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引大入秦工程(以下简称引大工程)建成初期主要以秦王川农业供水为主,但随着兰州新区的建设发展,其供水对象开始向城市生活用水和工业用水转型,如何实现有限水资源的合理配置是目前研究的重点问题。基于此,依据引大工程供水区(以下简称引大供水区)可持续发展要求,构建以实现经济、社会、生态效益最大化为目标函数,可供水量、输水能力、用户需水量、排水系统排水量与变量非负为约束条件的多目标水资源优化配置模型,使用遗传算法进行求解。结果表明:2025年引大供水区不同用水部门配水量(保证率P=50%、P=75%)分别为生活用水8 323.85×104、8 322.49×104 m3,农业用水15 001.95×104、15 631.53×104 m3,工业用水11 111.00×104、11 100.00×104 m3,生态用水946.88×104、947.02×104 m3,各部门总配水量与优化前供水量4.23×108 m3相比,达到供需平衡;2030年引大供水区不同用水部门配水量(保证率P=50%、P=75%)分别为生活用水12 650.51×104、12 666.53×104 m3,农业用水16 397.77×104、17 019.70×104 m3,工业用水20 498.00×104、20 508.00×104 m3,生态用水948.00×104、948.88×104 m3,不同保证率下各部门总体缺水率分别为12.27%、13.38%。2025—2030年引大供水区的非农业用水结构将大幅提升,农业灌溉用水量降低。研究结果可为引大供水区优化水资源配置决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

丹凤县县城不断增长的用水需求与工程供水能力之间的矛盾日益突出,为了充分挖掘工程供水的潜力,解决现有供水工程运行中弃水多、供水保证率低的问题,以弃水量最小为目标建立模型,采用改进粒子群算法对青峰水库和龙潭水库的联合供水进行优化求解。以月为计算时段,在优先考虑河道生态流量、蒸散发和渗漏损失的情况下,针对青峰水库200×104 m3和220×104 m3两种拟定兴利库容方案情景进行模拟。结果表明:迭代次数达36次时目标函数趋于稳定;与常规调度相比,两库的年平均弃水量明显减少,供水保证率有所提高;采用线性递减惯性权重改进的粒子群算法在青峰和龙潭两水库联合优化供水计算中具有优越性和可行性。  相似文献   

施用有机氮肥条件下地下排水中硝态氮流失的模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
将改进的有机氮肥管理模型(MANIMEA)与广为应用的土壤水流运动模型(SWAP)相耦合,用于模拟评价施用猪粪条件下NO-3-N(硝态氮)通过地下排水的流失量。采用加拿大新斯科舍省农业大学试验站4个试验地块1999年的日地下排水量及NO-3-N流失量观测值对模型进行了模拟验证。模拟结果表明,预测的日地下排水量与观测的地下排水量吻合较好,相关系数在0.73~0.78之间;日NO-3-N流失量与地下排水量的关系密切,4个试验地块NO-3-N流失量模拟值与观测值平均误差在-0.017kg/hm2和005kg/hm2之间,绝对平均误差范围在0.087kg/hm2和0.152kg/hm2之间。模拟时段NO-3-N总流失量与观测值的相对误差在-0.5%和8.9%之间。总体来说,图形显示和统计指标分析表明,MANIMEA模型具有良好的模拟性能,模型能够较好的预测地下排水中NO-3-N流失量。  相似文献   

针对乌伦古河流域水资源短缺、灌溉挤占生态用水等问题,以生活、工业、灌溉、河道生态基流、河谷林草及补湖生态用水为调度目标,设置开源、节流方案集,建立了以生态缺水量和社会经济缺水量最小为目标的水库群生态调度模型,采用人机对话模拟优化算法求解模型。结果表明:各节流方案的河谷林草和补湖供水保证率能够满足设计要求,缓解了灌溉用水与生态用水间的矛盾,但2017现状水平年和2025远景水平年需水方案的灌溉保证率未满足设计要求;当开源+节流方案调水量超过1.0亿m3时,满足农业灌溉、河谷林草和补湖的供水保证率要求,消除了灌溉用水与生态用水间的矛盾;随着调水量超过1.0亿m3且持续增加,对河谷林草、补湖缺水量、破坏深度等影响不大,推荐1.0亿m3为最佳调水量。  相似文献   

以南京市中心城区鼓楼区和城市郊区仙林地区为对象,对2009年12月至2011年7月每场降雨雨水进行水质监测和分析,研究城市湿沉降面源污染特征。结果显示:①研究区域雨水的主要污染成分为SO42-、NO3-N、TN和COD;②实验监测期内,鼓楼地区雨水中SO42-、NO3-N、TN和COD质量浓度均高于仙林地区雨水组分。其中,SO42-质量浓度平均值62.79mg/L,约是仙林地区平均值16.11mg/L的4倍。③干湿周期对雨水水质影响显著。采集的雨水样本中,久未降雨后的首场雨水的COD、SO42-质量浓度值高于相对连续降水后的雨水相关组分,但NO3-N质量浓度低于连续性降水后的雨水组分。  相似文献   

根据湖南省地质、地形等条件,以县域为单元将湖南省划分为9个区域,对省内14 000多座各类型水库开展空间统计,分析了水库空间分布规律,并采用SPI-3指数法计算得到4-9月重旱及以上干旱频率的空间分布,对比研究了水库分布与干旱的空间匹配关系。结果表明:湖南省水库分布具有明显的空间分异特征,丘陵区水库数量密度一般要大于山地区,但受大型水库不足的影响,库容密度一般要小于山地区。洞庭湖平原腹地水库密度极低,而外围岗地区则拥有全省最大的水库分布密度。不同分区水库供水能力与人口、耕地的匹配关系也有很大差异。湘东南罗霄-南岭山地区单位面积兴利库容和人均兴利库容最大分别可达54 397.32 m3/hm2和3 286.53 m3,而在湘中南岩溶丘陵区、洞庭湖区等地区则分别不大于3 450 m3/hm2和210 m3。湖南省水库的空间分异特征主要受地质、地形等地理条件控制,山地区水库规模大、数量少,而丘陵区水库小、数量多。总体上看,湖南省水库供水能力与干旱的空间分布存在明显的失衡错位,如衡邵盆地不仅年均降雨量少、重旱频率高,而且水库供水能力也处于全省较低水平,再加上岩溶区“保水难”的特性,该区成为省内干旱情势最为严重的地区。  相似文献   

为提高Fe0/S2O2-8体系氧化垃圾渗滤液去除有机物的效果,试验采用响应面法优化反应条件,借助响应面法的中心组合试验设计了以紫外吸光度UV254的去除率为响应值的二次回归模型,分析零价铁(Fe0)投加量、初始pH值和S2O2-8与12COD0的质量比3个因素的交互作用,确定最优反应条件。结果表明在Fe0投加量为31.3mmol/L、初始pH值为4.4,ω(S2O2-8/12COD0)为1.14条件下,UV254的去除率达到最大值72%。  相似文献   

城市化通过影响地表蒸散发(ET)过程改变了区域水热平衡等水文和生态过程,进而改变了陆地生态系统的结构与功能。为科学评估城市水碳过程,基于哨兵二号卫星数据的植被信息,估算了2016—2021年逐月北京市主城区10 m×10 m空间分辨率的植被指数,进一步结合PT-JPLim四源蒸散发模型、InVEST模型以及解析型生态系统水分利用效率(WUE)模型,模拟了2016—2021年北京市主城区10 m×10 m空间分辨率的蒸散发、蒸散发分量(植被蒸腾Et、土壤蒸发Eb、截留蒸发Ei和不透水面蒸发Eu)、总初级生产力(GPP)、碳储量以及WUE的月值,并分析了其相关关系。植被指数较大值集中在西部山区,其次为北京市的公园区域,归一化植被指数NDVI最大值为0.65。主城区多年平均蒸散发量为497 mm,ET随着叶面积植被指数LAI和增强植被指数EVI的增加而增加。2016—2021年期间,NDVILAIEVI分别以每年0.0048、0.016 m2·m-2和0.0047的速度增加。区域平均Et为141.51 mm,Ei为50.77 mm,Eb为272 mm,不透水面上的Eu/ET为18.2%。碳储量较高的区域主要分布在西部山区,该区域海拔相对较高,植被覆盖率较高,总碳储量密度高值超过5 t/hm2。研究区GPP的平均值为2.7 g·m-2·d-1,多年平均WUE为0.63 g·mm-1WUEEt/ET呈显著负相关(R=-0.44,p<0.001),WUEGPP的增加呈现显著的上升趋势。精细化的城市水碳模拟能够为海绵城市的建设和评估提供理论基础,对“双碳”目标的实现具有重要意义。  相似文献   

再生水是城市的“第二水源”,加强再生水配置利用对优化供水结构、增加水资源供给、缓解水量供需矛盾以及保障水生态安全具有重要意义。科学预测城市再生水需求是提高污水资源化利用水平的重要基础。在区域水资源需求分析基础上,充分考虑工业生产、城市杂用、河道补水、农林灌溉等4大领域的水量和水质需求特点,提出考虑水质与水价的分领域再生水需求预测技术框架。首先考虑水质影响,引入再生水可替代率指标,分析水资源需求总量中可由再生水供给的水量;其次,考虑自主定价模式下再生水价格对用户需求的影响,建立“补贴-价格-需求”模型,计算不同补贴情景下区域再生水的需求量;最后,应用于宿迁市中心城市。结果表明:在规划年2025和2030年的再生水利用率目标要求下,采用中等补贴情景能在有效推广再生水利用的同时兼顾政府财政压力,再生水需求量分别可达10 095×104和13 387×104 m3。本研究进一步拓展了城市再生水需求量预测的理论方法,也为宿迁市再生水利用配置提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为准确便捷地从大范围背景复杂的堤防表面获取裂缝的形态信息,提出了一种基于改进U2-Net(U2-ADSNet)的裂缝检测方法。该方法在U2-Net中融合深度可分离卷积和扩张卷积,扩大了原有模型的感受野,增强了对细节特征的学习能力,降低了模型参数;在少量无人机实测影像数据基础上,利用裂缝开源数据集进行迁移学习,降低了训练成本;通过切片预测实现对大范围无人机影像的裂缝检测,利用连通域搜索去除可能的误检。将U2-ADSNet与FCN、SegNet、U-Net和DeepCrack等语义分割模型在堤防裂缝数据集上进行对比,验证了U2-ADSNet的有效性,该模型经过迁移学习后交并比达到78.55%,综合评价指标值为87.87%,可用于堤防裂缝的检测。  相似文献   

This article first presents the urban domestic water access situation in Mozambique. Then it analyzes the country's tariff system as a tool to recover water supply costs and to secure equity and affordability for the urban households served. The analysis focused on those households with in-dwelling water access (less than 50% of the urban population in Mozambique). Urban families using 5 m3, 10 m3, and 15 m3 of in-dwelling piped water per month pay an average of USD 0.86, 0.74, and 0.76 per m3, respectively. At the national level, cost recovery is an issue because in most urban areas operation and maintenance costs are not fully covered. The average coverage ratio for the country is 0.85. The presented figures indicate that a revision of the water tariffs currently applied in Mozambique could help improve equity, affordability and cost recovery.  相似文献   

The water supply in the Romanian counties of Olt and Vàlcea is mainly from groundwater from a deep aquifer system in Pliocene formations. Isotope analyses have been used to establish the supply area of the deep aquifer system. The age of the groundwater has been estimated for two samples by using 14C analysis. A simplified numerical model for a north–south cross‐section has provided global values for the hydraulic conductivity and effective porosity of the aquifer system. The groundwater from permeable horizons deeper than 120–140 m is highly mineralised and is, therefore, inappropriate for use as a water supply. Because groundwater resources are limited, the water supply for industry and domestic use in urban regions cannot increase too much. Thus, the deep aquifer system could also be used as a water supply for rural regions.  相似文献   

结合台州城市规划区城市供水设施现状,在满足水量、水质及开采条件的基础上,优选了3处河谷孔隙潜水和2个孔隙承压含水层地下水应急水源地,并利用visual MODFLOW软件建立了孔隙承压水地下水流与溶质运移数值模型。计算的河谷孔隙潜水允许开采资源量为455.53×10~4m~3/a,孔隙承压水年均补给总量为472.3×10~4m~3。在遵循应急供水的原则下,设置了三级、二级和一级预警开采方案,计算结果均能满足应急供水要求。并预测评估了应急开采后的地面沉降、咸水入侵等地质环境问题,结果表明产生的地面沉降最大量为一级预警的14.2mm,相对可控,咸淡水界线移动不明显。  相似文献   


This paper describes the recently developed ‘Guidelines for the design and control of intermittent water distribution systems’. These guidelines outline a new approach to the design of urban water distribution systems for developing countries in order to maintain adequate and equitable supplies under the common conditions of water resource shortage. The guidelines are novel in that they recognise the reality of intermittent supply and hence provide new methods of analysis and design, appropriate for such systems. Design objectives specifically tailored to intermittent systems are developed and drive the design process. These objectives are expressed in terms of equity in supply, adequate pressure at water connections and duration or time of supply that are convenient to the consumers. The modifications required to model such systems have been incorporated into a new network analysis simulation tool coupled with an optimal design tool.  相似文献   

在非洲干旱性气候条件下,水资源的补给量稀缺,做到地下水资源的有效平衡极其重要。在分析Zara科卡金矿水文地质条件的基础上,建立了准三维有限差分地下水流模型,模拟预测了科卡金矿开采期间和封场后,在丰水、枯水和平水3种气候条件下矿山供水对地下水水位降深的影响,并对有、无矿山供水条件下的地下水水位降深进行了对比分析。模拟结果表明:前1~3 a,日供水量约0.97×10~4m~3/a,在4~7 a,日供水量约在1.01×10~4m~3/a,矿山供水开采不会引起当地地下水资源枯竭,且矿山关闭后,含水层水位会很快恢复;即使在增加矿山供水和枯水气候同时出现的最不利条件下,井场中心出现最大地下水位降深为1.0~1.2 m,且距离井场中心距离约2km的边缘区域,地下水位降深仅为0.2 m。模拟结果可为高温干旱地区矿山的供水开采提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Kuma  Tarekegn  Abate  Brook 《Water Resources Management》2021,35(15):5259-5273

Understanding hydraulic performance of water distribution system is crucial for sustainable management of a water supply system. In this paper, a case study of hydraulic performance was evaluated using WaterGEMS hydraulic model integrated with GIS at Tulu Bolo town. The WaterGEMS hydraulic model was calibrated (R2=0.93) using measured data at 10 randomly selected nodes. Results of the analysis show that 92.6% of nodes reached optimized pressure ranging between 15m to 70m and about 1.27% are under permissible pressure while the remaining nodes have above the permissible pressure. The velocity of water in the pipes of the distribution system were found to be within the standard range from 0.2 to 2m/s which covers 82.7% (162 out of 196 pipes). Hence, the implementation of the WaterGEMs hydraulic model integrated approach with GIS enabled to estimate the pressure and velocity of the system with better accuracy and this will be helpful for sustainable management of the water distribution system.


Sustaining a steady supply of water to urban communities is of importance in a period that is characterised by rapid urban population growth, a global pandemic, and a changing climate that threatens the availability of the resource from its sources. Water supply to the City of Mutare is from three sources, Small Bridge Dam, Odzani, and the Pungwe River. The Pungwe source provides better quality water resources equivalent to the combined quantity supplied by the other two. It becomes an important source for the city, but climate change threatens the availability of water resources in the southern African region. Thus, it is imperative to quantitatively assess the impacts of a changing climate on water resources to enable the development of sustainable management alternatives. Using two carbon emission scenarios Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5, the study assesses the future availability of water resources from the Pungwe River to the City of Mutare using the Pitman hydrological model applied in an uncertainty framework. Available historical streamflow observations at gauging station F14 indicate a Q95 flow of about 2 Mm3/year. Projected future water resources at the end of the 21st century show a slight increase of up to 2.38% under the low carbon emission scenario (RCP4.5) and a decrease of up to 9.73%under the high carbon emission scenario (RCP8.5). These model-generated results are useful to water managers to plan for catchment management strategies that would ensure continuous urban water supply, and the identification and development of possible future alternative water sources.  相似文献   

于桥水库流域水源供给服务的空间分布格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
空间定量评估流域生态系统水源供给服务功能对水源区可持续发展及生态补偿机制的建立具有重要意义。基于研究区土地利用数据、气象数据和土壤数据,应用In VEST模型评估了于桥水库流域生态系统的水源供给量,并定量分析了流域水源供给能力的空间分布格局特征。结果表明:当Zhang系数为3.2时,流域的年径流深为161 mm,流域内年总产水量为3.14亿m~3。从空间分布格局来看,流域水源供给量存在显著的空间异质性;南部和中东部平原区单位面积水源供给量较高,水库南岸水源供给能力高于北岸;遵化市和蓟县对水源供给总量的贡献率达到85%;流域内不同景观类型的水源供给能力由大到小的排序为:耕地林地人工表面裸地灌草地,耕地、林地和人造表面对水源供给总量的贡献率达到82%。流域南部和中东部平原区是水源供给功能保护的重点区域,但同时也是防控城镇面源污染的关键地区。  相似文献   

Performance Risk Analysis for Fukuoka Water Supply System   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zongxue  Xu  Jinno  K.  Kawamura  A.  Takesaki  S.  Ito  K. 《Water Resources Management》1998,12(1):13-30
In this study, simulation is used to evaluate the performance of the municipal water system in Fukuoka city. In combination with daily simulation model, a kind of risk model incorporating water demand prediction is presented. This model applies five risk indices: reliability, resiliency, vulnerability, drought risk index (DRI) and drought damage index (DDI). They aid in the identification of operation policies for the municipal water system, and the planning and operational policies obtained are aimed at achieving minimum risk for a given scenario of operation. In this paper, the performance risk of the municipal water system is investigated under three alternatives: (1) the existing system operation when available supply from the Chikugo river is decreased; (2) water restrictions for different percentages of reduction are implemented; and (3) available water supply increases when desalination of sea water is implemented. The results obtained show that savings of between 5 and 12% of water consumption from May 1, or increasing of daily desalination of sea water about 30 000 m3 or more, may efficiently decrease the performance risk of the Fukuoka water supply system. Potentials also exist for further increase of reservoir storage by more rational operation. The measure that more attention should be paid to increasing the water supply from stable sources is recommended as well.  相似文献   

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