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This study attempts clarify the mechanism of neurological deficits in tethered cord syndrome using evoked spinal cord potentials (ESCPs). ESCPs in response to both sciatic nerve (SN-ESCP) and spinal cord stimulation (SC-DESCP) were recorded from the dorsal epidural space. With a fixed degree of caudal traction on the spinal cord in ten cats for 2-4 hours, ESCPs were increased in amplitude in the N1 and N2 deflections of the SC-DESCPs to 158% and 154% at L5 and decreased to 91% and 76% after transient augmentation at L3. On the other hand, the amplitude in the N1 deflection of the SN-ESCPs at L3 and L5 was decreased to 40% and 68%. These findings suggest that not only the force but also the duration of traction influence the degree of the spinal cord dysfunction. When the spinal cords of 17 cats received compression with traction and without traction, the SN-ESCPs of the former became positive earlier than that of the latter. The extent of the recovery in amplitude of both SC-DESCPs and SN-ESCPs propagated over compression site was far limited in the former than in the latter. These results would indicate that the spinal cord subjected to traction is vulnerable to compression.  相似文献   

The effects of spinal cord ischemia on spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) and somatosensory (SSEP) and motor (MEP) evoked potentials were investigated in a rabbit model of reversible spinal cord ischemia. Spinal cord ischemia was produced by balloon occlusion of the infrarenal aorta for 30, 60, and 90 min. SCBF, SSEPs, and MEPs were measured before, during, and 1 h after aortic occlusion. Aortic occlusion produced absolute ischemia of the caudal cord followed by hyperemia upon reperfusion. SSEP's and MEP's were obliterated during ischemia but demonstrated gradual albeit incomplete recovery following reperfusion with amplitude recovery inversely proportional to the duration of ischemia. Later peaks were more severely affected by a given period of ischemia than were early waves. In general, SSEP's were more resistant to ischemia than were MEP's although the differences were not significant.  相似文献   

1. Whole cell synaptic currents were recorded under voltage clamp from a total of 54 ventral horn neurones held near to their resting potential by the patch clamp technique in immature rat spinal cord preparations in vitro. Twenty eight neurones were identified, by antidromic invasion from ventral roots, as motoneurones. Excitatory postsynaptic currents (e.p.s.cs) of peak amplitude -480 pA +/- 66 s.e. mean and -829 +/- 124 pA were evoked respectively from the unidentified ventral horn neurones and the motoneurones in response to maximal activation of the segmental dorsal root. 2. The e.p.s.cs were depressed reversibly by the metabotropic glutamate agonists 1S3S-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylate (1S3S-ACPD) (EC50 17.1 microM +/- 0.3 s.e. mean, n = 14) and L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutanoate (L-AP4) (EC50 = 2.19 +/- 0.19 microM, n = 15). Since both agonists independently produced more than 90% depression it is likely that the receptors that mediate their effects are present on the same presynaptic terminals. 3. When the Mg2+ concentration was raised from 0.75 mM to 2.75 mM together with the addition of 50 microM D-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (AP5), a treatment which would increase the proportion of monosynaptic component in the e.p.s.c. the concentration-effect plots for both 1S3S-ACPD (EC50 1.95 +/- 0.4 microM, n = 8) and L-AP4 (EC50 0.55 +/- 0.20 microM, n = 7) were shifted to the left, suggesting that monosynaptic e.p.cs of primary afferents to ventral horn neurones are more susceptible to L-AP4 and 1S3S-ACPD than are other synapses in polysynaptic pathways. 4. lS3S-ACPD (20 and 50 microM) also caused mean sustained inward currents of 95 +/- 31 pA (n = 6) and248 +/- 49 pA (n = 10) respectively. In the combined presence of AP5 (50 microM) and Mg2+ (2.75 mM) themean response to 50 microM lS3S-ACPD was reduced to 106+/- 18 pA (n = 4). In the presence of tetrodotoxin(1 microM) the corresponding value was 48 +/- 6 pA (n = 4). Similar sustained inward currents produced by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) were almost abolished to < 10 pA in the presence of AP5 and 2.75 mMMg2+. In the presence of tetrodotoxin the maximum inward current produced by NMDA was undiminished. Thus a large component of the excitatory action of lS3S-ACPD was mediated at non-NMDA receptors both directly at the patch-clamped neurones and indirectly by synaptic relay.  相似文献   

T cell interaction with antigenic peptides leads to signal transduction and activation events in the effector cells. Recent studies of T cell responses to subtle variants of antigenic peptides can lead to alterations in the activation state of T cells. A variety of physiological roles for altered peptide ligands have recently been postulated, and their potential therapeutic applications have generated considerable interest. This review summarizes progress made in understanding the T cell signal transduction pathways and the nature of T cell responses to altered peptide ligands. Our recent observation of a self peptide as a partial agonist for a cytotoxic T cell clone directed to a foreign antigen suggests that naturally occurring altered peptide ligands may be important in regulating T cell mediated immune response.  相似文献   

1. In whole cell patch-clamp studies on cultured rat embryonic spinal cord and medullary neurons bathed in tetrodotoxin, DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, large and long-lasting spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents were occasionally recorded. The amplitudes of these events were 1 order of magnitude larger than those of spontaneous miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents. Because these large currents had reduced amplitudes in calcium-free saline and in solutions containing glycinergic or GABAergic antagonists, we conclude that they were probably produced by large and prolonged release of glycine and/or 4-amino-n-butyric acid (GABA), which subsequently bind to their postsynaptic receptors. 2. The frequency of spontaneous miniature postsynaptic currents increased dramatically during the long, slow decay phase of these large postsynaptic currents. Considering the requirement for extracellular calcium for the occurrence of these large responses, we hypothesize that this increased frequency reflected an increased intracellular calcium concentration in the presynaptic terminal. 3. Similar evidence for large inhibitory postsynaptic currents and prolonged transmitter release was observed in cell-attached patches, which also exhibited the smaller, spontaneous miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents, suggesting that these large events are properties of single synaptic terminals. 4. A comparison of the properties of these large inhibitory postsynaptic currents recorded in whole cell mode or cell-attached patches showed no statistically significant differences. The overall mean values, then, are 13.9 +/- 1.6 (SE) ms and 4.5 +/- 0.5 s for the 10-90% rise time and duration, respectively. Furthermore, these large events had amplitudes that were 11-fold larger than the mean amplitude of the miniatures (i.e., mean amplitude ratio of 10.8 +/- 0.5). 5. Periodic large increases in the frequency of spontaneous miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents occurred in both cell-attached patches and in the whole cell mode, and these increases were only sometimes associated with the large inhibitory postsynaptic currents. The rhythmicity in both recording configurations had similar temporal characteristics, with average interburst intervals of 5 and 12-14 s. Presumably these bursts of spontaneous miniature postsynaptic currents reflected periodic oscillations in the Ca2+ concentration in presynaptic terminals. 6. Both the probability and the frequency of occurrence of large inhibitory postsynaptic currents doubled during the 7-day period of time in culture when experiments were performed, suggesting that these large currents may play a role during development.  相似文献   

The possibility that nitric oxide is somehow involved in the early bioelectrical disturbances following spinal cord injury in relation to the later pathophysiology of the spinal cord was examined in a rat model of spinal cord trauma. A focal trauma to the rat spinal cord was produced by an incision of the right dorsal horn of the T 10-11 segments under urethane anaesthesia. The spinal cord evoked potentials (SCEP) were recorded using epidural electrodes placed over the T9 and T12 segments of the cord following supramaximal stimulation of the right tibial and sural nerves in the hind leg. Trauma to the spinal cord significantly attenuated the SCEP amplitude (about 60%) immediately after injury which persisted up to 1 h. However, a significant increase in SCEP latency was seen at the end of 5 h after trauma. These spinal cord segments exhibited profound upregulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity, and the development of edema and cell injury. Pretreatment with a serotonin synthesis inhibitor drug p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA) or an anxiolytic drug diazepam significantly attenuated the decrease in SCEP amplitude, upregulation of NOS, edema and cell injury. On the other hand, no significant reduction in SCEP amplitude, NOS immunolabelling, edema or cell changes were seen after injury in rats pretreated with L-NAME. These observations suggest that nitric oxide is somehow involved in the early disturbances of SCEP and contribute to the later pathophysiology of spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

The possible modulation exerted by glutamate on substance P (SP) release from the rat spinal cord has been investigated. The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonist, NMDA (1 microM), increased SP basal outflow by 46.5+/-10.9% (n = 3, P<0.01) without changing the evoked release of the peptide. Conversely, NMDA antagonists but not 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) inhibited both electrically-evoked and capsaicin-induced release of SP. In particular, D-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (D-AP5; 50 microM) inhibited electrically-evoked and capsaicin-induced release of SP by 93+/-2.4% and 93.2+/-3.8% (n = 12, P<0.01), respectively. Functional pharmacological evidence is provided for glutamate exerting a positive feedback on SP release evoked by C fibre stimulation via NMDA receptor activation.  相似文献   

1. The effect of dextromethorphan (DM) on the current induced by glycine in acutely dissociated nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) neurones of guinea-pigs was studied by use of the whole-cell patch clamp technique. The effect of DM on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-induced currents (IGABA) was also examined. 2. DM inhibited 30 microM glycine-induced current (IGly), without affecting the current caused by 30 microM GABA. The action of DM was concentration-dependent, with a maximum effect at 100 microM, and reversible. The half-maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) of DM was 3.3 microM, about 85 times higher than that of strychnine. 3. DM 3 microM shifted the concentration-response curve for glycine to the right without affecting the maximum value. DM 10 microM shifted the curve even more to the right, although it was not a parallel shift. Strychnine at a concentration of 0.1 microM shifted the curve for glycine in a nearly parallel fashion. 4. The effect of 10 microM DM was slightly weak voltage-dependency, but the lower concentration of DM, 3 microM, inhibited IGly equally at -50 mV and +50 mV. The effect of 3 microM DM on IGly showed no use-dependence. Blockade by strychnine 0.1 microM showed no voltage- or use-dependence. 5. The results indicate that DM inhibits IGly in single neurones of NTS, and further suggest that DM at a low concentration may act on the glycine receptor-ionophore complex, but not on the Cl channel of the complex. However, a relatively high concentration of DM may at least partly affect the Cl- channel of the complex.  相似文献   

Intraoperative monitoring can be defined as an application of several electroneurophysiological techniques for nervous system monitoring throughout the surgery. The principal goal of monitoring is to identify new neurologic impairment early enough to find the cause and to prevent permanent deficits. This paper reviews monitoring techniques during surgery for spinal deformity.  相似文献   

Leukaemia-specific proteins may be recognized by T-lymphocytes as neoantigens if peptides corresponding to mutated sequences bind to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on leukaemic cells. We studied the ability of a series of synthetic peptides corresponding to the junctional sequences of BCR/ABL proteins to bind to class I molecules in two human cell lines, LBL 721.174 (T2) (HLA-A2, B5) and BM36.1 (HLA-A1, B35), and one murine cell line RMA-S (H-2Kb, Db). These cell lines are defective in intracellular peptide loading of class I molecules, resulting in markedly reduced cell surface class I expression: class I expression can be rescued by provision of peptides binding to the alleles expressed by the mutant cell. Eighteen peptides spanning the junctional sequences of the b2a2 and b3a2 proteins were tested for their ability to rescue expression of the class I alleles borne by these cells using flow cytometry. Allele-specific control peptides known to bind HLA-A2, HLA-B35, H-2Kb and H-2Db increased expression of these alleles 2- to 3-fold: 0/18 BCR/ABL peptides enhanced HLA-A2, HLA-B35 or H-2Kb expression, but three b2a2 peptides consistently increased H-2Db expression. These results suggest that BCR/ABL junctional peptides are unlikely to be presented to T-cells in association with HLA-A2, HLA-B35 or H-2Kb. Conversely, the finding that some b2a2 peptides bind specifically to H-2Db suggests that a murine model of graft-versus-leukaemia (GVL) could be constructed.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from sympathetic preganglionic neurones (SPNs) in transverse slices of thoraco-lumbar spinal cord of young rats (12-20 days old). A small group of SPNs generally having higher membrane potentials (-70 mV) compared to a remaining group (-66 mV) showed spontaneous oscillations of their membrane potential. Oxytocin superfused in concentrations of 0.1-30 microM had four effects on SPNs, inducing slow depolarisation, EPSPs, IPSPs and brief rhythmic oscillations. The slow depolarisation was unaffected by TTX whereas this abolished the other changes. The oxytocin-induced depolarisation was associated with a slow inward current and was not reversed at membrane potentials negative to EK, it increased at more positive potentials and was still present in low Ca2+ and high Mg2+ solutions. These features of the oxytocin induced current are similar to those of the TTX resistant voltage dependent Na+ current described in brainstem autonomic neurones. Vasopressin superfused at concentrations of 0.1 microM to 30 microM had similar effects on SPNs to those of oxytocin. A comparison of the effects of oxytocin and vasopressin on the same neurones revealed that oxytocin was almost 10 times less potent than vasopressin. The effects of oxytocin were not mimicked by a selective oxytocin agonist but were mimicked by a selective vasopressin V1a agonist and blocked by a selective V1a antagonist. Therefore it is concluded that the effects of oxytocin on SPNs are mediated by the vasopressin V1a receptor. It is suggested that oxytocin and vasopressin terminals in the lateral horn are part of a descending system controlling oscillating networks of SPNs in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

A microelectrophoretic study was performed of the actions of GABA and glycine, and of their antagonists on rubrospinal neurones. GABA and glycine depressed antidromic and synaptic potentials, hyperpolarized the cell membrane and increased the membrane conductance. GABA was more effective than glycine. Corticorubral IPSPs and the GABA-induced membrane hyperpolarization could be reversed by intracellular application of hyperpolarizing currents. Picrotoxin and bicuculline methochloride antagonized inhibitory GABA actions and the corticorubral IPSP or the corresponding extracellular positive field potential. The results support the hypothesis that GABA is the transmitter of the corticorubral inhibition in the cat.  相似文献   

1 A series of compounds structurally related to glutamic acid has been tested on frog and rat spinal neurones. The substances were added to procaine-containing medium bathing the isolated hemiscected spinal cord of the frog, and their potencies in depolarizing motoneurones were assessed by the magnitude of the potential produced in the ventral root. The electrophoretic technique was used to administer the substances around single interneurones of the rat spinal cord and the relative potencies of the compounds as excitants assessed by the magnitude of the currents required to produce similar rates of neuronal firing. 2 Parallel structure-activity relations were observed in the two series of experiments, suggesting that the receptors for excitatory amino acids on frog and rat spinal neurones are similar. 3 Quisqualate, domoate and kainate were the strongest excitants in both animals, with potencies around two orders of magnitude higher than that of L-glutamate. 4 2,4,5-Trihydroxyphenylalanine (6-OH-DOPA) was a stronger excitant and L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa) a weaker excotamt than L-glutamate on frog spinal motoneurones. The former compounds was also a more potent convulsant than L-glutamate on intraventricular injection into mouse brain. The lack of activity of 6-OH-DOPA on electrophoretic administration was attributed to oxidation. 5 Unlike the majority of amino acid excitants, several of the compounds shown in the present work to have moderate excitatory activity are not anionic at physiological pH. This indicates either that two negatively charged groups are not essential for interaction with a common excitatory receptor, or that more than one type of receptor is involved in the actions demonstrated.  相似文献   

A method was developed for administering intrathecal pharmacotherapy in a rat model of spinal cord injury. The effects of intrathecal administration of nimodipine on spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) and evoked potentials (EPs) were measured in the normal and injured spinal cord. It had previously been shown that systemic nimodipine caused severe hypotension after spinal cord injury. After baseline SCBF and EPs, 15 uninjured rats were blindly allocated to one of three groups: one placebo group (n = 5); and two groups with intrathecal nimodipine, 0.05 mg/kg (n = 5), or 0.2 mg/kg (n = 5). Ten other rats received a 35 g acute clip compression injury of the spinal cord for 1 minute and, were allocated to one of two groups: placebo (n = 5); and intrathecal nimodipine 0.05 mg/kg (n = 5) given 60 min after injury. In the uninjured groups, neither 0.05 nor 0.2 mg/kg of nimodipine increased SCBF during, or 30 min after, intrathecal infusion. However, the mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) decreased significantly to 69.73.1% after the infusion of 0.2 mg/kg nimodipine and did not recover by 98 min. In all three groups of uninjured rats, the amplitude of the cerebellar EP was decreased 30 min after infusion. After spinal cord injury, there were significant decreases in MABP, SCBF and EP amplitude in both placebo and treatment groups, but there was no therapeutic benefit from nimodipine. Thus, intrathecal infusion of nimodipine did not prevent the hypotension encountered with systemic administration and exerted no beneficial effect on SCBF or EPs after acute spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of a single focal injection of recombinant basic (FGF2) or acidic (FGF1) fibroblast growth factor on the survival of spinal motor neurones at 24 h after a standardized spinal cord contusion injury (SCI) in the rat. Both FGF2 and FGF1 (3 microg), microinjected into the injury site at 5 min post-injury (p.i.), protected at least two functionally important classes of spinal motor neurones, autonomic preganglionic neurones in the intermediolateral (IML) column and somatic motor neurones in the ventral horn (VH). Moreover, there was enhanced choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunoreactivity in surviving VH and IML neurones, suggesting an improved functional status. Thus, neurotrophic factors such as FGF2 and FGF1 may contribute to an overall strategy to treat acute SCI and improve recovery of function.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: This study was designed to examine the possibility of a new spinal cord monitoring method using measurement of the refractory period to monitor spinal cord function. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether measuring the refractory period and the recovery rate of conductive spinal cord evoked potential is a useful method for estimating spinal cord function. BACKGROUND: Measuring the refractory period and constructing the recovery curve have been used to investigate peripheral nerve function. Spinal cord evoked potential elicited by the single stimulus usually is used to evaluate spinal cord function, and it has been said that 50% attenuation of the amplitude is the critical alarm level. METHODS: In anesthetized cats, amplitude, area, and latency were measured on a personal computer from subtracted data collected with a paired-stimulation technique. The authors constructed recovery curves of ascending and descending conductive spinal cord evoked potentials and measured the refractory period during spinal cord compression. RESULTS: When the amplitude of the ascending spinal cord evoked potential began to decrease during spinal cord compression, the amplitude of the response elicited by the second stimulus with interstimulus intervals of 0.8 msec and 1.0 msec decreased more significantly. When the amplitude of the ascending spinal cord evoked potential decreased to 50% of the precompression amplitude, the mean value of the absolute refractory periods of the ascending and descending spinal cord evoked potentials became prolonged from 0.40 +/- 0.007 msec to 0.53 +/- 0.014 msec, and the mean values of their amplitude and area recovery rates decreased from 75% +/- 1% to 35% +/- 2% (interstimulus interval, 0.8 msec) and from 81% +/- 1% to 46% +/- 2% (insterstimulus interval, 1.0 msec). CONCLUSIONS: The change of the responses elicited by the paired stimuli is more sensitive than those elicited by the single stimulus in the spinal cord evoked potentials. The absolute refractory periods and the recovery rate during 50% attenuation of the precompression amplitude is the critical alarm level in spinal cord monitoring.  相似文献   

To study the potential of L-deprenyl to rescue dopaminergic neurones from natural death in primary cultures, foetal nigral neurones were prepared from the ventral midbrain of 16 day old rat embryos. L-deprenyl, at final concentrations of 0.1, 1 and 10 microM, or vehicle solution was added to the culture medium. The cells were allowed to survive for 1, 5 and 10 days. They were then fixed and stained for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry, with or without histological staining. After 5 and 10 days, deprenyl at 0.1 microM increases the number of TH-positive profiles in treated cultures when compared with controls but the effect was more evident at 1 and 10 microM. This can be interpreted as increased survival of catecholaminergic neurones. We cannot however rule out the possibility that deprenyl stimulates the expression of TH by other neurones.  相似文献   

To understand better how synaptic signaling contributes to network activity, we analyzed the potential contribution of putative unitary postsynaptic currents (PSCs) to locomotor-related information received by spinal interneurons in neonatal rats. The average cyclic modulation of the whole-cell current in 13 neurons was quantified as the difference between the current integral (charge) during the first and second halves of the cyclic locomotor network output. Between 7.6 and 303 average unitary PSCs per second were needed to produce the cyclic modulation. This number is so low that very few (1-5) of the synapses contributing to the cyclic information need to be active simultaneously. This suggests that individual presynaptic cells in a central locomotor network can have a powerful influence on other neurons.  相似文献   

Moderate hypothermia significantly diminishes consequences of spinal and cerebral anoxia. One component of this neuroprotection has been hypothesized to be suppression of excitotoxic transmitter release. Whether this suppression is attributable to reduced hypoxic injury that induces release or an alteration of the release process itself is unclear. We sought to characterize the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of basal and evoked calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and amino acid release from dorsal horn slices of rat spinal cord over a range of temperatures from 40 to 8 degrees C. At 40 degrees C, potassium (60 mM) and capsaicin (10 microM) evoked a 21- and 32-fold increase in basal CGRP concentrations, respectively. Capsaicin had no effect on glutamate release, but potassium evoked a 2.7-fold increase. Release evoked by either potassium or capsaicin was reduced in a biphasic fashion with declining temperature. Over the range of 40 to 34 degrees C, the Q10 values for evoked release for CGRP were 11.3 (potassium) and 39.7 (capsaicin) and for glutamate, 5. 5 (potassium). Over the range of 34 to 8 degrees C, Q10 values were near unity for all evoked release (0.8 and 1.3 for CGRP and 1.2 for glutamate). Although serine, glycine, glutamine, taurine, and citrulline showed no evoked release, basal levels were reduced at temperatures below 34 degrees C. The pronounced temperature dependency of evoked transmitter release between 40 and 34 degrees C is consistent with the profound cerebral protection observed with mild hypothermia in which metabolic activity is only slightly depressed.  相似文献   

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