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高强钢板的温成形可显著改善高强钢的成形性能。以Docol 1200M超高强度钢板为对象,研究了高强钢在不同温度下的温成形性能,并对其相应的断口面进行了分析。结果表明:Docol 1200M超高强度钢板的拉胀成形性能总体随温度的升高而升高,但在200和300℃时,材料受到第一类回火脆性和蓝脆的影响,其成形性能突然降低;且此种高强钢板最适合的温成形温度为400℃。  相似文献   

基于胀弯成形的高强度钢板回弹特性实验与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高强度钢板是汽车车身结构件广泛应用的材料之一,对比普通碳钢,高强度钢板具有较高的强度、较高的屈强比、较低的延伸率等,使用过程中容易产生开裂、起皱和回弹等缺陷,特别是回弹问题严重影响了零件的尺寸精度。文章以胀弯成形为基础,通过MTS试验机进行成形实验,研究了低合金高强钢B410LA、双相钢DP500在不同冲压参数、模具几何参数等条件下成形后的回弹影响规律,并通过显著性分析得出,胀弯角度对侧壁卷曲的影响不显著,拉延筋凸筋的位置对冲压回弹有较大的影响。  相似文献   

变压边力下高强度钢板的回弹研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回弹是影响板料成形精度的缺陷之一,特别是对高强度钢板控制回弹是板料成形中研究的重要课题。通过对高强度钢板的回弹仿真,证明合适的变压边力能够减小成形后的回弹,并通过实验验证了这一结论的正确性。  相似文献   

基于Dynaform的高强钢板冲压回弹补偿分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高强钢的冲压回弹及回弹补偿原理进行了分析。以某乘用车B柱高强钢加强板零件冲压加工工艺为例,在模具设计阶段对整个工艺过程进行CAE分析,在工艺参数优化前提下,对回弹进行全序计算和预测,并对模具进行回弹补偿。为高强钢冲压模具设计及工艺参数优化提供依据,从而降低模具开发风险,减少试模时间,缩短开发周期,提高产品质量,降低生产成本。模拟结果与实验较吻合,表明所采用回弹补偿方法是可靠的。  相似文献   

随着高强度钢板在汽车车身中得到越来越广泛的应用,如何通过数值模拟准确预测冲压件的回弹显得日益重要。本文应用冲压成形有限元分析软件JSTAMP/NV中针对高强度钢板的回弹预测的材料本构关系Y-U模型,对某汽车车身制件进行了冲压成形分析及回弹预测,其回弹量与实验现场所得扫描数据相一致,与企业提供的同类软件的计算结果相比较,具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

利用有限元数值模拟仿真软件Dynaform对某汽车内板成形和回弹过程进行模拟仿真,采用模具型面补偿法来控制回弹,根据补偿后的模具型面对模具进行设计制造.通过逆向工程扫描最终产品,与原始产品数模比较,验证了回弹预测和模具型面补偿的合理性和教值模拟的准确性.  相似文献   

以宝钢生产的14种规格和牌号的钢板为研究对象,对其V弯成形特性进行了研究,通过单向拉伸实验,获得材料的基本力学性能,分析了试验材料的V弯回弹规律。试验结果表明,材料存在正、负回弹,相同弯曲角度下随弯曲半径增大,回弹量增加且趋向正回弹,在相同弯曲半径下,弯曲角度增大,回弹量减小且趋向负回弹,可通过调整弯曲角度或弯曲模具圆角大小来可合理控制零件回弹;在相同厚度条件下,当材料抗拉强度大于600 MPa时,回弹量显著增大;在相同强度条件下,回弹量随弯曲角度的增大而趋向负回弹,同时随着弯曲半径的变大,回弹量随材料厚度产生的差异趋缓,并趋向正回弹;980 MPa强度级别材料中材料厚度越小,不同弯曲半径下的回弹量差异变大;厚度相同的情况下,QP钢和MS钢的回弹量比DP钢更趋向于正回弹;数值拟合发现,回弹角度随R/T值的增大而增大,且经历一个由负到正的过程。随着弯曲角度的增大,拟合曲线下移且斜率变小,只有当R值足够大时才会出现正回弹。  相似文献   

通过胀弯成形试验提出了采用面积法评价冲压过程中零件卷曲回弹的方法,借助试验研究和计算机仿真方法研究了胀弯成形卷曲回弹的主要影响因素对卷曲回弹的影响规律,得出了卷曲回弹诸多影响因素中,胀弯角度影响很小,拉深筋设计影响较大的结论。此研究可为高强钢模具设计中卷曲回弹控制提供参考。  相似文献   

高强钢板冲压回弹影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
基于ISO-CD24213/2006方法,以回弹角作为回弹值,运用Dynaform对高强钢板的冲压成形及回弹进行数值模拟,分析了板料厚度、板料宽度、压边力、拉延筋及材料性能等因素对回弹值的影响.研究发现:较小压边力下回弹值随板料厚度的增加而减小,较大压边力下则先增大、后减小,且随着压边力的增大回弹值显著减小;此外,减小板料宽度、合理布置拉延筋、选择屈服强度较小的材料均可减小回弹值.  相似文献   

回弹是高强钢板零件冲压中的一大难题,当前工程应用中回弹计算精度不高,仍然依赖大量修模解决回弹问题。采用全工序仿真计算和回弹补偿方法,提高回弹计算的数值模拟精度,并利用位移回弹补偿原理对拉深型面和修边型面进行回弹补偿,使冲压回弹后零件尺寸满足设计产品的精度要求。结果表明,该研究方法大大提高了高强钢冲压件的质量,实际生产应用效果良好。  相似文献   

从22MnB5硼镁合金板材成形温度、降温速率和材料的相变形出发,研究了热成形过程中冷却速度、温度变化对回弹的影响,同时探讨了板材厚度等因素对高强度板材成形性能的影响.结果表明,板材的初始条件、板材热成形时的温度场变化和相变行为是影响回弹的主要因素;当冷却速度超过临界冷却速度时,回弹急剧增大;板材厚度对回弹控制和热成形工艺参数的制定有重大影响.  相似文献   

Springback of High-Strength Steel after Hot and Warm Sheet Formings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The springback of high-strength steel after hot and warm sheet formings is investigated. Environmentally friendly vehicles will promote the increasing usage of high-strength steel sheets, however, a large amount of springback after sheet forming is one of the major drawbacks. A series of hot and warm sheet forming experiments on high-strength steel sheets are conducted using a hot compression testing machine, and the effect of forming temperature on the amount of springback is evaluated. The springback is markedly reduced when the forming temperature is higher than 750K, which is approximately the critical temperature for the recrystallization of ferrite grains.  相似文献   

在高强度钢板冲压成形过程中,常常因为显著的回弹和面畸变导致形状和尺寸精度出现问题.利用数值模拟方法分析了超高强度钢门槛板的成形,根据模拟结果提出了利用设置拉延筋控制高强度板冲压回弹的方法,制定了合理的门槛板冲压模具的拉延筋设置方案.实际生产验证了该方法对回弹控制的有效性.  相似文献   

利用Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机研究了350MPa级高强度热镀锌钢板的连续退火工艺对其组织和性能的影响,得出Ti元素的加入可提高高强度热镀锌钢板的再结晶温度,冷轧压下率会影响Ti的碳氮化物的大小及其分布,带钢屈服强度、抗拉强度随连续退火温度的升高而下降,伸长率随退火温度的上升而增加.最后选择了温度为720~760℃的退火工艺进行工业生产,钢板性能达到:屈服强度ReL≥417.6MPa,抗拉强度Rm≥526.9MPa,伸长率A50≥24.5%.  相似文献   

Hot forming of ultra high strength steel (UHSS) sheet metal grade 22MnB5 boron for channel components using water cooling is studied on a laboratory scale. After hot forming, the different microstructures such as martensite, bainite, and pearlite in formed component are produced, which are closely related with mechanical properties of formed component. The effect of forming start temperature and the contact state between blank and die on the microstructure evolution is investigated. In addition, the effect of processing parameters, such as forming start temperature and blank holder force (BHF), on the final quality of component, i.e., springback, that happens after hot forming of UHSS is investigated. It can be concluded that the forming start temperature has a significant effect on the final mechanical properties of formed components. The effect of forming start temperature on springback is examined in detail under a wide range of operating conditions. The higher the BHF and the forming start temperature, the lower is the springback after hot forming. Furthermore, thermo-mechanically coupled finite element analysis model encompassing heating of sheet blank, forming and quenching are developed for hot forming process. The stress distributions on sheet blank under different conditions during hot forming are compared to gain a fundamental understanding of the mechanism of springback. Comparisons show that numerical simulation results have good agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

板料成形回弹模拟及补偿技术研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
板料冲压成形过程中的回弹是卸载过程产生的反向弹性变形,是一种普遍存在的物理现象.目前,越来越多的商业化CAE软件实现了金属薄板冲压成形过程中的回弹模拟,但是回弹模拟精度仍然是数值模拟的难点.本文详细分析了影响回弹模拟精度的主要因素,总结了回弹模拟及补偿技术国内外发展现状.这对制定合理的冲压工艺方案,并在模具设计过程中,考虑回弹的关键因素,以便修正模具尺寸,补偿回弹误差,具有重要的实际意义.  相似文献   

板料弯曲回弹的机理分析及减少回弹的措施   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
武晓红 《模具技术》2002,(5):45-48,58
探讨了板料弯曲回弹的机理,总结了减少弯曲件回弹的具体措施,对提高弯曲件精度有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

由于车身强度的要求,一部分车身冲压件采用料厚较厚的高强板来生产,此类制件在生产过程中易产生拉毛问题,拉毛的实质是由于工件和模具表面局部出现粘着(咬合)。拉毛问题一方面降低了生产过程的稳定性和生产效率,零件报废率上升,另一方面会使模具发生更严重的磨损,降低模具寿命和冲压件精度,增加修模次数和生产停机时间。  相似文献   

The automotive industry is using more and more of Advanced High Strength Steel in order to reduce the weight of the car. Since this will generate more springback, it is of vital importance to be able to predict the amount of springback in the parts. Otherwise, many late changes have to be made in order to fit the parts in their position. In order to increase the ability to understand and test the behavior of the springback in sheet-metal parts, a new semi-industrial experimental tool, the flex-rail, has been developed. This is a very flexible tool, which can be used for various kinds of materials, from mild steel and aluminum to advanced high strength steel such as TRIP-steel and CP-steel by using different insert. The tool is designed for experimental analysis of 3D-springback, which is the case in the more complicated automotive parts, such as b-pillars and side members. The scope of this work is to analyze the springback behavior and prediction for Advanced High Strength Steel both numerically and experimentally. Sheet-metal-forming simulations were made in LS-DYNA. The results proved that the new geometry, flex-rail, gave a complex springback behavior for all tested materials. Furthermore, the prediction of springback showed good correlation in sections with small amounts of twist but that LS-DYNA under-predicts the springback for sections with large amounts of twist for all materials except DP600. This article was presented at Materials Science & Technology 2006, Innovations in Metal Forming symposium held October 15-19, 2006 in Cincinnati, OH.  相似文献   

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