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This study evaluated hydrogen production by co-culture of Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 and immobilized Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53 with different control strategies. To enhance cooperation of dark and photo-fermentation bacteria during hydrogen production process, the glucose concentration, phosphate buffer concentration and initial pH were controlled at 6 g/l, 50 mmol/l and 7.5, respectively. The maximum yield and rate of hydrogen production were 3.10 mol H2/mol glucose and 17.2 mmol H2/l/h, respectively. Ethanol from E. harbinense B49 in acetate medium can enhance hydrogen production by R. faecalis RLD-53 except the ratio of ethanol to acetate (RE/A) among 0.8 to 1.0. Control of the proper phosphate buffer concentration (50 mmol/l) not only increased acetic acid production by E. harbinense B49, but also maintained stable pH of co-culture system. Therefore, the results showed that co-culture of E. harbinense B49 and immobilized R. faecalis RLD-53 was a promising way of converting glucose into hydrogen.  相似文献   

Ethanoligenens harbinense is a promising hydrogen producing microorganism due to its high inherent hydrogen production rate. Even though the effect of media optimization and inhibitory metabolites has been studied in order to improve the hydrogen productivity of these cultures, the identification of the underlying causes of the observed changes in productivity has not been targeted to date. In this work we present a genome based metabolic flux analysis (MFA) framework, for the comprehensive study of E. harbinense in culture, and the effect of inhibitory metabolites and media composition on its metabolic state. A metabolic model was constructed for E. harbinense based on its annotated genome sequence and proteomic evidence. This model was employed to perform MFA and obtain the intracellular flux distribution under different culture conditions. These results allow us to identify key elements in the metabolism that can be associated to the observed production phenotypes, and that can be potential targets for metabolic engineering in order to enhanced hydrogen production in E. harbinense.  相似文献   

Inhibitory effects of acetate and ethanol on biohydrogen production from glucose by Ethanoligenens harbinese B49 were investigated in this study. In batch test, sodium acetate (0, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 150 mmol/l) and ethanol (0, 20, 40, 80, 100 and 200 mmol/l) were added respectively. Their inhibitory effects on glucose degradation, cell growth, distribution of liquid products and hydrogen production were discussed. Compared with ethanol, acetate exhibited more significant inhibition on growth and hydrogen producing performance of E. harbinese B49. The inhibitory effects of acetate and ethanol were compared and analyzed on the basis of a noncompetitive product inhibition model. For acetate addition, the maximum specific hydrogen production rate rmax = 722 ml/gVSS/h, inhibition constant KC = 55 mmol/l and the exponent of inhibition n = 0.6 were estimated, whereas the maximum hydrogen yield rmax = 2.2 mol H2/mol glucose, KC = 57 mmol/l and n = 0.8 were calculated from kinetic analysis. For ethanol addition, the maximum specific rate rmax = 729 ml/g VSS/h, KC = 139 mmol/l and n = 0.8 were estimated, whereas the maximum hydrogen yield rmax = 2.2 mol H2/mol glucose, KC = 153 mmol/l and n = 0.9 were calculated. In addition, deducing from dose-response curves, the CI,50 values of ethanol and acetate were 154 and 62 mmol/l, respectively. Acetate has a strong inhibitory effect on hydrogen production with ethanol-type fermentation. Thus, hydrogen production can be improved by optimizing the fermentation strategy through removing the acetate as soon as it was produced.  相似文献   

Ethanoligenens, a novel ethanologenic and hydrogen-producing genus, has capability of hydrogen production at low pH. A [FeFe]-hydrogenase gene with [4Fe-4S] and [2Fe-2S] clusters from Ethanoligenens harbinense YUAN-3 was cloned and overexpressed in a non-hydrogen-producing Escherichia coli BL-21. This hydA gene consisted of an open reading frame of 1743 bp encoding 580 amino acids with an estimated molecular weight of 63 188.1 Da. Six characteristic sequence signatures were present within the H-cluster domain of [FeFe]-H2ases, and three of them were described previously. The overexpressed and purified hydrogenases from recombinant cells showed catalytic activity in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Two biofilm-based column reactors with walnut shell (WS) as carrier media were applied for fermentative hydrogen production using glucose as substrate by mixed microbial cultures at the temperature of 35 °C. Pure hydrogen producing bacteria Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 was supplemented into the reacting system periodically or continuously to enhance hydrogen production ability at the startup period. The results showed that the bioreactors supplemented with E. harbinense B49 performed better than the reactor without bacteria addition. Continuous addition mode was recommended, since the hydrogen production performance was better and the operation was easily to be accomplished. The optimal addition amount of pure bacteria was also investigated. The optimal bacterial addition amount was found to be 2.5% which led a better hydrogen production rate. In addition, the bioreactor supplemented with pure bacteria continuously presented a high hydrogen production ability as the specific hydrogen production rate (SHPR) maximized at 1.36 L/g-VSS·d; whereas, the bioreactor without bacteria addition obtained a maximum specific hydrogen production rate of 1.10 L/g-VSS·d. The addition of E. harbinense B49 favored the transformation to ethanol type fermentation in the bioreactor. Thereby, the startup period had been accelerated remarkably.  相似文献   

The optimization of process conditions for the production of hydrogen by Ethanoligenens harbinense W1 was investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). Three parameters namely inoculum to substrate ratio, initial pH value and temperature were chosen as variables. The adequately high R2 value (99.4%) indicated the statistical significance of the model. The optimum process conditions for hydrogen production rate were determined by analyzing the response surface three-dimension surface plot and contour plot and by solving the regression model equation with Design Expert software. The central composite design (CCD) was used to optimize the process conditions, which showed that an inoculum to substrate ratio of 14%, initial pH value of 4.32 and the experimental temperature of 34.97 °C were the best conditions. Under the optimized conditions, the maximum specific hydrogen production rate (SHPR) was 35.74 mL/g-CDW.h based on cell dry weight. The results were further verified by triplicate experiments. The batch reactors were operated under an optimized condition of the inoculum to substrate ratio of 14%, initial pH value of 4.3 and the experimental temperature of 35 °C. The maximum SHPR was estimated at 35.57 mL/g-CDW.h, which further verified the practicability of this optimum strategy.  相似文献   

Treated ricebran hydrolysate was fermented anaerobically using Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4 at an initial pH of 6 ± 0.2 and an operating temperature of 30 °C for production of hydrogen. The effects of different pretreatment methods on the liberation of sugar from 100 g of ricebran per litre of medium (distilled water) were investigated. In addition, the effects of the pretreatment method on ricebran hydrolysates of different initial ricebran concentrations on liberated sugar as well as the effects of the initial inoculum concentration, ricebran (substrate) concentration, and FeSO4·7H2O concentration on the yield as well as the productivity of hydrogen were investigated. The combination of enzymatic hydrolysis and a boiling pretreatment method produced the most fermentable sugar, 29.03 ± 0.0 g/L from 100 g of ricebran per litre of medium (distilled water), while the amount of sugar liberated by ricebran hydrolysates of different initial ricebran concentrations upon pretreatment monotonically increased with the initial ricebran concentration. The increment in substrate, inoculum, and FeSO4·7H2O concentrations had a significantly positive effect (p < 0.05) on both the yield and productivity of hydrogen. The maximum hydrogen gas yield (YP/S) and productivity of 3.37 mol-H2 per mol-sugar consumed and 7.58 mmol/(L h), respectively, were obtained from ricebran hydrolysate with a 100 g/L ricebran concentration (equivalent to 28.59 ± 1.27 g sugar/L). In other experiments, 0.03 g/L FeSO4·7H2O and 1.5 g/L inoculum resulted in the best hydrogen gas yield and productivity from ricebran hydrolysates.  相似文献   

In present work our objective was to find out the potential substrates for fermentative hydrogen production using microbial culture of Bacillus firmus NMBL-03 isolated from municipal sludge. A wide variety of substrates (glucose, xylose, arabinose, lactose, sucrose, and starch) and carbohydrate rich waste products (bagasse hydrolysate, molasses, potato peel and cyanobacterial mass) have been used for dark fermentative hydrogen production. All studies were done at optimized physico-chemical conditions. Among all substrates glucose, arabinose, lactose, starch, molasses and bagasse hydrolysate were found to be the favorable substrates for hydrogen production. The highest VHPR i.e. 177.5 ± 7.07 ml/L.h (7.95 ± 0.29 mmol H2/L.h) and maximum H2 production (22.58 ± 2.65 mmol H2/L) was achieved using starch as the substrate. The maximum yield 1.29 ± 0.11 mol H2/mol reducing sugar was obtained from bagasse hydrolysate as substrate. Butyrate and acetate were detected as the end product in all the cases while lactate was also detected from glucose and cyanobacterial hydrolysate. Since considerable amount of H2 also evolved when cyanobacterial mass was used, therefore this microbe can be exploited for hydrogen production through a three stage integrated system. Residual carbohydrate containing biomass left after cyanobacterial H2 production can be utilized in dark fermentative H2 production. Spent media obtained after dark fermentative H2 production contain considerable amount of volatile fatty acids that can be potential substrate for photo fermentative H2 production.  相似文献   

An investigation of biological hydrogen production from glucose by Clostridium beijerinckii was conducted in a synthetic wastewater solution. A study examining the effect of initial pH (range 5.7–6.5) and substrate loading (range 1–3 g COD/L) on the specific conversion and hydrogen production rate has shown interaction behaviour between the two independent variables. Highest conversion of 10.3 mL H2/(g COD/L) was achieved at pH of 6.1 and glucose concentration of 3 g COD/L, whereas the highest production rate of 71 mL H2/(h L) was measured at pH 6.3 and substrate loading of 2.5 g COD/L. In general, there appears to be a strong trend of increasing hydrogen production rate with an increase in both substrate concentration and pH. Butyrate (14–63%), formate (10–45%) and ethanol (16–40%) were the main soluble products with other volatile fatty acids and alcohols present in smaller quantities.  相似文献   

Biohydrogen production by a non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Lyngbya perelegans was studied under varied physico-chemical conditions including oxic/anoxic, light/dark period, light intensity, temperature, pH and salinity. Some important biological characteristics of the species that favored its selection as a hydrogen producing organism included its dense biomass in the culture, moderately good chlorophyll-a and carotenoid concentrations, high glycogen content, and high hydrogenase activity at its mid log phase (7d). Biohydrogen production by the cyanobacterium was found to be significantly influenced by its physico-chemical environment. H2 production by the species could be increased 1.4 times by optimizing the light/dark duration, light intensity, pH and temperature, while maintaining anoxic conditions and supplementing the medium with a low concentration of salt.  相似文献   

Thermophilic hydrogen production from xylan by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum KKU-ED1 isolated from elephant dung was investigated using batch fermentation. The optimum conditions for hydrogen production from xylan by the strain KKU-ED1 were an initial pH of 7.0, temperature of 55 °C and xylan concentration of 15 g/L. Under the optimum conditions, the hydrogen yield (HY), hydrogen production rate (HPR) and xylanase activity were 120.05 ± 15.07 mL H2/g xylan, 11.53 ± 0.19 mL H2/L h and 0.41 units/mL, respectively. The optimum conditions were then used to produce hydrogen from 62.5 g/L sugarcane bagasse (SCB) (equivalent to 15 g/L xylan) in which the HY and HPR of 1.39 ± 0.10 mL H2/g SCB (5.77 ± 0.41 mL H2/g xylan) and 0.66 ± 0.04 mL H2/L h, respectively, were achieved. In comparison to the other strains, the HY of the strain KKU-ED1 (120.05 ± 15.07 mL H2/g xylan) was close to that of Clostridium sp. strain X53 (125.40 mL H2/g xylan) and Clostridium butyricum CGS5 (90.70 mL H2/g xylan hydrolysate).  相似文献   

The present study deals with the optimization of pretreatment conditions followed by thermophilic dark fermentative hydrogen production using Anabaena PCC 7120 as substrate by mixed microflora. Different airlift photobioreactors with ratio of area of downcomer and riser (Ad/Ar) in range of 0.4–3.2 were considered. Maximum biomass concentration of 1.63 g L−1 in 9 d under light intensity of 120 μE m−2 s−1 was observed at Ad/Ar of 1.6. The mixing time of the reactors was inversely proportional to Ad/Ar. Maximal H2 production was found to be 1600 mL L−1 upon pretreatment with amylase followed by thermophilic fermentation for 24 h compared to other methods like sonication (200 mL L−1), autoclave (600 mL L−1) and HCl treatment (1230 mL L−1). The decrease of pH from 6.5 to 5.0 during fermentation was due to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids. Amylase pretreatment gave higher reducible sugar content of 7.6 g L−1 as compare to other pretreatments. Thermophilic fermentation of pretreated Anabaena biomass by mixed bacterial culture was found suitable for H2 production.  相似文献   

A thermophilic hydrogen producer was isolated from hot spring sediment and identified as Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum KKU19 by biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The strain KKU19 showed the ability to utilize various kinds of carbon sources. Xylose was the preferred carbon source while peptone was the preferred organic nitrogen source. The optimum conditions for hydrogen production and cell growth on xylose were an initial pH of 6.50, temperature of 60 °C, a carbon to nitrogen ratio of 20:1, and a xylose concentration of 10.00 g/L. This resulted in a maximum cumulative hydrogen production, hydrogen production rate and hydrogen yield of 3020 ± 210 mL H2/L, 3.95 ± 0.20 mmol H2/L h and 2.09 ± 0.02 mol H2/mol xylose consumed, respectively. Acetic and butyric acids were the main soluble metabolite products suggesting acetate and butyrate type fermentation.  相似文献   

A hydrogen producer was successfully isolated from anaerobic digested palm oil mill effluent (POME) sludge. The strain, designated as Clostridium butyricum EB6, efficiently produced hydrogen concurrently with cell growth. A controlled study was done on a synthetic medium at an initial pH value of 6.0 with 10 g/L glucose with the maximum hydrogen production at 948 mL H2/L-medium and the volumetric hydrogen production rate at 172 mL H2/L-medium/h. The supplementation of yeast extract was shown to have a significant effect with a maximum hydrogen production of 992 mL H2/L-medium at 4 g/L of yeast extract added. The effect of pH on hydrogen production from POME was investigated. Experimental results showed that the optimum hydrogen production ability occurred at pH 5.5. The maximum hydrogen production and maximum volumetric hydrogen production rate were at 3195 mL H2/L-medium and 1034 mL H2/L-medium/h, respectively. The hydrogen content in the biogas produced was in the range of 60–70%.  相似文献   

Thermophilic dark fermentative hydrogen producing bacterial strain, TERI S7, isolated from an oil reservoir flow pipeline located in Mumbai, India, showed 98% identity with Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum by 16S rRNA gene analysis. It produced 1450–1900 ml/L hydrogen under both acidic and alkaline conditions; at a temperature range of 45–60 °C. The maximum hydrogen yield was 2.5 ± 0.2 mol H2/mol glucose, 2.2 ± 0.2 mol H2/mol xylose and 5.2 ± 0.2 mol H2/mol sucrose, when the respective sugars were used as carbon source. The cumulative hydrogen production, hydrogen production rate and specific hydrogen production rate by the strain TERI S7 with sucrose as carbon source was found to be 1704 ± 105 ml/L, 71 ± 6 ml/L/h and 142 ± 13 ml/g/h respectively. Major soluble metabolites produced during fermentation were acetic acid and butyric acid. The strain TERI S7 was also observed to produce hydrogen continuously up to 48 h at pH 3.9.  相似文献   

In this study, a pilot solar tubular photobioreactor was successfully implemented for fed batch operation in outdoor conditions for photofermentative hydrogen production with Rhodobacter capsulatus (Hup) mutant. The bacteria had a rapid growth with a specific growth rate of 0.052 h−1 in the batch exponential phase and cell dry weight remained in the range of 1–1.5 g/L throughout the fed batch operation. The feeding strategy was to keep acetic acid concentration in the photobioreactor at the range of 20 mM by adjusting feed acetate concentration. The maximum molar productivity obtained was 0.40 mol H2/(m3 h) and the yield obtained was 0.35 mol H2 per mole of acetic acid fed. Evolved gas contained 95–99% hydrogen and the rest was carbon dioxide by volume.  相似文献   

This study addressed the utilization of an agro-waste, corn stover, as a renewable lignocellulosic feedstock for the fermentative H2 production by the moderate thermophile Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. The corn stover was first hydrolyzed by cellulase with supplementation of xylanase after delignification with 2% NaOH. It produced reducing sugar at a yield of 11.2 g L−1 glucose, 3.4 g L−1 xylose and 0.5 g L−1 arabinose under the optimum condition of cellulase dosage 25 U g−1 substrate with supplement xylanase 30 U g−1 substrate. The hydrolyzed corn stover was sequentially introduced to fermentation by strain W16, where, the cell density and the maximum H2 production rate was comparable to that on simulated medium, which has the same concentration of reducing sugars with hydrolysate. The present results suggest a promising combined hydrogen production process from corn stover with enzymatic hydrolysis stage and fermentation stage using W16.  相似文献   

Distillery effluent poses severe environmental pollution problem mainly due to its high organic content. During alcohol fermentation, most of the essential macro- and micro-nutrients get utilized. Therefore, supplementation of these nutrients becomes imperative for the improvement of biohydrogen production. In the present study, starch based distillery effluent was used for dark fermentative hydrogen production using Enterobacter cloacae IIT-BT 08. Hence, this study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of supplementation of yeast extract, malt extract, Fe++, Cu++ and Mg++ on biohydrogen production. The interaction among supplements and their mutual effect on the hydrogen production was studied using five factor–five level central composite design). Optimum hydrogen yield of 7.4 mol H2/kg CODreduced was predicted by the model, which showed an excellent correlation with experimental hydrogen yield of 7.38 ± 0.24 mol H2/kg CODreduced. An average hydrogen production rate of 80 mL/L h was achieved after supplementation, having 2.2 times higher hydrogen yield as compared to non-supplemented distillery effluent.  相似文献   

Biohydrogen is considered a promising and environmentally friendly energy source. Escherichia coli BW25113 hyaB hybC hycA fdoG frdc ldhA aceE has been previously engineered for elevated biohydrogen production from glucose. In this study, we show that this strain can also use biomass from oil palm frond (OPF) juice and sewage sludge as substrates. Substrate improvement was accomplished when hydrogen productivity increased 8-fold after enzymatic treatment of the sludge with a mixture of amylase and cellulase. The OPF juice with sewage sludge provided an optimum carbon/nitrogen ratio since the yield of biohydrogen increased to 1.5 from 1.3 mol H2/mol glucose compared to our previous study. In this study, we also reveal that our engineered strain improved 200-fold biohydrogen productivity from biomass sources compared to the unmodified host. In conclusion, we determined that our engineered strain can use biomass as an alternative substrate for enhanced biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

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