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为客观、自动化地评价各种文档在不同情况下实际达到的互操作能力,提出利用本体技术建立文档互操作性度量模型。在准确、形式化地描述文档概念及其关联的基础上,综合考虑各种影响互操作性的度量因素,通过度量函数对不同文档系统间的互操作性进行计算,通过量化的结果为互操作性测评提供客观依据。基于本体的形式化描述,实现了一个面向办公文档领域的原型系统以自动化地进行文档互操作性度量,验证了度量模型构建方法的有效性和模型的实用性。  相似文献   

Vague集间的相似性度量及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文提出了一种描述Vague集间的不确定关联度概念,并提出了一种新的Vague集间相似性度量模型,它不但考虑了Vague集论域元素间的物理意义,而且也考虑了论域元素间的不确定关联程度,因此,它比已存在的Vague集间相似度量模型更加精细地刻画了Vague集间的相似性,从而在基于Vague集的不确定性智能信息处理领域中可有广泛应用。  相似文献   

基于一阶逻辑的RDF模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
XML为互联网应用提供了语法互操作性统一标准,而资源描述框架RDF定义了支持语义互操作的框架模型。作为RDF数据模型的类型系统,资源描述框架模式RDFS定义了一套扩充新的建模原语及其语义约束的机制。由于整个互联网语义化过程都以RDF模型为底层的模型支持,RDF数据模型及其类型系统的形式化程度直接影响和制约着更高层次上的语言和模型的形式化能力和推理能力。文章首先对RDFS类型系统做了非形式化分析,然后基于一阶逻辑定义了一套RDFS类型系统中对应类层次模型、类-实例模型和核心概念约束模型的事实-规则集。  相似文献   

针对传统面貌相似性度量方法容易受主观影响以及半自动面貌特征点提取方法存在标定不准确等问题,提出一种基于自适应邻域特征描述子的三维面貌相似性度量的方法。该方法将待比较面貌模型统一到法兰克福坐标系下,并利用等测地线方法根据面貌模型侧面轮廓线自动提取特征点;通过构建特征点的自适应邻域几何特征协方差矩阵,作为特征点描述子;对特征点的特征描述子进行相似性度量从而确定面貌模型间的相似性。实验结果表明,该方法不仅可以有效地评判三维面貌模型的相似性,而且能够区分相似面貌和不相似面貌模型。  相似文献   

互联网技术的飞速发展和大众的广泛而深入的参与,极大地改变了传统的面向单台计算机的软件工作模式,计算环境、软件工程以及交互方式的持续演化,形成了以互联网为环境、以服务为手段、大众参与的云计算.在互联、互通、互操作方面,TCP/IP协议主要解决了网络互联问题,HTTP、HTML等协议主要解决信息资源的互通问题,将在此基础上阐述基于RGPS元模型描述的MFI互操作性元模型框架可以作为一种云计算中按需服务的技术标准,解决云计算下服务的互操作问题,从而实现服务资源的高效复用,推动云计算的发展.  相似文献   

协议测试中的互操作性测试是保证不同厂商通信设备之间能够正确实施互操作的主要工程测试方法。针对互操作性测试过程中缺乏形式化测试框架和测试方法指导而导致无法保证测试可靠性的问题,在介绍ETSI定义的通用互操作性测试模型基础上,提出一个基于互操作性状态机的互操作性测试方法。通过一个面向IPsec VPN的互操作性测试实例表明该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

如何提升系统的互操作性是当前仿真领域需要着力解决的问题,而理解互操作问题产生的根源则是提升互操作性的前提。从互操作性的概念分析人手,剖析了仿真系统互操作问题产生的原因,将之概括为组织、抽象和实现三个层面,并提出了相应的解决框架。框架通过建立概念模型库和平台无关模型库解决抽象层面的问题,利用模型实现的自动化和服务化解决实现层面的问题,可以作为领域内解决互操作问题的借鉴。最后提出了使用对比法和测试法评估系统互操作性的思路。  相似文献   

云模型相似性是用来度量同类概念不同语言值的多个云之间关联程度的方法,相似云及其度量分析方法的提出是对云模型理论的扩展。针对目前相似性度量方法中时间复杂度过高和结果不稳定等不足,提出了一种基于云模型重叠度的相似性度量算法。首先,根据云模型期望、熵、超熵三个数字特征,定义两个云模型的位置关系和逻辑关系;其次,利用两个云的位置和形状特性,计算得到它们间的重叠度;最后,结合云模型重叠度与相似度的关系,将云模型的相似性度量转化为相应重叠部分的定量化描述。通过对时间序列分类实例的应用,验证了该算法在保证结果稳定度和正确率的前提下,与目前时间消耗较低的云模型相似度计算方法(LICM)相比,计算复杂度降低了50%,表明该算法具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于相似性进行文本分类是当前流行的文本处理方法。基于特征隶属度的文本分类相似性度量方法旨在利用特征与文档间的隶属关系度量文档相似性,从而实现文本分类。该方法基于特征与文档的隶属关系,对特征进行全隶属、偏隶属和无隶属词集划分,并基于3种隶属词集定义隶属度函数。全隶属词集隶属于两篇文档,隶属度随权差增大而降低;偏隶属词集仅隶属于其中某一篇文档,隶属度为一个定值;无隶属词集与两篇文档无隶属关系,隶属度为零。在度量相似性时,偏隶属关系高于全隶属关系。由于同类文档词集相近,异类文档词集差异明显,因此,基于特征与文档的隶属度进行相似性度量,可清晰界定词集与类别的隶属关系,提升分类精度。最后,采用数据集20-Newgroups和Reuters-21578对分类有效性进行验证,结果表明基于特征隶属度的相似性度量方法的性能优于目前流行的相似性度量方法。  相似文献   

Interoperability is one of the requisite features for existing enterprises in the increasing competitive and complex global market. In the last decade, enterprise interoperability has been developed and prescribed by various kinds of frameworks, methods, and techniques. However interoperability development is still not mature enough to become a science. Meanwhile, it keeps evolving according to different business requirement and market environment. Nowadays, networked environment causes unpredictable dynamical situations, thus sustainable interoperability becomes a new research dimension in the interoperability of enterprise systems and applications domain. In the sustainable interoperability, enterprise interoperability dynamics is one of the focal topics. This dynamic approach also called federated is originated from Enterprise Interoperability Framework of INTEROP NoE, which aims to establish interoperability on the fly. This paper presents current state on federated approaches to develop enterprise interoperability dynamics. Based on this study, a novel Federated interoperability approach is proposed. It aims at bridging the gap from interoperability concepts to the implementation of interoperable enterprise information systems development. This approach reuses distributed simulation interoperability concepts to facilitate and coordinate the communication between heterogeneous distributed information systems of the enterprises. This simulation part has been implemented into a software platform. This platform is complaint with the latest version of the high level architecture that is a distributed communication standard. This approach also proposes a development lifecycle that intends to reuse existing information systems without recoding them but by adapting them to the new requirements of interoperability dynamics.  相似文献   

Enterprise Interoperability is the ability of enterprises to interoperate in order to achieve their business goals. Although the purpose of enterprise interoperability is determined at the business level, the use of technical (IT) services to support business services implies that interoperability solutions at both the business and technical level should be aligned. This paper introduces and demonstrates the suitability of an approach based on model transformations to automate enterprise interoperability. We start by considering that a set of enterprises are willing to interoperate in the context of their individual goals. The interactions necessary for their cooperation are then properly captured in terms of a so-called choreography. Our approach allows a choreography to be mapped and transformed to an orchestration, which defines the operation of the actual technical services of the interoperating enterprises. The paper discusses the technical challenges of implementing the transformation, and illustrates our approach with two application scenarios.  相似文献   

To facilitate business collaboration and interoperation among enterprises, it is critical to discover and reuse appropriate business processes modeled in different languages and stored in different repositories. However, the formats of business process models are very different, which makes it a challenge to fuse them in a unified way without changing their original representations and semantics. To solve this problem, this paper uses semantic interoperability technique which is able to transform heterogeneous process models into uniform registered items. Based on the general and unambiguous metamodel for process model registration (PMR for short) in ISO/IEC 19763-5 that we proposed before, in this article, we provide a generic process model registration framework for registering heterogeneous business process models to facilitate semantic discovery of business processes across enterprises, and promote process interoperation and business collaboration. Considering that Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) is a popular process model widely used in the industry, we focus on the mapping rules and related specific transformation algorithms from EPC to PMR as an instantiation of our framework and develop an automatic process model registration tool for EPC. Moreover, we conduct a series of experiments to verify the correctness and efficiency of our proposed framework by leveraging the real data set of 604 EPCs from SAP.  相似文献   

The evolution of ICT towards fast and robust data exchange promoted the blooming of successful technical and business concepts like cloud computing and virtualisation of enterprise assets. The escalation of service providers enabled the specialisation of enterprises (particularly SMEs) and the building of provider networks. This move from enterprise-concentric to service-dispersed strategies is leading to concerns about reaching and maintaining the interoperability between customer–provider pairs and their associated business networks. This is particularly true in the aerospace industry: a highly-competitive and demanding business supported by numerous applications, which may be general-purposed, specific, proprietary or open-sourced, all needing to be interoperable with the lowest impact on the business itself. This paper addresses the need for improving the sustainability of enterprise interoperability via the application of negotiations, with the objective of reducing the impact of changes and achieving the best solutions in the interoperability between the enterprises and their surrounding environment. It proposes a framework that features a negotiation mechanism for the management of changes towards the sustainability of the seamless business-to-business interactions, and describes its application on the real business case of the ESA-CDF space mission feasibility studies.  相似文献   

With the rise of the Internet, competitiveness is pressuring enterprises to build better solutions with fewer resources, following new trends and supporting new platforms and methodologies. On the other hand, legislation and regulations are updating frequently and deeply, and demanding rapid compliance from enterprises. These frequent business changes shake all the interoperability links between the enterprises, leading to periods of adaptation where business operation is not possible. The urge to rapidly regain interoperability often leads to unfounded, poorly-chosen solutions, which lead to inefficiency and rework. This paper proposes that the best way to have a strong interoperable environment is to perform constant, periodic maintenance operations in order to adapt enterprises to their surrounding ecosystem. It introduces NEGOSEIO, a framework that promotes continuous improvement and adaptation towards the management of interoperability on enterprise systems, and which has negotiations as a core mechanism to handle inconsistencies and solutions for the detected interoperability problems. Following this approach, enterprises shall become more adaptable to changes and external factors, consequently developing resilient and efficient interactions with its supply chain. The paper validates the framework with its application in a real business case of aerospace mission design on the European Space Agency (ESA).  相似文献   

The emerging Liquid-Sensing Enterprise (LSE) concept provides manufacturing industrial networks with the required enablers to seamless interoperate and sustain its interoperability along the operational life cycle. Actually, the actual domain of enterprise information systems interoperability prospects the need for a new paradigm able to manage the network dynamics, facilitating adaptation along the lifecycle of an enterprise and the LSE network. The theory of complex systems provides a set of heuristics that can be applied to support the formalization of the LSE industrial network and its dynamics, demonstrating how they can be enabled and at the same time controlled to keep the overall level of interoperability stable. Hence, today there is technology suitable to implement such systems, capable to realize the LSE real, digital and virtual worlds. However, isolated, this technology cannot deliver the requirements for a self-sustainable LSE network. The authors propose a novel metaphor from complexity as a framework to model and implement the mechanism for sustaining interoperability in such networked environments. They identify the motivations for sustaining interoperability of networked liquid-sensing enterprises, having complex and adaptive systems as a vehicle to model and understand the relationships between enterprises and enterprise information systems in networked environments. Then, existing technology such as model-driven interoperability, agent-based or service oriented architectures, and knowledge management, is proposed to detail the conceptual solution for the sustainability of interoperability. An instantiation of the concept proposed is presented, which details the prototypal application elaborated in a real manufacturing scenario, implemented and validated during the European Project Factories of the Future IMAGINE.  相似文献   

The importance of interoperability for businesses is undoubted. After an evolution from electronic data interchange to interoperability in electronic business and enterprise interoperability both the scientific and the practitioners’ community are today discussing the notion of interoperability service utilities. Furthermore, researchers are studying decentralized and distributed interoperability approaches such as peer-to-peer networks, for example. However, a comprehensive investigation of business models for such decentralized approaches to interoperability is still missing. Drawing from recent literature on business modeling on the one hand and interoperability research on the other hand this paper designs a business model reference for interoperability services. The business model reference assumes interoperability information as an economic good and is applied in two case studies and evaluated from multiple perspectives. The paper contributes to the scientific body of knowledge as it proposes a novel design artifact which lays the foundation for a number of future research opportunities.  相似文献   

Complex business models in large-scale enterprises deal with voluminous knowledge based on which most decisive official and technical documents are generated. Nowadays, template processors are available for generating such documents. However, the existing template processors are either labor intensive or complicated to suit well-established business model and knowledge repositories in a heterogeneous environment. Hence, a novel generalized adaptable and flexible template processor that utilizes the existing resources without modifying the business model is proposed. The tacit business intelligence defined as rules, knowledge repositories and document structure are the nodal agents of this approach. Further, an XML based Object Query Definition Markup Language for rule definition is newly suggested. The rules are reorganized into hierarchical DAG structured rules using a transformation algorithm and traversed using hybrid traversal. The required output document is represented through a template. Object wrappers act as the communicating agent between diversified datasets and the templates. The proposed architecture is modeled and implemented using set theory. It is experimented in a web-based distributed environment using JAVA and tested using a real world dataset of a large-scale engineering enterprise. The results demonstrate its adaptability and extensibility to any multi-organizational structure.  相似文献   

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