TC classification was found to be above 95%. For hurricanes with distinct "eye" formation, the model reported a deviation within 3 km from the "actual eye" location, which was obtained from the aircraft measurement of minimum surface pressure by reconnaissance. Compared with the classical DLA model, the proposed model has simplified the feature representation, the network initialization, and the training process. This leads to a tremendous improvement of recognition performance by more than 1000 times.  相似文献   

基于B-样条轮廓方向变化率多尺度表示的角点检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于B-样条尺度空间定义了轮廓方向变化率的多尺度表示,并利用多尺度轮廓方向变化率及其乘积提出了的新的角点检测算法。该算法直接把多尺度轮廓方向变化率乘积的局部极值点定义为角点,这是由于多尺度乘积不但融入了多个尺度下轮廓方向变化率的特征信息,而且能极大地增强角点的变化率,抑制受边界和量化噪声影响的边界点的轮廓方向变化率。这样,算法仅通过一个全局阈值就能获得很好的检测效果,而且真正地实现了候选角点多尺度检测。最后,定性分析了角点检测的定位性能,并通过对比实验验证了所提出的算法具有很好的检测性能。  相似文献   

The matching of particular types of CAD models to existing physical models can provide invaluable support to the process of CAD design and reuse. To meet the demand for fast and robust algorithms to detect predefined models in database, an local invariant model matching approach is proposed in this paper. It first maps the 3D CAD model to 2D principal image plane by its first two principal components, and then finds affine invariant key points in the 2D image. The CAD model matching problem is implemented as key points matching. Experimental results show the proposed 3D model retrieval method performs fairly well in retrieving similar models from a database of 3D CAD models.  相似文献   

基于仿射不变闭合区域和SURF的图像匹配算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对现有基于自然特征的增强现实系统中图像匹配准确度低、计算量大和鲁棒性差的问题, 提出了一种基于仿射不变闭合区域和SURF(speeded-up robust features)的图像匹配方法。对输入的图像首先利用灰度直方图均衡进行图像增强得到二值化的图像, 提取图像中的闭合区域作为图像的仿射不变区域, 然后运用SURF检测算法提取闭合区域的图像特征描述, 最后使用SURF双向匹配算法实现图像的匹配。实验结果表明, 图像匹配的准确度有很大程度的提升, 同时计算耗时更少; 提出的方法能够满足增强现实系统的要求。  相似文献   

细胞轮廓的几何形状是细胞学涂片判读的重要参考,对研究宫颈病变的计算机辅助诊断具有重要意义。针对现有基于形状模板匹配的几何形状识别方法鲁棒性较差的问题,提出了基于曲率匹配的几何形状特征提取方法,通过比较模板轮廓和待识别轮廓的曲率,计算曲率曲线之间的相似度,进而得到细胞轮廓的形状特征,并采用依次旋转轮廓选取最佳匹配的方法来解决轮廓方向不一致的问题,采用以面积等效圆的半径比作为放大比率进行轮廓缩放的方法来解决轮廓大小不一致的问题。通过相关实验证明了该方法所提取的几何形状特征具有尺度不变性和旋转不变性,并与改进Hausdorff距离进行了实验对比,结果表明提取的形状特征能更加准确地识别出细胞轮廓的几何形状。  相似文献   

接触角是研究表面浸润性的一个重要参数,传统的液滴接触角测量采用ADSA(axisymmetric drop-shape analysis)技术,假定液滴完全对称,然后利用边侦测技术提取液滴的边线。显然,由于表面性质的多样性,液滴完全对称的假定是不合理的。本文利用图像识别中通常采用的Snake法测量液滴接触角,可以同时测量前进与后退角。为了减少控制点的个数、提高控制点的灵活性以及减小运算量,文章引入3次B样条作为Snake的轮廓线。为了准确得到接触点,将轮廓线作了对称处理。  相似文献   

Two similarity measures between strings are proposed. This correspondence also describes an experiment performed to illustrate the inadequacy of a commonly used measure.  相似文献   

2D electrophoresis is a well-known method for protein separation which is extremely useful in the field of proteomics. Each spot in the image represents a protein accumulation and the goal is to perform a differential analysis between pairs of images to study changes in protein content. It is thus necessary to register two images by finding spot correspondences. Although it may seem a simple task, generally, the manual processing of this kind of images is very cumbersome, especially when strong variations between corresponding sets of spots are expected (e.g. strong non-linear deformations and outliers). In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a new quadratic assignment formulation together with a correspondence estimation algorithm based on graph matching which takes into account the structural information between the detected spots. Each image is represented by a graph and the task is to find a maximum common subgraph. Successful experimental results using real data are presented, including an extensive comparative performance evaluation with ground-truth data.  相似文献   

目的 针对仿射变换下形状匹配中存在的描述子对形状的描述能力不足,以及描述子计算耗时大的问题,改进基于所有图像点投影的方法,提出一种利用轮廓计算投影面积的仿射形状匹配算法。方法 该算法分为粗匹配和精匹配两个阶段。粗匹配阶段以CSS角点作为备选特征点,首先统计轮廓投影面积分布作为特征点描述子;然后利用动态规划蚁群算法匹配两幅图片公共特征点序列,并将匹配好的特征点序列记为对应的新特征点;最后采用该新特征点划分目标曲线,得到对应的轮廓曲线;这一阶段的目的是对形状的筛选以及寻找一致的轮廓特征点,同时完成轮廓曲线的划分。精匹配阶段,采用小波仿射不变描述子,对粗匹配阶段匹配代价最小的5%的目标进行对应曲线匹配,得到精匹配阶段的匹配代价,从而实现对仿射目标的识别;精匹配弥补了描述子对轮廓细节描述不足的问题。结果 算法的平均检索速度比传统基于形状投影分布描述子提高44.3%,在MPEG-7图像库上的检索效果为98.65%,在MPEG-7仿射图像库上的查准率与查全率综合评价指标比传统的基于形状投影分布描述子高3.1%,比形状上下文高25%。结论 本文算法匹配效果好,效率高,抗噪性强,解决了仿射描述子计算速度慢、描述能力不足的问题,能有效地应用于仿射形状匹配与检索领域。  相似文献   

An active contour model is proposed for object tracking using prior information. Conventional algorithms have many problems when applied in object tracking. The proposed active contour algorithm, a model using an edge of an adapted color feature, not only modifies the internal energy function of the conventional algorithm to extend the search range and reduce the computational burden, but also modifies the external energy function to reduce the edge candidates of the object. The algorithm searches normally and uses dynamic programming to solve the energy minimization problem. The main drawbacks of a conventional snake algorithm, i.e., shrinking, a limited search range, sensitivity to outliers, are improved with the proposed algorithm. We illustrate the effectiveness of our scheme using some tracking examples. This work was presented, in part, at the Seventh International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 16–18, 2002  相似文献   


Lip-reading is one of important approaches for human–computer interaction (HCI). Its development would have a large range of applications, especially in augmented reality. Lip segmentation is the first and foremost step in the lip-reading system. Conventional method of region-based active contour model adopts the global information of image and is unable to perform well. In this paper, from a localized perspective, we introduce the methodology of localized active contour model (LACM) and, meanwhile, propose the method that using LACM to perform the lip segmentation with the initial contour automatically generated. The scope for active contour model is reduced to the local region that reduces the disturbances of unrelated factors. The experimental results demonstrate the method adopts this model would dramatically improve the robustness for lip segmentation. On this basis, we analyze the influence of initial contours and local radiuses, study the efficiencies under different initial contours and compare it with the conventional active contour model which adopts the global information.


边缘停止函数在边缘活动轮廓模型中是十分重要的,它通常是由图像的整数阶梯度定义的。这种整数阶边缘停止函数有两个缺点:一是对噪声敏感,不能较好地分割噪声图像;二是在分割弱边缘图像时容易产生边缘泄漏。针对这个问题,提出一个基于分数阶微分的边缘停止函数。实验表明,使用新的边缘停止函数的活动轮廓模型对噪声图像和弱边缘图像具有较好的分割效果。  相似文献   

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