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To eliminate the error of distance measurement caused by amplitude change from signal attenuation, the method based on dual thresholds is introducedThus the precise ultrasonic measurement is accomplishedCombining wiht the mechanical scanning the on-line detection of roller shape is implemented.  相似文献   

王国维在<红楼梦评论>中以<红楼梦>中贾宝玉的"玉"作为叔本华唯意志哲学中"生活之欲"的代表,认为<红楼梦>提出并解决了"饮食男女,人之大欲存焉"的问题,且<红楼梦>创作的主旨精神是:拒绝一切生活之欲、寻求解脱之道.这与曹雪芹真正的创作意图是不完全相符合的.曹雪芹在<红楼梦>中对宝玉之"玉"和宝黛爱情是持肯定和褒扬态度的,他所舍弃的是过度的贪欲.  相似文献   

岳素梅  程少刚 《自动化仪表》2000,21(1):32-33,50
In order to overcome the disadvantages of relay-contactor control, iemore failures, low reliability and huge maintenance, the applications of programmable controller PLCfor coal-preparation in coking process and coke sieve system are introducedThe selection of the PLCs, design criteria and the anti-interference measures in installation and test are emphasized.  相似文献   

顾洪 《自动化仪表》2000,21(1):38-40
The pressure control strategy of steam header for two of the 75th tied up boilers is improvedOne measure is by using the sum of the steam flows of two boilers as external disturbance to avoid interference of false disturbance signal; another one is implementing output bumpless switching with the AutoManual Swithch,one of the software blocksThe practical operation shows excellent results.  相似文献   

Labwindows/CVI在PC与μXL集散系统通信中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Virtual instrument technology is the result of instrumental technology and computer technologyThe composition of virtual instrument system and the features of LabwindowsCVI, the developing platform of virtual instrument software are introducedBy using the example of communication with μXL distributed control system the application of CVI is presented.  相似文献   

随着智能保障、PHM等技术不断深入应用,可靠性、安全性、测试性(以下简称"三性")的重要性日益凸显,工程中迫切需要解决"三性"重复工作、专业孤岛以及"两张皮"现象;从系统工程出发,首先分析了"三性"主线工作内容,均紧紧围绕功能故障逻辑关系开展,统一建模,实现模型复用;其次,在功能模型基础上映射出故障逻辑关系,更接近故障传递的真实情况,解决"两张皮"现象;然后,全面分析"三性"建模要素和评估内容,对专用部分的信息进行处理,使得"三性"工作不再是孤岛;最后,以燃油系统为例展开了建模评估,基于功能故障逻辑模型,分别进行了可靠性、安全性、测试性建模与评估,实现了模型复用,减少重复工作;专业协同工作,提高了工作效率;紧密结合功能,有效解决"两张皮"现象.  相似文献   

LonWorks现场总线的本安技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The standard of intrinsic safety and the design of the parameters of intrinsic safety circuit are described firstlyThe the intrinsic safety assembly of IS78 and its specification are introducedThe connection between IS78, the physical channel of LonWorks, and the network of safety area is discussed finally.  相似文献   

DCS的远程诊断和维护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Combining with the IA system the effect and implementing method of remote diagnosis and maintenance of the distributed control system DCSare presented.  相似文献   

正要学会"正听"——发扬民主、广开言路;学会"侧听"——通过间接渠道听到不同意见,包括反对意见;学会"兼听"——听取各个层次、各个方面的意见。只有这样,才能真正听到"原生态"的民声,并针对不同的问题对症下药,收到药到病除之效。乐于听,才能放下架子;善于听,才能学会兼听;敢于听,才能排除。  相似文献   

<正>回顾过往,总有许多事情值得回味,2009年的IT行业同样缤纷多彩。2009年,"绿坝"开始在全国范围内为"花季护航",互联网有史以来最激烈的"反低俗运动"就此展开;2009年,就在大多数人对正热门的"云计算"概念还云里雾里时,百度又抛出"框计算"这个新新词汇;2009年,"免费杀毒"一石激起千层浪,众多厂商纷纷加入免费阵营,开始激烈搏杀……  相似文献   

<正>2011年4月的"十全十美"Brother新品发布会还令人意犹未尽,多款高性价比的产品率先推向市场,"千元双面"激光打印机、新一代彩色激光机、"简印"系列喷墨多功能一体机,一经推出,得到了市场巨大反响,Brother公司趁热打铁,再次向市场推出了一系列重磅新品。首先是"悦省"系列。它是以"省"为主打,购买机器省;使用成本省;后期维护省,这三点造就了"悦省"系列。  相似文献   

程序温控仪中PID参数自整定算法   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
秦文虎  周杏鹏 《自动化仪表》2000,21(1):17-18,24
A selftuning algorithm for PID parameters which is suitable for programmable temperature controller is statedThe principle of the algorithm and the design of software are introducedThe algorithm has been used in practical control system with excellent control results.  相似文献   

本文通过总结<计算机软件技术基础>课程的讲授,在如何提高学生程序设计应用能力方面作者提出了自己的观点,并从"帮助学生认清C语言的重要性"、"提高学生学习程序设计的兴趣"、"注重培养学生逻辑思维能力"、"课堂上充分调动学生的积极性"、"帮助学生学会自主学习"、"开展课外讲座,帮助学生建立正确的学习观"等六个方面具体详细地阐述了提高学生程序设计应用能力的方法.  相似文献   

第一步:禁止无关紧要的程序随系统一起启动;点击"开始"菜单->选择"运行"->输入"mscon-fig"->弹出"系统配置实用程序"中选择"启动"选项卡,在启动项目中打勾的都表示会随系统一起启动的项目,我们要开机加速的话,就将那些的无关紧要的程序前的勾取消掉(这里几乎所有的程序都可以取消开机启动,但如果你需要开机启动的项目可以保留,比如"ctfmon"这是输入的相关服务,启动它才能实现输入法切换,建议保留ctfmon),你还可以点击下面的"全部禁用",最后点击"确定"退出,系统提示就选"退出而不重新启动"。  相似文献   

<正>观点三"三选会"这一针对"80后"学生择业的词语一经见报,立即引起众多媒体的广泛讨论。关于"80后"大学生应及早"断奶"的呼声不断加强,仿佛不割断父  相似文献   

从INTERKAMA‘99看现场总线   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
The exhibits of the main field bus products on INTERKAMA99 Exhibition and their applications are introduced brieflyThe developing trend is forecasted.  相似文献   

调节阀流量系数与可调比关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relationship between flow coefficient and turndown ratio is discussed based on the requirements of practical applicationsThus it is stated that the turndown ratio might be considered as the characteristic parameter of the flow characteristic curveOn this basis the difference between the National Standard and International Standard in regulations of the deviation of flow coefficient is statedThrough relevant calculations, the demerits existing in National Standard and product design are revealed.  相似文献   

赵岳清 《自动化仪表》2000,21(1):25-27,48
The composition, structure of the scale body, weighing instrument and transducer of the electronic scale for overhead crane are introducedSeveral commonly used structures of the weighing body in electronic scale for overhead crane are emphasizedThe system accuracy offered by different body structure is presentedThe common structure and the forced conditions of the main components in such electronic scales are analyzed and the criteria should be followed in design are described.  相似文献   

<正>2010年,天地(常州)自动化股份有限公司的4项科研成果获得专利。其中"一种粉尘浓度传感器"、"一种煤矿安全监控系统"为实用新型专利,专利号分别为ZL200920159093.7、ZL200920309329.0;"基于IP  相似文献   

胶州市供电公司是一个拥有总资产9.15亿元的国有企业,现有职工385名,农电工604名.公司曾被国家电网公司命名为国家"一流县供电企业";连续侣年保持"省级文明单位"称号;多年保持省"先进县供电企业"称号;被山东省经贸委命名为"山东省学习型组织示范基地";被青岛市授予"行风建设示范窗口单位"称号;公司领导先后荣获"富民兴鲁"劳动奖章、"青岛市劳动模范"等荣誉称号.  相似文献   

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