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研究了一类带有序列相关准备时间和阶段间运输时间的混合流水车间成组调度问题,以最小化最大完工时间为目标建立混合整数线性规划模型,结合问题特征提出一种协同进化文化基因算法.算法采用置换序列的方式对工件组间调度、各工件组内工件间调度以及各工件组在各阶段上并行机的指派3个子问题进行统一编码,基于负载均衡思想和改进的先到先得策略将染色体解码为问题的可行解;进化过程中采用多种遗传算子执行全域搜索,并设计了一种基于破坏和重新构造的协同进化局部搜索策略.通过不同问题规模的数据实验和与对比算法的比较分析,验证了所提模型和算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对最大完工时间最小和总流经时间最小的双目标流水车间调度问题,提出一种快速多目标混合进化算法。算法将矢量评价遗传算法的采样策略与一种新的基于Pareto支配与被支配关系的适应度函数的采样策略进行了融合。新的采样策略弥补了矢量评价遗传算法(VEGA)采样策略的不足。VEGA善于搜索Pareto前沿面的边缘区域,但却忽略了Pareto前沿面的中心区域,而新的采样策略则倾向于Pareto前沿面的中心区域。这两种机制的融合保证了混合算法能够快速平稳地向Pareto前沿区域收敛。此外,由于混合采样策略不需要考虑距离,使得算法效率也得到了很大的提升。在对Taillard基准测试集进行的仿真实验结果显示,相对于非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)和强度Pareto进化算法(SPEA2),该快速多目标混合进化算法在收敛性和分布性两方面都有所提高,并且算法的效率也得到了改进。所提出的混合算法能够更好地解决双目标的流水车间调度问题。  相似文献   

针对带有紧急订单的混合流水车间插单重调度问题,提出了一种双层编码的超启发式遗传算法。针对混合流水车间具有的订单排序和机器选择的双决策特征,在算法低层设计双层编码方案,在个体中表示订单排序和机器选择两类信息,对应一个唯一调度解,进而提出了12种排序和选择启发式对个体进行迭代优化;在算法高层采用自适应遗传算法,用来确定订单排序启发式和机器选择启发式的操作组合以及各组合执行的次序,并设计了自适应变异算子来优化算法的有效性。大规模数据实验的结果表明,所提算法具有很好的求解质量和求解效率。  相似文献   

针对Job-Shop调度问题,将自适应遗传算法与改进的蚂蚁算法融合,提出了自适应遗传算法与蚂蚁算法混合的一种优化算法。首先利用自适应遗传算法产生初始信息素的分布,再运行改进的蚂蚁算法进行求解。该算法既发挥了自适应遗传算法和蚂蚁算法在寻优中的优势,又克服了各自的不足。实验结果表明,该算法在性能上明显优于遗传算法和蚂蚁算法,并且问题规模越大,优势越明显。  相似文献   

针对制造型企业普遍存在的流水车间调度问题,建立了以最小化最迟完成时间和总延迟时间为目标的多目标调度模型,并提出一种基于分解方法的多种群多目标遗传算法进行求解.该算法将多目标流水车间调度问题分解为多个单目标子问题,并分阶段地将这些子问题引入到算法迭代过程进行求解.算法在每次迭代时,依据种群的分布情况选择各子问题的最好解及与其相似的个体分别为当前求解的子问题构造子种群,通过多种群的进化完成对多个子问题最优解的并行搜索.通过对标准测试算例进行仿真实验,结果表明所提出的算法在求解该问题上能够获得较好的非支配解集.  相似文献   

Overlapping and iteration between development activities are the main reasons to cause complexity in product development (PD) process. Overlapping may not only reduce duration of a project but also create rework risk, while iteration increases the project duration and cost. In order to balance the duration and cost, this article presents four types of time models from the angle of time overlapping and activities dependent relationships based on Collaboration Degree Design Structure Matrix (CD-DSM) and builds the cost model considering the negation cost. On basis of the formulated model, a hybridization of the Pareto genetic algorithm (PGA) and variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm is proposed to solve the bi-objective process optimization problem of PD project for reducing the project duration and cost. The VNS strategy is implemented after the genetic operation of crossover and mutation to improve the exploitation ability of the algorithm. And then, an industrial example, a LED module PD project in an optoelectronic enterprise, is provided to illustrate the utility of the proposed approach. The optimization model minimizes the project duration and cost associated with overlapping and iteration and yields a Pareto optimal solution of project activity sequence for project managers to make decision following different business purposes. The simulation results of two different problems show that the proposed approach has a good convergence and robustness.  相似文献   

Finding feasible scheduling that optimize all objective functions for flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is considered by many researchers. In this paper, the novel hybrid genetic algorithm and simulated annealing (NHGASA) is introduced to solve FJSP. The NHGASA is a combination of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing to propose the algorithm that is more efficient than others. The three objective functions in this paper are: minimize the maximum completion time of all the operations (makespan), minimize the workload of the most loaded machine and minimize the total workload of all machines. Pareto optimal solution approach is used in NHGASA for solving FJSP. Contrary to the other methods that assign weights to all objective functions to reduce them to one objective function, in the NHGASA and during all steps, problems are solved by three objectives. Experimental results prove that the NHGASA that uses Pareto optimal solutions for solving multi-objective FJSP overcome previous methods for solving the same benchmarks in the shorter computational time and higher quality.  相似文献   

针对以最小化最大完工时间为优化目标的混合流水车间调度问题,提出一种融合反向学习策略的反向人工蜂群算法求解该问题。首先,根据混合流水车间调度问题的特点,建立了对应的数学模型和仿真优化模型;其次,在寻优过程中为了避免陷入局部最优,分别在种群初始化、雇佣蜂和观察蜂三个阶段引入了反向学习策略,采用两点间逆序策略和元素交换策略加快寻优速度,并采用精英保优策略保留最优解;最后,选取2个实例和21个不同规模的benchmark算例进行仿真实验,通过与相关算法的实验结果进行对比分析,验证了所提算法能有效求解此类问题。  相似文献   

As a typical manufacturing and scheduling problem with strong industrial background, flow shop scheduling with limited buffers has gained wide attention both in academic and engineering fields. With the objective to minimize the total completion time (or makespan), such an issue is very hard to solve effectively due to the NP-hardness and the constraint on the intermediate buffer. In this paper, an effective hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) is proposed for permutation flow shop scheduling with limited buffers. In the HGA, not only multiple genetic operators based on evolutionary mechanism are used simultaneously in hybrid sense, but also a neighborhood structure based on graph model is employed to enhance the local search, so that the exploration and exploitation abilities can be well balanced. Moreover, a decision probability is used to control the utilization of genetic mutation operation and local search based on problem-specific information so as to prevent the premature convergence and concentrate computing effort on promising neighbor solutions. Simulation results and comparisons based on benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the HGA. Meanwhile, the effects of buffer size and decision probability on optimization performances are discussed.  相似文献   

最优子种群遗传算法求解柔性流水车间调度问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了验证最优子种群遗传算法在解决柔性流水车间调度问题时相比于传统遗传算法的优越性,分析了柔性流水车间调度问题的特点,并运用一种新的编码方法和新的遗传算法求解了该问题。考虑到最优个体保护策略法对复杂问题容易使种群收敛陷入局部最优解,为了提高精度、加快较优个体的产生并避免陷入局部最优解,首先提出了一种合理、全面的编码方法,并运用最优子种群遗传算法来求解柔性流水车间调度问题。最后运用实例验证了最优子种群遗传算法的有效性、优越性和编码方式的合理性。  相似文献   

机车车辆行业作为典型的面向订单的机械制造企业,优化的生产调度方法能提高订单的准时交货,缩短产品的生产周期,提高企业的市场竞争力。订单生产调度问题是典型的NP-hard问题。遗传算法(Genetic Algorithms)为求具有多个约束的复杂问题提供了有效的方法。但是遗传算法的局部搜索能力比较差,在解决订单生产调度问题中存在着明显的不足。本文引入了局部搜索能力很强的禁忌搜索算法,用遗传算法和禁忌搜索算法相结合的混合遗传算法来解决机车车辆行业中面向订单生产调度问题。  相似文献   

针对混合流水车间调度问题(HFSP),本文提出了一种新的基于果蝇算法和变邻域搜索的混合优化方法.首先,将关键块内的工序与同阶段其他机器上的工序进行交换,提出了一种基于关键路径的HFSP新邻域结构.其次,针对HFSP的阶段式解码特性,提出了一种邻域解的快速评估方法,并验证了快速评估方法的高效性.然后,基于提出的新邻域结构,并将N7和K-insertion邻域结构引入HFSP,设计了基于上述3种邻域结构的变邻域搜索方法,以此为基础提出了一种针对HFSP的混合优化方法.最后,通过对Carlier和Liao等经典测试集进行测试,验证了所提新邻域结构的可行性和有效性,并将该方法与其他文献的方法进行了对比,验证了所提方法的优越性.  相似文献   

Factory management plays an important role in improving the productivity and quality of service in the production process. In particular, the distributed permutation flow shop scheduling problem with multiple factories is considered a priority factor in the factory automation. This study proposes a novel model of the developed distributed scheduling by supplementing the reentrant characteristic into the model of distributed reentrant permutation flow shop (DRPFS) scheduling. This problem is described as a given set of jobs with a number of reentrant layers is processed in the factories, which compromises a set of machines, with the same properties. The aim of the study is to determine the number of factory needs to be used, jobs assignment to certain factory and sequence of job assigned to the factory in order to simultaneously satisfy three objectives of minimizing makespan, total cost and average tardiness. To do this, a novel multi-objective adaptive large neighborhood search (MOALNS) algorithm is developed for finding the near optimal solutions based on the Pareto front. Various destroy and repair operators are presented to balance between intensification and diversification of searching process. The numerical examples of computational experiments are carried out to validate the proposed model. The analytical results on the performance of proposed algorithm are checked and compared with the existing methods to validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed potential algorithm in handling the DRPFS problem.  相似文献   

Since the appearance of cloud computing, computing capacity has been charged as a service through the network. The optimal scheduling of computing resources (OSCR) over the network is a core part for a cloud service center. With the coming of virtualization, the OSCR problem has become more complex than ever. Previous work, either on model building or scheduling algorithms, can no longer offer us a satisfactory resolution. In this paper, a more comprehensive and accurate model for OSCR is formulated. In this model, the cloud computing environment is considered to be highly heterogeneous with processors of uncertain loading information. Along with makespan, the energy consumption is considered as one of the optimization objectives from both economic and ecological perspectives. To provide more attentive services, the model seeks to find Pareto solutions for this bi-objective optimization problem. On the basis of classic multi-objective genetic algorithm, a case library and Pareto solution based hybrid Genetic Algorithm (CLPS-GA) is proposed to solve the model. The major components of CLPS-GA include a multi-parent crossover operator (MPCO), a two-stage algorithm structure, and a case library. Experimental results have verified the effectiveness of CLPS-GA in terms of convergence, stability, and solution diversity.  相似文献   

A hybrid genetic algorithm for the job shop scheduling problems   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is one of the most general and difficult of all traditional scheduling problems. The goal of this research is to develop an efficient scheduling method based on genetic algorithm to address JSSP. We design a scheduling method based on Single Genetic Algorithm (SGA) and Parallel Genetic Algorithm (PGA). In the scheduling method, the representation, which encodes the job number, is made to be always feasible, the initial population is generated through integrating representation and G&T algorithm, the new genetic operators and selection method are designed to better transmit the temporal relationships in the chromosome, and island model PGA are proposed. The scheduling methods based on genetic algorithm are tested on five standard benchmark JSSP. The results are compared with other proposed approaches. Compared to traditional genetic algorithm, the proposed approach yields significant improvement in solution quality. The superior results indicate the successful incorporation of a method to generate initial population into the genetic operators.  相似文献   

为了有效提升多重入车间的生产效率,考虑了实际生产中检查和修复过程对于逐层制造的可重入生产系统的重要性,提出了基于拉格朗日松弛算法的可重入混合流水车间的调度方法.首先进行了问题域的描述,并在此基础上以最小化加权完成时间为调度目标,建立数学规划模型.针对该调度问题提出了基于松弛机器能力约束的拉格朗日松弛算法,使松弛问题分解成工件级子问题,并使用动态规划方法建立递归公式,求解工件级子问题.随后,使用次梯度算法求解拉格朗日对偶问题.最后,对各种不同问题规模进行了仿真实验,结果表明,所提出的调度算法能够在合理的时间内获得满意的近优解.  相似文献   

有效快速地调度不同专业的造船监理员至不同厂区进行监理工作可以提高船舶建造效率,确保船只建造质量。针对我国造船监理公司监理员调度方面缺乏通用模型和调度手段落后的问题,建立起带有一系列硬性约束和软性约束的数学模型。随后针对该数学模型采用了基于模拟退火遗传算法的混合遗传算法进行求解。模拟仿真实验表明该模型与算法取得了理想效果。  相似文献   

Hall et al. (J. Sched. 2002; 5:307–327) investigated the cycle time minimization problem in a two-machine job shop, where each job consists of at most three operations. In this note, we reduce the problem to a two-machine reentrant flow shop problem and briefly discuss some consequences.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - This paper proposes a reentrant hybrid flow shop scheduling problem where inspection and repair operations are carried out as soon as a layer has completed...  相似文献   

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