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紫外光在各领域应用广泛,制备高性能紫外光电探测器(UVPD)受到研究人员的重视.GaN作为宽禁带半导体材料,具有高电子迁移率、稳定的物理化学性质、高击穿电压、低暗电流和固有可见盲区的特点.GaN基UV PD具有制备工艺简单、体积小无需附加滤光系统、易于与其他材料集成等特点,表现出优异的紫外光探测性能.围绕GaN基UVPD,介绍了 GaN材料在制备工艺上的研究进展;详细论述了常见结构GaN基UV PD最新结构的优化对器件性能的影响;介绍了基于表面声波、表面等离激元和场效应晶体管集成的新型GaN基UV PD;最后,对GaN基UV PD的发展趋势进行了展望. 相似文献
制备了GaN基PIN结构紫外探测器。用能量为2MeV的质子对器件依次进行注量为5×10^14cm^-2和2×10^15cm^-2的辐照。通过测量辐照前后器件的Ⅰ-Ⅴ曲线和光谱响应曲线,讨论了不同注量的质子辐照对GaN基紫外探测器件性能的影响。Ⅰ-Ⅴ特性表明,辐照使器件的反向暗电流增大,正向开启电流减小,并减小了器件的响应率,使峰值响应波长向短波方向稍有移动。为分析器件的辐照失效机理,研究了质子辐照对GaN材料的拉曼散射谱(Raman谱)和光致发光谱(PL谱)的影响。拉曼散射谱表明,A1(LO)模式随辐照注量向低频移动,通过拟合A1(LO)谱形,得到辐照使材料的载流子浓度降低的结果。PL谱表明,辐照使主发光峰和黄光峰强度降低,并出现一些新的发光峰,分析认为这是由于辐照引起了N空位缺陷和其他一些缺陷的亚稳态造成。 相似文献
Surface structural, electronic and electrical properties of the quaternary alloy AlInGaN/GaN heterostructures are investigated. Surface termination, atomic arrangement, electronic and electrical properties of the (0001) surface and (10–11) V-defect facets have been experimentally analyzed using various surface sensitive techniques including spectroscopy and microscopy. Moreover, the effect of sub-band gap (of the barrier layer) illumination on contact potential difference (VCPD) and the role of oxygen chemisorption have been studied. 相似文献
We have demonstrated the growth of quaternary AIlnGaN compounds at different growth temperatures and pressures with metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The optical properties of the samples have been investigated by photoluminescence (PL) at different temperatures. The results show that the sample grown at higher temperature (850℃) exhibits the best optical quality for its sharp band edge luminescence and weak yellow luminescence. The AIlnGaN exhibited three-dimensional (3D) growth mode at higher pressure. The band edge emission almost disappeared. With the optimization of AIInGaN growth parameters, we replaced the traditional barrier in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) with AllnGaN barriers. The peak wavelength for the InGaN/AIInGaN-MQW based light emitting diodes (LEDs) was very stable at various injection current levels because of the polarization-matched InGaN/AIInGaN MQWs. 相似文献
We have demonstrated the growth of quaternary AIlnGaN compounds at different growth temperatures and pressures with metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The optical properties of the samples have been investigated by photoluminescence (PL) at different temperatures. The results show that the sample grown at higher temperature (850℃) exhibits the best optical quality for its sharp band edge luminescence and weak yellow luminescence. The AlInGaN exhibited three-dimensional (3D) growth mode at higher pressure. The band edge emission almost disappeared. With the optimization of AlInGaN growth parameters, we replaced the traditional barrier in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) with AlInGaN barriers. The peak wavelength for the InGaN/AlInGaN-MQW based light emitting diodes (LEDs) was very stable at various injection current levels because of the polarization-matched InGaN/AlInGaN MQWs. 相似文献
AlGaN基PIN光电探测器的模型与模拟 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
在漂移扩散方程的基础上建立了AlGaN p-I-n光电探测器的物理模型,分析了多种结构AlGaN p-I-n光电探测器的光谱响应,并讨论了AlGaN/GaN异质结界面极化效应对太阳盲区p-GaN/I-Al0.33Ga0.67N/n-GaN倒置异质结结构p-I-n光电探测器(inverted heterostructure photodetectors,IHPs)UV/Solar选择比(280nm与320nm响应度之比)的影响.结果表明:优化p层是提高器件光谱响应的有效途径;为获得较高的UV/Solar选择比,光伏模式(零偏压)为太阳盲区p-GaN/I-Al0.33Ga0.67N/n-GaN IHPs的最佳工作模式;在光伏模式下考虑极化效应影响时,Ga面p-GaN/I-Al0.33Ga0.67N/n-GaN IHPs器件的UV/Solar选择比可达750,与Tarsa等人报道的三个量级的实验结果基本一致. 相似文献
设计了正面入射的探测波长范围限制在326~365nm的AlxGa1-χN/GaN异质结pin光电探测器,利用自洽求解薛定谔-泊松方程计算了A1xGa1-xN/GaN异质结在无极化、完全极化和部分极化的能带图,结合光电响应谱的模拟,分析了界面极化效应对AlxGa1-xN/GaN异质结pin紫外光电探测器响应特性的影响并提出了改善方法。 相似文献
We present a two-dimensional electron gas(2DEG) charge-control mobility variation based drain current model for sheet carrier density in the channel.The model was developed for the AlInGaN/AlN/GaN highelectron -mobility transistor.The sheet carrier density model used here accounts for the independence between the Fermi levels Ef and ns along with mobility for various Al and In molefractions.This physics based ns model fully depends upon the variation of Ef,u0,the first subband E0,the second subband E\,and ns.We present a physics based analytical drain current model using ns with the minimum set of parameters.The analytical results obtained are compared with the experimental results for four samples with various molefraction and barrier thickness.A good agreement between the results is obtained,thus validating the model. 相似文献