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Information on the area and spatial distribution of paddy rice fields is needed for trace gas emission estimates, management of water resources, and food security. Paddy rice fields are characterized by an initial period of flooding and transplanting, during which period open canopy (a mixture of surface water and rice crops) exists. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard the NASA EOS Terra satellite has visible, near infrared and shortwave infrared bands; and therefore, a number of vegetation indices can be calculated, including Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) that is sensitive to leaf water and soil moisture. In this study, we developed a paddy rice mapping algorithm that uses time series of three vegetation indices (LSWI, EVI, and NDVI) derived from MODIS images to identify that initial period of flooding and transplanting in paddy rice fields, based on the sensitivity of LSWI to the increased surface moisture during the period of flooding and rice transplanting. We ran the algorithm to map paddy rice fields in 13 provinces of southern China, using the 8-day composite MODIS Surface Reflectance products (500-m spatial resolution) in 2002. The resultant MODIS-derived paddy rice map was evaluated, using the National Land Cover Dataset (1:100,000 scale) derived from analysis of Landsat ETM+ images in 1999/2000. There were reasonable agreements in area estimates of paddy rice fields between the MODIS-derived map and the Landsat-based dataset at the provincial and county levels. The results of this study indicated that the MODIS-based paddy rice mapping algorithm could potentially be applied at large spatial scales to monitor paddy rice agriculture on a timely and frequent basis.  相似文献   

Leaf phenology of tropical evergreen forests affects carbon and water fluxes. In an earlier study of a seasonally moist evergreen tropical forest site in the Amazon basin, time series data of Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from the VEGETATION and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors showed an unexpected seasonal pattern, with higher EVI in the late dry season than in the wet season. In this study we conducted a regional-scale analysis of tropical evergreen forests in South America, using time series data of EVI from MODIS in 2002. The results show a large dynamic range and spatial variations of annual maximum EVI for evergreen forest canopies in the region. In tropical evergreen forests, maximum EVI in 2002 typically occurs during the late dry season to early wet season. This suggests that leaf phenology in tropical evergreen forests is not determined by the seasonality of precipitation. Instead, leaf phenological process may be driven by availability of solar radiation and/or avoidance of herbivory.  相似文献   

Understory vegetation is an important component in forest ecosystems not only because of its contributions to forest structure, function and species composition, but also due to its essential role in supporting wildlife species and ecosystem services. Therefore, understanding the spatio-temporal dynamics of understory vegetation is essential for management and conservation. Nevertheless, detailed information on the distribution of understory vegetation across large spatial extents is usually unavailable, due to the interference of overstory canopy on the remote detection of understory vegetation. While many efforts have been made to overcome this challenge, mapping understory vegetation across large spatial extents is still limited due to a lack of generality of the developed methods and limited availability of required remotely sensed data. In this study, we used understory bamboo in Wolong Nature Reserve, China as a case study to develop and test an effective and practical remote sensing approach for mapping understory vegetation. Using phenology metrics generated from a time series of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data, we characterized the phenological features of forests with understory bamboo. Using maximum entropy modeling together with these phenology metrics, we successfully mapped the spatial distribution of understory bamboo (kappa: 0.59; AUC: 0.85). In addition, by incorporating elevation information we further mapped the distribution of two individual bamboo species, Bashania faberi and Fargesia robusta (kappa: 0.68 and 0.70; AUC: 0.91 and 0.92, respectively). Due to its generality, flexibility and extensibility, this approach constitutes an improvement to the remote detection of understory vegetation, making it suitable for mapping different understory species in different geographic settings. Both biodiversity conservation and wildlife habitat management may benefit from the detailed information on understory vegetation across large areas through the applications of this approach.  相似文献   

The bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) has been widely studied across different vegetation types. However, these studies generally report values for only one point in time. We were interested in the potential for seasonal and inter-annual variation in BRDF parameters. NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor on board the EOS satellites has now been collecting data for 10 years. Since BRDF parameters are reported for the individual spectral bands, these data can be used to examine intra-annual variation. However, MODIS BRDF parameters are not calculated for the various vegetation indices which are derived from the spectral bands. Our objective in this study was to use the 10 years of MODIS data now available to examine seasonal and inter-annual variation in the view angle sensitivity of three vegetation indices; the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) at 3 flux tower sites (Harvard Forest, Howland Forest and Morgan Monroe State Forest). For these 3 sites, only EVI was significantly affected by view angle. There was also a substantial variation in the view angle sensitivity of EVI across seasons and this variation was different for backscatter vs. forward scatter data. It is possible that differences in the scattering of radiation between the spring and the fall are responsible for the seasonal difference in view angle sensitivity. There were also complimentary variations in forward and backscatter view angle sensitivity of EVI across years. The greater view angle sensitivity of EVI, as opposed to NDVI, suggests that greater care must be taken to correct for BRDF effects when using this vegetation index.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral water retrievals from AVIRIS data, equivalent water thickness (EWT), were compared to in situ leaf water content and LAI measurements at a semiarid site in southeastern Arizona. Retrievals of EWT showed good correlation with field canopy water content measurements. Statistical analysis suggested that EWT was significantly different among seven community types, from savanna to agriculture. Four band-ratio indexes (NDVI, EVI, NDWI, and NDII) were derived from MODIS showing strong spatial agreement between maps of AVIRIS EWT and MODIS indexes, and good statistical agreement for the range of habitats at the site. Temporal patterns of these four indexes in all vegetation communities except creosote bush and agriculture showed distinct seasonal patterns that responded to the timing and amount of precipitation. Moreover, these time series captured different ecological responses among the different vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Studies using satellite sensor-derived data as input to models for CO2 exchange show promising results for closed forest stands. There is a need for extending this approach to other land cover types, in order to carry out large-scale monitoring of CO2 exchange. In this study, three years of eddy covariance data from two peatlands in Sweden were averaged for 16-day composite periods and related to data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and modeled photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Noise in the time series of MODIS 250 m vegetation indices was reduced by using double logistic curve fits. Smoothed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) showed saturation during summertime, and the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) generally gave better results in explaining gross primary productivity (GPP). The strong linear relationships found between GPP and the product of EVI and modeled PPFD (R2 = 0.85 and 0.76) were only slightly stronger than for the product of EVI and MODIS daytime 1 km land surface temperature (LST) (R2 = 0.84 and 0.71). One probable reason for these results is that several controls on GPP were related to both modeled PPFD and daytime LST. Since ecosystem respiration (ER) was largely explained by diurnal LST in exponential relationships (R2 = 0.89 and 0.83), net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was directly related to diurnal LST in combination with the product of EVI and modeled PPFD in multiple exponential regressions (R2 = 0.81 and 0.73). Even though the R2 values were somewhat weaker for NEE, compared to GPP and ER, the RMSE values were much lower than if NEE would have been estimated as the sum of GPP and ER. The overall conclusion of this study is that regression models driven by satellite sensor-derived data and modeled PPFD can be used to estimate CO2 fluxes in peatlands.  相似文献   

Since 2000, the southwestern Brazilian Amazon has undergone a rapid transformation from natural vegetation and pastures to row-crop agricultural with the potential to affect regional biogeochemistry. The goals of this research are to assess wavelet algorithms applied to MODIS time series to determine expansion of row-crops and intensification of the number of crops grown. MODIS provides data from February 2000 to present, a period of agricultural expansion and intensification in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. We have selected a study area near Comodoro, Mato Grosso because of the rapid growth of row-crop agriculture and availability of ground truth data of agricultural land-use history. We used a 90% power wavelet transform to create a wavelet-smoothed time series for five years of MODIS EVI data. From this wavelet-smoothed time series we determine characteristic phenology of single and double crops. We estimate that over 3200 km2 were converted from native vegetation and pasture to row-crop agriculture from 2000 to 2005 in our study area encompassing 40,000 km2. We observe an increase of 2000 km2 of agricultural intensification, where areas of single crops were converted to double crops during the study period.  相似文献   

Conventional measurements of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) are expensive, especially for large river systems. This study aims to examine the potential of estimating SSC of large rivers using high temporal resolution Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. In contrast to a small number of the samples used by previous studies on remote sensing of SSC, a large number of samples (n?=?153) obtained on 63 dates at five sites across the entire Middle and Lower Yangtze River were employed to investigate the relationship between SSC and the water reflectance of MODIS images. The water reflectance difference between Bands 2 and 5 provided a relatively accurate SSC estimate after atmospheric correction, with 25% mean absolute relative error and 29.7% relative root mean square error. The errors were lower for larger SSC values. Thus, there is a potential that the Terra MODIS could be employed to estimate SSC frequently for large turbid river systems.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) and emissivity are key parameters in estimating the land surface radiation budget, a major controlling factor of global climate and environmental change. In this study, Terra Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Aqua MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5 LST and emissivity products are evaluated using long-term ground-based longwave radiation observations collected at six Surface Radiation Budget Network (SURFRAD) sites from 2000 to 2007. LSTs at a spatial resolution of 90 m from 197 ASTER images during 2000-2007 are directly compared to ground observations at the six SURFRAD sites. For nighttime data, ASTER LST has an average bias of 0.1 °C and the average bias is 0.3 °C during daytime. Aqua MODIS LST at 1 km resolution during nighttime retrieved from a split-window algorithm is evaluated from 2002 to 2007. MODIS LST has an average bias of − 0.2 °C. LST heterogeneity (defined as the Standard Deviation, STD, of ASTER LSTs in 1 × 1 km2 region, 11 × 11 pixel in total) and instrument calibration error of pyrgeometer are key factors impacting the ASTER and MODIS LST evaluation using ground-based radiation measurements. The heterogeneity of nighttime ASTER LST is 1.2 °C, which accounts for 71% of the STD of the comparison, while the heterogeneity of the daytime LST is 2.4 °C, which accounts for 60% of the STD. Collection 5 broadband emissivity is 0.01 larger than that of MODIS Collection 4 products and ASTER emissivity. It is essential to filter out the abnormal low values of ASTER daily emissivity data in summer time before its application.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) maps from remote sensing are vital for monitoring, understanding and predicting the effects of complex human-nature interactions that span local, regional and global scales. We present a method to map annual LULC at a regional spatial scale with source data and processing techniques that permit scaling to broader spatial and temporal scales, while maintaining a consistent classification scheme and accuracy. Using the Dry Chaco ecoregion in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay as a test site, we derived a suite of predictor variables from 2001 to 2007 from the MODIS 250 m vegetation index product (MOD13Q1). These variables included: annual statistics of red, near infrared, and enhanced vegetation index (EVI), phenological metrics derived from EVI time series data, and slope and elevation. For reference data, we visually interpreted percent cover of eight classes at locations with high-resolution QuickBird imagery in Google Earth. An adjustable majority cover threshold was used to assign samples to a dominant class. When compared to field data, we found this imagery to have georeferencing error < 5% the length of a MODIS pixel, while most class interpretation error was related to confusion between agriculture and herbaceous vegetation. We used the Random Forests classifier to identify the best sets of predictor variables and percent cover thresholds for discriminating our LULC classes. The best variable set included all predictor variables and a cover threshold of 80%. This optimal Random Forests was used to map LULC for each year between 2001 and 2007, followed by a per-pixel, 3-year temporal filter to remove disallowed LULC transitions. Our sequence of maps had an overall accuracy of 79.3%, producer accuracy from 51.4% (plantation) to 95.8% (woody vegetation), and user accuracy from 58.9% (herbaceous vegetation) to 100.0% (water). We attributed map class confusion to limited spectral information, sub-pixel spectral mixing, georeferencing error and human error in interpreting reference samples. We used our maps to assess woody vegetation change in the Dry Chaco from 2002 to 2006, which was characterized by rapid deforestation related to soybean and planted pasture expansion. This method can be easily applied to other regions or continents to produce spatially and temporally consistent information on annual LULC.  相似文献   

利用藏北高原那曲地区反照率地面观测资料分析了其日内、月均和季节变化特点,在此基础上,与同期的MODIS/Terra反演结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:藏北那曲地区晴天地表反照率日内变化明显,主要表现为早晚高,变幅大,中午低,变幅小的"U"形变化特点。早晨太阳高度角低,反照率高,日内随着太阳高度角的增加反照率逐渐降低,下午14:00~15:00反照率达到日内最小值,之后随着太阳高度角的降低,反照率上升明显。夏季日内最高反照率出现在早晨8:00,其他季节则基本上在下午18:00。太阳高度角同样是影响地表反照率季节性变化的主要原因,两者呈极显著的反相关关系,相关系数为-0.91。冬季平均地表反照率最高,为0.28,其次是春秋两季,均为0.23,夏季最低,为0.19。MODIS/Terra在上午12:00左右过境时反演的地表反照率与地面观测值之间存在很好的一致性,两者平均值都为0.22,相对误差9.60%,绝对误差和均方根误差(RMSE)均为0.02,而在13:00左右过境时,卫星反演值较观测值存在系统性偏小特点,平均偏小14.29%,相对误差为16.45%,绝对误差0.04,均方根误差0.05。此外,MODIS反演的地表反照率比地面观测值日际波动大。若不考虑积雪,冬夏两季地表反照率的空间差异小,而春秋两季空间差异较大,这主要与研究区地面植被类型及其季节性空间分布特征有关。  相似文献   

The overarching goal of this study was to map irrigated areas in the Ganges and Indus river basins using near-continuous time-series (8-day), 500-m resolution, 7-band MODIS land data for 2001-2002. A multitemporal analysis was conducted, based on a mega file of 294 wavebands, made from 42 MODIS images each of 7 bands. Complementary field data were gathered from 196 locations. The study began with the development of two cloud removal algorithms (CRAs) for MODIS 7-band reflectivity data, named: (a) blue-band minimum reflectivity threshold and (b) visible-band minimum reflectivity threshold.A series of innovative methods and approaches were introduced to analyze time-series MODIS data and consisted of: (a) brightness-greenness-wetness (BGW) RED-NIR 2-dimensional feature space (2-d FS) plots for each of the 42 dates, (b) end-member (spectral angle) analysis using RED-NIR single date (RN-SD) plots, (c) combining several RN-SDs in a single plot to develop RED-NIR multidate (RN-MDs) plots in order to help track changes in magnitude and direction of spectral classes in 2-d FS, (d) introduction of a unique concept of space-time spiral curves (ST-SCs) to continuously track class dynamics over time and space and to determine class separability at various time periods within and across seasons, and (e) to establish unique class signatures based on NDVI (CS-NDVI) and/or multiband reflectivity (CS-MBR), for each class, and demonstrate their intra- and inter-seasonal and intra- and inter-year characteristics. The results from these techniques and methods enabled us to gather precise information on onset-peak-senescence-duration of each irrigated and rainfed classes.The resulting 29 land use/land cover (LULC) map consisted of 6 unique irrigated area classes in the total study area of 133,021,156 ha within the Ganges and Indus basins. Of this, the net irrigated area was estimated as 33.08 million hectares—26.6% by canals and 73.4z5 by groundwater. Of the 33.08 Mha, 98.4% of the area was irrigated during khariff (Southwest monsoonal rainy season during June-October), 92.5% irrigated during Rabi (Northeast monsoonal rainy season during November-February), and only 3.5% continuously through the year.Quantitative Fuzzy Classification Accuracy Assessment (QFCAA) showed that the accuracies of the 29 classes varied from 56% to 100%—with 17 classes above 80% accurate and 23 classes above 70% accurate.The MODIS band 5 centered at 1240 nm provided the best separability in mapping irrigated area classes, followed by bands 2 (centered at 859 nm), 7 (2130 nm) and 6 (1640 nm).  相似文献   

Although cities, towns and settlements cover only a tiny fraction (< 1%) of the world's surface, urban areas are the nexus of human activity with more than 50% of the population and 70-90% of economic activity. As such, material and energy consumption, air pollution, and expanding impervious surface are all concentrated in urban areas, with important environmental implications at local, regional and potentially global scales. New ways to measure and monitor the built environment over large areas are thus critical to answering a wide range of environmental research questions related to the role of urbanization in climate, biogeochemistry and hydrological cycles. This paper presents a new dataset depicting global urban land at 500-m spatial resolution based on MODIS data (available at http://sage.wisc.edu/urbanenvironment.html). The methodological approach exploits temporal and spectral information in one year of MODIS observations, classified using a global training database and an ensemble decision-tree classification algorithm. To overcome confusion between urban and built-up lands and other land cover types, a stratification based on climate, vegetation, and urban topology was developed that allowed region-specific processing. Using reference data from a sample of 140 cities stratified by region, population size, and level of economic development, results show a mean overall accuracy of 93% (k = 0.65) at the pixel level and a high level of agreement at the city scale (R2 = 0.90).  相似文献   

This study presents a novel ‘model-data’ approach to detect groundwater-dependent vegetation (GDV), through differences in modelled and observed land surface temperatures (LST) in space and time. Vegetation groundwater use is inferred where modelled LST exceeds observed LST by more than a threshold determined from consideration of systematic and random errors in model and observations. Modelled LST was derived from a surface energy balance model and LST observations were obtained from Terra-MODIS thermal imagery. The model-data approach, applied in the Condamine River Catchment, Queensland, Australia, identified GDV coincident to existing mapping. GDV were found to use groundwater up to 48% of the time and for as many as 56 consecutive days. Under driest of conditions, groundwater was estimated to contribute up to 0.2 mm h−1 to total ET for GDV. The ability to both detect the location and water-use dynamics of GDV is a significant advancement on previous remote-sensing GDV methods.  相似文献   

The MODIS land science team produces a number of standard products, including land cover and leaf area index (LAI). Critical to the success of MODIS and other sensor products is an independent evaluation of product quality. In that context, we describe a study using field data and Landsat ETM+ to map land cover and LAI at four 49-km2 sites in North America containing agricultural cropland (AGRO), prairie grassland (KONZ), boreal needleleaf forest, and temperate mixed forest. The purpose was to: (1) develop accurate maps of land cover, based on the MODIS IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) land cover classification scheme; (2) derive continuous surfaces of LAI that capture the mean and variability of the LAI field measurements; and (3) conduct initial MODIS validation exercises to assess the quality of early (i.e., provisional) MODIS products. ETM+ land cover maps varied in overall accuracy from 81% to 95%. The boreal forest was the most spatially complex, had the greatest number of classes, and the lowest accuracy. The intensive agricultural cropland had the simplest spatial structure, the least number of classes, and the highest overall accuracy. At each site, mapped LAI patterns generally followed patterns of land cover across the site. Predicted versus observed LAI indicated a high degree of correspondence between field-based measures and ETM+ predictions of LAI. Direct comparisons of ETM+ land cover maps with Collection 3 MODIS cover maps revealed several important distinctions and similarities. One obvious difference was associated with image/map resolution. ETM+ captured much of the spatial complexity of land cover at the sites. In contrast, the relatively coarse resolution of MODIS did not allow for that level of spatial detail. Over the extent of all sites, the greatest difference was an overprediction by MODIS of evergreen needleleaf forest cover at the boreal forest site, which consisted largely of open shrubland, woody savanna, and savanna. At the agricultural, temperate mixed forest, and prairie grassland sites, ETM+ and MODIS cover estimates were similar. Collection 3 MODIS-based LAI estimates were considerably higher (up to 4 m2 m−2) than those based on ETM+ LAI at each site. There are numerous probable reasons for this, the most important being the algorithms' sensitivity to MODIS reflectance calibration, its use of a prelaunch AVHRR-based land cover map, and its apparent reliance on mainly red and near-IR reflectance. Samples of Collection 4 LAI products were examined and found to consist of significantly improved LAI predictions for KONZ, and to some extent for AGRO, but not for the other two sites. In this study, we demonstrate that MODIS reflectance data are highly correlated with LAI across three study sites, with relationships increasing in strength from 500 to 1000 m spatial resolution, when shortwave-infrared bands are included.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in numerous environmental studies. Surface heterogeneity induces uncertainty in pixel-wise LST. Spatial scaling may account for the uncertainty, however, different approaches lead to differences in scaled values. Satellite-retrieved LST may be representative of the pixel-wise LST and useful for scaling analysis, but the limited accuracy of retrieved values adds uncertainty into the scaled values. Based on the Stefan-Boltzmann (S-B) law, this study proposed scaling approaches for LST over flat and relief areas to explore the combined uncertainties in scaling using satellite-retrieved data. To take advantage of simultaneous, multi-resolution observations at coincident nadirs by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), LST products from these two sensors were examined for part of the Loess Plateau in China. 90-m ASTER LST data were scaled up to 1 km using the proposed approaches, and variation in the LST was generally reduced after scaling. Amongst the sources of uncertainties, surface heterogeneity (emissivity) and different scaling approaches resulted in very minor differences, with a maximum difference of 0.2 K for the upscaled LST. Terrain features, taken as an areal weighting factor, had negligible effects on the upscaled value. Limited accuracy of the retrieved LST was the major uncertainty. The overall LST increased 0.6 K on average with correction for terrain-induced angular effect and 0.4 K for both angular and adjacency effects over the study area. Accounting for terrain correction in scaling is necessary for rugged areas. With terrain correction, the upscaled ASTER LST achieved an agreement of − 0.1 ± 1.87 K and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.87 K overall with the 1-km MODIS LST rectified by Wan et al.'s approach [Wan, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang Q., Li, Z.-L. (2002b), Validation of the land-surface temperature products retrieved from Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 163-180]. Refining the rectification approach resulted in a better agreement of − 0.2 ± 1.57 K and a RMSE of 1.58 K.  相似文献   

The surface temperature of permafrost soils in remote arctic areas is accessible by satellite land surface temperature (LST) detection. However, the spatial resolution of satellite measurements such as the MODIS LST products is limited and does not detect the heterogeneities of the wet polygonal tundra landscape where surface wetness varies over distances of several meters. This paper examines the spatial and temporal variability of summer surface temperatures of a polygonal tundra site in northern Siberia using a ground based high resolution thermal imaging system. Thermal infrared images were taken of a 1000 m2 polygonal tundra area in 10 min intervals from July to September 2008. Under clear sky conditions, the individual measurements indicate temperature differences of up to 6 K between dry and wet tundra surfaces and which can exceed 12 K when dry tundra and water surfaces are compared. These differences disappear when temperature averages are considered for intervals longer than the diurnal cycle; for weekly averages the spatial temperature variability decreases below 1 K. The exception is the free water surface of a shallow polygonal pond where weekly averaged temperature differences of 2.5 K are sustained compared to the tundra surface.The ground based thermal infrared images are upscaled to MODIS sized pixels and compared to available MODIS LST data for individual measurements and weekly averages. The comparisons show generally good agreement for the individual measurements under clear sky conditions, which exist during 20% of the studied time period. However, several erroneous measurements and large data gaps occur in the MODIS LST data during cloudy conditions, leading to biased weekly temperature averages inferred from the satellite observations. Based on these results the following recommendations are given for future permafrost temperature monitoring based on MODIS LST products: (i) high resolution surface water masks for the quality assessment in landscapes where lakes and ponds are frequent and (ii) reliable cloud cover detection in conjunction with a gap filling procedure for accurate temporal averages.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared images are being acquired by satellites for more than two decades enabling studies of the human-induced Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon. As a result, the requirement of the scientific community for fast and efficient methods for extracting and analyzing the thermal patterns from a vast volume of acquired data has emerged. The present paper proposes an innovative object-based image analysis procedure to extract thermal patterns for the quantitative analysis of satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) maps. The spatial and thermal attributes associated with these objects are then calculated and used for the analyses of the intensity, the position and the spatial extent of UHIs. A case study was conducted in the Greater Athens Area, Greece. More than 3000 LST images of the area acquired by MODIS sensor over a decade were analyzed. Three daytime hot-spots were identified and studied (Megara, Elefsina-Aspropyrgos and Mesogeia). They were all found to exhibit similar behavior, gradually increasing their maximum temperature during the summer season and reaching their maxima in mid-July. The hot-spots' thermal intensities compared to a suburban area were of 9-10 °C and were found to be highly correlated to their areal extent. During the night-time, Athens center developed a typical UHI spatially coinciding with the dense urban fabric. The nighttime maximum LST peaked (on average) at the end of July, two weeks later than the daytime surface patterns. The mean spatial extent of UHI in Athens was 55.2 km2, whilst its mean intensity was 5.6 °C. The proposed automatic extraction process can be customized for other cities and potentially used for comparison of LST patterns and UHI behavior between different cities.  相似文献   

This paper compares the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and percent impervious surface as indicators of surface urban heat island effects in Landsat imagery by investigating the relationships between the land surface temperature (LST), percent impervious surface area (%ISA), and the NDVI. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data were used to estimate the LST from four different seasons for the Twin Cities, Minnesota, metropolitan area. A map of percent impervious surface with a standard error of 7.95% was generated using a normalized spectral mixture analysis of July 2002 Landsat TM imagery. Our analysis indicates there is a strong linear relationship between LST and percent impervious surface for all seasons, whereas the relationship between LST and NDVI is much less strong and varies by season. This result suggests percent impervious surface provides a complementary metric to the traditionally applied NDVI for analyzing LST quantitatively over the seasons for surface urban heat island studies using thermal infrared remote sensing in an urbanized environment.  相似文献   

The eddy covariance technique provides measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, which is widely used to estimate ecosystem respiration and gross primary production (GPP) at a number of CO2 eddy flux tower sites. In this paper, canopy-level maximum light use efficiency, a key parameter in the satellite-based Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), was estimated by using the observed CO2 flux data and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) data from eddy flux tower sites in an alpine swamp ecosystem, an alpine shrub ecosystem and an alpine meadow ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. The VPM model uses two improved vegetation indices (Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land Surface Water Index (LSWI)) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectral radiometer (MODIS) data and climate data at the flux tower sites, and estimated the seasonal dynamics of GPP of the three alpine grassland ecosystems in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The seasonal dynamics of GPP predicted by the VPM model agreed well with estimated GPP from eddy flux towers. These results demonstrated the potential of the satellite-driven VPM model for scaling-up GPP of alpine grassland ecosystems, a key component for the study of the carbon cycle at regional and global scales.  相似文献   

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