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Delivery of biofactors in a precise and controlled fashion remains a clinical challenge. Stimuli‐responsive delivery systems can facilitate “on‐demand” release of therapeutics in response to a variety of physiologic triggering mechanisms (e.g., pH, temperature). However, few systems to date have taken advantage of mechanical inputs from the microenvironment to initiate drug release. Here, mechanically activated microcapsules (MAMCs) are designed to deliver therapeutics in response to the mechanically loaded environment of regenerating musculoskeletal tissues, with the ultimate goal of furthering tissue repair. To establish a suite of microcapsules with different thresholds for mechanoactivation, MAMC physical dimensions and composition are first manipulated, and their mechano‐response under both direct 2D compression and in 3D matrices mimicking the extracellular matrix properties and dynamic loading environment of regenerating tissue, is evaluated. To demonstrate the feasibility of this delivery system, an engineered cartilage model is used to test the efficacy of mechanically instigated release of transforming growth factor‐β3 on the chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells. These data establish a novel platform by which to tune the release of therapeutics and/or regenerative factors based on the physiologic mechanical loading environment and will find widespread application in the repair and regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues.  相似文献   

Gene therapy scientists have developed expression systems for therapeutic transgenes within patients, which must be seamlessly integrated into the patient's physiology by developing sophisticated control mechanisms to titrate expression levels of the transgenes into the therapeutic window. However, despite these efforts, gene‐based medicine still faces security concerns related to the administration of the therapeutic transgene vector. Here, molecular tools developed for therapeutic transgene expression can readily be transferred to materials science to design a humanized drug depot that can be implanted into mice and enables the trigger‐inducible release of a therapeutic protein in response to a small‐molecule inducer. The drug depot is constructed by embedding the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF121) as model therapeutic protein into a hydrogel consisting of linear polyacrylamide crosslinked with a homodimeric variant of the human FK‐binding protein 12 (FM), originally developed for gene therapeutic applications, as well as with dimethylsuberimidate. Administrating increasing concentrations of the inducer molecule FK506 triggers the dissociation of FM thereby loosening the hydrogel structure and releasing the VEGF121 payload in a dose‐adjustable manner. Subcutaneous implantation of the drug depot into mice and subsequent administration of the inducer by injection or by oral intake triggers the release of VEGF121 as monitored in the mouse serum. This study is the first demonstration of a stimuli‐responsive hydrogel that can be used in mammals to release a therapeutic protein on demand by the application of a small‐molecule stimulus. This trigger‐inducible release is a starting point for the further development of externally controlled drug depots for patient‐compliant administration of biopharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

Biomaterials play a pivotal role in regenerative medicine, which aims to regenerate and replace lost/dysfunctional tissues or organs. Biomaterials (scaffolds) serve as temporary 3D substrates to guide neo tissue formation and organization. It is often beneficial for a scaffolding material to mimic the characteristics of extracellular matrix (ECM) at the nanometer scale and to induce certain natural developmental or/and wound healing processes for tissue regeneration applications. This article reviews the fabrication and modification technologies for nanofibrous, nanocomposite, and nanostructured drug‐delivering scaffolds. ECM‐mimicking nanostructured biomaterials have been shown to actively regulate cellular responses including attachment, proliferation, differentiation, and matrix deposition. Nanoscaled drug delivery systems can be successfully incorporated into a porous 3D scaffold to enhance the tissue regeneration capacity. In conclusion, nanostructured biomateials are a very exciting and rapidly expanding research area, and are providing new enabling technologies for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Durable compact polyelectrolyte complexes (CoPECs) with controlled porosity and mechanical properties are prepared by ultracentrifugation. Because the starting materials, poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly(acrylic acid sodium salt) (PAA), are weak acids/bases, both composition and morphology are controlled by solution pH. In addition, the nonequilibrium nature of polyelectrolyte complexation can be exploited to provide a range of compositions and porosities under the influence of polyelectrolyte addition order and speed, and concentration. Confocal microscopy shows these “saloplastic” materials to be highly porous, where pore formation is attributed to a combination of deswelling of the polyelectrolyte matrix and expansion of small inhomogenities by osmotic pressure. The porosity (15–70%) and the pore size (<5 μm to >70 μm) of these materials can be tuned by adjusting the PAA to PAH ratio, the salt concentration, and the pH. The modulus of these CoPECs depends on the ratio of the two polyelectrolytes, with stoichiometric complexes being the stiffest due to optimized charge pairing, which correlates with maximized crosslinking density. Mechanical properties, pore sizes, and pore density of these materials make them well suited to three dimensional supports for tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   

The fabrication of magnetically functionalized core/shell microspheres by using the microfluidic flow‐focusing (MFF) approach is reported. The shell of each microsphere is embedded with magnetic nanoparticles, thereby enabling the microspheres to deform under an applied magnetic field. By encapsulating a drug, for example, aspirin, inside the microspheres, the drug release of the microspheres is enhanced under the compression–extension oscillations that are induced by an AC magnetic field. This active pumping mode of drug release can be controlled by varying the frequency and magnitude of the applied magnetic field as well as the time profile of the magnetic field. UV absorption measurements of cumulative aspirin release are carried out to determine the influence of these factors. The drug release behavior is found to be significantly different depending on whether the applied field varies sinusoidally or in a step‐function manner with time.  相似文献   

Bone related diseases have caused serious threats to human health owing to their complexity and specificity. Fortunately, owing to the unique 3D network structure with high aqueous content and functional properties, emerging hydrogels are regarded as one of the most promising candidates for bone tissue engineering, such as repairing cartilage injury, skull defect, and arthritis. Herein, various design strategies and synthesis methods (e.g., 3D-printing technology and nanoparticle composite strategy) are introduced to prepare implanted hydrogel scaffolds with tunable mechanical strength, favorable biocompatibility, and excellent bioactivity for applying in bone regeneration. Injectable hydrogels based on biocompatible materials (e.g., collagen, hyaluronic acid, chitosan, polyethylene glycol, etc.) possess many advantages in minimally invasive surgery, including adjustable physicochemical properties, filling irregular shapes of defect sites, and on-demand release drugs or growth factors in response to different stimuli (e.g., pH, temperature, redox, enzyme, light, magnetic, etc.). In addition, drug delivery systems based on micro/nanogels are discussed, and its numerous promising designs used in the application of bone diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cartilage defect) are also briefed in this review. Particularly, several key factors of hydrogel scaffolds (e.g., mechanical property, pore size, and release behavior of active factors) that can induce bone tissue regeneration are also summarized in this review. It is anticipated that advanced approaches and innovative ideas of bioactive hydrogels will be exploited in the clinical field and increase the life quality of patients with the bone injury.  相似文献   

Novel biochemically active compact polyelectrolyte complexes (CoPECs) are obtained through a simple coprecipitation and compaction procedure. As shown for the system composed of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly(allylamine) (PAH) as polyelectrolytes and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as enzyme, the enzyme can be firmly immobilized into these materials. The ALP not only remains active in these materials, but the matrix also enhances the specific activity of the enzyme while protecting it from deactivation at higher temperature. The presence of the matrix allows fine control and substantial enhancement of reaction rates by varying the salt concentration of the contacting solution or temperature. The excellent reusability, together with the ease of co‐immobilizing other useful components, such as magnetic particles, allowing facile handling of the CoPECs, makes these materials interesting candidates for variable scaffolds for the immobilization of enzymes for small‐ and large‐scale enzyme‐catalyzed processes.  相似文献   

The fabrication of multifunctional polymeric Janus colloids that display catalytically driven propulsion, change their size in response to local variations in pH, and vary cargo release rate is demonstrated. Systematic investigation of the colloidal trajectories reveals that in acidic environments the propulsion velocity reduces dramatically due to colloid swelling. This leads to a chemotaxis‐like accumulation for ensembles of these responsive particles in low‐pH regions. In synergy with this chemically defined accumulation, the colloids also show an enhancement in the release rate of an encapsulated cargo molecule. Together, these effects result in a strategy to harness catalytic propulsion for combined autonomous transport and cargo release directed by a chemical stimulus, displaying a greater than 30 times local cargo‐accumulation enhancement. Lactic acid can be used as the stimulus for this behavior, an acid produced by some tumors, suggesting possible eventual utility as a drug‐delivery method. Applications for microfluidic transport are also discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of tissue plays a critical role in its function and therefore a great deal of attention has been focused on engineering native tissue‐like constructs for tissue engineering applications. Transfer printing of cell layers is a new technology that allows controlled transfer of cell layers cultured on smart substrates with defined shape and size onto tissue‐specific defect sites. Here, the temperature‐responsive swelling‐deswelling of the hydrogels with groove patterns and their versatile and simple use as a template to harvest cell layers with anisotropic extracellular matrix assembly is reported. The hydrogels with a cell‐interactive peptide and anisotropic groove patterns are obtained via enzymatic polymerization. The results show that the cell layer with patterns can be easily transferred to new substrates by lowering the temperature. In addition, multiple cell layers are stacked on the new substrate in a hierarchical manner and the cell layer is easily transplanted onto a subcutaneous region. These results indicate that the evaluated hydrogel can be used as a novel substrate for transfer printing of artificial tissue constructs with controlled structural integrity, which may hold potential to engineer tissue that can closely mimic native tissue architecture.  相似文献   

Effective treatment of infections in avascular and necrotic tissues can be challenging due to limited penetration into the target tissue and systemic toxicities. Controlled‐release polymer implants have the potential to achieve the high local concentrations needed while also minimizing systemic exposure. Silk biomaterials possess unique characteristics for antibiotic delivery, including biocompatibility, tunable biodegradation, stabilizing effects, water‐based processing, and diverse material formats. The functional release of antibiotics spanning a range of chemical properties from different material formats of silk (films, microspheres, hydrogels, coatings) is reported. The release of penicillin and ampicillin from bulk‐loaded silk films, drug‐loaded silk microspheres suspended in silk hydrogels and bulk‐loaded silk hydrogels is investigated and the in vivo efficacy of the ampicillin‐releasing silk hydrogels is demonstrated in a murine infected‐wound model. Silk sponges with nanofilm coatings are loaded with gentamicin and cefazolin, and release is sustained for 5 and 3 days, respectively. The capability of silk antibiotic carriers to sequester, stabilize, and then release bioactive antibiotics represents a major advantage over implants and pumps based on liquid drug reservoirs, where instability at room or body temperature is limiting. The present studies demonstrate that silk biomaterials represent a novel, customizable antibiotic platform for focal delivery of antibiotics using a range of material formats (injectable to implantable).  相似文献   

The synthesis of double‐hydrophilic core/shell cylindrical polymer brushes (CPBs), their hybrids with magnetite nanoparticles, and the directed alignment of these magnetic hybrid cylinders by a magnetic field are demonstrated. Consecutive grafting from a polyinitiator poly(2‐(2‐bromoisobutyryloxy)ethyl methacrylate) (PBIEM) of tert‐butyl methacrylate (tBMA) and oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (OEGMA) using atom‐transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and further de‐protection yields core/shell CPBs with poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) as the core and POEGMA as the shell, which is evidenced by 1H NMR, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and dynamic and static light scattering (DLS and SLS). The resulting core/shell brush is well soluble in water and shows a pH responsiveness because of its weak polyelectrolyte core. Pearl‐necklace structures are observed by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo‐TEM) at pH 4, while at pH 7, these structures disappear owing to the ionization of the core. A similar morphology is also found for the polychelate of the core/shell CPBs with Fe3+ ions. Superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles have also been prepared and introduced into the core of the brushes. The hybrid material retains the superparamagnetic property of the magnetite nanoparticles, which is verified by superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetization measurements. Large‐scale alignment of the hybrid cylinders in relatively low magnetic fields (40–300 mT) can easily be performed when deposited on a surface. which is clearly revealed by the atomic force microscopy (AFM) and TEM measurements.  相似文献   

Efficient and safe drug delivery across the blood‐brain barrier (BBB) remains one of the major challenges of biomedical and (nano‐) pharmaceutical research. Here, it is demonstrated that poly(butyl cyanoacrylate)‐based microbubbles (MB), carrying ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles within their shell, can be used to mediate and monitor BBB permeation. Upon exposure to transcranial ultrasound pulses, USPIO‐MB are destroyed, resulting in acoustic forces inducing vessel permeability. At the same time, USPIO are released from the MB shell, they extravasate across the permeabilized BBB and they accumulate in extravascular brain tissue, thereby providing non‐invasive R 2*‐based magnetic resonance imaging information on the extent of BBB opening. Quantitative changes in R 2* relaxometry are in good agreement with 2D and 3D microscopy results on the extravascular deposition of the macromolecular model drug fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)‐dextran into the brain. Such theranostic materials and methods are considered to be useful for mediating and monitoring drug delivery across the BBB and for enabling safe and efficient treatment of CNS disorders.  相似文献   

The ability to vary, adjust, and control hydrophobic interactions is crucial in manipulating interactions between biological objects and the surface of synthetic materials in aqueous environment. To this end a grafted polymer layer (multi‐component mixed polymer brush) is synthesized that is capable of reversibly exposing nanometer‐sized hydrophobic fragments at its hydrophilic surface and of tuning, turning on, and turning off the hydrophobic interactions. The reversible switching occurs in response to changes in the environment and alters the strength and range of attractive interactions between the layer and hydrophobic or amphiphilic probes in water. The grafted layer retains its overall hydrophilicity, while local hydrophobic forces enable the grafted layer to sense and attract the hydrophobic domains of protein molecules dissolved in the aqueous environment. The hydrophobic interactions between the material and a hydrophobic probe are investigated using atomic force microscopy measurements and a long‐range attractive and contact‐adhesive interaction between the material and the probe is observed, which is controlled by environmental conditions. Switching of the layer exterior is also confirmed via protein adsorption measurements.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing is a promising technique in tissue engineering, as it enables truly individualized implants to be made to fit a particular defect. As previously shown, a feasible strategy to produce complex multicellular tissues is to deposit different small interfering RNA (siRNA) in porous implants that are subsequently sutured together. In this study, an additive manufacturing strategy to deposit carbohydrate hydrogels containing different siRNAs is applied into an implant, in a spatially controlled manner. When the obtained structures are seeded with mesenchymal stem (stromal) cells, the selected siRNAs are delivered to the cells and induces specific and localized gene silencing. Here, it is demonstrated how to replicate part of a patient's spinal cord from a computed tomography scan, using an additive manufacturing technique to produce an implant with compartmentalized siRNAs in the locations corresponding to distinct tissue. Hydrogel solutions loaded with different siRNA can be co‐printed together with polycaprolactone that acts as rigid mechanical support to the hydrogel. This study demonstrates a new route for the production of 3D functionalized, individualized implants which may provide great clinical benefit.  相似文献   

Two types of solid‐state 19F NMR spectroscopy experiments are used to characterize phase‐separated hyperbranched fluoropolymer–poly(ethylene glycol) (HBFP–PEG) crosslinked networks. Mobile (soft) domains are detected in the HBFP phase by a rotor‐synchronized Hahn echo under magic‐angle spinning conditions, and rigid (hard) domains by a solid echo with no magic‐angle spinning. The mobility of chains is detected in the PEG phase by 1H → 13C cross‐polarization transfers with 1H spin‐lock filters with and without magic‐angle spinning. The interface between HBFP and PEG phases is detected by a third experiment, which utilized a 19F → 1H–(spin diffusion)–1H → 13C double transfer with 13C solid‐echo detection. The results of these experiments show that composition‐dependent PEG inclusions in the HBFP glass rigidify on hydration, consistent with an increase in macroscopic tensile strength.  相似文献   

Hysteretic heat dissipation by magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in alternating magnetic fields (AMFs) allows these materials to act as local transducers of external stimuli. Commonly employed in cancer research, MNPs have recently found applications in remote control of heat‐dependent cellular pathways. Here, a thermally labile linker chemistry is adapted for the release of neuromodulatory compounds from the surfaces of MNPs via local nanoscale heating. By examining a range of MNP sizes, and considering individual particle loss powers, AMF conditions and nanomaterials suitable for rapid and complete release of a payload from MNP surfaces are selected. Local release of allyl isothiocyanate, an agonist of the Ca2+ channel TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid cation channel subfamily member 1), from iron oxide MNPs results in pharmacological excitation of neurons with latencies of ≈12 s. When targeted to neuronal membranes, these MNPs trigger Ca2+ influx and action potential firing at particle concentrations three orders of magnitude less than those previously used for magnetothermal neuromodulation accomplished with bulk heating.  相似文献   

A common behavior found in nature is the ability of plants and animals to naturally respond to their surroundings through actuation. Stimuli‐responsive polymers exhibit the same ability to naturally respond to changes in their environment, although manipulating them in a manner that allows their responses to be harnessed to do work via actuation is far from trivial. In this Review, examples that use temperature, pH, light, and electric field (and other) stimulation for actuation are highlighted. The actuation can result in materials that can be used to grip, lift, and move objects as well as for their own movement. As tremendous progress is being made in this research area, it is hard to imagine a future without these materials impacting lives in some way.  相似文献   

Delivering stem/progenitor cells via a degradable synthetic membrane to devitalized allogenic tissue graft surfaces presents a promising allograft‐mediated tissue regeneration strategy. However, balancing degradability and bioactivity of the synthetic membrane with physical characteristics demanded for successful clinical translation is challenging. Here, well‐integrated composites of hydroxyapatite (HA) and amphiphilic poly(lactide‐co‐glycolide)‐b‐poly(ethylene glycol)‐b‐poly(lactide‐co‐glycolide) (PELGA) with tunable degradation rates are designed that stiffen upon hydration and exhibit excellent shape recovery ability at body temperature for efficiently delivering skeletal progenitor cells around bone grafts. Unlike conventional degradable polymers that weaken upon wetting, these amphiphilic composites stiffen upon hydration as a result of enhanced polyethylene glycol (PEG) crystallization. HA‐PELGA composite membranes support the attachment, proliferation, and osteogenesis of rat periosteum‐derived cells in vitro, as well as the facile transfer of confluent cell sheets of green fluorescent protein‐labeled bone marrow stromal cells. With efficient shape memory behaviors around physiological temperature, the composite membranes can be programmed with a permanent tubular configuration, deformed into a flat temporary shape desired for cell seeding/cell sheet transfer, and triggered to wrap around a femoral bone allograft upon 37 °C saline rinse and subsequently stiffen. These properties combined make electrospun HA‐PELGA promising smart synthetic periosteal membranes for augmenting allograft healing.  相似文献   

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