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In this study, the consistency of systematic retrievals of surface reflectance and leaf area index was assessed using overlap regions in adjacent Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus (ETM+) scenes. Adjacent scenes were acquired within 7-25 days apart to minimize variations in the land surface reflectance between acquisition dates. Each Landsat ETM+ scene was independently geo-referenced and atmospherically corrected using a variety of standard approaches. Leaf area index (LAI) models were then applied to the surface reflectance data and the difference in LAI between overlapping scenes was evaluated. The results from this analysis show that systematic LAI retrieval from Landsat ETM+ imagery using a baseline atmospheric correction approach that assumes a constant aerosol optical depth equal to 0.06 is consistent to within ±0.61 LAI units. The average absolute difference in LAI retrieval over all 10 image pairs was 26% for a mean LAI of 2.05 and the maximum absolute difference over any one pair was 61% for a mean LAI of 1.13. When no atmospheric correction was performed on the data, the consistency in LAI retrieval was improved by 1%. When a scene-based dense, dark vegetation atmospheric correction algorithm was used, the LAI retrieval differences increased to 28% for a mean LAI of 2.32. This implies that a scene-based atmospheric correction procedure may improve the absolute accuracy of LAI retrieval without having a major impact on retrieval consistency. Such consistency trials provide insight into the current limits concerning surface reflectance and LAI retrieval from fine spatial resolution remote sensing imagery with respect to the variability in clear-sky atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Urban vegetation cover is a critical component in urban systems modeling and recent advances in remote sensing technologies can provide detailed estimates of vegetation characteristics. In the present study we classify urban vegetation characteristics, including species and condition, using an approach based on spectral unmixing and statistically developed decision trees. This technique involves modeling the location and separability of vegetation characteristics within the spectral mixing space derived from high spatial resolution Quickbird imagery for the City of Vancouver, Canada. Abundance images, field based land cover observations and shadow estimates derived from a LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) surface model are applied to develop decision tree classifications to extract several urban vegetation characteristics. Our results indicate that along the vegetation-dark mixing line, tree and vegetated ground cover classes can be accurately separated (80% and 94% of variance explained respectively) and more detailed vegetation characteristics including manicured and mixed grasses and deciduous and evergreen trees can be extracted as second order hierarchical categories with variance explained ranging between 67% and 100%. Our results also suggest that the leaf-off condition of deciduous trees produce pixels with higher dark fractions resulting from branches and soils dominating the reflectance values. This research has important implications for understanding fine scale biophysical and social processes within urban environments.  相似文献   

A lack of spatially and thematically accurate vegetation maps complicates conservation and management planning, as well as ecological research, in tropical rain forests. Remote sensing has considerable potential to provide such maps, but classification accuracy within primary rain forests has generally been inadequate for practical applications. Here we test how accurately floristically defined forest types in lowland tropical rain forests in Peruvian Amazonia can be recognized using remote sensing data (Landsat ETM+ satellite image and STRM elevation model). Floristic data and a vegetation classification with four forest classes were available for eight line transects, each 8 km long, located in an area of ca 800 km2. We compared two sampling unit sizes (line transect subunits of 200 and 500 m) and several image feature combinations to analyze their suitability for image classification. Mantel tests were used to quantify how well the patterns in elevation and in the digital numbers of the satellite image correlated with the floristic patterns observed in the field. Most Mantel correlations were positive and highly significant. Linear discriminant analysis was used first to build a function that discriminates between forest classes in the eight field-verified transects on the basis of remotely sensed data, and then to classify those parts of the line transects and the satellite image that had not been visited in the field. Classification accuracy was quantified by 8-fold crossvalidation. Two of the tierra firme (non-inundated) forest types were combined because they were too often misclassified. The remaining three forest types (inundated forest, terrace forest and Pebas formation/intermediate tierra firme forest) could be separated using the 500-m sampling units with an overall classification accuracy of 85% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.62. For the 200-m sampling units, the classification accuracy was clearly lower (71%, Kappa 0.35). The forest classification will be used as habitat data to study wildlife habitat use in the same area. Our results show that remotely sensed data and relatively simple classification methods can be used to produce reasonably accurate forest type classifications, even in structurally homogeneous primary rain forests.  相似文献   

The spatial and spectral variability of urban environments present fundamental challenges to deriving accurate remote sensing products for urban areas. Multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) is a technique that potentially addresses both challenges. MESMA models spectra as the linear sum of spectrally pure endmembers that vary on a per-pixel basis. Spatial variability is addressed by mapping sub-pixel components of land cover as a combination of endmembers. Spectral variability is addressed by allowing the number and type of endmembers to vary from pixel to pixel. This paper presents an application of MESMA to map the physical components of urban land cover for the city of Manaus, Brazil, using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imagery.We present a methodology to build a regionally specific spectral library of urban materials based on generalized categories of urban land-cover components: vegetation, impervious surfaces, soil, and water. Using this library, we applied MESMA to generate a total of 1137 two-, three-, and four-endmember models for each pixel; the model with the lowest root-mean-squared (RMS) error and lowest complexity was selected on a per-pixel basis. Almost 97% of the pixels within the image were modeled within the 2.5% RMS error constraint. The modeled fractions were used to generate continuous maps of the per-pixel abundance of each generalized land-cover component. We provide an example to demonstrate that land-cover components have the potential to characterize trajectories of physical landscape change as urban neighborhoods develop through time. Accuracy of land-cover fractions was assessed using high-resolution, geocoded images mosaicked from digital aerial videography. Modeled vegetation and impervious fractions corresponded well with the reference fractions. Modeled soil fractions did not correspond as closely with the reference fractions, in part due to limitations of the reference data. This work demonstrates the potential of moderate-resolution, multispectral imagery to map and monitor the evolution of the physical urban environment.  相似文献   

Much of Russia north of the treeline is grazed by reindeer, and this grazing has materially altered the vegetation cover in many places. Monitoring vegetation change in these remote but ecologically sensitive regions is an important task for which satellite remote sensing is well suited. Further difficulties are imposed by the highly dynamic nature of arctic phenology, and by the difficulty of obtaining accurate official data on land cover in arctic Russia even where such data exist. We have approached the problem in a novel fashion by combining a conventional multispectral analysis of satellite imagery with data on current and historical land use gathered by the techniques of social anthropology, using a study site in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO). A Landsat-7 ETM+ image from the year 2000 was used to generate a current land cover classification. A Landsat-5 TM image was used to generate a land-cover classification for 1988, taking due account of phenological differences and between the two dates. A cautious comparison of these two classifications, again taking account of possible effects of phenological differences, shows that much of the study area has already undergone a notable transformation to grass-dominated tundra, almost certainly as a result of heavy grazing by reindeer. The grazing pattern is quite heterogeneous, and may have reached unsustainable levels in some areas. Finally, we suggest that this situation is unlikely to be unique to our study area and may well be widespread throughout the Eurasian tundra zone, particularly in the west.  相似文献   

Empirical models are important tools for relating field-measured biophysical variables to remote sensing data. Regression analysis has been a popular empirical method of linking these two types of data to provide continuous estimates for variables such as biomass, percent woody canopy cover, and leaf area index (LAI). Traditional methods of regression are not sufficient when resulting biophysical surfaces derived from remote sensing are subsequently used to drive ecosystem process models. Most regression analyses in remote sensing rely on a single spectral vegetation index (SVI) based on red and near-infrared reflectance from a single date of imagery. There are compelling reasons for utilizing greater spectral dimensionality, and for including SVIs from multiple dates in a regression analysis. Moreover, when including multiple SVIs and/or dates, it is useful to integrate these into a single index for regression modeling. Selection of an appropriate regression model, use of multiple SVIs from multiple dates of imagery as predictor variables, and employment of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to integrate these multiple indices into a single index represent a significant strategic improvement over existing uses of regression analysis in remote sensing.To demonstrate this improved strategy, we compared three different types of regression models to predict LAI for an agro-ecosystem and live tree canopy cover for a needleleaf evergreen boreal forest: traditional (Y on X) ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, inverse (X on Y) OLS regression, and an orthogonal regression method called reduced major axis (RMA). Each model incorporated multiple SVIs from multiple dates and CCA was used to integrate these. For a given dataset, the three regression-modeling approaches produced identical coefficients of determination and intercepts, but different slopes, giving rise to divergent predictive characteristics. The traditional approach yielded the lowest root mean square error (RMSE), but the variance in the predictions was lower than the variance in the observed dataset. The inverse method had the highest RMSE and the variance was inflated relative to the variance of the observed dataset. RMA provided an intermediate set of predictions in terms of the RMSE, and the variance in the observations was preserved in the predictions. These results are predictable from regression theory, but that theory has been essentially ignored within the discipline of remote sensing.  相似文献   

In this study we implemented a comprehensive analysis to validate the MODIS and GOES satellite active fire detection products (MOD14 and WFABBA, respectively) and characterize their major sources of omission and commission errors which have important implications for a large community of fire data users. Our analyses were primarily based on the use of 30 m resolution ASTER and ETM+ imagery as our validation data. We found that at the 50% true positive detection probability mark, WFABBA requires four times more active fire area than is necessary for MOD14 to achieve the same probability of detection, despite the 16× factor separating the nominal spatial resolutions of the two products. Approximately 75% and 95% of all fires sampled were omitted by the MOD14 and WFABBA instantaneous products, respectively; whereas an omission error of 38% was obtained for WFABBA when considering the 30-minute interval of the GOES data. Commission errors for MOD14 and WFABBA were found to be similar and highly dependent on the vegetation conditions of the areas imaged, with the larger commission errors (approximately 35%) estimated over regions of active deforestation. Nonetheless, the vast majority (> 80%) of the commission errors were indeed associated with recent burning activity where scars could be visually confirmed in the higher resolution data. Differences in thermal dynamics of vegetated and non-vegetated areas were found to produce a reduction of approximately 50% in the commission errors estimated towards the hours of maximum fire activity (i.e., early-afternoon hours) which coincided with the MODIS/Aqua overpass. Lastly, we demonstrate the potential use of temporal metrics applied to the mid-infrared bands of MODIS and GOES data to reduce the commission errors found with the validation analyses.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the disturbance ecology of large wildfires in the southern Appalachians. The occurrence of a 4000-ha wildfire in the Linville Gorge Wilderness area in western North Carolina has provided a rare opportunity to study a large fire with a range of severities. The objectives of this study were to 1) assess the potential for using multi-temporal Landsat imagery to map fire severity in the southern Appalachians, 2) examine the influences of topography and forest community type on the spatial pattern of fire severity; and 3) examine the relationship between predicted fire severity and changes in species richness. A non-linear regression equation predicted a field-based composite burn index (CBI) as a function of change in the Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) with an R2 of 0.71. Fire severity was highest on drier landforms located on upper hillslopes, ridges, and on southwest aspects, and was higher in pine communities than in other forest types. Predicted CBI was positively correlated with changes in species richness and with the post-fire cover of pine seedlings (Pinus virginiana, P. rigida, and P. pungens), suggesting that burn severity maps can be used to predict community-level fire effects across large landscapes. Despite the relatively large size of this fire for the southern Appalachians, severity was strongly linked to topographic variability and pre-fire vegetation, and spatial variation in fire severity was correlated with changes in species richness. Thus, the Linville Gorge fire appears to have generally reinforced the ecological constraints imposed by underlying environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Both moderate and high spatial resolution imagery can be used to quantify abundance and distribution of urban vegetation for urban landscape management and to provide inputs to physical process models. Estimation of vegetation fraction from Landsat ETM+ and Quickbird allows for operational monitoring and reconnaissance at moderate resolution with calibration and vicarious validation at higher resolution. Establishing a linear correspondence between ETM-derived vegetation fraction and Quickbird-derived vegetation fraction facilitates the validation task by extending the spatial scale from 30 × 30 m to a more manageable 2.8 × 2.8 m. A comparative analysis indicates that urban reflectance can be accurately represented with a three component linear mixture model for both Landsat ETM+ and Quickbird imagery in the New York metro area. The strong linearity of the Substrate Vegetation Dark surface (SVD) mixture model provides consistent estimates of illuminated vegetation fraction that can be used to constrain physical process models that require biophysical inputs related to vegetation abundance. When Quickbird-derived 2.8 m estimates of vegetation fraction are integrated to 30 m scales and coregistered to Landsat-derived 30 m estimates, median estimates agree with the integrated fractions to within 5% for fractions > 0.2. The resulting Quickbird-ETM+ scatter distribution cannot be explained with estimate error alone but is consistent with a 3% to 6% estimation error combined with a 17 m subpixel registration ambiguity. The 3D endmember fraction space obtained from ETM+ imagery forms a ternary distribution of reflectance properties corresponding to distinct biophysical surface types. The SVD model is a reflectance analog to Ridd's V–I–S land cover model but acknowledges the fact that permeable and impermeable surfaces cannot generally be distinguished on the basis of broadband reflectance alone. We therefore propose that vegetation fraction be used as a proxy for permeable surface distribution to avoid the common erroneous assumption that all nonvegetated surfaces along the gray axis are completely impermeable. Comparison of mean vegetation fractions to street tree counts in New York City shows a consistent relationship between minimum fraction and tree count. However, moderate and high resolution areal estimates of vegetation fraction provide complementary information because they image all illuminated vegetation, including that not counted by the in situ street tree inventory.  相似文献   

Mapping northern land cover fractions using Landsat ETM+   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of fractional mapping is to obtain land cover fraction estimates within each pixel over a region. Using field, Ikonos and Landsat data at three sites in northern Canada, we evaluate a physical unmixing method against two modeling approaches to map five land cover fractions that include bare, grass, deciduous shrub, conifer, and water along an 1100 km north-south transect crossing the tree-line of northern Canada. Error analyses are presented to assess factors that affect fractional mapping results, including modeling method (linear least squares inversion (LLSI) vs. linear regression vs. regression trees), number of Landsat spectral bands (3 vs. 5), local and distant fraction estimation using locally and globally calibrated models, and spatial resolution (30 m vs. 90 m). The ultimate purpose of this study is to determine if reliable land cover fractions can be obtained for biophysical modeling over northern Canada from a three band, resampled 90 m Landsat ETM+ mosaic north of the tree-line. Of the three modeling methods tested, linear regression and regression trees with five spectral bands produced the best local fraction estimates, while LLSI produced comparable results when unmixing was sufficiently determined. However, distant fraction estimation using both locally and globally calibrated models was most accurate using the three spectral bands available in the Landsat mosaic of northern Canada at 30 m resolution, and only slightly worse at 90 m resolution. While local calibrations produced more accurate fractions than global calibrations, application of local calibration models requires stratification of areas where local endmembers and models are representative. In the absence of such information, globally calibrated linear regression and regression trees to estimate separate fractions is an acceptable alternative, producing similar root mean square error, and an average absolute bias of less than 2%.  相似文献   

在植被指数相同的条件下,地面肤面温度可用于对土壤旱情的监测。通过植被指数——地面肤面温度特征空间分析了利用遥感进行旱情监测的原理,将传感器温度作为地面肤面温度,对干旱指数的计算进行了详细论述。利用栾城县的Landsat7 ETM+卫星数据进行了旱情监测与分析。  相似文献   

基于Lansat7 ETM+影像的城市道路信息提取研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
道路信息是遥感卫星影像中一种重要的地理专题信息,道路信息的提取在卫星数字图像自动解译方面具有理论与方法意义,如果能自动地从遥感卫星影像中提取出道路网,将会简化城市地物目标的分类和测量过程。研究结合了计算机和人在自动检测和识别上的优势,以ETM+为数据源,提出了遥感卫星影像中道路特征半自动提取的一种方法。研究首先对ETM+的多光谱影像和15m分辨率的全色影像进行融合,然后通过设计一个高通滤波器和统计滤波器,完成道路信息的检测与识别(其中高通滤波突出地物的线性特征、统计滤波则是消除高通滤波后的一些噪音),最后进行矢量化跟踪完成道路信息的提取。实践结果表明,该方法能够从中等分辨率遥感卫星影像中提取道路信息,取得了较好的精度效果。  相似文献   

Haze is an undesirable meteorological and environmental phenomenon that can cause enormous harm to the environment, people's lives and health, and economic activities. This study focuses on Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley, China, which have suffered from the adverse effects of hazy weather in recent years. The spectral influence of haze on surface features was determined through analysis of the spectral variations of surface covers between hazy and haze-free days. On the basis of the established relationship, a new index called the normalized difference haze index (NDHI) was derived using moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data from winter 2008–2009. Correlation analysis of the derived NDHI with in situ observed PM10 (particulate matter with diameter <10 μm) data reveals that NDHI over water bodies has a coefficient of 0.74, 0.57 and 0.67 with PM10 for Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou, respectively. It is concluded that NDHI is a reliable indicator of air pollution. It can be used as a new method of effectively monitoring air pollution from remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

Relative radiometric normalization has long been performed to generate consistency among individual Landsat scenes for production of composites containing multiple scenes. Normalization methods have relied on matching identical and assumed invariant features in both images of an overlapping pair, or on invariant targets that are not necessarily the same features. Problems with overlap normalization methods include sensitivity to outliers in overlap data caused by atmospheric or land cover change between scenes, which can lead to radiometric error propagation across a mosaic caused by a normalized scene becoming a reference for the subsequent scene entered into the mosaic. Solutions to such problems include interactive outlier removal to generate a normalization function using a ‘no change’ data set and methods that are robust against outliers to automatically generate normalization functions with minimal user input. This paper compares two normalization methods that use a robust regression technique called Theil-Sen with an established overlap normalization method. The first method uses Theil-Sen regression to generate a normalization function between overlap regions, while the second uses Theil-Sen to normalize to coarse-resolution composite reflectance data from the SPOT VEGETATION (VGT) sensor. The results of the normalizations were evaluated in two ways: (1) using statistics generated between overlap regions; and (2) separately using coarse-resolution data as a reference. Both overlap normalization methods performed almost identically; however, Theil-Sen was faster and easier to implement than its traditional counterpart due to its insensitivity to outliers and capability for full automation. While overlap and coarse-resolution normalizations each outperformed the other when evaluated against its calibration set, error propagation caused by outliers in overlap samples was avoided in the normalization to coarse-resolution imagery. Advantages offered by normalization to coarse-resolution data using robust regression, including full automation, make this method particularly attractive for generation of large area mosaics containing 100 Landsat scenes or more.  相似文献   

地质灾害调查中ETM+与SPOT-5 Pan融合方法比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ETM+与SPOT-5Pan融合影像含有丰富的光谱信息和空间结构信息,是地质灾害调查的理想数据源。但ETM+多光谱图像与SPOT-5 Pan图像空间分辨率相差悬殊,直接融合可能导致融合影像色彩模糊、色调不和谐等问题;若将ETM+与其全色融合后再与SPOT-5 Pan融合,如果融合方法不当亦会造成光谱信息的过多损失。通过采用IHS、Brovey、PCA和Gram-Schmidt变换分别对ETM+和SPOT-5 Pan按上述两种途径进行直接和间接融合,采用主观评定以及光谱剖面分析对融合影像进行了评价,从而筛选出适合于地质灾害调查的ETM+与SPOT-5 Pan融合方法。  相似文献   

The scan-line corrector (SLC) of the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor failed in 2003, resulting in about 22% of the pixels per scene not being scanned. The SLC failure has seriously limited the scientific applications of ETM+ data. While there have been a number of methods developed to fill in the data gaps, each method has shortcomings, especially for heterogeneous landscapes. Based on the assumption that the same-class neighboring pixels around the un-scanned pixels have similar spectral characteristics, and that these neighboring and un-scanned pixels exhibit similar patterns of spectral differences between dates, we developed a simple and effective method to interpolate the values of the pixels within the gaps. We refer to this method as the Neighborhood Similar Pixel Interpolator (NSPI). Simulated and actual SLC-off ETM+ images were used to assess the performance of the NSPI. Results indicate that NSPI can restore the value of un-scanned pixels very accurately, and that it works especially well in heterogeneous regions. In addition, it can work well even if there is a relatively long time interval or significant spectral changes between the input and target image. The filled images appear reasonably spatially continuous without obvious striping patterns. Supervised classification using the maximum likelihood algorithm was done on both gap-filled simulated SLC-off data and the original “gap free” data set, and it was found that classification results, including accuracies, were very comparable. This indicates that gap-filled products generated by NSPI will have relevance to the user community for various land cover applications. In addition, the simple principle and high computational efficiency of NSPI will enable processing large volumes of SLC-off ETM+ data.  相似文献   

Plant foliage density expressed as leaf area index (LAI) is used in many ecological, meteorological, and agronomic models, and as a means of quantifying crop spatial variability for precision farming. LAI retrieval using spectral vegetation indices (SVI) from optical remotely sensed data usually requires site-specific calibration values from the surface or the use of within-scene image information without surface calibrations to invert radiative transfer models. An evaluation of LAI retrieval methods was conducted using (1) empirical methods employing the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and a new SVI that uses green wavelength reflectance, (2) a scaled NDVI approach that uses no calibration measurements, and (3) a hybrid approach that uses a neural network (NN) and a radiative transfer model without site-specific calibration measurements. While research has shown that under a variety of conditions NDVI is not optimal for LAI retrieval, its continued use for remote sensing applications and in analysis seeking to develop improved parameter retrieval algorithms based on NDVI suggests its value as a “benchmark” or standard against which other methods can be compared. Landsat-7 ETM+ data for July 1 and July 8 from the Soil Moisture EXperiment 2002 (SMEX02) field campaign in the Walnut Creek watershed south of Ames, IA, were used for the analysis. Sun photometer data collected from a site within the watershed were used to atmospherically correct the imagery to surface reflectance. LAI validation measurements of corn and soybeans were collected close to the dates of the Landsat-7 overpasses. Comparable results were obtained with the empirical SVI methods and the scaled SVI method within each date. The hybrid method, although promising, did not account for as much of the variability as the SVI methods. Higher atmospheric optical depths for July 8 leading to surface reflectance errors are believed to have resulted in overall poorer performance for this date. Use of SVIs employing green wavelengths, improved method for the definition of image minimum and maximum clusters used by the scaled NDVI method, and further development of a soil reflectance index used by the hybrid NN approach are warranted. More importantly, the results demonstrate that reasonable LAI estimates are possible using optical remote sensing methods without in situ, site-specific calibration measurements.  相似文献   

Lack of data often limits understanding and management of biodiversity in forested areas. Remote sensing imagery has considerable potential to aid in the monitoring and prediction of biodiversity across many spatial and temporal scales. In this paper, we explored the possibility of defining relationships between species diversity indices and Landsat ETM+ reflectance values for Hyrcanian forests in Golestan province of Iran. We used the COST model for atmospheric correction of the imagery. Linear regression models were implemented to predict measures of biodiversity (species richness and reciprocal of Simpson indices) using various combinations of Landsat spectral data. Species richness was modeled using the band set ETM5, ETM7, DVI, wetness and variances of ETM1, ETM2 and ETM5 (adjusted R2 = 0.59, RMSE = 1.51). Reciprocal of Simpson index was modeled using the band set NDVI, brightness, greenness, variances of ETM2, ETM5 and ETM7 (adjusted R2 = 0.459 RMSE = 1.15). The results demonstrated that spectral reflectance from Landsat can be used to effectively model tree species diversity. Predictive map derived from the presented methodology can help evaluate spatial aspects and monitor tree species diversity of the studied forest. The methodology also facilitates the evaluation of forest management and conservation strategies in northern Iran.  相似文献   

Our study compares data on burn severity collected from multi-temporal Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) with similar data from the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) using the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR). Two AVIRIS and ETM+ data acquisitions recorded surface conditions immediately before the Hoover Fire began to spread rapidly and again the following year. Data were validated with 63 field plots using the Composite Burn Index (CBI). The relationship between spectral channels and burn severity was examined by comparing pre- and post-fire datasets. Based on the high burn severity comparison, AVIRIS channels 47 and 60 at wavelengths of 788 and 913 nm showed the greatest negative response to fire. Post-fire reflectance values decreased the most on average at those wavelengths, while channel 210 at 2370 nm showed the greatest positive response on average. Fire increased reflectance the most at that wavelength over the entire measured spectral range. Furthermore, channel 210 at 2370 nm exhibited the greatest variation in spectral response, suggesting potentially high information content for fire severity. Based on general remote sensing principles and the logic of variable spectral responses to fire, dNBR from both sensors should produce useful results in quantifying burn severity. The results verify the band-response relationships to burn severity as seen with ETM+ data and confirm the relationships by way of a distinctly different sensor system.  相似文献   

Several published foliage mass and crown radius regression models were tested on the preparation of the input for the reflectance model of Kuusk and Nilson [Kuusk, A. and Nilson, T. (2000), A directional multispectral forest reflectance model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 72(2):244–252.] for 246 forest growth sample plots in Estonia. In each test, foliage mass and crown radius for trees in the sample plots were predicted with a particular pair of allometric regression models. The forest reflectance model was then run using the estimated foliage mass and crown radius values. Reflectance factors were simulated and compared with the reflectance values obtained from three atmospherically corrected Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) scenes. The statistics of linear regression between the simulated and measured reflectance factors were used to assess the performance of foliage and crown radius models. The hypothesis was that the best allometric regression models should provide the best fit in reflectance. The strongest correlation between the simulated and measured reflectance factors was found in the short-wave infrared band (ETM + 5) for all the images. The highest R2 = 0.71 was observed in Picea abies dominated stands. No excellent combination of foliage mass and crown radius functions was found, but the ranking based on determination coefficients showed that some linear crown radius models are not applicable to our data. Processing of raster images, reflectance measurement for small sample plots, usage of tree-species-specific fixed parameters (specific leaf area, etc.), and the ignored influence of phenology introduced additional variation into the relationships between simulated and measured reflectance factors. Further studies are needed, but these preliminary results demonstrate that the proposed method could serve as an effective way of testing the performance of foliage mass and canopy cover regressions.  相似文献   

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