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为了更好地恢复被高密度椒盐噪声污染的图像,在传统的自适应中值滤波算法的基础上提出了一种改进的自适应滤波算法。该算法将3×3矩形滤波窗口内极值点视为可疑噪声点,对可疑噪声点自适应调节滤波窗口大小进一步判断是否为噪声点;将噪声点区分为低密度噪声区噪声点和高密度噪声区噪声点,并分别用改进后的中值滤波算法、自适应修正后均值滤波算法处理,信号点保持不变。仿真结果表明,该算法处理速度快并且能够有效恢复被椒盐噪声(密度达80%)污染的图像,在去噪的同时能够很好地保护图像的细节。  相似文献   

在去除图像噪声的同时,如何避免图像细节信息的损失和边缘的模糊,是图像处理技术中的一个难点.针对灰度图像中存在的椒盐噪声问题,提出了基于双向预测算法的去噪方法.首先根据椒盐噪声的特点,判断图像像素是信号像素还是噪声像素.对于信号像素,保持灰度值不变;对于噪声像素,利用双向预测的方法来确定处理后该像素点的灰度值.针对上述方法中存在的不足之处,又提出了一种改进方案.改进方案在对噪声像素处理时,根据像素之间的相关性和像素本身的性质自适应地确定预测器的预测系数,提高了预测算法的去噪性能.实验结果表明,本文算法具有良好的去噪特性及细节保持特性.  相似文献   

去除椒盐噪声的非对称有向窗加权均值滤波   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭明  朱敏  周晓东 《激光与红外》2011,41(11):1267-1272
针对传统滤波对称窗口在图像边缘处会引入干扰像素引起图像模糊的问题,提出一种非对称有向窗加权均值滤波算法.首先,基于区域极值进行噪声检测;其次,在对称有向窗的基础上提出非对称有向窗的概念,对于噪声点,通过标准差最小的原则自适应选择非对称有向滤波窗口;然后,在选择的非对称有向滤波窗口内对噪声点进行自适应基于距离倒数的加权均...  相似文献   

在提出的三子集划分的灰度图像分层表示(TSPL)算法的基础上,主要研究对常见的椒盐噪声的去除。TSPL算法是一种新型的数字图像变换方法,其核心思想是用一系列具有解析形式的灰度函数逼近不规则的原图像灰度函数。在此分别处理由TSPL算法生成的各层基函数图像,将其划分为A,B,C三个区并将每个像素点赋值为0,1,2;结合图像椒盐噪声的特点,利用投票策略处理每个像素点的8?邻域,从而达到椒盐噪声去除的目的;最终通过TSPL算法对基函数重构来恢复原图像。采用在人类视觉系统的前提下提出的基于结构相似性的方法MSSIM算法作为图像质量评价的标准,实验结果表明,在主客观方面,该方法在去除噪声和保留图像细节方面明显优于传统的中值滤波方法。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于先检测、后滤波的椒盐噪声滤除算法.将像素值为0或255附近的像素点作为疑似噪声点,其余点为信号点.信号点不做任何处理,以保留更多的图像细节.而对于疑似噪声点,首先用改进的自适应极值中值方法进行噪声检测,并将检测结果记录在一个二值矩阵flag中,其中信号点记为1,噪声点记为0.然后根据图像像素值矩阵与flag的点积进行自适应中值滤波处理.实验结果表明,不仅对真实含噪图像处理有很强的适应性,而且对噪声密度高的图像,能在有效去除椒盐噪声的同时保护图像细节.在不同噪声率下均优于标准中值(SMF)滤波法及其一些改进方法,在噪声密度为10%~90%其峰值信噪比(PSNR)平均提高6dB.  相似文献   

为了减少图像中的椒盐噪声对后续图像处理的影响,针对高密度噪声污染图像,提出了基于噪声检测的高密度椒盐噪声滤波算法。噪声检测方法理论可靠,保证了较高的噪声检测率,根据噪声点邻域信号点分布的不同采用不同的策略,能最大限度保护图像的细节信息,使得高密度噪声污染图像也能得到较好的恢复。实验结果表明,所提出的滤波算法具有较强的自适应性、较高的算法保真率及较好的滤波效果。  相似文献   

为了减少图像中的椒盐噪声对后续图像处理的影响,针对高密度噪声污染图像,提出了基于噪声检测的高密度椒盐噪声滤波算法。噪声检测方法理论可靠,保证了较高的噪声检测率,根据噪声点邻域信号点分布的不同采用不同的策略,能最大限度的保护图像的细节信息,使得高密度噪声污染图像也能得到较好地恢复。实验结果表明,所提出的滤波算法具有较强的自适应性、较高的算法保真率及较好的滤波效果。  相似文献   

介绍了图像去噪流程,研究了图像椒盐噪声处理中的两种算法,均值滤波算法和中值滤波算法,详细阐述了两种算法的基本原理和实现方法,在Matlab环境下利用两种算法对图像进行去噪处理,并对去噪结果进行比较、分析,实验结果表明两种算法都能有效滤除图像中的椒盐噪声,中值滤波算法在保护图像细节方面要优于均值滤波算法。  相似文献   

一种基于灰色关联度的椒盐噪声滤波算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张素文  褚乃强 《红外技术》2008,30(11):651-654
针对中值滤波算法在去除椒盐噪声时峰值信噪比(PSNR)提高有限和细节保持能力不佳的问题,提出了一种基于灰色关联度的两步式双阈值椒盐噪声滤波方法.第一步通过窗口中各像素的灰色关联度与阈值T<,1>的比较识别出被噪声污染的点;第二步将窗口中所有点的灰色关联度与软阈值T2(中位值)进行比较,选取灰色相关的正常点来恢复出被噪声污染的点.实验结果表明:在噪声率较高的情况下,该算法提高了图像峰值信噪比,改善了图像的主观效果.  相似文献   

An algorithm is designed for the hypergraph (HG) representation of an image, subsequent detection of Salt and Pepper (SP) noise in the image and finally the restoration of the image from this noise. The image is first represented as the set union of hyperedges. As for the hyperedges themselves, these are determined by two Image Neighborhood Hypergraph (INHG) parameters, with the concepts of 8-bit neighborhood and INHG of a graph being central. The images taken up for experimental analyses are subjected to the Contra Harmonic Mean (CHM) filter for SP noise removal. The proposed algorithm exhibits superiority over traditional algorithms and recently proposed ones in terms of visual quality, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). This superior performance of the CHM Filter is solely due to the HG representation of the test images.  相似文献   

Salt and Pepper noise (S&P noise) removal is an active research area in digital image processing. Existing techniques commonly use the local statistics within a neighborhood to estimate the centered noisy pixel, and tend to damage image details due to the image local diversity singularity and non-stationarity. To address this problem, in this paper, iterative nonlocal means filter (INLM) is proposed to exploit the image non-local similarity feature in the S&P noise removal procedure. Moreover, the proposed iterative framework update the similarity weights and the estimated values for higher accuracy. The experimental results show that the proposed INLM produces better results than state-of-art methods over a wide range of scenes both subjectively and objectively, and it is robust to the detection results.  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient decision based scheme is proposed for the restoration of grayscale and colour images that are heavily corrupted by salt and pepper noise. The processed pixel is examined for 0 or 255; if found true, then it is considered as noisy pixel else not noisy. If found noisy the four neighbours of the noisy pixels are checked for 0 or 255. If all the four neighbours of the corrupted pixel are noisy, the mean of the four neighbours replaces the corrupted pixel. If any of the four neighbours is a non-noisy pixel, calculate the number of corrupted pixels in the current processing window. If the count is less than three then the noisy pixel is replaced by an unsymmetrical trimmed median. If the current window has more than three noisy pixels, then unsymmetrical trimmed mean replaces the corrupted pixels. If all the pixels of the current processing window are noisy then instead of unsymmetrical trimmed mean, global mean of the image is replaced as output. The uncorrupted pixel is left unchanged. The proposed algorithm is tested on various grayscale and colour images and found that it gives excellent PSNR, high IEF and lowest MSE. Also it consumes average time with excellent edge preservation even at higher noise densities. The quality of the results of proposed algorithm is superior when compared to the various state of the art methods.  相似文献   

为了有效地去除图像中的椒盐噪声,提出一种窗口自适应的滤波算法。算法先采用3×3窗口进行噪声检测,如果中心点为噪声点,则统计窗口内为非噪声点的数量。当非噪声点的数量大于2时,采用中值均值滤波算法;当非噪声点的数量小于等于2时,将窗口尺寸扩大至5×5,采用中值均值滤波算法。如果中心点为信号点,则保持原值不变直接输出。仿真实验结果证明,这种算法对不同程度椒盐噪声污染的图像具有较强的去噪能力,同时较好地保持了图像的细节。  相似文献   

利用灰色关联理论结合开关滤波策略的思想,提出了一种基于灰色关联的去椒盐噪声算法。算法采用开关策略,对于噪声点,选取3×3滤波窗口内的非噪声像素,利用灰色关联度计算各像素的加权值,将各非噪声像素加权后替换噪声点像素值,得到滤波图像。仿真实验证实,该算法不仅有效抑制了图像中的椒盐噪声,而且较好地保持了图像的边缘细节,滤波效果明显优于传统的滤波算法。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a novel algorithm for salt and pepper image noise cancelation using cardinal B-splines. The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis and application of cardinal B-splines for image noise cancellation. To apply the cardinal B-splines, one should analyze the different properties of the cardinal B-spline. Here we make use of the interpolation property and compact support of the cardinal B-splines. There are various assumptions and conditions that are considered while applying the cardinal B-splines for noise removal. The result of denoising the images affected up to 95 % of the salt and pepper noise has been shown. The results of proposed method are being compared with the other existing methods, and the comparison shows the better performance of our method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a fuzzy weighted non-local means filter for the removal of random-valued impulse noise. We introduce a new fuzzy weighting function, which can shut off the impulsive weight effectively, to the non-local means. According to the new weighting function, the more a pixel is corrupted, the less it is exploited to reconstruct image information. Experiments show that the performances of the new filter are surprisingly satisfactory in terms of both visual quality and quantitative measurement. Moreover, our filter also can be used to remove mixed Gaussian and random-valued impulse noise.  相似文献   

针对常见滤除椒盐噪声算法需要使用阈值、运算时间长、去除噪声效果不理想等缺陷,提出了一种快速高效去除图像椒盐噪声的均值滤波算法。新算法对滤波窗口下的疑似噪声像素,有针对性地选择少数信号像素构成信号像素集合,取集合中的元素均值对疑似噪声像素进行滤波。实验结果表明,对于噪声密度为1%到99%的图像,新算法均具有良好的去除噪声能力和保持细节能力,而且整个算法耗费时间很少,因而具有较大的实用性。  相似文献   

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