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提高成熟温度加快Mozzarella干酪成熟的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制作2批Mozzarella干酪A和B,分别在4℃(A)和7℃(B)下成熟,观察其在成熟期间的变化及测定可溶性N的含量等指标,可知在7℃下成熟的干酪在制作后30d的蛋白水解性、功能特性等和4℃下成熟50d的干酪无显著差异,而和7℃下成熟50d的干酪有显著差异。说明成熟温度显著影响干酪的蛋白水解性。在7℃下贮藏的Mozzarella干酪成熟30d可达到4℃下贮存50d的成熟度,即将成熟温度从4℃提高到7℃,可将成熟期缩短20d左右。  相似文献   

A batch cooker‐stretcher for pasta filata cheese production was developed based on the kitchen machine ‘Thermomix’. With this batch model system, the effect of kneading time (180, 420 and 600 s) and temperature (55, 60 and 70 °C) on the chemical composition of the pasta filata cheese and the yield was investigated. An increase in temperature from 55 to 70 °C reduced the yield of the pasta filata cheese production from 0.88 to 0.59 g/g, compared to initial curd weight. A correlation between process temperature and the water‐holding properties of protein (casein micelles) is proposed.  相似文献   

The instability of emulsions is basically clarified by a phase separation. The separated phase can either cream or sediment. Destabilization is mostly compounded by coalescence and gives a first indication through extension of droplets. In the cosmetics industry as well as many other branches of industry such as the food industry and paint and coatings industry, product stability is one of the most important quality criteria. Many stability tests have already been performed with the widest variety of methods from different fields of technology. In research and development it is especially important to obtain quick results on the stability of a formulation. Such results represent a tool that can help developers find an optimal formulation in a short time. In addition, they can shorten development times, leading to quicker introduction of a product in the market. Moreover, they can help to reduce storage stability tests to minimum, making less climatized rooms, space and work required to predict shelf-lives. The cycle test is an example of such a method developed in the field of rheology [1]. In this test the sample is subjected to continuously changing temperatures and its behavior observed. However, other methods can also conceivably used to predict stabilities. The aim of this work is to find a new model to predict the long-term stability. This model should be based on empirical data and it should determine the applicability of the time temperature superposition (TTS) principle to emulsions.  相似文献   

The steady and dynamic shear properties of ketchup-processed cheese (K-PC) mixtures were investigated at different temperatures (10-50 °C) and PC concentrations (0-30%). The K-PC mixtures showed a shear-thinning behavior with low magnitudes of yield stress. The consistency coefficient (K) and apparent viscosity (η50) decreased with increase in temperature and concentration. The mixtures followed the Arrhenius temperature relationship, indicating that the magnitudes of activation energies (Ea) were in the range of 8.83-17.16 kJ mol−1. Storage (G′), loss (G′′) and complex (G∗) modulus increased with increase in frequency while complex viscosity (η∗) decreased. The K-PC mixtures at concentrations of 0-15% exhibited weak gel-like behavior. Increase in the PC concentration resulted in a decrease in G∗, G′, G′′ and η∗ up to the 15% of PC concentration, showing a plateau value between 0% and 30% concentrations. Cox-Merz rule was not applicable to K-PC mixtures.  相似文献   

A curd-washing step is used in the manufacture of Colby cheese to decrease the residual lactose content and, thereby, decrease the potential formation of excessive levels of lactic acid. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different washing methods on the Ca equilibrium and rheological properties of Colby cheese. Four different methods of curd-washing were performed. One method was batch washing (BW), where cold water (10°C) was added to the vat, with and without stirring, where curds were in contact with cold water for 5 min. The other method used was continuous washing (CW), with or without stirring, where curds were rinsed with continuously running cold water for approximately 7 min and water was allowed to drain immediately. Both methods used a similar volume of water. The manufacturing pH values were similar in all 4 treatments. The insoluble (INSOL) Ca content of cheese was measured by juice and acid-base titration methods and the rheological properties were measured by small amplitude oscillatory rheology. The levels of lactose in cheese at 1 d were significantly higher in CW cheese (0.06-0.11%) than in BW cheeses (∼0.02%). The levels of lactic acid at 2 and 12 wk were significantly higher in CW cheese than in BW cheeses. No differences in the total Ca content of cheeses were found. Cheese pH increased during ripening from approximately 5.1 to approximately 5.4. A decrease in INSOL Ca content of all cheeses during ripening occurred, although a steady increase in pH took place. The initial INSOL Ca content as a percent of total Ca in cheese ranged from 75 to 78% in all cheeses. The INSOL Ca content of cheese was significantly affected by washing method. Stirring during manufacturing did not have a significant effect on the INSOL Ca content of cheese during ripening. Batch-washed cheeses had significantly higher INSOL Ca contents than did CW cheeses during the first 4 wk of ripening. The maximum loss tangent values (meltability index) of CW cheese at 1 d and 1 wk were significantly higher compared with those of BW cheeses. In conclusion, different curd washing methods have a significant effect on the levels of lactose, lactic acid, meltability, and INSOL Ca content of Colby cheese during ripening.  相似文献   

The effect of milk coagulation temperature on the composition, microstructure monitored using scanning electron micrographs, opacity measured by a Hunter lab system, and rheological behavior measured by uniaxial compression and small amplitude oscillatory shear were studied. Three treatments of Iranian White cheese were made by applying coagulation temperatures of 34, 37, and 41.5°C during the cheese-making procedure. A higher coagulation temperature resulted in increased fat and protein contents, and decreased the moisture content and ratio of moisture to protein. The highest temperature (41.5°C) had a significant effect on the opacity of Iranian White cheese. Milk coagulation at this temperature decreased the whiteness index (Hunter L value) and increased the yellowness index (Hunter b value) of the aged product compared with cheeses coagulated at lower temperatures. Microstructure of the cheese coagulated at 41.5°C was more compact and undisturbed, reflecting the higher values of stress at fracture and storage modulus measured for this treatment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The freezing of Mozzarella cheese by immersion in NaCl solutions may be an innovative procedure for the dairy industry because it combines conveniently salting and freezing processes. In this work, the influence of this type of freezing method and of the frozen storage of samples on the viscoelastic behavior of Mozzarella cheese was studied. Slabs (2 × 10 × 10 cm3) were immersed in 23% w/w NaCl solutions (control samples: 4 °C, 90 min; frozen samples: −15 °C, 180 min). Half of the frozen samples were immediately thawed at 4 °C . The other half was stored at −20 °C for 2 mo and then was thawed at 4 °C (frozen-stored samples). Samples were stored at 4 °C and assayed at 1, 7, 14, 20, 27, 34, and 41 d. Rheological tests were carried out in oscillatory mode (parallel-plate geometry, diameter: 20 mm, gap: 1 mm, frequency: 1 Hz). Strain sweeps were run (0.001 ≤γ0≤ 0.1) at 20, 40, and 60 °C, and temperature sweeps were run from 20 to 65 °C (1.33 °C/min, γ0= 0.005). Similar crossover temperatures were observed after 20 d of ripening. The influence of temperature on complex viscosity was studied by an Arrhenius-type equation. Activation energy values of 15.9 ± 0.4, 14.1 ± 0.5, and 13.8 ± 0.6 kcal/mol were obtained at 41 d for control, frozen, and frozen-stored samples, respectively. Although the immersion freezing of Mozzarella cheese affects some of the studied parameters, the differences observed between frozen and frozen-stored samples with control samples were small. Therefore, it was considered that the immersion freezing might be useful for the manufacture and commercialization of Mozzarella cheese.  相似文献   

Three Hofmeister salts (HS; sodium sulfate, sodium thiocyanate, and sodium chloride) were evaluated for their effect on the textural and rheological properties of nonfat cheese. Nonfat cheese, made by direct acidification, were sliced into discs (diameter = 50 mm, thickness = 2 mm) and incubated with agitation (6 h at 22°C) in 50 mL of a synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase buffer (pH 5.4). The 3 HS were added at 5 concentrations (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 M) to the buffer. Post-incubation, cheese slices were air dried and equilibrated in air-tight bags for 18 h at 5°C before analysis. Small amplitude oscillatory rheology properties, including the dynamic moduli and loss tangent, were measured during heating from 5 to 85°C. Hardness was determined by texture profile analysis. Acid-base buffering was performed to observe changes in the indigenous insoluble (colloidal) calcium phosphate (CCP). Moisture content decreased with increasing HS concentration. Cheeses incubated in high concentrations of SCN softened earlier (i.e., loss tangent = 1) compared with other HS treatments. Higher melting temperature values were observed for cheeses incubated in high concentrations of SO42−. Hardness decreased in cheeses incubated in buffers with high concentrations of SCN. The indigenous CCP profile of nonfat cheese was not greatly affected by incubation in Cl or SCN, whereas buffers with high concentrations of SO42− reduced the acid-base buffering contributed by CCP. The use of high concentrations (1.0 M) of SCN for incubation of cheeses resulted in a softer protein matrix at high temperatures due to the chaotropic effect of SCN, which weakened hydrophobic interactions between CN. Cheese samples incubated in 1.0 M SO42− buffers exhibited a stiffer protein matrix at high temperatures due to the kosmotropic effect of SO42−, which helped to strengthen hydrophobic interactions in the proteins during the heating step. This study showed that HS influenced the texture and rheology of nonfat cheese probably by altering the strength of hydrophobic interactions between CN.  相似文献   


Chemical composition, sensory characteristics, textural and functional properties are among the most important characteristics, which directly relates to the global quality of cheese and to consumer acceptability. A number of factors including milk composition, processing conditions and salt content, influences these properties. The past decades many investigations were performed on the possibilities to reduce salt content of cheese due to its adverse health effects, the current lifestyle and the awareness of the consumers for nutrition quality products. Due to the multiple potential effects of reducing NaCl (simple reduction or substitution) on cheese attributes, it is of utmost importance to identify and understand those effects in order to control the global quality and safety of the final product.

In the present review a collection of the different results and conclusions drawn after studying the effect of salts by conventional (e.g. wet chemistry) and instrumental (e.g. spectral) methods on chemical, structural, textural, sensory and heating properties of cheese are presented.  相似文献   

成熟温度对Mozzarella干酪蛋白水解和质构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了温度为4,7,10℃时对干酪成熟过程中蛋白水解和质地的影响。结果表明,随着干酪成熟温度的升高,成熟期间干酪中可溶性氮与总氮的比值增加较快,干酪的硬度下降速度也较快。说明在较高的成熟温度下,干酪在较短的时间内能够达到成熟的状态。  相似文献   

Freezing and long-term frozen storage had minimal impact on the rheology and proteolysis of soft cheese made from caprine milk. Plain soft cheeses were obtained from a grade A goat dairy in Georgia and received 4 storage treatments: fresh refrigerated control (C), aged at 4°C for 28 d; frozen control (FC), stored at −20°C for 2 d before being thawed and aged in the same way as C cheese; and 3-mo frozen (3MF), or 6-mo frozen (6MF), stored at −20°C for 3 or 6 mo before being thawed and aged. Soft cheeses had fragile textures that showed minimal change after freezing or over 28 d of aging at 4°C. The only exceptions were the FC cheeses, which, after frozen storage and aging for 1 d at 4°C, were significantly softer than the other cheeses, and less chewy than the other frozen cheeses. Moreover, after 28 d of aging at 4°C, the FC cheeses tended to have the lowest viscoelastic values. Slight variation was noted in protein distribution among the storage treatment, although no significant proteolysis occurred during refrigerated aging. The creation and removal of ice crystals in the cheese matrix and the limited proteolysis of the caseins showed only slight impact on cheese texture, suggesting that frozen storage of soft cheeses may be possible for year-round supply with minimal loss of textural quality.  相似文献   

In this work, we carried out the curd plasticisation of part-skim low-moisture Mozzarella cheese analogue (LMMCA) through a continuous dipping-arms cooker-stretcher or a batch twin-screw extruder. The chemical composition of LMMCA samples obtained with the two machines was not statistically significant. During refrigerated storage (8°C), samples processed with the cooker-stretcher showed higher hardness values and were slightly less proteolysed. Hydrolysis of para-casein proceeded at the same rate in LMMCA samples made with the two systems. We observed similar microstructures by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Under adopted processing conditions, both treatments allowed to obtain LMMCA samples with stable hardness values up to 50 days.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):10500-10512
In the manufacture of cream cheese, sweet cream and milk are blended to prepare the cream cheese mix, although other ingredients such as condensed skim milk and skim milk powder may also be included. Whey cream (WC) is an underutilized fat source, which has smaller fat droplets and slightly different chemical composition than sweet cream. This study investigated the rheological and textural properties of cream cheeses manufactured by substituting sweet cream with various levels of WC. Three different cream cheese mixes were prepared: control mix (CC; 0% WC), cream cheese mixes containing 25% WC (25WC; i.e., 75% sweet cream), and cream cheese mixes with 75% WC (75WC; i.e., 25% sweet cream). The CC, 25WC, and 75WC mixes were then used to manufacture cream cheeses. We also studied the effect of WC on the initial step in cream cheese manufacture (i.e., the acid gelation process monitored using dynamic small amplitude rheology). Acid gels were also prepared with added denatured whey proteins or membrane proteins/phospholipids (PL) to evaluate how these components affected gel properties. The rheological, textural, and sensory properties of cream cheeses were also measured. The WC samples had significantly higher levels of PL and insoluble protein compared with sweet cream. An increase in the level of WC reduced the rate of acid gel development, similar to the effect of whey phospholipid concentrate added to mixes. In cream cheese, an increase in the level of added WC resulted in significantly lower storage modulus values at temperatures <20°C. Texture results, obtained from instrumental and sensory analyses, showed that high level of WC resulted in significantly lower firmness or hardness values and higher stickiness compared with cream cheeses made with 25WC or CC cream cheeses. The softer, less elastic gels or cheeses resulting from the use of high levels of WC are likely due to the presence of components such as PL and proteins from the native milk fat globule membrane. The use of low levels of WC in cream cheese did not alter the texture, whereas high levels of WC could be used if manufacturers want to produce more spreadable products.  相似文献   

A novel model system was developed for studying the effects of colloidal Ca phosphate (CCP) concentration on the rheological properties of Cheddar cheese, independent of proteolysis and any gross compositional variation. Cheddar cheese slices (disks; diameter = 50 mm, thickness = 2 mm) were incubated in synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase solutions for 6 h at 22°C. Control (unincubated) Cheddar cheese had a total Ca and CCP concentration of 2.80 g/100 g of protein and 1.84 g of Ca/100 g of protein, respectively. Increasing the concentration of Ca in the synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase solution incrementally in the range from 1.39 to 8.34 g/L significantly increased the total Ca and CCP concentration of the cheese samples from 2.21 to 4.59 g/100 g of protein and from 1.36 to 2.36 g of Ca/100 g of protein, respectively. Values of storage modulus (index of stiffness) at 70°C increased significantly with increasing concentrations of CCP, but the opposite trend was apparent at 20°C. The maximum in loss tangent (index of meltability/flowability) decreased significantly with increasing concentration of CCP, and there was no significant effect on the temperature at which the maximum in loss tangent occurred (68 to 70°C). Fourier transform mechanical spectroscopy showed the frequency dependence of all of the cheese samples increased with increasing temperature; however, solubilization of CCP increased the frequency dependence of the cheese matrix only in the high temperature region (i.e., >35°C). These results support earlier studies that hypothesized that the concentration of CCP strongly modulates the rheological properties of cheese.  相似文献   

不同的热烫拉伸温度对Mozzarella干酪的组织结构、凝块中微生物以及酶的活性有很重要的影响,进而会影响其成熟过程中蛋白质的降解以及最终品质的形成,该研究对不同热烫拉伸温度的Mozzarella干酪成熟过程中的蛋白降解及质构特性指标进行测定。结果表明,同一成熟期内,随着热烫温度(对照、70 ℃、90 ℃)的提高,干酪的pH 4.6可溶性氮(SN)显著下降(P<0.05),12%三氯乙酸-可溶性氮(TCA-SN)有所下降(P>0.05),而干酪的硬度、咀嚼性均显著增大(P<0.05),弹性增大而黏附性有所下降(P>0.05),融化性、油脂析出性均显著下降(P<0.05)。因而采取70 ℃的热烫拉伸温度更有利于干酪成熟后形成良好的质构特性及充分的蛋白降解。  相似文献   

Lighvan cheese was studied to determine the physicochemical and biochemical changes over 90 days of ripening in brine. Acidity, pH, dry matter, fat values, lipolysis level, water‐soluble nitrogen (WSN), total nitrogen (TN), ripening index (RI), trichloroacetic acid‐soluble nitrogen (TCA‐SN) and organoleptic assessments were analysed. Dry matter and fat values decreased during ripening. Lipolysis level, RI, TCA‐SN values and salt content increased continuously until the end of the ripening period, but total nitrogen decreased throughout a 90‐day storage period. The ripening stage was the main factor affecting the cheese’s sensory properties.  相似文献   

Colby cheese was made using different manufacturing conditions (i.e., varying the lactose content of milk and pH values at critical steps in the cheesemaking process) to alter the extent of acid development and the insoluble and total Ca contents of cheese. Milk was concentrated by reverse osmosis (RO) to increase the lactose content. Extent of acid development was modified by using high (HPM) and low (LPM) pH values at coagulant addition, whey drainage, and curd milling. Total Ca content was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy, and the insoluble (INSOL) Ca content of cheese was measured by the cheese juice method. The rheological and melting properties of cheese were measured by small amplitude oscillatory rheometry and UW-Melt Profiler, respectively. There was very little change in pH during ripening even in cheese made from milk with high lactose content. The initial (d 1) cheese pH was in the range of 4.9 to 5.1. The INSOL Ca content of cheese decreased during the first 4 wk of ripening. Cheeses made with the LPM had lower INSOL Ca content during ripening compared with cheese made with HPM. There was an increase in melt and maximum loss tangent values during ripening except for LPM cheeses made with RO-concentrated milk, as this cheese had pH <4.9 and exhibited limited melt. Curd washing reduced the levels of lactic acid produced during ripening and resulted in significantly higher INSOL Ca content. The use of curd washing for cheeses made from high lactose milk prevented a large pH decrease during ripening; high rennet and draining pH values also retained more buffering constituents (i.e., INSOL Ca phosphate), which helped prevent a large pH decrease.  相似文献   

The frequency sweep test was used to evaluate storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G′′) and loss tangent [tan (δ)] of Iranian UF-Feta cheese during ripening period (3, 20, 40 and 60 days). With development of ripening, storage and loss moduli increased at varying rates. The rate of increase in G′ was greater than that in G′′ resulting in a reduction in tan (δ). That is, storage modulus was dominant to loss modulus and as a result the elasticity nature was greater than the viscous nature of cheese samples. Due to the disruption of fat globules and proteolysis, protein matrix rearranged and formed a more compact texture containing aggregates of casein. Ripening did not influence the pH level and also the concentrations of dry matter, fat, salt, and total nitrogen in dry matter. However, water soluble nitrogen increased significantly (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The effect of milk origin on the physicochemical characteristics, microstructure and texture of Lighvan cheese was investigated over a 90‐day ripening period. Besides fat, other physicochemical properties of Lighvan cheese were affected by milk type. The moisture content of Lighvan cheese decreased when half or all the ovine milk was substituted with bovine milk. The Lighvan cheese's microstructural properties and porosity were affected by type of milk and ripening time. Compaction of cheeses manufactured from ovine and mixed ovine and bovine milk is similar, and more than that of bovine Lighvan cheese. Ovine Lighvan cheese is harder and less brittle than bovine and mixed bovine and ovine.  相似文献   

A range of processed cheese spread samples containing starch were prepared on a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). The starches used were waxy cornstarch, high‐amylose cornstarch, rice starch, potato starch, wheat starch and acid‐converted starch. Incorporation of the starches at different levels produced marked differences in the rheological, microstructural and functional properties of the processed cheese spreads. Rheological attributes such as complex modulus and viscosity increased; the extent of increase depended on the starch type and the starch level. Starch incorporation at reduced protein levels demonstrated the possibility of maintaining satisfactory rheological properties at lower ingredient cost.  相似文献   

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