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在设计人体雕刻系统过程中,针对三维人体图像的采集,处理进行了研究和探讨.系统分析了图像采集的必要性,运用综合扫描法进行采集,成功地减少了产生误差的可能性;对采集数据进行了预处理,还提出了逐线动态数据处理算法,为数量庞大的三维人体数据处理提供了技术支持. 相似文献
本文对三维超声图像采集系统作了较为详细的描述 ,并简要介绍了VFW在视频应用程序开发中的基本原理 ,最后结合实际着重阐述了VFW在三维超声图像采集的软件编程实现方法上的应用。 相似文献
人脸性别分类是一个富有挑战的研究方向,目前的研究尚不完善.本文提出一种三维人脸的性别分类方法, 首先对数据集进行局部区域最近邻点迭代算法(Iterative closest point, ICP)匹配,自动实现人脸正向姿态校正;对数据集人脸统一做俯仰角度的旋转, 从不同视角上提取基于深度缩略图的多角度LBP (Local binary patterns)特征;再由支持向量机(Support vector machine, SVM)分类器完成训练分类. 该方法在CASIA数据库上实验,对全库中性表情人脸进行性别分类,可以得到最高98.374%的正确率. 相似文献
本文提出了基于Video for Windows,实现视频图像实时采集和显示的方法,同时介绍了利用视频 频窗口的回调函数,实现视频信息在两台计算机之间传送的方法,并详细介绍了视频图像实时采集,显示的具体实现。 相似文献
本文提出了一个完整的基于三维小波变换的实时图像采集系统的方案。其中三维小波变换在运算中转换为成熟的FFT进行计算,以节省时间。 相似文献
随着物质生活生平的提高,人们对安防监控的要求越来越高,高清晰网络摄像机逐步取代了传统的模拟摄像机。文中,主要探讨了基于FPGA的视频图像实时采集和显示技术。以FPGA为核心技术,结合CCD图像传感、视频编解码、ADC转换等技术,可以实现实时高清视频图像的数据采集和显示系统。FPGA是基于现场可编程门阵列技术的,具有较强的灵活性和实时性,支持内嵌式CPU处理器,可以很好地处理视频图像。 相似文献
针对传统昆虫器官三维立体演示过程中,普遍存在着三维重建效果不理想、精度较低等问题.提出基于改进光线投影的昆虫器官三维立体演示方法.通过对昆虫器官图像进行分析,采用均值滤波对昆虫器官图像中的噪声进行抑制,对去噪后的昆虫器官图像进行锐化处理,来增强昆虫器官图像中被模糊的细节,利用改进光线投影方法对昆虫器官图像进行三维重建,... 相似文献
基于ARM嵌入式的图像采集与显示系统设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在基于S3C2440和嵌入式系统的平台上,实现能进行图像数据的实时获取,并进行相应的处理后把视频显示LCD上的设计过程.系统利用嵌入式Linux中的V4L2提供的API进行图像采集,利用S3C2440的高速运算能力对图像数据进行解压和格式转换,最后利用Framebuffer把图像实时显示在LCD上. 相似文献
本文基于DirectShow设计了一个用于证件信息采集系统的图像采集模块.该图像采集模块包括CVGraph,CVSampleGrabberCB及CVCaptureGraph三个类,具有视频流中帧数据捕获和静态引脚图像捕获两种采集方式.对这两种方式进行了分析比较,并给出了整个采集图像的流程图.最后实验表明该图像采集模块是可行的和有效的. 相似文献
Nomin‐Erdene Dalkhaa Batbayar Densmaa Ganbat Baasantseren 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2015,23(10):457-463
While the viewing angle (VA) is an important parameter of three‐dimensional (3‐D) displays, a method has not yet been devised to determine the VA. We proposed a new approach to determine a VA of an integral imaging display. An integrated point appears at the cross section between collected rays and a lens array; the VA of the integrated point is thus equal to the angle between the two farthest rays. This approach is useful to determine the VA of all 3‐D displays, because a 3‐D point appears in the cross section of collected rays. The result of this study showed that the VA depends on the position of the integrated point and is smaller than the VA of the conventional calculation. 相似文献
Masako Kashiwagi Shinichi Uehara Ayako Takagi Masahiro Baba 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2014,22(1):68-75
To widen the vertical and horizontal angular ranges where the lens performs well, the off‐axis performance of a liquid crystal gradient index (LC GRIN) lens is analyzed by the combined simulation system of an LC director simulator and a ray‐tracing simulator. We found that the angular difference between an LC alignment direction and an electrode array direction of the LC GRIN lens is one of significant parameters, and detailed conditions of structure are established. The measurement result shows that the developed structure reduces the degradation ratio in a luminance profile from 61% to 3.2%. We have applied a user tracking system for the rotatable 3D display, equipped with a detection of a panel orientation and a face position. As a result, we have developed a rotatable 2D/3D tablet whose 3D viewing azimuth angle is over 30° in both landscape and portrait orientations. 相似文献
Wu‐Li Chen Chao‐Hsu Tsai Chang‐Shuo Wu Chang‐Ying Chen Shu‐Chuan Cheng 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2010,18(9):647-653
Abstract— This study develops an autostereoscopic display based on a multiple miniature projector array to provide a scalable solution for a high‐resolution 3‐D display with large viewing freedom. To minimize distortion and dispersion, and to maximize the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the projection image to optimize 3‐D image quality, a dedicated projection lens and an accurate six‐axis adjusting platform for the miniature projector were designed and fabricated. Image‐blending technology based on a lookup table was adopted to combine images from 30 miniature projectors into a seamless single image. The result was a 35‐in. autostereoscopic display with 60 views ata 30° viewing angle, 90° FOV, and large range of viewing distance. The proposed system exhibits very smooth motion parallax when viewers move around in front of it. 相似文献
崔金中 《数据与计算发展前沿》2017,8(4):3-5
本期《科研信息化技术与应用》的“国家标本资源共享平台及其应用”专刊刊登了 13 篇文章,其中综述性论文 4 篇,技术性论文 3 篇,应用类论文 6 篇。本专刊全面系统地介绍了我国标本数字化的最新进展及其在各个不同学科不同层次的应用。首先对国内外生物标本资源数字化进展进行了分析和介绍,重点对我国国家标本资源共享平台从不同侧面,系统而全面地进行了分析,并对我国今后标本数字化提出了非常具有建设性的建议;然后基于 NSII 网页浏览日志中标本查询页面中的用户检索关键词进行了分析,一定程度上揭示用户对不同物种、不同地理分布和馆藏分布的关注度,从而确定热点物种;并分别详细介绍了植物、动物和岩矿子平台标本数字化、平台建设、数据资源、专题库建设、以及为相关领域研究提供的服务。国家标本资源共享平台除了提供标本数据服务外,还为各具特色的专题数据库建设、各种专题研究提供了很好的空间和相关技术服务;生物多样性数据 Gap 分析、可视化分析、三维展示技术、多媒体技术等在标本数字化展示和相关研究中得到了很好的应用。 相似文献
针对目前国内3D电视芯片的缺少而导致3D片源短缺,传统视频处理过程复杂,以及红蓝3D视频观看时出现重影、亮度降低等问题,本文设计了一款基于FPGA的3D视频前端处理与显示系统。以两路摄像头采集的信号作为输入源,采用Altera公司的Cyclone IV系列FPGA芯片为处理核心,实时地完成数据采集和图像处理,采用LCOS微显示器件作为显示单元,得到了效果逼真的3D视频图像。 相似文献
Hideya Takahashi Shuhei Miyatake Tahito Aida Kenji Yamada 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2010,18(7):501-506
Abstract— A circular camera system employing an image‐based rendering technique that captures light‐ray data needed for reconstructing three‐dimensional (3‐D) images by using reconstruction of parallax rays from multiple images captured from multiple viewpoints around a real object in order to display a 3‐D image of a real object that can be observed from multiple surrounding viewing points on a 3‐D display is proposed. An interpolation algorithm that is effective in reducing the number of component cameras in the system is also proposed. The interpolation and experimental results which were performed on our previously proposed 3‐D display system based on the reconstruction of parallax rays will be described. When the radius of the proposed circular camera array was 1100 mm, the central angle of the camera array was 40°, and the radius of a real 3‐D object was between 60 and 100 mm, the proposed camera system, consisting of 14 cameras, could obtain sufficient 3‐D light‐ray data to reconstruct 3‐D images on the 3‐D display. 相似文献
Multilayer hybrid visualizations to support 3D GIS 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In this paper, we present a unique hybrid visualization system for spatial data. Although some existing 3D GIS systems offer 2D views they are typically isolated from the 3D view in that they are presented in a separate window. Our system is a novel hybrid 2D/3D approach that seamlessly integrates 2D and 3D views of the same data. In our interface, multiple layers of information are continuously transformed between the 2D and 3D modes under the control of the user, directly over a base terrain. In this way, our prototype system is able to depict 2D and 3D views within the same window. This has advantages, since 2D and 3D visualizations can each be easier to interpret in different contexts.In this work we develop this concept of a hybrid visualization by presenting a comprehensive set of capabilities within our distinctive system. These include new facilities such as: hybrid landmark, 3D point, and chart layers, the grouping of multiple hybrid layers, layer painting, the merging of layer controls and consistent zooming functionality. 相似文献
In next-generation virtual 3D simulation, training, and entertainment environments, intelligent visualization interfaces must respond to user-specified viewing requests so users can follow salient points of the action and monitor the relative locations of objects. Users should be able to indicate which object(s) to view, how each should be viewed, what cinematic style and pace to employ, and how to respond when a single satisfactory view is not possible. When constraints fail, weak constraints can be relaxed or multi-shot solutions can be displayed in sequence or as composite shots with simultaneous viewports. To address these issues, we have developed ConstraintCam, a real-time camera visualization interface for dynamic 3D worlds. 相似文献
Sachi Mizobuchi Shinya Terasaki Jukka Hkkinen Erkki Heinonen Johan Bergquist Mark Chignell 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2008,16(11):1105-1113
Abstract— The benefits of stereoscopic viewing were explored in searching in words superimposed over a background. In the first experiment, eight participants searched for text in a normal 2‐D display, a 3‐D display using a parallax barrier, and a darkened 2‐D display of equivalent brightness to the 3‐D display. Word‐search performance was significantly faster for the bright 2‐D display vs. the 3‐D display, but when brightness was controlled, performance on the 3‐D display was better relative to the 2‐D (dim) display. In a second experiment, the effect of floating text vs. sinking background disparity was assessed across four background conditions. Twenty participants saw only the floating‐text (FT) condition and 20 participants saw only the sinking‐background (SB) condition. Performance of the SB group was significantly better than that of FT group, and the advantage of SB disparity was greater with the more‐complex backgrounds. Thus, when a parallax‐barrier 3‐D display is used to view text or other figural information overlaid on a background, it is proposed that the layer of primary interest (foreground) should be displayed with zero disparity (on the physical display surface) with the secondary layer (background) appearing to be sunk beneath that surface. 相似文献
Takahiro Ishinabe Kazuhiro Wako Tatsuo Uchida 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2010,18(11):968-975
Abstract— Optically compensated bend (OCB) mode is a promising technology, due to its wide range of viewing angles without gray‐scale inversion or color shift, fast response, high contrast ratio, and wide temperature range. This paper summarizes the fundamental characteristics of OCB mode and discusses the development of field‐sequential‐color displays and 3‐D displays for future high‐quality display applications. 相似文献