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为了分析横流条件下振荡射流冲击靶面的换热特性,采用数值计算方法研究了横向排列和纵向排列方式下振荡射流冲击靶面的冷却性能,并对纵向排列下的射流振荡器进行了排布角度修正.结果 表明:横流对冲击换热的作用主要受到两方面影响,即冲击点附近的马蹄涡和冲击点向后偏移程度;对于靶面上的冲击核心区,总体上纵向排列的高换热区域后移程度小...  相似文献   

采用实验方法研究了受限空气冲击射流与矩形柱鳍热沉相结合的散热方式应用于芯片冷却的换热规律,采用最小二乘法对实验数据进行了拟合,并最终获得平均努塞尔数关于雷诺数、喷口高度-孔径比及普朗特数的实验准则方程。在此基础上将这种散热方式与其他空冷方式进行了换热能力的比较,结果表明此种散热方式的换热能力大大超过其他空冷方式。最后,对实验系统误差进行了分析,根据误差传递理论求得的平均努塞尔数的实验相对误差不超过6%。  相似文献   

阵列射流冲击冷却传热特性的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以涡轮叶片冷却技术为背景,采用带转捩的剪切应力输运(Transition SST)模型对阵列射流冲击冷却的传热特性进行数值模拟,分析了冲击Re、冲击间距、初始横向流和冲击孔排列方式的影响规律。结果表明:冲击间距对靶面平均Nu的影响存在最优值,在所计算的范围内,Zn/d=2时平均Nu最大;在冲击孔排列方式影响中,当冲击间距Zn/d≤2时,顺排孔冲击冷却传热效果优于错排,而当Zn/d≥3时,错排孔冷却传热效果优于顺排。  相似文献   

阵列射流冲击冷却换热系数的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用数值模拟方法对冲击冷却的流动和传热过程进行了三维数值研究.特别研究了在冲击孔叉排方式下,相邻孔间距、冲击距离以及射流入口雷诺数对冲击表面冷却流动传热特性的影响规律.  相似文献   

矩形管湍流冲击射流流动与传热的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用SIMPLE算法和RNG k-ε湍流模型,通过求解三维N-S方程和能量方程,对雷诺数为10000和冲击高度为4倍喷管水力直径的矩形管湍流冲击射流进行了数值模拟。结果发现在冲击面附近的射流横截面上,伴随着两个反向旋转涡对的出现,形成了主流速度的两个偏心峰值。分析认为双偏心速度峰值的形成是由冲击面产生的涡量向上游截面扩散而引起的。温度场和冲击面局部№数分布的研究结果表明:射流的传热特性受流动结构的控制,采用矩形管湍流射流可以获得较大的冲击区和较均匀的冷却效果。  相似文献   

阵列射流冲击冷却换热特性的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数值计算的方法对不同流动取向的多排孔冲击射流冷却特性进行了三维模拟,并对有初始横向流的多排孔冲击射流冷却特性进行了数值研究,揭示出射流雷诺数、流动方向、初始横向流对冲击冷却传热特性的影响规律。结果表明:研究范围内,射流雷诺数越大,冲击靶面换热效果越好;冲击腔室两端都设为出口时努赛尔数峰值所对应的射流驻点区向下游偏移最小且换热效果最好;当横流雷诺数与射流雷诺数之比大于0.5之后,有横流时的冲击射流冷却局部努赛尔数比无横流时有较为显著下降。  相似文献   

为动力锂电池组设计了通风冷却系统,在控制总通风量的前提下,研究了非稳态射流对动力锂电池组的冷却效果,针对26650型锂电池组射流冲击方案进行数值模拟分析,揭示非稳态射流送风周期、送风变化量对电池组温升和温度均匀性的影响。研究结果表明:冲击射流的非稳态特性改善了电池组温度场的均匀性,对电池组总温升影响不明显。  相似文献   

为了分析纳米流体受限式浸没射流冲击到凸台表面的换热效果,以及与水射流冲击光滑平板的换热情况对比,详细分析了纳米流体颗粒表面形状、纳米流体体积份额、纳米颗粒材料、射流Re数、喷嘴距换热表面的相对高度H/D对滞止点及整个热表面换热系数的影响。实验发现,表面形状对换热效果影响较大,射流冲击到凸台表面上滞止点换热系数h_0最小,但整个换热表面的局部换热系数h_x及平均换热系数h_(av)均为最大值,且换热系数随Re的增大而增大。纳米流体体积份额对换热效果的影响与喷射的相对高度H/D有关,当H/D为3时,h0及hav随纳米颗粒浓度的增大而增大;当H/D为5时,纳米流体体积份额φ为0.2%时的换热效果最好。  相似文献   

阵列射流冲击冷却流场与温度场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢浩 《节能技术》2005,23(6):529-532
采用数值模拟方法对冲击冷却的流动和传热过程进行了三维数值研究。特别研究了在冲击孔叉排方式下,相邻孔间距、冲击距离以及射流入口雷诺数对冲击表面冷却流动传热特性的影响规律。  相似文献   

对旋进射流冲击平板时的传热进行了实验研究。通过在圆筒套管内设置一块孔板构成旋进射流喷嘴,得到了持续稳定的旋进射流。对旋进射流的流动特性作了研究,给出了旋进射流的频率与尺寸、Re的关系。用两种不同孔径的旋进射流冲击一块加热平板,并与普通的射流冲击传热作对比。结果表明,由于旋进射流与流体混合作用加剧而大大地降低了流速,使得强化传热的效果减弱,这种趋势在驻点附近尤为明显。  相似文献   

Jet impingement heat transfer from a round gas jet to a flat wall was investigated numerically for a ratio of 2 between the jet inlet to wall distance and the jet inlet diameter. The influence of turbulence intensity at the jet inlet and choice of turbulence model on the wall heat transfer was investigated at a jet Reynolds number of 1.66 × 105 and a temperature difference between jet inlet and wall of 1600 K. The focus was on the convective heat transfer contribution as thermal radiation was not included in the investigation. A considerable influence of the turbulence intensity at the jet inlet was observed in the stagnation region, where the wall heat flux increased by a factor of almost 3 when increasing the turbulence intensity from 1.5% to 10%. The choice of turbulence model also influenced the heat transfer predictions significantly, especially in the stagnation region, where differences of up to about 100% were observed. Furthermore, the variation in stagnation point heat transfer was examined for jet Reynolds numbers in the range from 1.10 × 105 to 6.64 × 105. Based on the investigations, a correlation is suggested between the stagnation point Nusselt number, the jet Reynolds number, and the turbulence intensity at the jet inlet for impinging jet flows at high jet Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

On the impingement heat transfer data, the experimental studies of air and liquid jets impingement to the flat surfaces were collected and critically reviewed. The oblique impingements of both single circular and planar slot jets were considered in particular. The review focused on the surface where the jet impingement cooling technique was utilized. The nozzle exit Reynolds numbers based on the hydraulic diameter varied in the range of 1,500–52,000. The oblique angles relative to the plane surf...  相似文献   

不同喷口结构对冲击式速冻机换热特性影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同喷口结构时速冻机内流动和换热特性、优化速冻机的气流组织和提高换热效率,以冲击式速冻机为研究对象,设计了5种不同形式的条缝喷口,分别对这5种喷口喷射气流流动和换热特性进行数值模拟,对比分析喷射区域的气流组织,研究了被冲击的板带表面的温度场分布和Nu变化。研究表明:孔板式喷口的流量较小,为167. 9 m~3/h,换热的均匀性较差;组合式渐缩喷口的气流组织最佳,喷口出口的流量最大,为226. 2 m~3/h,同时板带表面的平均Nu也最高,达到29. 6。  相似文献   

The heat transfer characteristics of a single round air jet impingement on a high temperature steel plate were examined experimentally using a single‐point temperature measurement method, incorporated with solving the inverse heat conduction problem. During the experiments, the temperature of the steel plate varied from 1073 K to 373 K, the Reynolds number was set to 27,000, the nozzle to plate spacing was set to 4. The results indicated that the radial distribution of the local Nusselt number is bell‐shaped at the initial stage of the transient cooling process. As the cooling process continues, the local Nusselt numbers decrease and a second peak occurs at r/D = 2. The area averaged Nusselt number are in accordance with the correlation proposed by Hofmann and Martin at first and then decrease significantly, but this trend is not obvious at r/D > 10.  相似文献   

采用数值求解方法,分析了在逐时室外气温条件下,北京地区外保温高层住宅典型房间在采用分室调节时,室温和户间传热温差随时间变化规律。为住宅分户热计量供暖系统设计热负荷的确定和供暖设备选择提供供了依据,也为分户热计量供暖收费和建筑保温及防治露措施研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

高温炉膛内的辐射传热研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对炉顶平焰供热炉的传热特性,采用区域法与Monte-Carlo法相结合的方法对炉膛内的传热进行了模拟计算。  相似文献   

一般工程温控标准的制定采用规范查表法或公式估算法来确定混凝土容许温差,但对于高寒地区采用类似方法得到的最高温度偏低,尤其是夏季强太阳辐射环境中,此标准无法实现。为此,以高寒地区某在建碾压混凝土大坝为例,采用仿真计算方法,考虑实际的浇筑计划、自重、徐变、自身体积变形等因素,仿真计算得到基础约束区温控标准,并与规范查表法和公式估算法得到数据进行比较。结果表明,所提仿真计算方法的结果更加合理,且更加切合实际情况。  相似文献   


Thermal analysis of heat transfer through different storing media using oil as working fluid is presented. The storing medium is solid material in spherical shape. Steel, glass, and pebbles are selected as storing media and oil is selected as working fluid. The physical model is a heat exchanger in cylindrical shape, which is packed with each of the selected storing medium. The heat transfer through the heat exchanger is assumed to be one dimensional along its height. The flow of the working fluid is an axial direction from the top to downward. The problem is governed by two partial differential equations for the working fluid (oil) and the storing medium. Finite difference method and Thomas algorithm solver are used to solve the couple of the two partial differential equations along with their associated initial and boundary conditions. The modified computer program is used to obtain the solution of transient temperature distribution of the storing medium and the working fluid. The amount of absorbed heat inside each of the storing medium is obtained. The effect of special operating parameters on the amount of absorbed heat inside the storing medium, such as aspect ratio (the ratio between diameter and length of the heat exchanger), storing media, mass velocity, the number of charging cycles, and void fraction, is discussed. Therefore, the dimensionless heat transfer coefficient parameter (Nusselt number, Nu) provides a measure of the convection and conduction heat transfer at the surface of storing medium when the working fluid (oil) flows over a solid surface of the medium. The numerical results of transient temperature profiles and the amount of absorbed heat inside the storing medium for each system with respect to the operating parameters and the heat exchanger characteristics are illustrated. The results show that steel storing medium is charging by four cycles while the pebble storing medium is charging by two cycles only, this due to the thermal and physical properties of these materials. The absorbed heat inside storing medium, which has aspect ratio equals one (diameter of the heat exchanger equals its length) is higher than others. Increasing mass velocity increases absorbed heat inside the storing medium and decreasing the charging time. Increasing void fraction decreases absorbed heat inside the storing media due to the smaller volume of absorbing medium. The amount of absorbed heat (at certain time) inside the steel > glass > pebble is due to the thermal conductivity of these materials.  相似文献   

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