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Authentication in vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is still a research challenge, as it requires not only secure and efficient authentication, but also privacy preservation. In this paper, we proposed a lightweight and efficient authentication scheme (LESPP) with strong privacy preservation for secure VANET communication. The proposed scheme utilizes self-generated pseudo identity to guarantee both privacy preservation and conditional traceability, and it only requires a lightweight symmetric encryption and message authentication code (MAC) generation for message signing and a fast MAC re-generation for verification. Compared with currently existing public key based schemes, the proposed scheme significantly reduces computation cost by \(10^2\)\(10^3\) times and decreases communication overhead by 41.33–77.60 %, thus achieving resilience to denial of service (DoS) attack. In LESPP, only key management center can expose a vehicle’s real identity from its pseudo identity, therefore, LESPP provides strong privacy preservation so that the adversaries cannot trace any vehicles, even if all roadside units are compromised. Furthermore, vehicles in LESPP need not maintain certificate revocation list (CRL), so any CRL related overhead is avoided. Extensive simulations reveal that the novel scheme is feasible and has an outstanding performance of nearly 0 ms network delay and 0 % packet loss ratio, which are especially appropriate for realtime emergency event reporting applications.  相似文献   

张鑫  杨晓元  朱率率 《计算机应用》2016,36(8):2231-2235
针对终端接入移动网络缺乏可信性验证问题,提出一种移动网络可信匿名认证协议,移动终端在接入网络时进行身份验证和平台完整性认证。在可信网络连接架构下,给出了可信漫游认证和可信切换认证的具体步骤,在认证时利用移动终端中预存的假名和对应公私钥对实现了用户匿名隐私的保护。安全性分析表明,协议满足双向认证、强用户匿名性、不可追踪性和有条件隐私保护。协议中首次漫游认证需要2轮交互,切换认证需1轮即可完成,消息交换轮数和终端计算代价优于同类可信认证协议。  相似文献   

在智能交通、无人驾驶等场景中,车辆节点与路边设施进行数据交换以实现车路协同,有助于提高交通安全、缓解交通拥堵.但该场景下的数据交换面临很多安全问题,隐私泄露是其中的主要安全风险之一.现有智能交通隐私保护方案多涉及复杂度较高的运算或需配置高成本的防篡改设备,效率较低,不能满足无人驾驶等智能交通应用的实时要求.为此,文章提...  相似文献   

车联网可有效提高交通的效率和安全性,但通信过程中存在的隐私泄露问题严重阻碍了其应用落地。提出一种面向车联网V2X通信的条件隐私保护认证协议。针对现有协议大多仅支持车辆认证的局限性,基于用户身份和车辆身份信息生成车与用户绑定的生物密钥,使协议支持单车多用户或单用户多车认证。在保护用户和车辆身份的条件下完成对消息发送方的身份认证,并在特定情况下追溯车辆和用户的真实身份,从而实现对车辆和用户的条件隐私保护。同时,在协议中添加批量验证功能以提高验证效率。形式化的安全性分析和性能评估结果表明,该协议是安全且高效的。  相似文献   

为进一步满足有条件的隐私保护的需求,在保护安全性和研究椭圆曲线上双线性映射的基础上,设计了群签名方案,提出了一种新的基于位置信息的隐私保护认证协议。对提出的协议进行了详细的安全分析和性能分析。分析表明,该协议需要更少的OBU存储空间、消息验证时间以及更高的验证成功率。  相似文献   

王震  范佳  成林  安红章  郑海彬  牛俊翔 《软件学报》2019,30(6):1705-1720
随着互联网中隐私保护技术的发展,身份认证已成为保护计算机系统和数据安全的一道重要屏障.然而,信息技术的快速发展使传统身份认证手段暴露出一些弊端,例如,区块链技术的兴起对身份认证提出了更高的要求,在认证身份的同时需要保护用户的身份隐私等.采用匿名认证技术可解决用户身份隐私泄露的问题,但目前大多数方案未考虑可监管的问题,一旦用户出现不诚信行为,很难进行追责,因此,需要在匿名认证过程中建立监管机制.针对以上问题和需求,主要设计了一种可监管的匿名认证方案,通过匿名证书的方式确定用户的资源访问权限和使用权限,同时,用户在出示证书时可选择性地出示属性,确保用户的隐私信息不过度暴露;此外,方案中引入监管机制,可信中心(CA)对匿名认证过程进行监管,一旦出现欺诈行为,可对相关责任人进行追责.该方案主要采用安全的密码学算法构建,并通过了安全性的分析证明,能够高效实现可监管的匿名身份认证,适宜在区块链(联盟链)和其他具有匿名认证需求和可监管需求的系统中使用.  相似文献   

传统的PACS系统存储和维护海量医疗影像数据成本高昂,且经由DICOM协议传输的影像数据容易遭到黑客攻击,造成数据被非法篡取、病人隐私泄露等数据安全性问题。提出一种PACS云服务模型以满足数据存储、维护、安全传输等需求。设计的统一身份认证框架采用基于USB Key强身份认证方案和基于SSL通用身份认证方案两种混合验证模式,经过安全性分析表明,此框架能够保证数据的秘密性、认证性和完整性,并能抵御常见的中间人攻击、重放攻击和字典攻击,有效确保云PACS系统中DICOM协议安全通信。  相似文献   

Internet of Things is a paradigm that enables communication between different devices connected to a local network or to Internet. Identification and communication between sensors used in Internet of Things and devices like smart-phones or tablets are established using radio frequency identification technology. However, this technology still has several security and privacy issues because of its severe computational constraints. In 2011, Jeong and Anh proposed the combined use of an authentication radio frequency identification protocol together with a ticket issuing system for bank services (in J. Supercomput. 55:307, 2011). In this paper we show that their message generation is weak, because it abuses the XOR operation and the use of a counter, which leaks too much secret protocol information. Our analysis shows important security faults that ruin most of the security properties claimed in the original paper. More precisely, information privacy (via a disclosure and leakage attack) and location privacy (traceability attack) are both compromised. Moreover, an attacker can disrupt the proper working of the system by exploiting the fact that message integrity is not properly checked.  相似文献   

Privacy has become a factor of increasing importance in auction design. This paper introduces an efficient and spontaneous privacy-preserving English auction protocol based on revocable ring signature. The proposed protocol has three appealing characteristic: first, it offers conditional privacy-preservation: while the auctioneer can verify that a bidder is an authorized participant in the system only the collaboration of auctioneer and registration manager can reveal the true identity of a malicious bidder. Second, it is one-time registration: the bidder can take part in plural auctions in one time registration. Third, it is spontaneous: the bidder can bid without interaction with the auctioneer and other bidders. Finally, it is efficient: it saves the communication round complexity comparing with previously proposed solutions.  相似文献   

针对物联网终端交易的跨平台、去中心化、隐私、安全需求,提出基于联盟链的匿名交易方案,确保用户身份隐匿。通过划分基础域和互联域实现中心化身份认证和去中心化交易;对身份认证,提出基于Merkle树的双因素认证方案,实现各节点身份与消息的去耦;针对通信中明文消息暴露用户身份问题,提出基于CoinJoin思想的聚合签名隐私保护方案,混淆交易身份,以抵抗身份关联分析攻击;最后针对一致性和记账权问题,提出基于信誉评价策略的共识机制。安全性与效率分析表明,所提方案能以较低存储和计算开销保护终端身份隐私。  相似文献   

刘丹  石润华  仲红  张顺  崔杰  许艳 《计算机应用》2015,35(5):1385-1392
针对车载自组织网(VANET)中身份认证的隐私保护问题,提出了一种车载网中条件隐私保护认证方案.首先,引入短签名技术,构造了一个新的基于身份的短签名方案.与主流方案CPAS相比,该方案降低了签名和验证过程所需的计算开销,提高了通信效率; 其次,将签名者的私钥分成相互关联的两部分,有效地解决密钥托管问题,适合于车载自组织网环境; 进而基于新的签名方案,提出了一种车载网中条件隐私保护认证方案,实现了条件隐私保护的身份认证功能.经理论和效率分析表明,所提方案在签名过程只需3次点乘运算,而在验证过程只需1次点乘和2次配对运算,所耗计算量少.特别地,所提方案使用加入小系数检测的批认证方法,不仅提高了认证速度还降低了误接受率.  相似文献   

传统车联网(Internet of Vehicles,IoV)身份认证系统普遍具有中心不可信的安全风险,而智联车又存在许多亟待解决的隐私安全问题。因此,借助区块链分布式、可溯源、不可窜改等特点,提出云链结合的可信分散式系统架构,基于该架构同时结合无证书的密码机制以及密钥隔离技术设计分布式身份认证协议。通过安全性分析表明,该方案安全性高、能满足车联网匿名身份认证的要求。同时与现有方案进行仿真对比表明,本方案具有更低的计算开销和通信成本,适用于实际的认证时延低和隐私保护的车联网环境中。  相似文献   

针对车联网环境下,车辆节点快速移动造成的中心服务器认证效率低、车辆隐私保护差等问题,提出了一种基于区块链的车联网安全认证协议。该协议利用Fabric联盟链存储车辆临时公钥与临时假名,通过调用智能合约,完成车辆身份认证,同时协商出会话密钥,保证通信过程中数据的完整性与机密性;利用假名机制有效避免了车辆在数据传输过程中身份隐私泄露的风险;使用RAFT共识算法高效达成数据共识。经安全性分析与实验结果表明,所提协议具有抵抗多种网络攻击的能力,且计算开销低、区块链存储性能好,能够满足车联网通信的实时要求。  相似文献   

Recently, Parks et al. proposed an authentication and key agreement protocol for low-power PDAs in public wireless LANs using two factors including a password and a token, e.g. a smart card. They claimed that their proposed scheme provided mutual authentication, identity privacy, half-forward secrecy and low computation cost for a client including just one symmetric key encryption and five hash operations. In this paper, we point out that Park et al.’s protocol is vulnerable to the dictionary attack upon identity privacy. We propose two schemes with mutual authentication, half-forward secrecy, lower computation cost and less exchanged messages than Park et al.’s protocol. In additional to these properties, identity privacy, which is not satisfied by Park et al.’s protocol, is also provided by our second scheme.  相似文献   

林玮  王晓峰 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):154-155,158
刘丽等提出的基于非齐次线性方程组的身份认证协议和消息认证协议(装甲兵工程学院学报,2005年第2期)是一类单向认证协议,不能抵御伪服务器攻击,只能针对已固定终端的计算机网络通信系统。在保留其对用户认证便利性及安全性等优点的前提下,利用RSA算法对原方案进行改进,使其成为安全的双向认证协议。改进方案能够克服原方案的安全漏洞,保证更高的安全性和可操作性。  相似文献   

Generally, if a user wants to use numerous different network services, he/she must register himself/herself to every service providing server. It is extremely hard for users to remember these different identities and passwords. In order to resolve this problem, various multi-server authentication protocols have been proposed. Recently, Sood et al. analyzed Hsiang and Shih's multi-server authentication protocol and proposed an improved dynamic identity based authentication protocol for multi-server architecture. They claimed that their protocol provides user's anonymity, mutual authentication, the session key agreement and can resist several kinds of attacks. However, through careful analysis, we find that Sood et al.'s protocol is still vulnerable to leak-of-verifier attack, stolen smart card attack and impersonation attack. Besides, since there is no way for the control server CS to know the real identity of the user, the authentication and session key agreement phase of Sood et al.'s protocol is incorrect. We propose an efficient and security dynamic identity based authentication protocol for multi-server architecture that removes the aforementioned weaknesses. The proposed protocol is extremely suitable for use in distributed multi-server architecture since it provides user's anonymity, mutual authentication, efficient, and security.  相似文献   

Due to the potential wide deployment of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), the security of RFID systems has drawn extensive attention from both academia and industry, and the RFID authentication protocol is an important mechanism in the security of RFID systems. The desired security requirements of RFID authentication protocols include privacy, integrity, authentication, anonymity/untraceability, and even availability. To design an efficient protocol that satisfies all the requirements with limited resources is a challenge. This paper proposes a new RFID authentication protocol based on Error Correction Codes (ECC). The proposed scheme has excellent performance in terms of security, efficiency, server’s maintenance, robustness, and cost. The tag only performs simple operations, such as random number generation and simple bitwise computations. The lightweight feature makes it attractive to those low-cost RFIDs that support only simple operations.  相似文献   

文章对OA系统中存在的安全问题进行了讨论,引人了一种新的基于远程匿名身份认证EPID模式,它能通过保存设备拥有者私密信息的硬件设施进行身份鉴定。一个嵌入EPID私密的硬件设备可以向远程机构证实它的有效性,而不必暴露自己的身份和其他私密信息。可以撤消一个签名的EPID私钥,即使不知道密钥的身份。同时,把EPID和其它的一些方法进行了对比。  相似文献   

王硕  罗颖  孙凌  霍士伟 《计算机工程》2012,38(6):129-131
针对普适环境中的认证和隐私保护问题,运用哈希链和部分盲签名技术,提出一种新的隐私保护认证协议。该协议运用哈希链构造信任书,保证每个信任书只能使用一次,利用部分盲签名在信任书中嵌入用户访问次数,对用户的访问次数进行控制。在实现用户匿名访问和双向认证的同时,解决服务滥用和非授权访问问题。仿真结果表明,与同类协议相比,该协议具有更好的安全特性和较高的执行效率。  相似文献   

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