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(+)-5-Methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine maleate, (MK-801) a potent noncompetitive antagonist of central NMDA receptors, has been hypothesized to have rewarding properties indicative of abuse potential. To test this hypothesis, the effects of MK-801 on the acquisition of a conditioned place preference and on locomotor activity were assessed and compared with d-amphetamine. Both MK-801 (0.03 and 0.1 mg/kg, SC) and d-amphetamine (1.0 mg/kg, SC) administration resulted in the acquisition of a conditioned place preference. However, while both amphetamine and the higher dose of MK-801 produced a behavioral activation during the training period the lower dose of MK-801 did not. These results suggest that MK-801, at doses that produce behavioral activation and below, is rewarding and therefore may have abuse potential.  相似文献   

Effects of MK-801, an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist, on short-interval timing were examined using the peak-interval (PI) and PI-gap procedures. Fisher 344 rats were given daily injections of 0.025 mg/kg, 0.05 mg/kg, and 0.2 mg/kg MK-801. The main results were (a) 0.2 mg/kg MK-801 produced an immediate overestimation of the criterion time; (b) MK-801 increased peak rate of responding; (c) 0.2 mg/kg MK-801 produced an increase in variability; (d) during the PI-gap procedure, a reset pattern was observed for all rats (MK-801 and saline). Results suggest that MK-801 has at least 2 effects. First, MK-801 interferes with short-interval timing by producing an overestimation of time and a nonscalar increase in variability. Second, MK-801 increases response rate, suggesting a decrease in response inhibition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 produces different effects on timing tasks. In particular, MK-801 produces an underestimation of duration when animals are tested with the differential reinforcement of low rate of responding (DRL) schedule and an overestimation of duration when animals are tested with the peak-interval (PI) procedure. The goal of this study was to develop a model-based explanation for this discrepancy. Two computer simulations were conducted via an implementation of scalar expectancy theory (SET). In Simulation 1, SET was used to provide a quantitative account of PI timing data. Simulation 2 used parameter estimates from Simulation 1 to predict effects of MK-801 on the DRL task. DRL predictions provided a close match to previous empirical data. Results of the simulations suggest that differences in the literature are likely due to inherent differences between PI and DRL tasks, rather than fundamental differences in timing. Overall, the role of NMDA receptors in timing appears to be multifaceted, impacting perception, memory, and decision processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

These experiments observed the immediate and long-term effects of neonatal treatment with MK-801 on patterned single alternation (PSA), a form of nonspatial, memory-based learning. Rat pups were injected daily on postnatal days (PND) 7-19, with MK-801 (MK+) or the less active isomer of MK-801 (MK-) (0.25 mg/kg), and trained at either PND 22 or 60. Rats treated with MK+ or MK- and trained on PND 22 were significantly impaired in PSA when compared with the saline control. Beyond the learning impairment, MK+ rats showed an overall decreased running speed during training. They also presented an array of abnormal behaviors and significant weight loss. These nonassociative variables were determined for several doses (0.025, 0. 05, 0.1, 0.15, and 0.20 mg/kg) through PND days 22-25. Rats that received the threshold dose for secondary effects (0.025 mg/kg) also showed an overall decrease in running speed, but failed to show a significant nonspatial learning impairment on PSA. The PSA learning impairment was found to be not long lasting; rats trained at PND 60, after neonatally receiving the original high dose of MK-801, did not differ from controls.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the safety of intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) procedures by using bovine zygotes. Bovine zygotes were injected with a small amount (2-3 pl) of either medium alone or medium containing polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (sham-ICSI, without spermatozoon) using the same procedure as ICSI, and the subsequent in-vitro embryonic development and embryo quality (number of cells/blastocyst) were examined. Control zygotes which had not been injected were similarly evaluated after in-vitro development. The sham-ICSI of either medium alone or medium containing PVP into bovine zygotes had no harmful effects on the rate of normal fertilization and on the rate of development to hatched blastocyst stage compared with those of controls (P > 0.05). In addition, no harmful effects were observed in the number of cells per blastocyst (embryo quality). The results suggest, for the first time, that the ICSI procedures currently used for animal and human ICSI are neither detrimental to embryonic development nor detrimental to embryo quality.  相似文献   

The effect of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist (5R, 10S)-(+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclo-hepten-5,10-i mine hydrogen maleate (MK-801) was examined on c-fos-like immunoreactivity (c-fos-LI) in urethane-anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats using a polyclonal antibody. C-fos, an indicator of neuronal activation, was assessed within the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC), area postrema. lateral reticular and solitary tract nuclei 2 h after intracisternal injection of capsaicin. C-fos-positive cells were counted at three representative levels corresponding to obex, -2.05 mm and -6.45 mm in 18 tissue sections (50 microm). A weighted average was obtained reflecting total brainstem expression within lamina I, II of TNC using a recently validated method. Capsaicin (0.1, 1, 5, 10 and 15 nmol) caused a dose-dependent labeling of cells in lamina I, II at obex similar to that previously reported after intracisternal blood or carrageenin administration in rats and guinea pigs. MK-801 (0.3, 1 and 3 mg/kg) administered i.p. 30 min before capsaicin (5 nmol in 100 microl artificial CSF) reduced significantly and dose-dependently (12%, 36% and 47%, respectively) the c-fos-LI cells in TNC at each level from rostral to caudal but not in solitary tract, area postrema and lateral reticular nuclei, and for unexplained reasons, increased c-fos-LI within the inferior olive. These results suggest that NMDA receptors provide a potential therapeutic target for cephalic pain (e.g. migraine) due to trigeminovascular activation from meningeal afferents.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, ingestional aversions were conditioned in 12- and 15-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats by infusing a .5% solution of saccharin into the oral cavity and following this oral infusion by the injection of lithium chloride. At both ages, Ss for which the saccharin exposure was followed by lithium injection within 2–3 min drank less when the saccharin solution was again presented by oral infusion 12 hrs later; such suppressions of intake were not observed in Ss that previously received the saccharin and lithium in an unpaired fashion (Exps I and III). Ingestional aversions were also learned by 12-day-olds when a 30-min interval was introduced between saccharin exposure and lithium toxicosis but not when toxicosis was delayed by 120 min (Exp II). In contrast, 15-day-olds learned aversions with both the 30- and 120-min-delay intervals (Exp III). Despite the absence of long-delay learning in 12-day-olds, ingestional aversions conditioned at 12 days of age were retained for 2 wks (Exp IV). Results provide further evidence of the associative abilities of neonatal rats and illustrate a developmental aspect of long-delay learning. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigations indicate that the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) may be mediated by postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and that the maintenance of LTP may be initiated by nitric oxide (NO), a retrograde messenger carrying signals backward from the postsynaptic to the presynaptic neuron. The present study compared amnestic effects of dizocilpine maleate (MK-801), an NMDA receptor antagonist, and nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester (L-NAME) and N-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG), nitric oxide (NO) inhibitors, in goldfish, using active-avoidance conditioning as the learning paradigm. The results showed that MK-801 and NO inhibitors produced anterograde amnesia at doses that did not impair performance processes necessary for learning to occur. Furthermore, MK-801 did not produce retrograde amnesia, whereas L-NAME did, suggesting that MK-801 impaired learning whereas NO inhibitors impaired memory consolidation and possibly also learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Forty eight primary and 20 secondary chondrosarcomas were treated surgically 1975 through 1991. An evaluation of the data of the Bone Tumor Register of the Semmelweis Medical University proved that the incidence of the malignant transformation and development of secondary chondrosarcomas is 3% and 2.6% among solitary osteochondromas. The authors summarize the clinicopathological characteristics of the malignant transformation. A retrospective evaluation of the histological grade of the malignancy proved that 67% of tumors were classified as grade I; 18% as grade II and 15% as grade III. The survival of the patients was mainly determined by the grade of the malignancy. A 95% 5-years survival was found in the grade I group and a 10% survival only in the grade II and III groups. In the cases of highly malignant chondrosarcomas radical surgical intervention i.e. amputation is recommended, considering the most often extra-compartmental location of the tumors. Low malignant and intra-compartmental highly malignant chondrosarcomas should be treated, however, by limb saving surgery. In the cases of large inresecable but low malignant chondrosarcomas debulking surgery is also acceptable.  相似文献   

The blockade of learning of Pavlovian fear conditioning by the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA)-receptor antagonist MK-801 was examined in 166 goldfish. In previously untrained fish, MK-801 blocked learning of a light-off or a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with an electrical shock unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Pretraining on the light-off CS did not affect the rate of learning of the tone CS but protected the tone learning from disruption by MK-801. Switching from the light-off to the tone CS changed the identity of the CS but not its temporal contiguity with the UCS. Pretraining consisting of pseudoconditioning of the light-off CS did not protect subsequent tone learning from blockade by MK-801. Thus, the NMDA receptor functions are necessary for learning related to the temporal contiguity of the CS and UCS but not to the identity of the CS as a cue to the occurrence of the fearful effects of the UCS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A series of analogues and homologues of spermine were synthesized, and their impact on MK-801 binding to the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor was evaluated. These tetraamines encompass both linear and cyclic compounds. The linear molecules include norspermine, N1, N11-diethylnorspermine, N1,N12-bis(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)spermine, homospermine, and N1,N14-diethylhomospermine. The cyclic tetraamines consist of the piperidine analogues N1,N3-bis(4-piperidinyl)-1,3-diaminopropane, N1,N4-bis(4-piperidinyl)-1,4-diaminobutane, N1,N4-bis(4-piperidinylmethyl)-1,4-diaminobutane, and N1,N4-bis[2-(4-piperidinyl)ethyl]-1,4-diaminobutane and the pyridine analogues N1,N3-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,3-diaminopropane, N1,N4-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,4-diaminobutane, N1,N4-bis(4-pyridylmethyl)-1,4-diaminobutane, and N1,N4-bis[2-(4-pyridyl)-ethyl]-1,4-diaminobutane. This structure-activity set makes it possible to establish the importance of charge, intercharge distance, and terminal nitrogen substitution on polyamine-regulated MK-801 binding in the NMDA channel. Four families of tetraamines are included in this set: norspermines, spermines, homospermines, and tetraazaoctadecanes. Calculations employing a SYBYL modeling program revealed that the distance between terminal nitrogens ranges between 12.62 and 19.61 A. The tetraamines are constructed such that within families cyclics and acyclics have similar lengths but different nitrogen pKa's and thus different protonation, or charge, states at physiological pH. The pKa values for all nitrogens of each molecule and its protonation state at physiological pH are described. The modifications at the terminal nitrogens include introduction of ethyl and beta,beta,beta-trifluoroethyl groups and incorporation into piperidinyl or pyridyl systems. The studies clearly indicate that polyamine length, charge, and terminal nitrogen substitution have a significant effect on how the tetraamine regulates MK-801 binding to the NMDA receptor. Thus a structure-activity basis set on which future design of MK-801 agonists and antagonists can be based is now available.  相似文献   

Aromatic analogs of arcaine were shown to have inhibitory effects on the binding of the channel blocking drug [3H]MK-801 to the NMDA receptor complex. The most potent compound of the series was an N,N'-bis(propyl)guanidinium which inhibited [3H]MK-801 binding with an IC50 of 0.58 microM and an IC50 of 12.17 microM upon addition of 100 microM spermidine. The increase in IC50 upon addition of spermidine suggests competitive antagonism between the inhibitor and spermidine at the arcaine-sensitive polyamine site of the NMDA receptor complex.  相似文献   

In mammals, circadian rhythms generated by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) are daily synchronized by a light-dark cycle. Photic information is transmitted to the SCN mainly through the direct retinohypothalamic tract, the neurotransmitters involved being excitatory amino acids. It is also commonly accepted that photoperiodic information coming from the retina via the SCN is transduced by the pineal into a nocturnal signal, i.e. melatonin production. Light exposure at night induces (1) an inhibition of melatonin synthesis and (2) an expression of c-fos in numerous cells of SCN. To determine the role of the NMDA receptor in these effects, we treated Syrian hamsters with ip injections of MK-801, a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist. Several subpopulations of light-sensitive cells in the SCN are affected by MK-801. According to previous studies, MK-801 inhibits light-induced Fos immunoreactivity mainly in the most ventral part of the SCN. However, we observed that numerous other cells are still activated by light. When light is applied in the middle of the night, MK-801 pretreatment does not reduce Fos-ir in the dorsal SCN. At the beginning of the night, labeled cells in this part of the nucleus appear even more numerous after MK-801. We also found that MK-801 fails to reduce the light-induced inhibition of melatonin synthesis. Moreover, in control animals, which received no light stimulation, ip injection of MK-801 induces by itself a dose-dependent inhibition of melatonin production.  相似文献   

Kittens were given intramuscular injections of the N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA) antagonist MK-801 twice daily (morning and midday) during the peak of the period of susceptibility for ocular dominance changes. They were then exposed to light with one eye closed for 4 h after each injection. The ocular dominance of these kittens was shifted significantly less than that of kittens injected with saline and exposed to light over the same period at the same age. After recording a sample of cells for an ocular dominance histogram, the kittens were injected with the same dose of MK-801 that was used during rearing to observe its effect on the activity of single cells in the visual cortex. In the majority of cells (7/13) there was no significant change in activity. Positive evidence for a reduction in activity was seen in only a minority (3/13) of cells. In a separate series of experiments, dose-response curves were measured for cells in the visual cortex in response to iontophoresis of NMDA or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), and the effect of an injection of MK-801 on these curves was measured. MK-801, at doses similar to those used in the ocular dominance experiments, had a significant effect on the dose-response curves for NMDA, but little effect on the dose-response curves for AMPA, or the visual responses of the cells. We conclude that ocular dominance shifts can be reduced significantly by a treatment that has little effect on the level of activity of cells in the visual cortex but does specifically affect the responses of the cells to NMDA as opposed to the responses to AMPA.  相似文献   

Whereas research into the effects of the gonadal hormones on learning and memory has primarily focused on estrogen in females, recent evidence suggests that testosterone can also modulate learning in males through an interaction with the cholinergic system. In the present study, the interactive effects of testosterone and scopolamine (0.1- 0.32 mg/kg), a muscarinic receptor antagonist, on complex behavioral processes were investigated in male rats trained to respond under a multiple schedule of repeated acquisition and performance. In the acquisition component, subjects acquired a different 3-response sequence each session, whereas in the performance component, they responded on the same 3-response sequence each session. Although gonadectomy did not disrupt responding in either component, gonadectomized rats were less sensitive to the disruptive effects of scopolamine on both response rate and accuracy. In contrast, after receiving exogenous testosterone replacement, these gonadectomized males were more sensitive to the behavioral disruptions produced by scopolamine (i.e., the effects of scopolamine were similar to those obtained in gonadally intact males). These results suggest that testosterone replacement can enhance scopolamine-induced behavioral effects in gonadectomized male rats responding under a multiple schedule of repeated acquisition and performance, a finding that is in contrast to those previously found for certain spatial tasks. Furthermore, the present findings suggest that testosterone may decrease the activity of the cholinergic system during nonspatial tasks and thereby work in concert with the antagonism produced by scopolamine. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is disagreement among researchers concerning whether glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors play a role in constructing spatial representations. Therefore, the authors reexamined the effects of the NMDA antagonist on a spatial discrimination task using rats in a water pool. The authors confirmed that MK-801 impaired acquisition of the spatial discrimination task (Experiment 1). When rats were pretrained before drug treatment, MK-801 induced learning deficits in the novel environment but not in the familiar environment (Experiment 2). Moreover, in a familiar environment, MK-801 did not impair spatial learning, even when the task was completely novel for the rats (Experiment 3). These results suggest that NMDA receptors play an important role in the construction of spatial representations but not in the use of them. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report the effects of the anti-oestrogen tamoxifen on biochemical and haematological parameters. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind comparison of tamoxifen 20 mg per day and placebo, over two years. SETTING: A university hospital. SUBJECTS: Forty-six healthy late-postmenopausal women (mean, SD time since menopause; 11, seven years). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Blood specimens were drawn in the fasting state at baseline, six months and two years for measurement of haemoglobin, haematocrit, erythrocyte mean cell volume, mean erythrocyte haemoglobin, leucocyte count, platelet count, urea, electrolytes, creatinine and albumin. RESULTS: There was a significant decline in the haemoglobin concentration in the tamoxifen group (-4.4, 1.2 g/L; mean, SE) and its levels were lower in this group than in those receiving placebo (P = 0.004). Similarly, haematocrit, erythrocyte count and total leucocyte count were lower in those on placebo (P = 0.002, P = 0.01 and P = 0.01, respectively) and platelet count showed a similar trend (P = 0.08). In the tamoxifen group, the level of serum albumin fell significantly (-2.2, 0.4 g/L) and was lower throughout the study than that in the placebo group (P = 0.006). That of serum urea tended to fall (-0.4, 0.2 mmol L) but the between-groups comparison was not significant (P = 0.18). CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that tamoxifen exerts a haemodilutory effect in normal postmenopausal women. Since a similar effect has been reported in response to postmenopausal oestrogen therapy, it is likely that the observed changes represent another oestrogenic effect of tamoxifen in postmenopausal women. Haemodilution may contribute to the reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease reported in tamoxifen-treated women, and, therefore, its assessment in the new oestrogen agonists/antagonists being developed for cardiovascular disease prevention may be important.  相似文献   

The ion channel of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex is subject to a voltage-dependent regulation by Mg2+ cations. Under physiological conditions, this channel is supposed to be blocked by a high concentration of magnesium in extracellular fluids. A single dose of magnesium organic salts (i.e., aspartate, pyroglutamate, and lactate) given orally to normal mice rapidly increases the plasma Mg2+ level and reveals a significant dose-dependent antagonist effect of magnesium on the latency of NMDA-induced convulsions; this effect is similar to that seen after administration of the dizocilpine (MK-801) channel blocker. An anticonvulsant effect of Mg2+ treatment is also observed with strychnine-induced convulsions but not with bicuculline-, picrotoxin-, or pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions. In the forced swimming test, Mg2+ salts reduce the immobility time in a way similar to imipramine and thus resemble the antidepressant-like activity of MK-801. This activity is masked at high doses of magnesium by a myorelaxant effect that is comparable to MK-801-induced ataxia. Potentiation of yohimbine fatal toxicity is another test commonly used to evaluate putative antidepressant drugs. Administration of Mg2+ salts, like administration of imipramine strongly potentiates yohimbine lethality in contrast to MK-801, which is only poorly active in this test. Neither Mg2+ nor MK-801 treatment can prevent reserpine-induced hypothermia. These data demonstrate that oral administration of magnesium to normal animals can antagonize NMDA-mediated responses and lead to antidepressant-like effects that are comparable to those of MK-801. This important regulatory role of Mg2+ in the central nervous system needs further investigation to evaluate the potential therapeutic advantages of magnesium supplementation in psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that testosterone can modulate learning in males through an interaction with the cholinergic system. However, the mechanism for this interaction between testosterone and the cholinergic system on learning remains uncharacterized and may involve several of testosterone's active metabolites. In the present study, two of the active metabolites of testosterone, 5α-dihydrotestosterone and estradiol, were administered in combination with the muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (0.1-1 mg/kg, i.p.) to adult gonadectomized male rats that were trained to respond under a multiple schedule of repeated acquisition and performance of response sequences. In the acquisition component, subjects acquired a different three-response sequence each session, whereas in the performance component they responded on the same three-response sequence each session. When scopolamine was administered, it produced greater rate-decreasing and error-increasing effects in gonadally intact subjects than in gonadectomized subjects, even though gonadectomy had little or no effect on these measures under control conditions. In gonadectomized rats receiving 5α-dihydrotestosterone replacement, the disruptions produced by scopolamine were also smaller than those produced in gonadally intact subjects. In contrast, gonadectomized rats receiving estradiol replacement were as sensitive, or more sensitive, to scopolamine-induced disruptions of response rate and accuracy than those under the gonadally intact condition. These results suggest that testosterone's interactive effects with the cholinergic system on learning in gonadectomized male rats may not be mediated directly via androgen receptors, but rather by estrogen receptors following the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. The influence of voltage dependent calcium channel blocker (VDCC), nimodipine and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, MK-801 on the brain free arachidonic acid (FAA) level and on the learning ability in hypoxia-exposed rats was examined. 2. Some animals were decapitated after cerebral hypoxia had been obtained and the brain FAA level was determined by gas chromatography. The other animals were trained in a passive avoidance procedure and were exposed to hypoxic conditions immediately after the learning trial response had been acquired. A passive avoidance retention test was performed 24 hours later. 3. Various doses of nimodipine (0.03; 0.1; 0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg) and MK-801 (0.03; 0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg) had been injected 30 minutes before biochemical or behavioral procedures started. 4. It was found that hypoxia strongly increased the brain FAA level and impaired the retention of the passive avoidance response. 5. Pretreatment with 0.3 mg/kg and 1.0 mg/kg of nimodipine prevented the brain FAA accumulation. It has also been shown that all tested doses of nimodipine significantly improved the retention deficit in the animals exposed to hypoxia. 6. Neither the one of tested doses of MK-801 influenced significantly the increase of the brain FAA level and/or passive avoidance behavior in hypoxic animals. 7. These results confirm the hypothesis that the brain FAA accumulation and cognitive impairment, caused by hypoxia, are maybe associated with disturbances in calcium homeostasis and that nimodipine may be useful in ameliorating the hypoxia-induced brain tissue damage. Blocade of NMDA receptor-channel complex by MK-801 was not sufficient to prevent hypoxia-induced neuronal damage.  相似文献   

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