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Field trials were conducted during the 1980–82 seasons to study the response dryland sorghum to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in a ferruginous tropical soil. Treatments tested were factorial combinations of three rates of nitrogen (0, 60 and 120 kg N ha–1) and four rates of phosphorus (0, 11, 22 and 33 kg P ha–1). Grain and straw yields and yield components were enhanced by nitrogen fertilization in two out of three years. The optimum N rate for grain yield was 60 kg N ha–1 while straw yield responded up to 120 kg N ha–1. The optimum P rate for dryland sorghum was 11 kg P ha–1. Both N and P enhanced grain weight per head, grain number, test weight and tillering significantly but it was only N which enhanced 1000-grain weight and flag leaf area. Dry matter productin was increased by N fertilization but not by P. There were no significant N × P interactions for any of the parameters studied. Dryland sorghum response to N and P fertilization was influenced by season, time of planting and rainfall distribution.  相似文献   

Manganese deficiency in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is a common problem in many parts of the world. Recent research has demonstrated that the addition of gel-forming hydrophilic polymers with plant nutrients may enhance the availability and effectiveness of some soil-applied nutrients. This greenhouse study was designed to determine if the addition of hydrated cross-linked polyacrylamide polymers could increase plant recovery of commonly used Mn fertilizers by soybeans. Four Mn sources (MnO, MnSO4·4H2O, MnCl2, and MnEDTA) were band applied at two concentrations to a low-Mn soil with and without one of two polymers. Addition of either polymer alone or MnO had no effect on leaf or stem Mn concentration, but when MnSO4·4H2O, MnCl2, or MnEDTA were added with a polymer, leaf Mn accumulation swere increased an average of 89%, compared with those Mn sources applied alone. Plant accumulation of Mn from MnO was no greater than the control treatment and uptake was not increased following the addition of polymer. At the conclusion of the experiment, the polymers were still hydrated and the fertilizer band contained an abundance of roots. The use of a hydrophilic polymer with soluble Mn fertilizers appears to enhance the recovery by plants and may lead to lower Mn application rates or perhaps less frequent applications.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted at Samaru, Nigeria to investigate the growth, yield and grain quality response of three grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) varieties (L. 187, SK 5912 and FFBL) to N fertilization under varying plant densities (33300, 50000 or 66600 plants ha–1). Year × N interactions were significant for yield components and so were variety × N and variety × plant density interactions. Grain yield increased 41, 42, and 126% with application of 60 kg N ha–1, the optimum N rate, a response which was associated with variations in grain weight per panicle, panicle weight and grain number. Varieties SK 5912 and FFBL produced more straw in response to added N than did var. L. 187 while yield components in var. SK 5912 and L.187 responded better than those in var. FFBL. Yield components declined in var. SK 5912 and L. 187 as plant density was increased to either 50000 or 66600 plants ha–1. Grain crude protein (CP) content and protein yield were increased 8 and 52% respectively by 60 kg N ha–1 but CP content declined as plant density was increased. Grain tannin content was virtually unaffected by increasing N supply. Optimum plant density for grain sorghum production in this environment is in the range of 50000 plants ha–1.  相似文献   

Altering FA content in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] oil for improved functionality is a research goal of many soybean breeders. Several of the genes that alter palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids are modifier genes with small effects, causing these FA traits to act as quantitative traits. The objective of this study was to identify modifier FA quantitative trait loci (QTL) in soybean. A recombinant inbred line population was created from two prominent ancestors of currently available U.S. cultivars (Essex and Williams) and grown in five environments. One hundred simple sequence repeat markers spaced throughout the genome were mapped in this population. QTL were found for all five FA traits on the soybean linkage groups C2, D2, D1b, F, K, and L. A single marker interval on linkage group L contained the largest QTL for palmitic (r 2=13.1%), oleic (r 2=35.3%), linoleic (r 2=50.5%), and linolenic acids (r 2=24.8%); however, this interval also contained the gene for growth habit (Dt1) and was significantly associated with maturity. Other modifier QTL found in this study may be of use in marker-assisted selection to enable breeders to increase genetic gains for desirable FA composition of soybean.  相似文献   

Growth and yield components in field-grown maize (Zea mays L.) were enhanced by nitrogen fertilization ranging from 50 to 200 kg N ha–1. Ear diameter, kernel depth, grain: stover ratio, number of ears plant–1, plant height and dry matter production increased as N fertilization rate was increased up to 100 or 150 kg N ha–1. Tasselling in maize was hastened by N fertilization. Increasing plant density from 25000 to 75000 plants ha–1 increased plant height, dry matter production and delayed tasseling but reduced ear diameter, kernel depth, grain: stover ratio and number of ears plant–1. Increased N supply and plant density had no influence on the concentrations of Mn, Zn, Cu, and Fe in ear leaf; except that Mn concentration increased as N fertilization rate was increased up to 150 kg N ha–1. Nitrogen × plant density interactions on the concentrations of the micronutrients in maize ear leaf were not significant.  相似文献   

The response of two okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) varieties (White velvet and NHAE 47-4) to fertilization in northern Nigeria was examined using four rates of nitrogen (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg ha–1) and three rates of phosphorus (0, 13 and 26 kg ha–1). Nitrogen application significantly increased green pod yield, pod diameter, number of fruits per plant, number of seeds per pod and pod weight. Application of phosphorus also significantly increased green pod yield, pod number and number of seeds per pod. The two varieties responded to nitrogen application differentially with respect to green pod yield. For optimum green pod yield of White velvet 35 kg N ha–1 is suggested while for variety NHAE 47-4, N fertilization can be increased to 70 kg ha–1. There was no differential response of varieties to phosphorus fertilization for green pod yield; however, the application of 13 kg ha–1 enhanced the performance of both varieties.  相似文献   

The effect of different irrigation frequencies (5, 7 and 9 days interval) and N rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha–1) on applied N in tomato was studied in a field experiment during 3 growing seasons. The application of 100 kg N ha–1 with irriga tion scheduled at 7 days interal resulted in significantly higher N uptake and recovery rate than the other combinations of N rate and irrigation frequencies studied.  相似文献   

Brazil has approximately 30 million hectares of lowland areas, known locally as Varzea, but very little is known about their fertility and crop production potential. A field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years to evaluate response of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in rotation with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on a Varzea (low, Humic Gley) soil. Rice was grown at low (no fertilizer), medium (100 kg N ha–1, 44 kg P ha–1, 50 kg K ha–1, 40 kg FTE-BR 12 ha–1), and high (200 kg N ha–1, 88 kg P ha–1, 100 kg K ha–1, 80 kg FTE-BR 12 ha–1 fritted trace element-Brazil 12 as a source of micronutrients) soil fertility levels. Green manure with medium fertility was also included as an additional treatment. Average dry matter and grain yields of rice and common bean were significantly (P < 0.01) increased with increasing fertilization. Across the three years, rice yield was 4327 kg ha–1 at low fertility, 5523 kg ha–1 at medium fertility, 5465 kg ha–1 at high fertility, and 6332 kg ha–1 at medium fertility with green manure treatment. Similarly, average common bean yield was 294 kg ha–1 at low soil fertility, 663 kg ha–1 at medium soil fertility, 851 kg ha–1 at high fertility, and 823 kg ha–1 at medium fertility with green manure treatment. Significant differences in nutrient uptake in bean were observed for fertility, year, and their interactions; however, these factors were invariably nonsignificant in rice.  相似文献   

Effects of rate and time of nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and yield components of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) were studied in two years (1975–76). Four rates of nitrogen application (0, 26, 52 and 78 kg ha–1) timed at 3 or 8 weeks after sowing were compared. Seed cotton yield components increased significantly with increased N application at least up to 52 kg N ha–1, with yield increases between 49% and 73%. Seed cotton yield was influenced by treatments mainly through boll number. Both crop growth rate and fruiting were enhanced by nitrogen fertilization. Applying N at 8 weeks (flowering) favoured yield only slightly over that at 3 weeks (thinning), but improved crop growth and fruiting by about 64% and 24%, respectively. There were significant N rate × time interactions in favour of fertilization at flowering. Applying 52 kg N ha–1 at 8 weeks seems best for cotton in the Nigerian savannah.  相似文献   

Not much is known about the response of lowland rice to K fertilization under Brazilian conditions. A field experiment was conducted during four consecutive years to determine the response of three lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to K fertilization on a Low Humic Gley soil. In the first two years, K was broadcast at rates of 0, 42, 84, 126, and 168 kg K ha–1. In the last two years K rates were reduced to 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 kg K ha–1 and applied in a band. Potassium significantly (P < 0.01) increased grain yields but the response varied from cultivar to cultivar and year to year. Yield responses to K fertilization were superimposed on a general trend of increasing grain yields across the four growing seasons. Mean grain yields increased 14.3% with broadcast application of K in the first two years and 10.4% with banded application of K in the last two years when compared to the control treatments. Extractable soil K increased with K application rate and decreased with soil depth. Potassium was rapidly removed from the soil and yearly broadcast or banded application of K can be expected to result in a significant increase in grain yield of lowland rice in these soils.  相似文献   

Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilizer application and poor timing of N fertilizer application to winter wheat are common problems on the North China Plain. To study the possibilities of optimizing the timing and rate of N application, a field experiment was conducted from 1999 to 2001 in a suburb of Beijing. A control (no nitrogen) and two N fertilization strategies (conventional N application and optimized N fertilization) were designed to compare their effects on wheat growth, N nutrient status, grain yield and N balance. The conventional N fertilization strategy was given a fixed N rate of 300 kg N ha−1, which was split, half in autumn and half in spring as a top-dressing. The timing and rate of N and application of the optimized N fertilization strategy were determined by the target value of soil mineral nitrogen demand for three growth periods of wheat, which is related to the target yield, and soil mineral N (Nmin) in the effective rooting depth at the beginning of these three periods. Based on the optimized N fertilization strategy, a total of 55 and 65 kg N ha−1 had to be applied to winter wheat in the re-greening and shooting stages of the first and second experimental years, respectively. Compared with the high N rate before sowing in the conventional N fertilization treatment, the optimized N fertilization treatment did not require any N fertilizer before sowing of wheat. Despite a much lower N fertilization rate, no significant difference in N nutrient status, growth during the wheat growing period or grain yield was observed between optimized N and conventional N fertilization treatments. As a consequence of optimizing the rate and timing of the N fertilizer application to match wheat demand, a much lower residual Nmin and calculated apparent N loss was found as compared to the conventional N treatment. N recovery for the optimized N fertilization treatment (67% in 1999/2000 and 66% in 2000/2001) was much higher than that of the conventional N fertilization treatment (19% in 1999/2000 and 18% in 2000/2001). In conclusion, the optimized N fertilization strategy can synchronize N demand of wheat and the N supply from soil and fertilizer, and therefore drastically reduce N application rates without any yield losses.  相似文献   

The growth response and nutrient concentration in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) as influenced by four nitrogen rates (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg ha–1) and three phosphorus rates (0, 13 and 26 kg ha–1) were examined using two varieties (White velvet and NHAE 47-4). Nitrogen application generally increased fruit and shoot dry weights markedly whereas phosphorus increased them only moderately. Leaf and primary branch production and plant height were also enhanced by nitrogen fertilization up to 100 kg N ha–1 but were not influenced by phosphorus application. The application of nitrogen enhanced the concentration of N, P and K in fruits and N and Mg in leaves while P and K concentrations in leaves were depressed. Nutrient concentrations in plant tissues were also partly a function of plant age and variety.  相似文献   

Flowering is a pivotal event in the life cycle of plants. miR172 has been widely confirmed to play critical roles in flowering time control by regulating its target gene expression in Arabidopsis. However, the role of its counterpart in soybean remains largely unclear. In the present study, we found that the gma-miR172a was regulated by a GIGANTEA ortholog, GmGIa, in soybean through miRNA metabolism. The expression analysis revealed that gma-miR172a has a pattern of diurnal rhythm expression and its abundance increased rapidly as plants grew until the initiation of flowering phase in soybean. One target gene of gma-miR172a, Glyma03g33470, was predicted and verified using a modified RLM 5′-RACE (RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of 5′ cDNA ends) assay. Overexpression of gma-miR172a exhibited an early flowering phenotype and the expression of FT, AP1 and LFY were simultaneously increased in gma-miR172a-transgenic Arabidopsis plants, suggesting that the early flowering phenotype was associated with up-regulation of these genes. The overexpression of the gma-miR172a-resistant version of Glyma03g33470 weakened early flowering phenotype in the toe1 mutant of Arabidopsis. Taken together, our results suggested that gma-miR172a played an important role in GmGIa-mediated flowering by repressing Glyma03g33470, which in turn increased the expression of FT, AP1 and LFY to promote flowering in soybean.  相似文献   

Recovery of phosphorus from monoammonium phosphate (MAP), diammonium phosphate (DAP) and triple superphosphate (TSP), at rates of 0, 15, 30, or 45 mg P kg–1 was determined in a pot experiment on a Calcaric Lithosol soil (21% CaCO3). At the 15 mg P kg–1 rate DAP was as effective as MAP and more effective than TSP in supplying P, but it was less effective than MAP and TSP at the higher rates of 30 and 45 mg P kg–1. At the two higher P rates residual bicarbonate extractable P was also significantly lower with DAP. Yield dry matter was not affected by the source of P.  相似文献   

The effect of annual banding of superphosphate (0–45 kg P ha−1) on soil phosphorus (P) content, growth, and yield of wheat was investigated from 1982 to 1998 in a major rainfed wheat production area of South Africa. Conventional tillage practices in a wheat monoculture cropping system were followed under summer rainfall conditions. The responses of wheat growth to fertilizer P application were evident during early and late tillering growth stages, with decreased responses towards maturity. Although average yields varied between cropping seasons (0.881 to 3.261 t ha−1) due to climatic conditions, significant exponential response patterns between yield and fertilizer P applications existed. Optimum yields were achieved with P applications of 10 to 15 kg P ha−1. The recovery of fertilizer P in the grain decreased with increasing P applications. Results of soil P analyses and calculated P balance indicated a more rapid increase in soil P content with application of fertilizer P at levels above 20 kg P ha−1, with gradual increases occurring at lower levels. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during wet seasons (June to October) of 1974, 1976 and 1977 to determine the response of newly developed hybrids and varieties of grain sorghum to N fertilization under humid subtropical conditions of Pantnagar in India. In addition to the enhancement in flowering and maturity stages brought about by N application, it also resulted in increased plant dry weight, translocation coefficients, grain yield plant–1 and grain yield ha–1. Varietal differences existed with respect to their responses for yield and N uptake to N rates. Most of the entries responded up to 120 kg N ha–1. Hybrid CSH 5 utilized applied N more efficiently than other varieties.Publication No 1612 of GBPUA and T, Experiment Station, Pantnagar.  相似文献   

Five field experiments are described which measured the effect of take-all on grain yield of wheat when 5 levels of manganese fertilizer were applied in a factorial combination with 5 different types of nitrogen fertilizer.Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, either as ammonium sulphate or ammonium chloride, lowered the severity of take-all. By contrast, sodium nitrate had no effect on the incidence and severity of take-all. Ammonium chloride and ammonium sulphate were equally effective at controlling take-all, suggesting that the chloride or sulphate ion had little or no effect on the disease.Manganese sulphate decreased take-all severity at two trial sites. Where manganese was deficient, an application of manganese lowered the severity of take-all, had no effect on the incidence and increased the dry matter and grain yields of the wheat plants. There were no beneficial effects of applied manganese if the wheat plants were adequately supplied with soil manganese.The results suggest that take-all is more severe where plants are deficient in either manganese or nitrogen. The work also suggests that manganese deficiency is not necessarily the reason why the wheat plants grown on the acid soils of south-west Western Australia are prone to take-all.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine whether the efficiency of broadcast urea in wetland rice cultivation can be improved by using large granules which penetrate the puddled soil. In laboratory experiments the penetration increased with increasing granule size. Penetration was improved by having only a waterfilm on the soil and by the granules entering the soil with speed.In pot experiments with rice, N concentrations in the floodwater were lower with large granular urea (LGU, 6 to 8 mm diameter) dropped from a height of 2 m or shot with force into the puddled soil than with either prilled urea (PU) or LGU placed on top of the soil (+0cm). N concentrations in the floodwater were reduced even further by placement of LGU at 1 and 4 cm depths (–1 and –4cm, respectively). At all rates of N, the N uptake by grain plus straw increased with decreasing N concentrations in the floodwater. The apparent recovery of N in grain plus straw increased in an experiment on sandy soil from 61 to 85% in the order PU +0cm, LGU +0cm, LGU dropped, LGU –1cm, LGU shot and LGU –4cm. In an experiment on clay soil apparent recovery increased from 47 to 90% in the order PU +0cm, LGU +0cm, LGU dropped, LGU –0cm, LGU shot, LGU –1cm and LGU –4cm. LGU placed at –1 and –4cm resulted in significantly greater N uptake by grain plus straw than the other treatments.The experiments showed that the efficiency of broadcast urea is improved by using large urea granules, at least when conditions are favourable for penetration into the puddled soil.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) rhizodeposition by grain legumes such as soybean is potentially a large but neglected source of N in cropping systems of Sub-Saharan Africa. Field studies were conducted to measure soybean N rhizodeposition in two environments of the Guinean savannah of Nigeria using 15N leaf labelling techniques. The first site was located in Ibadan in the humid derived savannah. The second site was in Zaria in the drier Northern Guinean savannah. Soybean N rhizodeposition in the top 0.30 m of soil varied from 7.5 kg ha−1 on a diseased crop in Ibadan to 33 kg ha−1 in Zaria. More than two-thirds of soybean belowground N was contained in the rhizodeposits at crop physiological maturity, while the rest was found in the recoverable roots. Belowground plant-derived N was found to constitute 16–23% of the total soybean N. Taking rhizodeposited pools into account led to N budgets close to zero when all residues were removed. If residues were left in the field or recycled as manure after being fed to steers, soybean cultivation led to positive N budgets of up to +95 kg N ha−1. The role and potential of grain legumes as N purveyors have been underestimated in the past by neglecting the N contained in their rhizodeposits.  相似文献   

Sunflower (Helianthus annus L), a drought resistant crop, is cultivated widely throughout the world. Still, few studies on the fertility requirements of the crop have been published, particularly in relation to cultivation on highly weathered soils and in terms of using foliar analysis as a tool in diagnosing nutritional needs.Two 34 (N, P, K, lime) factorial experiments (high and low fertility levels) with trace elements as split plots were conducted on Farningham clay loam, a Typic Haplorthox. No significant yield response to added N or micronutrients was found on either experiment. Liming and P fertilization increased seed yields in the low fertility experiment. Increased K application gave significant yield increases in both experiments.Preliminary foliar diagnostic norms were developed using the Diagnosis and Reccommendation Integrated System (DRIS). The prognostic value of these norms was tested using the low fertility experiment. In 32 of the 37 cases where the DRIS analysis could be checked against actual experimental yield results, application of the nutrient diagnosed as the most yield limiting resulted in a positive yield response. These data suggest that sunflowers can be a successful crop on Oxisols provided fertility is adequate.  相似文献   

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