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The combination of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and biomass gasification has the potential to become an attractive technology for the production of clean renewable energy. However the impact of tars, formed during biomass gasification, on the performance and durability of SOFC anodes has not been well established experimentally. This paper reports an experimental study on the mitigation of carbon formation arising from the exposure of the commonly used Ni/YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia) and Ni/CGO (gadolinium-doped ceria) SOFC anodes to biomass gasification tars. Carbon formation and cell degradation was reduced through means of steam reforming of the tar over the nickel anode, and partial oxidation of benzene model tar via the transport of oxygen ions to the anode while operating the fuel cell under load. Thermodynamic calculations suggest that a threshold current density of 365 mA cm−2 was required to suppress carbon formation in dry conditions, which was consistent with the results of experiments conducted in this study. The importance of both anode microstructure and composition towards carbon deposition was seen in the comparison of Ni/YSZ and Ni/CGO anodes exposed to the biomass gasification tar. Under steam concentrations greater than the thermodynamic threshold for carbon deposition, Ni/YSZ anodes still exhibited cell degradation, as shown by increased polarization resistances, and carbon formation was seen using SEM imaging. Ni/CGO anodes were found to be more resilient to carbon formation than Ni/YSZ anodes, and displayed increased performance after each subsequent exposure to tar, likely due to continued reforming of condensed tar on the anode.  相似文献   

This paper presents an exergetic analysis of a combined heat and power (CHP) system, integrating a near-atmospheric solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with an allothermal biomass fluidised bed steam gasification process. The gasification heat requirement is supplied to the fluidised bed from the SOFC stack through high-temperature sodium heat pipes. The CHP system was modelled in AspenPlus™ software including sub-models for the gasification, SOFC, gas cleaning and heat pipes. For an average current density of 3000 A m−2 the proposed system would consume 90 kg h−1 biomass producing 170 kWe net power with a system exergetic efficiency of 36%, out of which 34% are electrical.  相似文献   

Contaminants as particulate matter, sulfur, chlorine and tar should be removed from biosyngas to avoid damaging solid oxide fuel cells. However, there is no sufficient information on tar effect since they might be potentially used as a fuel, or they might cause performance losses and irreversible damages. Therefore, this study aims to assess whether tar can be reformed inside the SOFC and used as fuel. Short-duration experiments were conducted on Ni-GDC cells operating with simulated biosyngas containing different concentrations of representative tar compounds from biomass gasification. While benzene and ethylbenzene could be regarded as additional fuels even at concentrations as high as 15 g/Nm3, naphthalene and phenanthrene act as contaminants for the SOFC electrochemical and catalytic reactions, even at concentrations of 0.3 and 0.05 g/Nm3. However, the effect on these reactions appeared almost completely reversible. Solid carbon deposited on the SOFC ceramic housing in proximity of the inlet. Post-mortem analysis should be performed to asses the tar effect on the cell anode.  相似文献   

In this paper, an integrated solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and biomass gasification system is modeled to study the effect of gasification agent (air, enriched oxygen and steam) on its performance. In the present modeling, a heat transfer model for SOFC and thermodynamic models for the rest of the components are used. In addition, exergy balances are written for the system components. The results show that using steam as the gasification agent yields the highest electrical efficiency (41.8%), power-to-heat ratio (4.649), and exergetic efficiency (39.1%), but the lowest fuel utilization efficiency (50.8%). In addition, the exergy destruction is found to be the highest at the gasifier for the air and enriched oxygen gasification cases and the heat exchanger that supplies heat to the air entering the SOFC for the steam gasification case.  相似文献   

Energy saving is an open point in most European countries where energy policies are oriented to reduce the use of fossil fuels, greenhouses emissions and energy independence, and to increase the use of renewable energies. In the last several years, new technologies have been developed and some of them received subsidies to increase installation and reduce cost. This article presents a new sustainable trigeneration system (power, heat and cool) based on a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system integrated with an absorption chiller for special applications such as hotels, resorts, hospitals, etc. with a focus on plant design and performance. The proposal system is based on the idea of gasifying the municipal waste, producing syngas serving as fuel for the trigeneration system. Such advanced system when improved is thus self-sustainable without dependency on net grid, district heating and district cooling. Other advantage of such waste to energy system is waste management, less disposal to sanitary landfills, saving large municipal fields for other human activity and considerable less environmental impact. Although plant electrical efficiency of such system is not significant but fuel utilization factor along with free fuel, significant less pollutant emissions and self-sustainability are importance points of the proposed system. It is shown that the energy efficiency of such small tri-generation system is more than 83% with net power of 170 kW and district energy of about 250 kW.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to experimentally assess the feasibility of feeding real biomass product gas to solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) for efficient and clean power production. The impact of tars on Ni-GDC anode was the main focus of the experiments. Planar SOFC membranes were operated at two gasification sites: (a) autothermal fixed-bed downdraft gasifier and (b) allothermal bubbling fluidized bed gasifier. In all cases the gas was hot-cleaned from particulates, HCl and H2S.  相似文献   

Anode recirculation, which is generally driven by an ejector, is commonly used in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems that operate with natural gas. Alternative fuels such as gasification syngas from biomass have been proposed for potential use in the SOFC systems because of the fuel flexibility of SOFCs and the sustainability of biomass resources. Because the ejector was initially designed to use natural gas, its recirculation behavior when using alternative fuels is not well understood. The aim of this research work is to study anode recirculation behavior and analyze its effect on safety issues regarding carbon deposition and nickel oxidation and the performance of an SOFC system fed with gasification syngas under steady state operation. We developed a detailed model including a recirculation model and an SOFC stack model for this study, which was well validated by experimental data. The results show that the entrainment ratio with the gasification syngas is much smaller than that with the natural gas, and the gasification syngas does not have the tendency toward carbon deposition or nickel oxidation under the operating conditions studied. In addition, the recirculation affects the performance of the SOFC, especially the net electrical efficiency, which could be promoted by 160%.  相似文献   

Pyrolytic carbon was used as fuel in a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with a yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte and a bi-layer anode composed of nickel oxide gadolinia-doped ceria (NiO-GDC) and NiO-YSZ. The common problems of bulk shrinkage and emergent porosity in the YSZ layer adjacent to the GDC/YSZ interface were avoided by using an interlayer of porous NiO-YSZ as a buffer anode layer between the electrolyte and the NiO-GDC primary anode. Cells were fabricated from commercially available component powders so that unconventional production methods suggested in the literature were avoided, that is, the necessity of glycine-nitrate combustion synthesis, specialty multicomponent oxide powders, sputtering, or chemical vapor deposition. The easily-fabricated cell was successfully utilized with hydrogen and propane fuels as well as carbon deposited on the anode during the cyclic operation with the propane. A cell of similar construction could be used in the exhaust stream of a diesel engine to capture and utilize soot for secondary power generation and decreased particulate pollution without the need for filter regeneration.  相似文献   

A 100 kWe hybrid plant consisting of gasification system, solid oxide fuel cells and organic Rankine cycle is presented. The nominal power is selected based on cultivation area requirement. For the considered output a land of around 0.5 km2 needs to be utilized. Woodchips are introduced into a fixed bed gasification plant to produce syngas which fuels the combined solid oxide fuel cells – organic Rankine cycle system to produce electricity. More than a hundred fluids are considered as possible alternative for the organic cycle using non-ideal equations of state (or state-of-the-art equations of state). A genetic algorithm is employed to select the optimal working fluid and the maximum pressure for the bottoming cycle. Thermodynamic and physical properties, environmental impacts and hazard specifications are also considered in the screening process. The results suggest that efficiencies in the region of 54–56% can be achieved. The highest thermal efficiency (56.4%) is achieved with propylcyclohexane at 15.9 bar. A comparison with the available and future technologies for biomass to electricity conversion is carried out. It is shown that the proposed system presents twice the thermal efficiency achieved by simple and double stage organic Rankine cycle plants and around the same efficiency of a combined gasification, solid oxide fuel cells and micro gas turbine plant.  相似文献   

Integrated gasification fuel cell (IGFC) systems that combine coal gasification and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are promising for highly efficient and environmentally sensitive utilization of coal for power production. Most IGFC system analysis efforts performed to-date have employed non-dimensional SOFC models, which predict SOFC performance based upon global mass and energy balances that do not resolve important intrinsic constraints of SOFC operation, such as the limits of internal temperatures and species concentrations. In this work, a detailed dimensional planar SOFC model is applied in IGFC system analysis to investigate these constraints and their implications and effects on the system performance. The analysis results further confirm the need for employing a dimensional SOFC model in IGFC system design. To maintain the SOFC internal temperature within a safe operating range, the required cooling air flow rate is much larger than that predicted by the non-dimensional SOFC model, which results in a larger air compressor design and operating power that significantly reduces the system efficiency. Options to mitigate the challenges introduced by considering the intrinsic constraints of SOFC operation in the analyses and improve IGFC design and operation have also been investigated. Novel design concepts that include staged SOFC stacks and cascading air flow can achieve a system efficiency that is close to that of the baseline analyses, which did not consider the intrinsic SOFC limitations.  相似文献   

The importance of heterogeneous catalysis in single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells (SC-SOFC) is universally recognized, but little studied. This work presents a thorough investigation of the catalytic activity of three Ni-YSZ half-cells in a well-described single-chamber reactor. One in-house electrolyte-supported and two commercially available anode-supported half-cells composed of anodes with thicknesses ranging from 50 μm to 1.52 mm are investigated. They are exposed to methane and oxygen gas mixtures within CH4:O2 flow rate ratios (Rin) of 0.8-2.0 and furnace temperatures of 600-800 °C. The conversion of methane always results in the formation of syngas species (H2 and CO). However, their yields vary considerably based on the individual anode, the operating temperature, and Rin. The SC-reactor design and the presence of hot-spots at the reactor entrance bring the methane and oxygen conversion rates well above the limit expected from experiments carried out with anode half-cells only. Major variations in the H2/CO ratio are observed. In lowering the temperature from 800 °C to 600 °C, it spreads from well below to well above the stoichiometric value of 2.0 expected for the partial oxidation reaction. To optimize the SC-SOFC any further, the findings stress the need to undertake even more catalytic studies of its electrode materials under actual structure and morphology as well as final reactor configuration.  相似文献   

Biohythane is typically composed of 60/30/10 vol% CH4/CO2/H2 and can be produced via two-stage anaerobic digestion of renewable and low carbon biomass with much greater efficiency compared with CH4/CO2 biogas. This work investigates the effects of fuel variability on the electrical performance and fuel processing of a commercially available anode supported solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) operating on biohythane mixtures at 750 °C. Cell electrical performance was characterised using current-voltage curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Fuel processing was characterised using quadrupole mass spectroscopy. It is shown that when H2/CO2 is blended with CH4 to make biohythane, the SOFC efficiency is significantly increased, high SOFC durability is achieved, and there are considerable savings in CH4 consumption. Enhanced electrical performance was due to the additional presence of H2 and promotion of CH4 dry reforming, the reverse Boudouard and reverse water-gas shift reactions. These processes alleviated carbon deposition and promoted electrochemical oxidation of H2 as the primary power production pathway. Substituting 50 vol% CH4 with 25/75 vol% H2/CO2 was shown to increase cell power output by 81.6% at 0.8 V compared with pure CH4. This corresponded to a 3.4-fold increase in the overall energy conversion efficiency and a 72% decrease in CH4 consumption. A 260 h durability test demonstrated very high cell durability when operating on a typical 60/30/10 vol% CH4/CO2/H2 biohythane mixture under high fuel utilisation due to inhibition of carbon deposition. Overall, this work suggests that decarbonising gas grids by substituting natural gas with renewably produced H2/CO2 mixtures (rather than pure H2 derived from fossil fuels), and utilising in SOFC technology, gives considerable gains in energy conversion efficiency and carbon emissions savings.  相似文献   

Two sets of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrode assemblies from different manufacturers were run under different operating conditions with different sulfur exposure, and then subjected to X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the sulfur K (1s) edge. Within the detection limits of the spectrometer, pristine fuel electrodes (anodes) show no traces of sulfur. The anodes operated with sulfur-containing natural gas and H2S doped natural gas show spectra rich in sulfur structures. Two other electrodes run with sulfur-containing natural gas, one with a sulfur filter and the other without, show an XAS spectrum with a very broad peak, covering the entire sulfur absorption range, and thus not allowing for identification of specific sulfur signatures. These appear to be the first ever reported sulfur XAS data on SOFC anodes, and the XAS technique shows promise to resolve some hitherto unsolved issues on sulfur poisoning of SOFC, particularly regarding the molecular speciation of the sulfur components.  相似文献   

Ni-YSZ cermet is commonly used as the anode of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) because it has excellent electrochemical performance, not only in hydrogen fuel, but also in a clean blended synthetic coal syngas mixture (30% H2, 26% H2O, 23% CO, and 21% CO2). However, trace impurities, such as phosphine (PH3), in coal-derived syngas can cause degradation in cell performance [J.P. Trembly, R.S. Gemmen, D.J. Bayless, J. Power Sources 163 (2007) 986-996]. A commercial solid oxide fuel cell was exposed to a syngas with 10 ppm PH3 under a constant current load at 800 °C and its performance was evaluated periodically using electrochemical methods. The central part of the anode was exposed directly to the syngas without an intervening current collector. Post-mortem analyses of the SOFC anode were performed using Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show that the impurity PH3 caused a significant loss of the Ni-YSZ anode electrochemical performance and an irreversible Ni-YSZ structural modification. Ni5P2 was confirmed to be produced on the cell surface as the dominant nickel phosphorus phase.  相似文献   

The Ni-YSZ cermet anode of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has excellent electrochemical performance in a clean blended synthetic coal syngas mixture. However, chloride, one of the major contaminants existing in coal-derived syngas, may poison the Ni-YSZ cermet and cause degradation in cell performance. Both hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine (Cl2) have been reported to attack the Ni in the anode when using electrolyte-supported SOFCs. In this paper, a commercial anode-supported SOFC was exposed to syngas with a concentration of 100 ppm HCl under a constant current load at 800 °C for 300 h and 850 °C for 100 h. The cell performance was evaluated periodically using electrochemical methods. A unique feature of this experiment is that the active central part of the anode was exposed directly to the fuel without an intervening current collector. Post-mortem analyses of the SOFC anode were performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show that the 100 ppm concentration of HCl causes about 3% loss of performance for the Ni-YSZ anode-supported cell during the 400 h test. Permanent changes were noted in the surface microstructure of the nickel particles in the cell anode.  相似文献   

A hybrid plant producing combined heat and power (CHP) from biomass by use of a two-stage gasification concept, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and a micro gas turbine was considered for optimization. The hybrid plant represents a sustainable and efficient alternative to conventional decentralized CHP plants. A clean product gas was produced by the demonstrated two-stage gasifier, thus only simple gas conditioning was necessary prior to the SOFC stack. The plant was investigated by thermodynamic modeling combining zero-dimensional component models into complete system-level models. Energy and exergy analyses were applied. Focus in this optimization study was heat management, and the optimization efforts resulted in a substantial gain of approximately 6% in the electrical efficiency of the plant. The optimized hybrid plant produced approximately 290 kWe at an electrical efficiency of 58.2% based on lower heating value (LHV).  相似文献   

A thermodynamic analysis was conducted to characterize the effects of trace contaminants in syngas derived from coal gasification on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) anode material. The effluents from 15 different gasification facilities were considered to assess the impact of fuel composition on anode susceptibility to contamination. For each syngas case, the study considers the magnitude of contaminant exposure resulting from operation of a warm gas cleanup unit at two different temperatures and operation of a nickel-based SOFC at three different temperatures. Contaminant elements arsenic (As), phosphorous (P), and antimony (Sb) are predicted to be present in warm gas cleanup effluent and will interact with the nickel (Ni) components of a SOFC anode. Phosphorous is the trace element found in the largest concentration of the three contaminants and is potentially the most detrimental. Poisoning was found to depend on the composition of the syngas as well as system operating conditions. Results for all trace elements tended to show invariance with cleanup operating temperature, but results were sensitive to syngas bulk composition. Synthesis gas with high steam content tended to resist poisoning.  相似文献   

Thermochemical gasification of biomass through the supercritical water gasification (SCWG) has high gasification efficiency at lower temperatures and can deal directly with wet biomass without drying. Besides, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) appear to be an important technology in the future as they can operate at a high efficiency. Therefore, the combination of biomass gasification through supercritical water with SOFC represents one of the most potential applications for highly efficient utilization of biomass.  相似文献   

We have been researching Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with Cu-CeO2-ScSZ (scandia stabilized zirconia) anodes operating directly on ethanol fuels in recent years. In this paper, Cu-CeO2-ScSZ anodes with different Cu/CeO2 composition are fabricated by dry pressing, sintering and wet impregnation technologies. The photographs and SEM images of these samples after exposure to ethanol fuels for 300 h are observed to characterize their carbon deposition behaviors. The different deposited carbon morphologies in the anodes with different compositions are recorded, and possible reaction mechanisms and prevention methods are discussed. Based on these results; we demonstrate the carbon deposition behaviors and degradation reasons for the single cell running in ethanol fuels.  相似文献   

The deterioration by carbon deposition was evaluated for electrolyte- and anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) in comparison with carbon monoxide disproportionation and methane cracking. The polarization resistance of the nickel-yttria stabilized zirconia (Ni-YSZ) anode increased with a rise in CO concentration in H2-CO-CO2 mixture for the electrolyte-supported cells at 923 K. The resistance, however, did not change against CO concentration for the anode-supported cells. In a methane fuel with a steam/carbon (S/C) ratio of 0.1, the cell performance decreased for both of the cells at 1073 K. A large amount of agglomerated amorphous carbon was deposited from the anode surface to the interface between the anode and the electrolyte after power generation at S/C = 0.1 in methane fuel. On the other hand, the crystalline graphite was deposited only at the anode surface for the anode-supported cell after power generation in CO-CO2 mixture. These results suggest that the reaction rate of CO disproportionation is faster than that of methane cracking. The deposited carbon near the anode/electrolyte interface caused the increase in the polarization resistance.  相似文献   

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