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软分数频率复用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对4G移动通信系统提出的提高频谱利用率、同频组网的需求,文章从频率复用问题入手,提出了一种软分数频率复用方案。软分数频率复用方案包括3种表现形式,在实际应用中,可以根据物理层链路增益选择适当的表现形式。文章以第2种表现形式为例介绍了采用该方案的频率复用方法。研究表明,使用软分数频率复用方案,系统的频率复用系数可以达到1/3~1。软分数频率复用方案解决了同频组网问题,并已经在上海4G实验网中得到了良好的应用。  相似文献   

简述了网络规划和频率复用问题,然后详述了移动WiMAX在频率复用度分别为1和3时的对比分析,最后介绍了部分频率复用。  相似文献   

冉莉 《通信世界》2007,(17B):18-19
频率复用是网络规划和优化中的一个重要问题。在频率规划中,通常采用频率复用因子来衡量频率利用效率或频率复用的宽松程度,对于n×m频率复用方式,频率复用度为:freuse=n×m,但通常实际规划时所分配的频点数会大于n×m,因此实际的freuse往往大于上述值。[第一段]  相似文献   

LTE系统频率复用方式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高LTE系统容量而必须要采取有效的频率复用技术,所以LTE系统中干扰协调的手段之一就是频率复用技术,本文对多种频率复用方式进行了讨论,并进行了总结。  相似文献   

下一代蜂窝系统中通过频谱复用来克服小区间干扰已成为当前研究热点.针对LTE小区间干扰协调问题,重点讨论比较了几种频率复用方案,并提出一种自适应的部分频率复用优化方案和具体实现算法,仿真表明该算法能显著改善小区边缘用户的吞吐量性能和公平性参数.  相似文献   

吴树兴  张智江  张范 《移动通信》2007,31(12):62-66
文章首先简要介绍了传统的复用方案和具有代表性的几种小区间干扰协调方案,然后主要介绍了软频率复用方案的原理和性能,最后提出了子载波资源单向分配、子载波资源随机分配和子载波资源双向分配等软频率复用方案及具体实现算法。通过仿真得出结论,子载波资源双向分配方案在业务量不高情况下,具有显著优势,并且实现复杂度低。  相似文献   

潘纹  陈小兰  范秋生 《信息技术》2007,31(9):130-131
软件复用是在软件开发中避免重复劳动的解决方案,被视为解决软件危机,提高软件生产率和质量的现实可行的途径。分析了软件复用对质量、生产率和成本的影响,并提出了两种复用成本估计方法。  相似文献   

A game-theoretical frequency reuse algorithm has been proposed for Femtocell network.Firstly,each Femtocell tries to get an available sub-band by sensing its radio circumstance.Then,inner-cluster frequency collisions are avoided by implementing a negotiation mechanism.Lastly,each cluster is regarded as a game player to get the largest utility by using its optimal strategy.Despite Femtocell base stations are randomly installed by users,the proposed method performs well in Femtocell network.Simulation results show that frequency collisions are dramatically reduced and the average capacity of Femtocells is considerably enhanced.  相似文献   

目前,软件复用的重点在于设计和运用有较高封装性的组件.首先介绍支持软件复用的、支持设计和实现统一的、多种类型的.NET组件模型的定义;接着介绍各种类型组件的实现方式,包括类设计器和控件工具箱等;分析了采用多种组件模型的意义.  相似文献   

对2 kHz以下频率范围的压电陶瓷振动自混合干涉现象进行了实验观察和测量.实验中发现在固定光路和恒流驱动情况下,光反馈强度参数C会随着压电陶瓷振动频率的变化而变化,对该现象进行了理论分析,并对光反馈强度因子C和线宽展宽因子α进行了测量,验证了α为不同压电陶瓷振动频率下引起C值变化的因素.  相似文献   

Coordinated multi-point (CoMP) joint transmission is considered in the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) long term evolution (LTE)-advanced as a key technique to mitigate inter-cell interference and improve the cell-edge performance. To effectively apply CoMP joint transmission, efficient frequency reuse schemes need to be designed to support resource management cooperation among coordinated cells. However, most of the existing frequency reuse schemes are not suitable for CoMP systems due to not considering multi-point joint transmission scenarios in their frequency reuse rules. In addition, the restrictions of frequency resources in those schemes result in a high blocking probability. To solve the above two problems, a multi-beam cooperative frequency reuse (MBCFR) scheme is proposed in this paper, which reuses all the available frequency resources in each sector and supports multi-beam joint transmission for cell-edge users. Besides, the blocking probability is proved to be efficiently reduced. Moreover, a frequency-segment-sequence based MBCFR scheme is introduced to further reduce the inter-cell interference. System level simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme results in higher cell-edge average throughput and cell-average throughput with lower blocking probability.  相似文献   

While conventional frequency reuse techniques need to allocate mutually exclusive frequency resources to adjacent cells, this paper proposes a technique for OFDMA systems to use pseudo‐random subchannel allocation patterns based on the preamble number. Although sophisticated cell planning is not required for the proposed technique, irregular frequency patterns can allow efficient interference avoidance and high data throughput. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

该文考虑小区间业务均匀分布,提出了频谱功率分割(Frequency Power Partition,FPP)机制:小区间频率复用因子为1,2/3的频谱为低功率频谱,剩余频谱为高功率频谱,且相邻小区的高功率频谱相互正交。结合FPP特点,从吞吐量和公平性角度出发,分别提出了基于影响度的频谱分配(Influence-based Frequency Allocation,IFA)算法和基于收益与影响度的频谱分配(Profitability-and-Influence based Frequency Allocation,PIFA)算法。最后考虑到小区内用户和业务分布的不均匀性,设计了一种简单的功率控制机制。仿真和分析结果表明与软频率复用(SFR)相比,FPP+IFA和FPP+PIFA分别使系统吞吐量和公平性得到较大改善,且功率控制机制进一步提高了用户和业务分布不均匀时的系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

To fully exploit the performance benefits of relay station (RS),in the two-hop cellular networks covering hotspots,when the number of RSs is predetermined,both RS deployment and frequency reuse scheme ...  相似文献   

Cellular relay networks adopting orthogonal frequency division multiple(OFDM)technology has been widely accepted for next generation wireless communication due to its advantage in enlarging coverage scale as well as improving data rate.In order to improve the performance of user equipments(UEs)near the cell edge,especially to avoid the interference from inter-cell and intra cell,an enhanced soft frequency reuse scheme is adopted in this paper to assure inter-cell interference coordination(ICIC).Compared with traditional frequency allocation work,the proposed scheme is interference-aware and load-adaptive,which dynamically assigns available frequency among UES under certain schedule method in variable traffic load condition and mitigates interference using information provided by interference indicator.It can improve signal-to-interference plus noise ratio(SINR)of the UE in each sub channel thus enable the system achieve better throughput and blocking probability performance.Simulation results prove that the proposed scheme may achieve desirable performance on throughput,blocking probability and spectral utilization in the sector under different traffic load compared with other schemes.  相似文献   

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