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The Tatami project is building a system to support software engineering over the internet, exploiting recent advances in Web technology, interface design, and specification. Our effort to improve the usability of such systems has led us into algebraic semiotics, while our effort to develop better formal methods for distributed concurrent systems has led us into hidden algebra and fuzzy logic. This paper discusses the Tatami system design, especially its software architecture, and its user interface principles. New work in the latter area includes an extension of algebraic semiotics to dynamic multimedia interfaces, and integrating Gibsonian affordances with algebraic semiotics.  相似文献   

The development of user interfaces for safety critical systems is driven by requirements specifications. Because user interface specifications are typically embedded within complex systems requirements specifications, they can be intractable to manage. Proprietary requirements specification tools do not support the user interface designer in modelling and specifying the user interface. In this paper, a new way of working with embedded user interface specifications is proposed, exploiting sequence diagrams with a hypertext structure for representing and retrieving use cases. This new tool concept is assessed through an application to the requirements specification for the Airbus A380 air traffic control Datalink system; engineers involved in the development of the Airbus cockpit used a prototype of the tool concept to resolve a set of user interface design anomalies in the requirements specification. The results of the study are positive and indicate the user interface to requirements specification tools which user interface designers themselves need.  相似文献   

面向对象的用户接口管理系统NDUIMS的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍的NDUIMS是为转炉炼钢控制专家系统设计的一个面向对象的用户接口子系统,它提供了完整的用户界面支持和从应用模块到设备的接口,其窗口管理机制和窗口构件构造简捷,易于扩充,底层图形设备接口支撑面广,设备独立性强,具有灵活,高效,便于移植等特点,可作为一个实用的用户接口嵌入到不同的应用系统中使用。  相似文献   

This paper shows an environment which supports the development of multi-thread dialogue interactive systems.The environment includes several tools and run-time support programs for the design and implementation of the user interface of an interactive system.First,methods of user interface specification with Elementary Nets are discussed.Then,the syntax of a user interface specification language based on Elementary Nets and the pre-compiler for the language as well as a graphic editor for Elementary Nets construction are described.Finally,an example is given to illustrate the design process of a user interface.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach, model theory approach, to small and medium scale transaction processing system (TPS) development. A TPS of this paper is an information system designed to process day-to-day business event data at operational level of an organization. The paper is not concerned with data base construction but with transaction processing.

The model theory approach is not a software engineering approach but a systems theory approach. In the approach a model of the target system, which is called a user model, is constructed in set theory using a formal system structure of a TPS. The user model is, then, compiled into an extended Prolog (extProlog) model. The extProlog is an extension of Prolog to meet requirements for management information system development. On compilation a standardized user interface (UI) called internal UI is attached. The extProlog model with the internal UI is, then, executed under control of another standardized UI called an external UI. Implementation is an integral part of the approach. Because the UIs are designed for the formalized (abstract) structure of a TPS, they can be standardized and are provided as black box components to system development. Because a systems developer is required to only build a user model in set theory based on a model theoretic structure in the approach, it is called a model theory approach. Advantages of this approach are that it provides a theoretical structure to information systems development so that systems development can be made an engineering discipline, and facilitates rapid systems development.  相似文献   

Digital control systems, like those controlling the functions of buildings or industrial processes, pose a number of special problems for good user interface design. The general problems of providing usability, common to all systems, include difficulty in accessing and applying principles of good design. In addition, digital control systems can have multiple users, with multiple roles, and each installation has different configurations of systems, controls, and user interface devices. Providing interactions for the users of building control systems is often achieved by manually implementing each required display. This is an expensive solution, which often produces less than optimal results. We address these problems through the automation of user interface design. Our solution, called DIGBE (dynamic interface generation for building environments), separates the domain knowledge, interaction design, and presentation heuristics into multiple collaborating models. Each model contains knowledge about a particular aspect of interface design, and uses this knowledge to dynamically create each user interface that is needed to support the users of a control system. DIGBE demonstrates that it is possible to automatically and dynamically create consistent and individualized user interfaces from model-based design knowledge  相似文献   

Non-quantitative information such as documents and pictures pose interesting new problems in the database world. Traditional data models and query languages do not provide appropriate support for this information. Such data are typically stored in file systems, which do not provide the security, integrity, or query features of database management systems. The hypertext model has emerged as a good interface to this information; however,finding information using hypertext browsing does not scale well. We developed a query interface that serves as an extension of the browsing model of hypertext systems. These queries minimize the repeated user interactions required to locate data in a standard hypertext system. HyperFile is a prototype data server interface. In this article, we describe HyperFile, including a number of issues such as query generation, query processing, and indexing.  相似文献   

Given the inherent complexity of vehicle routing and production planning decision support systems, designing user interfaces for them is challenging and can make a big difference in the usability of these systems. Many heuristic and optimization-oriented systems that have been implemented for this type of problem have failed in part due to a poor graphical user interface. This work proposes an approach that can be applied to improve the design of user interfaces for this type of system and make its implementation easier. The approach is based on tools that were adapted from the FW/SM system for Structured Modeling and commercially available tools, such as Powerbuilder and CPLEX. Two systems that were implemented using this approach, in two different firms, are presented. These systems run on standard PCs under MS Windows, follow the Windows applications design guidelines, and interact with relational database management systems.  相似文献   

Collaborative video searching on a tabletop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Almost all system and application design for multimedia systems is based around a single user working in isolation to perform some task yet much of the work for which we use computers to help us, is based on working collaboratively with colleagues. Groupware systems do support user collaboration but typically this is supported through software and users still physically work independently. Tabletop systems, such as the DiamondTouch from MERL, are interface devices which support direct user collaboration on a tabletop. When a tabletop is used as the interface for a multimedia system, such as a video search system, then this kind of direct collaboration raises many questions for system design. In this paper we present a tabletop system for supporting a pair of users in a video search task and we evaluate the system not only in terms of search performance but also in terms of user–user interaction and how different user personalities within each pair of searchers impacts search performance and user interaction. Incorporating the user into the system evaluation as we have done here reveals several interesting results and has important ramifications for the design of a multimedia search system.  相似文献   

Contemporary knowledge systems are usually neither easy to use or understand. We propose a new class of knowledge systems, which we call high fidelity systems, that use representations and processes that closely resemble the objects and tasks with which people are already familiar. To illustrate the concept of high fidelity, we describe Libra, one such system for recommending scheduling programs. Our initial experience with Libra and its usage suggests that high fidelity not only enhances the user acceptability of knowledge-based systems, but it also facilities high speed design and implementation.We chose to replicate the knowledge in Libra because it is already published, and because we wanted to show that a Libra user can have an interface similar to the diagrams drawn in the journal paper. The latter was used to describe the knowledge-based framework for selecting scheduling systems. If we can replicate them in the user interface, we would have successfully created a high fidelity system — that is, the Libra user interface would be at least as able to communicate the framework to the user as the journal paper.  相似文献   

ConcurTaskTrees是一种具有代表性且广泛应用的图形化任务建模方法,它是用户界面设计的重要组成部分。UML2.0建模语言缺少对交互式用户界面设计的支持,将ConcurTaskTrees引入到UML2.0中能极大地提高软件设计的质量,但是目前还没有一致的和最好的方法实现这一目标。文章使用基于元模型的扩展机制,通过扩展UML2.0活动图,建立了ConcurTaskTrees的元模型及其表示法,避免了在移植过程中丢失ConcurTaskTrees的任务分类特性,从而将ConcurTaskTrees完整地、准确地引入UML中。  相似文献   

The past five years has seen an explosion of rich and effective user interface management systems and toolkits and an increase in the expectations regarding application portability. Nearly a decade old, the PHIGS input model is inadequate in the face of this variety. "Fixing PHIGS" input would be a long and arduous task. Instead, PHIGS should be adapted to cooperate, not compete, with user interface systems. This can be done in two ways. An application can use both PHIGS input and input from a user interface system to accomplish its goals. Alternatively, an application can use input only from a user interface system, but in this case it needs utilities in PHIGS to gain access to information only PHIGS can supply. Specifically the utilities are needed for application-initiated picking and for coordinate mapping.  相似文献   

Computer systems based on cooperating agent architectures are currently introduced in industrial process supervision and control applications as operator support systems in tasks such as fault diagnosis, system restoration etc. Cooperating agents are relevant to these applications since they involve a high degree of physical distribution, the operators' decisions are often based on multiple conflicting views which can be moderated by the cooperating agents, and the domains are complex with high degree of modularity.In the frame of the research project ARCHON, a multi-agent system architecture has been defined in order to be used in industrial process supervision and control applications. An issue of high importance in this context is the interaction with the human operator and the design of a user interface which supports this interaction. The impact of multi-agent architectures on the user interface design of industrial process supervision and control systems is the subject of this paper. An example of an interface designed for a multi-agent system in the area of electrical network supervision is provided.  相似文献   

J2EE上构建基于XML的统一用户接口系统模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着Internet的发展,PC不再是惟一访问Internet的设备。为了使企业的Web应用系统能够同时支持多种Inter net接入设备的访问,文章给出了一个基于XML的统一用户接口系统模型。该模型采用J2EE架构并基于XML开发,将用户显示界面、流程控制和业务逻辑进行分离,简化了开发过程,减少了系统维护工作量。该模型已成功应用于某网上社保系统,很好地满足了用户的需求。  相似文献   

The paper describes the modeling of a user's conceptual knowledge in the general user modeling shell system BGP-MS. On the one hand, BGP-MS is a workbench for the develment of a user model in a particular application domain. It supports the definition of the architecture of the individual user model, and of the architecture and the contents of user stereotypes. A rich representation language for conceptual knowledge, a partition mechanism, and flexible graphics-based interfaces are at the disposal of the user model developer. On the other hand, BGP-MS is a runtime user modeling tool aimed at fulfilling central tasks of a user modeling component in an application system. In this mode, the system offers a functional interface for accessing and updating the model of the current user, as well as basic domain-independent inference mechanisms, support for inferences defined by the developer, and a customizable stereotype management utility. The usefulness of BGP-MS will be demonstrated by illustrating how it can support the user modeling of various recently developed application systems.  相似文献   

Recent legal changes have increased the need for developing accessible user interfaces in computer-based systems. In this sense, previously existing user interfaces are intended to be modified and new user interfaces are intended to be designed taking accessibility guidelines into account. Typically, model-based approaches have been used when developing accessible user interfaces or redefining existing ones. But the use of static models leads to the development of not dynamically adaptable user interfaces. Dynamic adaptation in accessible user interfaces is important due to the fact that interaction difficulties on people with disabilities may change through use. In this paper, we present some contributions that can be obtained from the application of the Dichotomic View of plasticity in the personalization of user interfaces. With the double perspective defined in this approach, it is intended to go further from a mere adaptation to certain user stereotypes, offering also a dynamic support to real limitations or difficulties users can encounter during the use of the UI. This goal is achieved analyzing user logs by an inference engine that dynamically infers modifications in the user interface to adjust it to varying user needs. A case study is presented in order to show how the guidelines and software support defined in the Dichotomic View of plasticity can be applied to develop a component for a particular system aimed at performing dynamic user interface adaptations with accessibility purposes. This approach includes some innovations that make it different from conventional adaptable mechanisms applied to accessibility in some important aspects.  相似文献   

Distributed supervisory control is the monitoring and control of complex, dynamic, highly automated systems by a team of human operators. As such, it is an example of a cooperative work environment. The goal of this paper is to analyze the nature of cooperative work in distributed supervisory control environments and describe implications for computer support. In particular, we argue that flexible support for activity management is a key requirement for computer support for distributed supervisory control, and we propose the intelligent support for activity management (ISAM) architecture as one infrastructure for doing so. The design and implementation of ISAM draws from previous work on intelligent operator's associate systems and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) systems. A graphical user interface to ISAM and an evaluation study of this system in the context of team supervisory control are also described  相似文献   

The development of user-adaptive systems is of increasing importance for industrial applications. User modeling emerged from the need to represent in the system knowledge about the user in order to allow informed decisions on how to adapt to match the user's needs. Most of the research in this field, however, has been theoretical, top-down. Our approach, in contrast, was driven by the needs of the application and shows features of bottom-up, user-centered design.We have implemented a user modeling component supporting a task-based interface to a hypermedia information system for hospitals and tested it under realistic conditions. A new architecture for user modeling has been developed which focuses on the tasks performed by users. It allows adaptive browsing support for users with different level of experience, and a level of adaptability. The requirements analysis shows that the differences in the information needs of users with different levels of experience are not only quantitative, but qualitative. Experienced users are not only able to cope with a wider browsing space, but sometimes prefer to organize their search in a different way. That is why the user model and the interface of the system are designed to support a smooth transition in the access options provided to novice users and to expert users.  相似文献   

A case study in adaptive information filtering systems for the Web is presented. The described system comprises two main modules, named HUMOS and WIFS. HUMOS is a user modeling system based on stereotypes. It builds and maintains long term models of individual Internet users, representing their information needs. The user model is structured as a frame containing informative words, enhanced with semantic networks. The proposed machine learning approach for the user modeling process is based on the use of an artificial neural network for stereotype assignments. WIFS is a content-based information filtering module, capable of selecting html/text documents on computer science collected from the Web according to the interests of the user. It has been created for the very purpose of the structure of the user model utilized by HUMOS. Currently, this system acts as an adaptive interface to the Web search engine ALTA VISTATM. An empirical evaluation of the system has been made in experimental settings. The experiments focused on the evaluation, by means of a non-parametric statistics approach, of the added value in terms of system performance given by the user modeling component; it also focused on the evaluation of the usability and user acceptance of the system. The results of the experiments are satisfactory and support the choice of a user model-based approach to information filtering on the Web.  相似文献   

用户界面是交互式系统的重要组成部分.但是现有的界面开发模型都没有太多考虑Web环境对用户界面模型表达的特殊要求.结合Web软件用户界面的特点,拓展了FMP界面模型的界面模板;提出了基于界面模板的界面表示模型的4层结构.界面模板描述了以交互对象为基本元素的界面宏观布局和关系,以支持高质量的Web应用界面代码的自动生成.  相似文献   

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