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In order to identify charged amino-acid residues of the cloned rat brain neurotensin (NT) receptor (NTR) that are critical for NT binding, we performed site-directed mutagenesis on the cDNA encoding this protein, followed by transient expression into mammalian COS-7 cells and in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Point substitutions of charged residues in the N-terminal part and in the 2nd and 3rd extracellular loop of the receptor either did not affect (125)I-Tyr3-NT binding or resulted in a decrease in binding affinity by a factor of 2-3. Mutations of amino acids Asp113 in the second transmembrane domain (TM) and of Arg149 or Asp150 in TM III yielded receptors that bound NT as efficiently as the native receptor. By contrast, replacement of the Asp139 residue in the 1st extracellular loop, or of Arg143 or Arg327-Arg328 residues at the top of TM III and in TM VI, respectively, completely abolished ligand binding. Confocal and EM immunocytochemical studies of the expression of these affected receptors, tagged with the C-terminal sequence of the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G), indicated that this loss of binding was not due to altered receptor expression or to their improper insertion into the plasma membrane. When these mutated forms of neurotensin receptor were expressed into Xenopus oocytes, Asp139-Gly- and Arg143-Gly-modified receptors remained functional in spite of a lowered response to NT whereas the Arg327-Arg328 mutant form was totally insensitive to NT at concentrations up to 10 microM. In the case of the Arg327-Arg328 mutation, the observed insensibility to NT could be the result of a drastic conformational alteration of this mutant protein. By contrast, it would appear that Asp139 and Arg143 residues located in the first extracellular loop of the receptor may be directly involved in the interaction of the receptor with neurotensin.  相似文献   

Stress worsens certain disorders such as migraines or asthma, and has also been implicated in sudden myocardial arrest. It was previously shown that acute psychological stress by immobilization results in dura mast cell degranulation, an effect blocked by pretreatment with antiserum against corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). Moreover, CRH was recently shown to induce skin mast cell degranulation. The effect of psychological stress was investigated on rat cardiac mast cells, because their release of coronary constrictive and proinflammatory molecules contributes to myocardial ischemia and possibly arrhythmias. Immobilization of rats for 30 min induced maximal cardiac mast cell degranulation as evidenced by light and electron microscopy. This effect was inhibited by pretreatment with the "antiallergic" drug sodium cromoglycate (cromolyn), which is thought to act primarily through mast cell stabilization. Mast cell degranulation was also blocked by preincubation with antiserum against CRH and was partially inhibited by a CRH type-1 receptor selective antagonist. Sensory neuropeptides did not appear to influence this effect, but a nonpeptide neurotensin receptor antagonist blocked stress-induced cardiac mast cell degranulation. This finding supports the involvement of neuropeptide neurotensin which is present in the heart and is known to trigger mast cell degranulation. These results indicate acute stress could result in local CRH and nonpeptide neurotensin release which could contribute to myocardial pathophysiology through direct or indirect release of cardiac mast cell mediators.  相似文献   

A congenitally malformed infant with a tetraploid chromosome complement who survived to 1 year of age is reported. The relationship of the polyploidy and the anomalies is discussed.  相似文献   

The peptides neurotensin (NT) and neuromedin N exert effects on neurons by means of a high-affinity NT receptor (NTRH) belonging to the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors. In the present study, we used in situ hybridization histochemistry with sensitive riboprobe methodology to investigate the distribution of NTRH mRNA in the forebrain of adult rats. Labeled cells were abundant in the hypothalamus, epithalamus, ventral thalamus, septum, amygdala, and pallidum, including many regions where NTRH mRNA had not been detected previously. In the hypothalamus, novel sites of NTRH mRNA expression included the arcuate, periventricular, paraventricular, supraoptic, medial preoptic, anterior, ventromedial, and posterior nuclei, as well as the lateral hypothalamic area. In the thalamus, novel sites of expression included the anterodorsal nucleus, lateral habenula, and zona incerta, where labeling was much more extensive than previously reported. Novel telencephalic sites of expression included most bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, most divisions of the amygdala, the main olfactory bulb, the endopiriform nucleus, the claustrum, many parts of retrohippocampal allocortex, and limited parts of most isocortical areas. Novel sites of expression were also observed in the midbrain and pons. Taking into account expected differences in the subcellular locations of receptor mRNA and protein, the regional distribution of NTRH mRNA agrees well with that of NTRH determined previously. Our results identify many novel sites of NTRH mRNA expression in adult brain and provide a basis for investigating involvement of NT and related peptides in regulating the activity of these diverse cells, whose phenotypes remain largely undetermined.  相似文献   

In a previous study, mu-opioid receptor binding was decreased by chronic treatment of rats with a mu-opioid receptor-selective agonist [CH3Phe3, D-Pro4]morphiceptin (PL-017) [Tao, P.L., Lee, H.Y., Chang, L.R., Loh, H.H., 1990. Decrease in mu-opioid receptor binding capacity in rat brain after chronic PL-017 treatment. Brain Res. 526, 270-275]. However, there was a lack of correlation between the time course of receptor down-regulation and the loss of pharmacological effects of the drug. In the current study, we used immunohistochemistry to reinvestigate this issue. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were chronically treated with PL-017 i.c.v. for 1, 3 or 5 days, using an escalating dosage paradigm (0.75-6.0 microg), which resulted in a 1.4 to 32-fold increase in the AD50. Rat brains were removed, frozen, coronally sectioned (14 microm) and processed for mu-, delta- or kappa-opioid receptor immunohistochemistry by the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) method. Significant decreases in OP3 immunodensity were found in many brain regions which are enriched with OP3 after chronic treatment of PL-017. Time-dependent decreases in OP3 were detected and reached a plateau around 3 days of PL-017 treatment. No significant change in OP1 or OP2 immunodensity after chronic treatment with PL-017 was found. Our conclusion is that chronic treatment with PL-017 of rats selectively down-regulates mu-opioid receptors in the brain. This may be an important mechanism for PL-017 tolerance.  相似文献   

Mast cells have previously been identified in mammalian brain by histochemistry and histamine fluorescence, particularly in the rat thalamus and hypothalamus. However, the nature of brain mast cells has continued to be questioned, especially because the electron microscopic appearance often shows secretory granule morphology distinct from that of typical connective tissue mast cells. Here we report that mast cells in the rat hypothalamus, identified based on metachromatic staining with Toluidine Blue, fluoresced after staining with berberine sulfate, indicating the presence of heparin. These cells were also positive immunohistochemically for histamine, as well as for rat mast cell protease I, an enzyme characteristically present in rat connective tissue mast cells. In addition, these same cells showed a very strong signal with in situ hybridization for immunoglobulin E binding protein messenger RNA. However, use of antibodies directed towards immunoglobulin E or its binding protein did not label any cells, which may mean either the binding protein is below the level of detection of the techniques used or that it is not expressed except in pathological conditions when the blood-brain barrier becomes permeable. At the ultrastructural level, perivascular mast cells contained numerous, intact, electron-dense granules which were labeled by gold-labeled anti-rat mast cell protease I. These results clearly demonstrate the presence of perivascular mast cells in the rat hypothalamus, where they may participate in homeostatic processes.  相似文献   

Six basic proteins of 26 to 38 kDa with isoelectric points (pI) > or = 8.5 were abundant in proteins separated by two-dimensional SDS-PAGE from adult rat peritoneal mast cells (MC). One was identified previously as rat mast cell proteinase (RMCP) 1, a chymase of 26 to 28 kDa, pI > 9.0. Microsequence analyses showed that two polypeptides of about 29 and 30 kDa had NH2 terminal amino acid sequences homologous to mouse MC proteinase 5 (MCP-5), whereas the amino terminals of the 33, 35, and 36 kDa proteins were homologous to MC carboxypeptidase A (MC-CPA). Rabbit Abs produced against synthetic peptides of the identified NH2 terminal sequences were used in immunoblot studies. At least three proteins reacted with Abs to MC-CPA, whereas Abs to MCP-5 detected three adjacent polypeptides, rather than just the two identified by using microsequence analysis. Removal of oligosaccharide side chains using peptide:N-glycosidase F reduced the heterogeneity of each set of three polypeptides (MCP-5 and MC-CPA) to a band of each protein of a lower M(r). The serine proteinase inhibitor [3H]diisopropylfluorophosphate ([3H]DFP) bound to a proteinase of 30 to 35 kDa, which is probably MC tryptase (pI < or = 6.0). Immunoblot analysis of proteins from intestinal mucosal mast cells showed RMCP-2, but not RMCP-1, MCP-5, or MC-CPA. This is the first report of MCP-5 in the rat and of clearly distinguishable glycosylated forms of MC CPA. These proteinases appear to be restricted in their distribution to selected MC populations, but little is known about their functions.  相似文献   

Using 125I-labeled neurotensin (NT), chicken liver was found to contain high affinity, G-protein-linked receptors directed specifically towards the bioactive C-terminal portion of NT. Binding was proportional to membrane and optimal at pH 7.5. The apparent Kd (approximately 91 pM) for this single class of binding sites was similar to Kds reported for the high-affinity components of NT binding to mammalian brain and intestinal membranes. However, the binding capacity (Bmax, approximately 2.3 pmol/mg) was 10-100 times higher than values reported for these mammalian tissues. Binding was inhibited by GTP analogues and by treatment with pertussis toxin but not by cholera toxin. Treatments with alkaline solutions, shown to inactivate G-proteins, decreased subsequent binding at pH 7.5. Whereas low concentrations of Mg2+ (optimum, approximately 0.5 mM) enhanced NT binding, concentrations of 5 mM and above were inhibitory. Cross-linking of 125I-labeled NT to liver membranes using glutaraldehyde specifically labeled two substances of approximately 52 and approximately 90 kDa, which could represent different binding proteins or complexes. These data demonstrate the presence in chicken liver of large amounts of high-affinity NT receptor(s) coupled to pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein(s).  相似文献   

The relationship between mast cells' secretory response to stimulation via their type 1 Fc epsilon receptors (Fc epsilon RI) and that provided by the C3a fragment of the complement system was investigated in the rat mucosal-type mast cell line RBL-2H3. These cells are known to be unresponsive to the so-called 'peptidergic' stimulus provided by cationic agents, such as anaphylatoxins, neuropeptides or polyamines. We now observed that C3a effectively inhibits the Fc epsilon RI clustering induced secretion of RBL-2H3 cells. This inhibition is dose-dependent and takes place at a C3a concentration range of 0.4-12.5 nM, i.e. at least three orders of magnitude lower than those where this anaphylatoxin exerts its secretory stimulus to 'serosal' mast cells. In order to identify where C3a interferes in the Fc epsilon RI coupling cascade, we have studied its effect on the cells' protein phosphorylation pattern, hydrolysis of phosphatidyl inositides, transient rise in free cytosolic Ca2+ ion concentration and Ca2+ uptake. All these processes were found to be inhibited by a similar C3a concentration range.  相似文献   

The neuroleptic-like effects of neurotensin (NT) are thought to be due to interactions with dopamine (DA) acting primarily at D2 receptors within the nucleus accumbens septi (Acb). Using electron microscopic dual labeling immunocytochemistry, we sought to demonstrate cellular substrates for functional interactions involving NT and DA D2 receptors in the adult rat Acb. Peroxidase reaction product representing D2 receptor-like immunoreactivity (D2-LI) was seen along membranes of Golgi lamellae and multivesicular bodies of perikarya containing immunogold labeling representing NT-LI. Dually labeled somata usually contained highly indented nuclei, a characteristic of aspiny neurons. Dendrites also occasionally colocalized the two immunomarkers. Other somata, dendrites, and all axon terminals were singly labeled with either NT-LI or D2-LI. In distinct sets of terminals, NT-LI was commonly associated with large, dense-cored vesicles, whereas D2-LI was found along the plasmalemma and over nearby small clear vesicles. Each type of terminal comprised approximately 20% of synaptic input to NT-immunoreactive dendrites. Similar proportions of terminals containing NT-LI or D2-LI contacted unlabeled (approximately 55%) or NT-labeled (approximately 35%) dendrites and, occasionally, were observed converging onto common dendrites. Terminals containing NT-LI or D2-LI also were often closely apposed. These findings provide the first ultrastructural evidence that: (1) NT and D2 receptors are colocalized in aspiny neurons and dendrites, (2) NT may produce a direct postsynaptic effect on neurons receiving input from terminals which are presynaptically modulated by DA via D2 receptors, and (3) NT and DA acting at D2 receptors may interact through presynaptic modulation of common axon terminals.  相似文献   

Frusemide can be used as an antiasthma drug and appears to inhibit the release (conditioned by activation of Cl- channels) of mast cell proinflammatory mediators. We studied the cause of the effects of frusemide, checking its action on Cl- channels. The patch-clamp technique was used to study single-channel currents, and differences in electrical potential of the cellular membrane of rat peritoneal mast cells were measured. In inside-out configuration, outwardly-rectifying Cl- channels were identified whose conductance was 2.4/1.7 pS at positive and negative voltages. In cell-attached configuration, the open probability (Po) of the channel increased with depolarization or with the presence of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in the incubation medium. Po increased with a rise of cytoplasmic free calcium concentration [Ca2+] and was inhibited by 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate (NPPB) and by 4-4'-diisothiocyanatoostilbene-2-2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS). These channels seem to be the main cause of mast cell Cl- conductance. Frusemide (10(-5) and 10(-3) M) did not affect Cl- channel activity when using excised patches. In cell-attached configuration experiments, the presence of frusemide (from 10(-5) to 10(-3) M) in the cell incubation medium, increasingly reduced Po (median inhibitory concentration (IC50) = 4.3 x 10(-7) M). In similar conditions, bumetanide also inhibited Po (IC50 = 5.7 x 10(-3) M). The results of this study suggest that frusemide can inhibit mast cell Cl- channels only via an indirect mechanisms, which probably involves an inhibition of a Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl- symport.  相似文献   

In this work, the 100-kDa neurotensin (NT) receptor previously purified from human brain by affinity chromatography (Zsürger, N., Mazella, J., and Vincent, J. P. (1994) Brain Res. 639, 245-252) was cloned from a human brain cDNA library. This cDNA encodes a 833-amino acid protein 100% identical to the recently cloned gp95/sortilin and was then designated NT3 receptor-gp95/sortilin. The N terminus of the purified protein is identical to the sequence of the purified gp95/sortilin located immediately after the furin cleavage site. The binding of iodinated NT to 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonic acid-solubilized extracts of COS-7 cells transfected with the cloned cDNA was saturable and reversible with an affinity of 10-15 nM. The localization of the NT3 receptor-gp95/sortilin into intracellular vesicles was in agreement with previous results obtained with the purified receptor and with gp95/sortilin. Affinity labeling and binding experiments showed that the 110-kDa NT3 receptor can be partly transformed into a higher affinity (Kd = 0.3 nM) 100-kDa protein receptor by cotransfection with furin. This 100-kDa NT receptor corresponded to the mature form of the receptor. The NT3/gp95/sortilin protein is the first transmembrane neuropeptide receptor that does not belong to the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Fusion of rat mast cells and Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was mediated by HVJ. Compound 48/80-induced degranulation occurred in the fused cells formed from two mast cells and one tumor cell, but not in the fused cells from one mast cell and two or more tumor cells.  相似文献   

A six-year-old, pluriparous German shepherd dog bitch was presented with an abnormal vaginal discharge of several weeks' duration. Clinical signs and radiographic and ultrasonographic findings supported an initial diagnosis of segmental cystic endometrial hyperplasia, and ovariohysterectomy was performed. Macroscopically, the uterus appeared normal except for one large and several smaller cysts attached to its antimesometrial side. These cysts were restricted to a small area of the left uterine horn. The histological diagnosis was serosal inclusion cysts. The clinical findings, gross pathology and histopathology are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Rat and beige mouse peritoneal mast cells, induced to exocytose with the antineoplastic agent adriamycin, extrude their granule remnants in the extracellular medium. These granules are loaded with the fluorescent drug adriamycin and exhibit intense yellow-reddish fluorescent staining. Granules extruded from mast cells were ultimately phagocytosed and could be observed inside the macrophages by fluorescence microscopy. All stages of the internalization process could be followed by electron microscopy. Granules adhering to the cell surface of macrophages were first embraced by short superficial projections, then enveloped by deep surface infoldings, and finally engulfed into the macrophage cytoplasm. Phagocytosis occurred exclusively in macrophages; granules were observed also on the surface of eosinophils and lymphocytes, but never inside these cells. The concentrations of adriamycin in macrophages, measured by spectrofluorimetry, were significantly higher when these cells were incubated with adriamycin and granule remnants in comparison with adriamycin alone. Preincubation with the endocytosis inhibitor cytochalasin B significantly reduced the granule mediated adriamycin uptake. As a consequence of the phagocytosis of adriamycin loaded mast cell granules, macrophages can concentrate the antineoplastic drug. These cells act as reservoirs of adriamycin and could have an important role in both the antitumor and toxic effects of the drug.  相似文献   

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