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Keall MD Baker M Howden-Chapman P Cunningham M 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2008,40(3):887-893
Although the home is a major setting for injury morbidity and mortality, there are few proven effective interventions for reducing home injury risk. To inform future research or interventions, this study measures associations between home injury hazards and home injury from a sample of New Zealand households. Logistic regression was used to assess the association between injury hazards identified by a building inspection and injuries requiring medical or associated services that occurred to household members prior to the inspection. There was an estimated increase of 22% in the odds of injury occurrence associated with each additional injury hazard found in the home (with 95% CI: 6–41%). This research suggests that addressing injury hazards in the home may be effective in reducing home injury. There are a number of potentially confounding factors that may affect relationships found between the existence of home hazards and injury occurrence. These need to be taken into account when future evaluations are planned. 相似文献
Stephan K Kelly M McClure R Seubsman SA Yiengprugsawan V Bain C Sleigh A;Thai Cohort Study Team 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2011,(3):1062-1067
A major barrier to addressing the problem of transport injury in low to middle-income countries is the lack of information regarding the incidence of traffic crashes and the demographic, behavioural and socio-economic determinants of crash-related injury. This study aimed to determine the baseline frequency and distribution of transport injury and the prevalence of various road safety behaviours in a newly recruited cohort of Thai adults.Methods
The Thai Health-Risk Transition Study includes an ongoing population-based cohort study of 87,134 adult students residing across Thailand. Baseline survey data from 2005 includes data on self-reported transport injury within the previous 12 months and demographic, behavioural and transportation factors that could be linked to Thailand's transport risks.Results
Overall, 7279 (8.4% or 8354 per 100,000) of respondents reported that their most serious injury in the 12 months prior to recruitment in the cohort was transport-related, with risk being higher for males and those aged 15–19 years. Most transport injuries occurred while using motorcycles. A much higher proportion of males reported driving after three or more glasses of alcohol at least once in the previous year compared to females. The prevalence of motorcycle helmet and seat belt wearing in this sample were higher than previously reported for Thailand.Conclusions
The reported data provide the basis for monitoring changes in traffic crash risks and risk behaviours in a cohort of adults in the context of ongoing implementation of policy and programs that are currently being introduced to address the problem of transport-related injury in Thailand. 相似文献3.
Karkhaneh M Naghavi M Rowe BH Hagel BE Jafari N Saunders LD 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2008,40(1):192-199
Bicyclists are vulnerable road users for severe injury all over the world. The nature and extent of such injuries are less well known in Iran. Using data from a comprehensive survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in 13 health divisions of Iran, in 2003, we examined circumstances around bicyclist injury and death. Trained health workers completed the survey instruments by interviewing patients who stayed more than 24h in hospitals and/or relatives, hospital personnel and by reviewing patient charts. Data were cross-matched with medico-legal documents to prevent missing deaths. The information that was collected from 64 cities/towns' emergency departments (EDs), over the study period, showed that 440 injured cyclists were hospitalized and/or died due to traffic collisions. Most injuries occurred in males (94.8%) and in the young (median age: 14 years with 75% =18 years). Head injury occurred in 14% of all hospitalized and in 90% of fatally injured bicyclists. Striking a moving vehicle increased the odds of death (OR: 32.3; 95% CI 3.5-291.0) as well as the odds of severe injury (OR: 1.9; 95% CI 1.2-3.2) compared with other mechanisms of injury. As a conclusion, bicyclists in Iran, particularly males and young children, are vulnerable to severe injury and death when struck by moving vehicles on highways. 相似文献
Yu-Li Wei Li-Li Chen Tsai-Chung Li Wei-Fen Ma Niang-Huei Peng Li-Chi Huang 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2013
Although accidental injury is the main factor involved in the death of young children in many countries, few studies have focused on parents’ competence with regard to self-efficacy of first aid for their children following injuries occurring at home. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate parental self-sufficiency of first aid for home accidents in children aged 0–4 years. 相似文献
R.G. Poulos J. Hatfield C. Rissel L.K Flack S. Murphy R. Grzebieta A.S. McIntosh 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2015
This paper examines self-reported retrospective data for a 12 month period from 2038 adult cyclists from New South Wales (Australia), and compares cyclists according to whether they self-identify as riding mainly for transport or mainly for recreation. Statistically significant differences were found in the demographic characteristics, cycling patterns, and crash experiences between these two groups of cyclists. Transport cyclists tended to be younger, travel more days per week, and within morning and evening peak hours than recreational cyclists; recreational cyclists were more likely to identify fitness as a purpose for cycling. The proportion of cyclists experiencing a crash or crash-related injury in the previous 12 months was similar for transport and recreational cyclists, but there were differences in crash types and location which likely reflect different cycling environments. Heterogeneity within transport and recreational cyclists was also found, based on self-reported riding intensity. An understanding of the different cycling patterns and experiences of various types of cyclists is useful to inform road safety, transport and health promotion policy. 相似文献
Tanya Kapoor William Altenhof Andrew Howard Jim Rasico Fuchun Zhu 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2008,(6):1880-1892
This research focuses on the injury potential of children seated in forward-facing child safety seats during side impact crashes in a near-side seated position. Side impact dynamic sled tests were conducted by NHTSA at Transportation Research Center Inc. (TRC) using a Hybrid III 3-year-old child dummy seated in a convertible forward/rearward child safety seat. The seat was equipped with a LATCH and a top tether and the dummy was positioned in forward-facing/near-side configuration. The test was completed using an acceleration pulse with a closing speed of 24.1 km/h, in the presence of a rigid wall and absence of a vehicle body. A fully deformable finite element model of a child restraint seat, for side impact crash investigations, has been developed which has also been previously validated for frontal and far side impacts. A numerical model utilizing a Hybrid III 3-year-old dummy, employing a similar set-up as the experimental sled test was generated and simulated using LS DYNA. The numerical model was validated by comparing the head and the chest accelerations, resultant upper and lower neck forces and moments from the experimental and numerical tests. The simulation results were observed to be in good agreement to the experimental observations. A numerical model of the near-side laboratory tests, utilizing a Q3s child dummy, was also created for parametric studies regarding different ISOFIX configurations. Further, numerical simulations were completed for both the dummy models with rectangular and cross-shaped sections of rigid ISOFIX systems. In addition, studies were conducted to confine lateral movement of the dummy's head by adding energy absorbing foam on the side wings in the vicinity of the contact region of the CRS. It was observed that the use of rigid ISOFIX system reduced the lateral displacement of the CRS and different injury parameters. Addition of energy absorbing foam blocks was effective in further reducing the lateral displacement of the dummy's head. The lateral displacement of the head was reduced by 68 mm by using cross-shaped section ISOFIX with energy absorbing foam near the vicinity of the head of the Hybrid III 3-year-old dummy compared to the flexible LATCH configuration without foam. For the Q3s dummy, the lateral displacement of the head was reduced by 48 mm by utilizing a cross-shaped section rigid ISOFIX system with the addition of energy absorbing foam compared to the flexible LATCH configuration. 相似文献
R.G. Poulos J. Hatfield C. Rissel L.K. Flack S. Murphy R. Grzebieta A.S. McIntosh 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2015
This paper examines self-reported prospectively collected data from 2038 adult transport and recreational cyclists from New South Wales (Australia) to determine exposure-based incident crash and injury rates. During 25,971 days of cycling, 198 crashes were reported, comprising approximately equal numbers of falls and collisions. The overall crash rate was 0.290 (95% CI, 0.264–0.319) per 1000 km or 6.06 (95% CI, 5.52–6.65) per 1000 h of travel. The rate of crashes causing any injury (self-treated, or medically attended without overnight hospital stay) was 0.148 (95% CI, 0.133–0.164) per 1000 km or 3.09 (95% CI, 2.79-3.43) per 1000 h of travel. The rate of crashes causing a medically attended injury (without overnight hospital stay) was 0.023 (95% CI, 0.020–0.027) per 1000 km or 0.49 (95% CI, 0.43-0.56) per 1000 h of travel. No injuries requiring an overnight stay in hospital were reported on days meeting the inclusion criteria. After adjustment for exposure in hours, or for the risks associated with different infrastructure utilisation, the rates of crashes and medically attended injuries were found to be greater for females than males, less experienced than more experienced cyclists, and for those who rode mainly for transport rather than mainly for recreation. Comparison of estimated crash and injury rates on different infrastructure types were limited by the small number of events, however findings suggest that the separation of cyclists from motorised traffic is by itself not sufficient to ensure safe cycling. 相似文献
In most countries falls are the most common medically attended childhood injury and the majority of injuries in pre-school children occur at home. Numerous systematic reviews have reviewed evidence of the effectiveness of falls prevention interventions, but this evidence has not been synthesised into an overview, making it difficult for policy makers and practitioners to easily access the evidence. To synthesise all available evidence, we conducted an overview of reviews of home safety interventions targeting childhood falls, extracted data from primary studies included in the reviews and supplemented this with a systematic review of primary studies published subsequent to the reviews. Bibliographic databases, websites, conference proceedings, journals and bibliographies of included studies were searched for systematic reviews of studies with experimental or controlled observational designs. Thirteen reviews were identified containing 24 primary studies. Searches for additional primary studies identified five further studies not included in reviews. Evidence of the effect of interventions on falls or fall injuries was sparse, with only one of three primary studies reporting this outcome finding a reduction in falls. Interventions were effective in promoting the use of safety gates and furniture corner covers. There was some evidence of a reduction in baby walker use. The effect on the use of window safety devices, non-slip bath mats/decals and the reduction of tripping hazards was mixed. There was limited evidence that interventions were effective in improving lighting in corridors, altering furniture layout and restricting access to roofs. Most interventions to prevent childhood falls at home have not been evaluated in terms of their effect on reducing falls. Policy makers and practitioners should promote use of safety gates and furniture covers and restriction of baby walker use. Further research evaluating the effect of interventions to reduce falls and falls-related injuries is urgently required. 相似文献
Michael D. Keall Philippa Howden-Chapman Michael G. Baker Venugopal Kamalesh Malcolm Cunningham Chris Cunningham Jagadish Guria Robert Draper Pounamu Skelton 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2013
Home injuries are a substantial health burden worldwide, with the home setting being at least as important as the road for injury. Focusing on common injury hazards presented by the home environment, we sought to examine the justification for significant expenditure on safety-related repairs to the housing stock. Trained inspectors assessed 961 New Zealand houses for injury hazards. Using administrative data from the Accident Compensation Corporation (the national injury insurance agency), 1328 home injuries were identified amongst the 1612 occupants of these houses over the 2006–2009 period. Telephone interviews gathered data on the location and nature of these injuries, and the attitudes of those injured to potential injury hazards in their homes. Commonly occurring injury hazards that could be repaired at modest cost were identified based on their prevalence estimated by the housing inspection, and their location with respect to the areas of the home where the injuries occurred (identified during the telephone interviews). About 38% of the home injuries studied were potentially related to a structural aspect of the home environment. Common safety hazards included the lack of working smoke detectors (65% of the sample), inadequately fenced driveways (55%), hot water temperatures measured at over 60° (49%) and poorly lit access to the house (34%). A protocol for identifying and repairing important common hazards was designed. The actual safety effects of this protocol are in the process of being examined in a randomised controlled trial. 相似文献
Megan L. Ranney Michael J. Mello Janette B. Baird Peter R. Chai Melissa A. Clark 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2010,42(6):2057-2062
Helmets significantly decrease morbidity and mortality from motorcycle crashes, but many areas of the world lack universal helmet laws. To educate motorcyclists in areas without helmet laws, more knowledge of motorcyclists’ helmet beliefs is needed.A web-based survey was therefore designed to assess motorcyclists’ attitudes, norms and behaviors towards helmets in a U.S. state with a limited helmet law. Of 445 survey respondents, 68.4% of respondents reported always wearing a helmet. The not-always-helmeted riders were more likely than the always-helmeted to be male; to bave less education; and to have a history of previous motorcycle crashes and injuries. Although both groups had taken rider training classes, fewer of the not-always-helmeted had learned how to ride in a class. The strongest correlates of being not-always-helmeted (vs. always-helmeted) were attitudes that helmets were not protective and impaired sight/hearing; and the normative belief that they would only wear helmets if forced by law. Because attitudes are often more easily changed than normative beliefs, education may increase helmet use. However, less than half of riders in this state with a mandatory education program learned how to ride from a rider education course, and 44% of non-helmeted said they would only wear a helmet if forced by law. Legislation may therefore be a more efficient and effective strategy than education to increase helmet use. 相似文献
Home injury is thought to constitute a major health burden in most developed countries. However, efforts to address this burden have been hampered by reluctance from outside agencies to interfere with the home environment of individuals, even if it benefits the occupant's safety. This paper outlines cost–benefit evaluation methods established in the transport safety domain applied to home safety to estimate the social cost of unintentional home injury in New Zealand. Estimates of costs imposed on society by home injury can provide an important motivator for initiating research and programmes to reduce home injury risk. Data sources used included mortality data, hospitalisation data and data on minor injuries that required medical treatment, but not hospital admission. We estimated that unintentional home injuries in New Zealand impose an annual social cost of about $NZ 13 billion (about $US 9 billion), which is about 3.5 times the annual social cost of road injury. These estimates provide a rational evidence base for decisions on housing-focused safety regulation or interventions that always carry some cost, and therefore need to be weighed against the benefits of injuries potentially prevented. 相似文献
Willem Odendaal Ashley van Niekerk Mohamed Seedat 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2009,41(1):183-190
The continued high mortality and morbidity rates for unintentional childhood injuries remain a public health concern. This article reports on the influence of a home visitation programme (HVP) on household hazards associated with unintentional childhood injuries in a South African low-income setting.Methods
A randomised controlled trial (n = 211 households) was conducted in a South African informal settlement. Community members were recruited and trained as paraprofessional visitors. Four intervention visits were conducted over 3 months, focusing on child development, and the prevention of burn, poison, and fall injuries. The HVP, a multi-component intervention, included educational inputs, provision of safety devices, and an implicit enforcement strategy. The intervention effect (IE) was measured with a standardised risk assessment index that compared post-intervention scores for intervention and control households.Results
A significant reduction was observed in the hazards associated with electrical and paraffin appliances, as well as in hazards related to poisoning. Non-significant changes were observed for burn safety household practices and fall injury hazards.Conclusions
This study confirmed that a multi-component HVP effectively reduced household hazards associated with electrical and paraffin appliances and poisoning among children in a low-income South African setting. 相似文献13.
Cyclist activity and injury risk analysis at signalized intersections: A Bayesian modelling approach
This study proposes a two-equation Bayesian modelling approach to simultaneously study cyclist injury occurrence and bicycle activity at signalized intersections as joint outcomes. This approach deals with the potential presence of endogeneity and unobserved heterogeneities and is used to identify factors associated with both cyclist injuries and volumes. Its application to identify high-risk corridors is also illustrated. Montreal, Quebec, Canada is the application environment, using an extensive inventory of a large sample of signalized intersections containing disaggregate motor-vehicle traffic volumes and bicycle flows, geometric design, traffic control and built environment characteristics in the vicinity of the intersections. Cyclist injury data for the period of 2003–2008 is used in this study. Also, manual bicycle counts were standardized using temporal and weather adjustment factors to obtain average annual daily volumes. Results confirm and quantify the effects of both bicycle and motor-vehicle flows on cyclist injury occurrence. Accordingly, more cyclists at an intersection translate into more cyclist injuries but lower injury rates due to the non-linear association between bicycle volume and injury occurrence. Furthermore, the results emphasize the importance of turning motor-vehicle movements. The presence of bus stops and total crosswalk length increase cyclist injury occurrence whereas the presence of a raised median has the opposite effect. Bicycle activity through intersections was found to increase as employment, number of metro stations, land use mix, area of commercial land use type, length of bicycle facilities and the presence of schools within 50–800 m of the intersection increase. Intersections with three approaches are expected to have fewer cyclists than those with four. Using Bayesian analysis, expected injury frequency and injury rates were estimated for each intersection and used to rank corridors. Corridors with high bicycle volumes, located mainly in the central neighbourhoods of Montreal, have lower risk of injury. These results may reflect the “safety in numbers” hypothesis or cyclist preference towards safer intersections and corridors. Despite these corridors having a lower individual risk, they are nevertheless associated with a greater number of injuries. 相似文献
Peng Zhang Chantal Parenteau Lu Wang Sven Holcombe Carla Kohoyda-Inglis June Sullivan Stewart Wang 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2013
This study resulted in a model-averaging methodology that predicts crash injury risk using vehicle, demographic, and morphomic variables and assesses the importance of individual predictors. The effectiveness of this methodology was illustrated through analysis of occupant chest injuries in frontal vehicle crashes. 相似文献
Architectural creations occur throughout the animal kingdom, with invertebrates and vertebrates building structures such as homes to maximize their Darwinian fitness. Animal architects face many trade-offs in building optimally designed structures. But what about animals that do not build, and those that only remodel the original creations of others: do such secondary architects face similar trade-offs? Recent evidence has revealed that hermit crabs—animals well known for opportunistically moving into remnant gastropod shells—can also act as secondary architects, remodelling the shells they inherit from gastropods. Remodelling has only been found among terrestrial hermits (Coenobita spp.), not marine hermits. Here we investigate the potential trade-offs Coenobita compressus faces from remodelling by subjecting its remodelled and unremodelled homes to controlled engineering crush tests, which parallel the homes being crushed by predators. While remodelled homes are significantly more spacious and lightweight than unremodelled homes, we find that the homes attain these beneficial qualities at a cost: a reduced resistance to being crushed. Hermit crabs may therefore only remodel their homes to thresholds set by the bite force of their predators. Our results suggest that, like primary animal architects, which face trade-offs when optimizing architectural designs, secondary animal architects face trade-offs when remodelling such designs. 相似文献
介绍了某复杂环境下大型景观岩石的控爆拆除方案、爆破参数以及安全防护措施,并进行了爆破效果的分析,以期作为今后同类工程的借鉴. 相似文献
模拟了钢芯铝绞线在海洋环境中5年的腐蚀情况,通过腐蚀试验、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、电化学试验(EIS,Tafel)和X射线扫描电镜(SEM)微观形貌对比分析说明,在北方城市工业集中厂区的雨季,即在工业气氛和弱高温高湿双重作用下,所生产的表面带有不均匀性黑斑的钢芯铝绞线与正常条件下生产的钢芯铝绞线,腐蚀后表面元素组成和含量基本相同,且两者电化学性能基本一致,因此可进一步确定,此钢芯铝绞线为"不影响使用、仅影响商业外观"的产品。实验研究结果可作为生产制造与使用部门进行判据的科学依据。 相似文献
Purpose: To evaluate agreement between police and trained investigators regarding seat belt use by crash victims, according to injury severity. Methods: We used data from the National Accident Sampling System Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) for front seat occupants, 16 years and older, in crashes during 1993–2000. Crashworthiness Data System investigators determined belt use from vehicle inspection, interviews, and medical record information; their assessment was considered the gold standard for this analysis. Occupant severity of injury was categorized in five levels from no injuries to death. We estimated the sensitivity, specificity, and area under receiver operating characteristic curves for police reports of belt use. Results: Among 48,858 occupants, sensitivity of a police report that a belt was used was 95.8% overall and varied only modestly by injury severity. Specificity of a police report that a belt was not used was 69.1% overall; it was the lowest among the uninjured (53.2%) and greatest among the dead (90.4%). The area under the curve was 0.82 (95% confidence interval 0.82–0.83) overall; this was lowest among those not injured (0.75, 95% confidence interval 0.74–0.76) and increased with injury severity to 0.91 (95% confidence interval 0.90–0.93) among those who died. Conclusion: Police usually classify belted crash victims as belted, regardless of injury severity. But they often classify unbelted survivors as belted when they were not. This misclassification may result in exaggerated estimates of seat belt effectiveness in some studies. 相似文献
橡胶轴承耦合转子系统动力学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
讨论橡胶轴承支承下大型转子系统的动力学建模和动力学特性。首先采用Kelvin-voigt材料模型和微振动假设,建立橡胶轴承的力学模型,然后根据分析力学方法推导橡胶轴承耦合转子系统的运动微分方程。通过对典型推进轴系的动力学分析表明,在一般情况下系统的低阶模态是以螺旋桨振动为主,螺旋桨的不平衡所引起的稳态响应,即使在转速较低时,螺旋桨轴承的振幅有可能比水润滑橡胶轴承的水膜厚度要大,可能造成橡胶体与轴颈间的“粘着 - 滑动”,进而发生鸣音现象和橡胶体的磨损。 相似文献