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六大理由拒绝3G iPhone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘宇 《现代计算机》2008,(7):129-130
"哥们,瞧瞧这款手机。呵呵,不错吧,3G版苹果iPhone!而且价格也很便宜,才199美元,折合人民币才1000多元。"相信许多看到了3G版iPhone手机的朋友都会发出这样的感慨。不错,3G手机的确颠覆了一个时代的传统规则,取而代之的是全新的操作理念和外观样式。  相似文献   

自从3G网络商用以来,手机和移动通讯行业成为人们关注的焦点。但手机资费和终端发展一直不温不火,这似乎让众人急不可待。人们渴望勇猛搅局者的出现,但是一直都很失望:3G资费太贵,老百姓用不起:iPhone太高端,同样没有实质意义。终于,乐Phone来了,还带着"与iPhone背水一战"的"狂妄之言"。  相似文献   

退货,iPhone 4没信号 苹果iPhone4手机的上市给全球的手机市场带来了一份震撼。但很快iPhonc4手机的用户就发现,当自己握住iPhone4手机侧面的某些部位时,手机屏幕上标示信号强度的格子会明显减少。在随后的几个星期内,关于iPhone4手机信号的问题闹得沸沸扬扬,愈演愈烈。  相似文献   

<正>我们每天都会花很长的时间来使用手机,这也就是为什么哪怕是最细微的问题也会让人觉得无法忍受。如果你的iPhone略有变慢,这一般都是可以被轻松解决的问题,但两年的频繁则使用会对iPhone造成很大损伤。不过下面这些小技巧应该可以让你的iPhone坚持到下一次升级手机。1、删除旧照片删除不必要的文件是加速手机的主要方式之一。如果你的iPhone当中存储了好几百张照片,你可以将它们备份到电脑或是iCloud,然后在本机当中删除。  相似文献   

强档八卦新闻,近日一则内容为:“北京三里屯苹果零售店搞活动,胸夹iPhone4手机,并同意拍照者可获赠iPhone4手机一部”的微博被转发近6000次。  相似文献   

iPhone 4S目前有哪些问题呢? 我现在用.Phone3GS手机,本打算等iPhone 4S行货一上市就升级,但我听说iPhone 4S手机还存在一些问题。请问具体是哪些问题,是否有解决的方法呢?  相似文献   

"美图秀秀"这个软件相信大家都并不陌生,近日,美图秀秀手机版(iPhone/Android)也迎来了全新的2.0版本,这款被称为"史上最强手机美容神器"的APP,究竟会带给我们怎样震撼的体验呢?从改变自我开始——全新的UI设计我们可以看到,在美图秀秀2.0中,相比较于之前的版本中,功能导航从列表式更变为宫格式的导航界面,这样的设计不仅显得十分俏皮可爱,而且图标变得更容易点触。神器之所以为神器——  相似文献   

手机中的病毒以对用户进行远程控制、隐私窃取、恶意扣费为主要目的。让人震惊的是这些恶意病毒程序无孔不入,在手机出厂、销售以及消费者应用过程中都有可能被植入。  相似文献   

韩国媒体说iPhone4是“韩国手机”,因为主要零件均由韩国厂商提供。其实iPhone更应该是“中国手机”,因为它在中国组装,不过这并不值得骄傲,因为大部分钱都被苹果挣了。  相似文献   

正不久前一些媒体报道称,南航空姐马爱伦在iPhone 5手机充电时接电话被电击致死。随后,当地公安局负责人也证实了马爱伦的死亡。但是否是由iPhone手机造成,还在调查当中。不管是否因为iPhone手机造成,但是这样一个花样美女就是因为没有注意安全用电,没有防微杜渐而在结婚前夕撒手人寰,真让人唏嘘不已。仔细想想,电力固然给我们的生活带来了足够的便利,  相似文献   

随着移动智能设备的普及,硬件性能的不断提升,移动智能终端越来越多地被用来处理各种重要的数据信息。iOS是苹果公司开发的iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad等终端产品的核心操作系统。文章首先分析了iOS的安全特征,继而总结了威胁手机安全的各类问题,最后提出了一些防护策略。  相似文献   

随着智能终端的普及,越来越多的员工倾向于将个人终端运用到企业办公中,由此催生了企业办公终端应用的重大变革。从iPhone开始的一场用户体验的较量,也牵引了办公终端的新方向。同时,区别于个人消费品,企业办公应用在安全性、协作性、集成应用等方面,提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

This study uniquely examined the effects on self, cognition, anxiety, and physiology when iPhone users are unable to answer their iPhone while performing cognitive tasks. A 2 x 2 within‐subjects experiment was conducted. Participants (N = 40 iPhone users) completed 2 word search puzzles. Among the key findings from this study were that when iPhone users were unable to answer their ringing iPhone during a word search puzzle, heart rate and blood pressure increased, self‐reported feelings of anxiety and unpleasantness increased, and self‐reported extended self and cognition decreased. These findings suggest that negative psychological and physiological outcomes are associated with iPhone separation and the inability to answer one's ringing iPhone during cognitive tasks. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The iPhone SDK provides a powerful platform for the development of applications that make use of iPhone capabilities, such as sensors, GPS, Wi‐Fi, or Bluetooth connectivity. We observe that so far the development of iPhone applications has mostly been restricted to using Objective‐C. However, developing applications in plain Objective‐C on the iPhone OS suffers from limitations, such as the need for explicit memory management and lack of syntactic extension mechanism. Moreover, when developing distributed applications in Objective‐C, programmers have to manually deal with distribution concerns, such as service discovery, remote communication, and failure handling. In this paper, we discuss our experience in porting the Scheme programming language to the iPhone OS and how it can be used together with Objective‐C to develop iPhone applications. To support the interaction between Scheme programs and the underlying iPhone APIs, we have implemented a language symbiosis layer that enables programmers to access the iPhone SDK libraries from Scheme. In addition, we have designed high‐level distribution constructs to ease the development of distributed iPhone applications in an event‐driven style. We validate and discuss these constructs with a series of examples, including an iPod controller, a maps application, and a distributed multiplayer Scrabble‐like game. We discuss the lessons learned from this experience for other programming language ports to mobile platforms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Different methods can be used for learning, and they can be compared in several aspects, especially those related to learning outcomes. In this paper, we present a study in order to compare the learning effectiveness and satisfaction of children using an iPhone game for learning the water cycle vs. the traditional classroom lesson. The iPhone game includes multiple interaction forms and combined augmented reality (AR) mini‐games with non‐AR mini‐games. The traditional classroom lesson had the same learning content as the iPhone game. Thirty‐eight children participated in the study. The analyses showed that the children made significant learning gains about the water cycle, regardless of the method used. Even though the results showed that the iPhone method achieved higher knowledge results than the traditional classroom lesson, no statistically significant differences were found between the iPhone and the classroom lesson. When analysing the motivational outcomes, the results showed that the children found the iPhone game to be more satisfying than the classroom lessons. Since the iPhone game achieved similar learning results and a higher motivational effect than the classroom lesson, this suggests that games of this kind could be used as a tool in primary schools to reinforce students' lessons.  相似文献   

Perhaps, the most important parameter for any mobile application or service is the way it is delivered and experienced by the end-users, who usually, in due course, decide to keep it on their software portfolio or not. Most would agree that security and privacy have both a crucial role to play toward this goal. In this context, the current paper revolves around a key question: Do modern mobile applications respect the privacy of the end-user? The focus is on the iPhone platform security and especially on user’s data privacy. By the implementation of a DNS poisoning malware and two real attack scenarios on the popular Siri and Tethering services, we demonstrate that the privacy of the end-user is at stake.  相似文献   

随着苹果公司iPad和iPhone产品在全球的热销,在iPad和iPhone大行其道的形势下,如何结合这些新型高科技数码产品为用户提供更加优质的新闻阅读体验与操作体验,成为我们每个报业工作者的使命;该文概要介绍iPad和iPhone数字阅读平台设计背景,总体思路,技术方案与创新成果,实施效果,发现、发明及创新点,与当前国内外同类平台的综合比较。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an initial study to determine the subject preferences for educational computer games for children, in which 150 education professionals participated. From the results of this first study, we have developed an iPhone game for transmitting knowledge as part of multiculturalism, solidarity and tolerance following established learning theories, several design principles, and the objectives and competences of the Spanish law for primary education. We also report on a second study to determine whether the iPhone game has better learning outcomes than a traditional game by analyzing the participation of 84 children ranging in age from 8 to 10 years old. The frequency of playing with consoles or computer games was also taken into account in this second study, and the worldwide trend of previous studies has been corroborated. For learning outcomes, the results did not show significant differences between the two groups. However, 96% of the children indicated that they would like to play with the iPhone game again, and 90% indicated that they preferred the experience with the iPhone game over the traditional one. From these results, we can conclude that the children achieved similar knowledge improvements using both the autonomous game (iPhone game) and the custom, guided game (traditional game). This could facilitate versatility in the learning process since the learning activity could be performed at any place and time without requiring supervision. Therefore, it could be a useful tool in the learning process and help teachers to fulfill students' training needs.  相似文献   

随着苹果公司在消费电子领域取得巨大成功,越来越多的人采用iPad或iPhone进行娱乐休闲或者移动办公,由此带来了苹果应用程序需求也在迅速攀升.为了实现迷宫搜索算法在苹果iOS环境下的应用,文章采用Cocos2D-iPhone框架,在Xcode环境下设计并实现了一个基于右手法则的交互式迷宫搜索游戏,对开发过程中的一些关...  相似文献   

Real-time arrival information, immediately available on mobile devices, can significantly enhance the usability of public transit systems. The OneBusAway system provides just such information to more than 7,000 Seattle-area bus riders per day. The authors describe a new location-aware native iPhone application for OneBusAway that provides bus stop and arrival information tailored to the user's location. Results from survey and user-study evaluations demonstrate quicker access to data using the location-aware tool. In addition, data for OneBusAway users as a whole show strikingly positive changes in rider satisfaction, the number of transit trips per week, reduced wait time at bus stops, and increased walking. The positive results also hold for the location-aware version users, suggesting the possibility of even further gains.  相似文献   

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