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We present GMC2, a software model checker for GCC, the open-source compiler from the Free Software Foundation (FSF). GMC2, which is part of the GMC static-analysis and model-checking tool suite for GCC under development at SUNY Stony Brook, can be seen as an extension of Monte Carlo model checking to the setting of concurrent, procedural programming languages. Monte Carlo model checking is a newly developed technique that utilizes the theory of geometric random variables, statistical hypothesis testing, and random sampling of lassos in Büchi automata to realize a one- sided error, randomized algorithm for LTL model checking. To handle the function call/return mechanisms inherent in procedural languages such as C/C++, the version of Monte Carlo model checking implemented in GMC2 is optimized for pushdown-automaton models. Our experimental results demonstrate that this approach yields an efficient and scalable software model checker for GCC.  相似文献   

Model Checking Programs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The majority of work carried out in the formal methods community throughout the last three decades has (for good reasons) been devoted to special languages designed to make it easier to experiment with mechanized formal methods such as theorem provers, proof checkers and model checkers. In this paper we will attempt to give convincing arguments for why we believe it is time for the formal methods community to shift some of its attention towards the analysis of programs written in modern programming languages. In keeping with this philosophy we have developed a verification and testing environment for Java, called Java PathFinder (JPF), which integrates model checking, program analysis and testing. Part of this work has consisted of building a new Java Virtual Machine that interprets Java bytecode. JPF uses state compression to handle big states, and partial order and symmetry reduction, slicing, abstraction, and runtime analysis techniques to reduce the state space. JPF has been applied to a real-time avionics operating system developed at Honeywell, illustrating an intricate error, and to a model of a spacecraft controller, illustrating the combination of abstraction, runtime analysis, and slicing with model checking.  相似文献   

We present an extension of classical tableau-based model checking procedures to the case of infinite-state systems, using deductive methods in an incremental construction of the behavior graph. Logical formulas are used to represent infinite sets of states in an abstraction of this graph, which is repeatedly refined in the search for a counterexample computation, ruling out large portions of the graph before they are expanded to the state-level. This can lead to large savings, even in the case of finite-state systems. Only local conditions need to be checked at each step, and previously proven properties can be used to further constrain the search. Although the resulting method is not always automatic, it provides a flexible, general and complete framework that can integrate a diverse number of other verification tools.  相似文献   

刘阳  李宣东  马艳 《软件学报》2015,26(8):1853-1870
随机模型检验是经典模型检验理论的延伸和推广,由于其结合了经典模型检验算法和线性方程组求解或线性规划算法等,并且运算处理的是关于状态的概率向量而非经典模型检验中的位向量,所以状态爆炸问题在随机模型检验中更为严重.抽象作为缓解状态空间爆炸问题的重要技术之一,已经开始被应用到随机模型检验领域并取得了一定的进展.以面向随机模型检验的模型抽象技术为研究对象,首先给出了模型抽象技术的问题描述,然后按抽象模型构造技术分类归纳了其研究方向及目前的研究进展,最后对比了目前的模型抽象技术及其关系,总结出其还未能给出模型抽象问题的满意答案,并指出了有效解决模型抽象问题未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

Model Checking Multiagent Systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Recent accounts of accidents draw attention to “automation surprises” that arise in safety critical systems. An automation surprise can occur when a system behaves differently from the expectations of the operator. Interface mode changes are one class of such surprises that have significant impact on the safety of a dynamic interactive system. They may take place implicitly as a result of other system action. Formal specifications of interactive systems provide an opportunity to analyse problems that arise in such systems. In this paper we consider the role that an interactor based specification has as a partial model of an interactive system so that mode consequences can be checked early in the design process. We show how interactor specifications can be translated into the SMV model checker input language and how we can use such specifications in conjunction with the model checker to analyse potential for mode confusion in a realistic case. Our final aim is to develop a general purpose methodology for the automated analysis of interactive systems. This verification process can be useful in raising questions that have to be addressed in a broader context of analysis.  相似文献   

We implement a specific protocol for bit exchange among card-playing agents in three different state-of-the-art epistemic model checkers and compare the results.  相似文献   

邝宏斌  罗贵明 《计算机工程》2008,34(19):23-25,2
并行化是提高模型检测效率的重要手段。该文研究了基于标号迁移系统的C程序模型检测,提出一种软件模型检测并行化的方法。该方法利用软件模型检测工具模块化验证(MAGIC)的模块化特性对C程序进行组件分解,将各组件均衡地分发到若干计算节点,由节点调用MAGIC完成验证。由于保证节点间只有少量的通信与同步,该方法能达到较好的并行加速比,具有良好的可扩展性。实验结果显示,该方法大幅压缩了检测时间,有利于大规模软件的形式化验证。  相似文献   

在软硬件验证里,模型检验是一个重要手段,至今它已经形成一个庞大的方法论体系。现在我们把模型检验内容从标准方法、抽象解释方法、综合方法3个范畴加以介绍,旨在形成人们对模型检验总的印象,从而全面理解和掌握模型检验各个方法的精神实质和具体情况,有助于将这些方法运用到实际软硬件验证中并从中受到启发,以便进一步发展模型检验理论或开发模型检验新的方法和工具。  相似文献   

Over the past nine years, the Formal Methods Group at the IBM Haifa Research Laboratory has made steady progress in developing tools and techniques that make the power of model checking accessible to the community of hardware designers and verification engineers, to the point where it has become an integral part of the design cycle of many teams. We discuss our approach to the problem of integrating formal methods into an industrial design cycle, and point out those techniques which we have found to be especially effective in an industrial setting.  相似文献   

首先介绍自动机识别有限词和无限词两种情况,然后结合模型检查方法,把自动机作为规范自动机与模型自动机,使用自动机识别语言的包含问题技巧来解决模型检查问题,这里强调的是Vardi与Wolper提出的方法。  相似文献   

Recently, the notion of an array-based system has been introduced as an abstraction of infinite state systems (such as mutual exclusion protocols or sorting programs) which allows for model checking of invariant (safety) and recurrence (liveness) properties by Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) techniques. Unfortunately, the use of quantified first-order formulae to describe sets of states makes fix-point checking extremely expensive. In this paper, we show how invariant properties for a sub-class of array-based systems can be model-checked by a backward reachability algorithm where the length of quantifier prefixes is efficiently controlled by suitable heuristics. We also present various refinements of the reachability algorithm that allows it to be easily implemented in a client-server architecture, where a “light-weight” algorithm is the client generating proof obligations for safety and fix-point checks and an SMT solver plays the role of the server discharging the proof obligations. We also report on some encouraging preliminary experiments with a prototype implementation of our approach.  相似文献   

This paper shows how downward simulation can be checked using existing temporal logic model checkers. In particular, we show how the branching time temporal logic CTL can be used to encode the standard downward simulation conditions. We do this for both a blocking, or guarded, interpretation of operations (often used when specifying reactive systems) as well as the more common non-blocking interpretation of operations used in many state-based specification languages (for modelling sequential systems). The approach is general enough to use with any state-based specification language, and any CTL model checker in which the language can be encoded.  相似文献   

We consider the model checking problem for Hybrid Logic. Known algorithms so far are global in the sense that they compute, inductively, in every step the set of all worlds of a Kripke structure that satisfy a subformula of the input. Hence, they always exploit the entire structure. Local model checking tries to avoid this by only traversing necessary parts of the input in order to establish or refute the satisfaction relation between a given world and a formula. We present a framework for local model checking of Hybrid Logic based on games. We show that these games are simple reachability games for ordinary Hybrid Logic and weak Büchi games for Hybrid Logic with operators interpreted over the transitive closure of the accessibility relation of the underlying Kripke frame, and show how to solve these games thus solving the local model checking problem. Since the first-order part of Hybrid Logic is inherently hard to localise in model checking, we give examples, in the end, of how global model checkers can be optimised in certain special cases using well-established techniques like fixpoint approximations and divide-and-conquer algorithms.  相似文献   

有界模型检测的优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
G(p)和G(p→F(q))是有界模型检测(bounded model checking,简称BMC)中的两个重要的常用模态算子.对验证G(p)和G(p→F(q))编码转换公式进行优化.通过分析当验证这些模态算子时FSM(finite state machine)的状态转移和线性时序逻辑(linear-time temporal logic,简称LTL)的语义特征.在现有的编码公式的基础上,给出了简洁、高效的递推公式,该公式有利于高效编码成SAT(satisfiability)实例;证明了递推公式和原转换公式的逻辑关系.通过实验比较分析,在生成SAT实例规模和易求解方面都优于BMC中求解这些模态算子的现有的两种重要方法AA_BMC和Timo_BMC.所给出的方法和思想对于BMC中验证其他模态算子时的编码优化也有参考价值.  相似文献   

模型检测新技术研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
戎玫  张广泉 《计算机科学》2003,30(5):102-104
1 引言软件是否可信赖已成为一个国家的经济、国防等系统能否正常运转的关键因素之一,尤其在一些诸如核反应堆控制、航空航天以及铁路调度等安全悠关(safety-critical)领域更是如此。这类系统要求绝对安全可靠,不容半点疏漏,否则将导致灾难性后果。如1996年6月4日,欧洲航天局阿丽亚娜(Ariane)501火箭因为其控制软件的规范和设计错误而导致发射37秒后爆炸。类似的报道屡见不鲜,如何确保这些系统的可靠性成为计算机科学与控制论领域共同关注的一个焦点问题。  相似文献   

软件模型检测中的抽象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
软件模型检测对保证软件的正确性和可靠性具有十分重要的意义,而抽象是减轻模型检测中状态爆炸问题最重要的技术之一。本文综述当前广泛应用于软件模型检测中的抽象技术,介绍了该领域的进展及研究方向。  相似文献   

身份认证协议的模型检测分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一个直观、易用的模型来模拟和验证身份认证协议,并给出基于Spin(模型检测工具)的实现,它不仅可以模拟多对参与者同时进行会话,而且还有效缩减了状态空间,从而避免了以前文献中提到的状态爆炸现象,同时该文用Needham-Schroeder公钥协议和TMN协议来说明如何应用该模型。  相似文献   

Java bytecode verification is traditionally performed by using dataflow analysis. We investigate an alternative based on reducing bytecode verification to model checking. First, we analyze the complexity and scalability of this approach. We show experimentally that, despite an exponential worst-case time complexity, model checking type-correct bytecode using an explicit-state on-the-fly model checker is feasible in practice, and we give a theoretical account why this is the case. Second, we formalize our approach using Isabelle/HOL and prove its correctness. In doing so we build on the formalization of the Java Virtual Machine and dataflow analysis framework of Pusch and Nipkow and extend it to a more general framework for reasoning about model-checking-based analysis. Overall, our work constitutes the first comprehensive investigation of the theory and practice of bytecode verification by model checking. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Regular (tree) model checking (RMC) is a promising generic method for formal verification of infinite-state systems. It encodes configurations of systems as words or trees over a suitable alphabet, possibly infinite sets of configurations as finite word or tree automata, and operations of the systems being examined as finite word or tree transducers. The reachability set is then computed by a repeated application of the transducers on the automata representing the currently known set of reachable configurations. In order to facilitate termination of RMC, various acceleration schemas have been proposed. One of them is a combination of RMC with the abstract-check-refine paradigm yielding the so-called abstract regular model checking (ARMC). ARMC has originally been proposed for word automata and transducers only and thus for dealing with systems with linear (or easily linearisable) structure. In this paper, we propose a generalisation of ARMC to the case of dealing with trees which arise naturally in a lot of modelling and verification contexts. In particular, we first propose abstractions of tree automata based on collapsing their states having an equal language of trees up to some bounded height. Then, we propose an abstraction based on collapsing states having a non-empty intersection (and thus “satisfying”) the same bottom-up tree “predicate” languages. Finally, we show on several examples that the methods we propose give us very encouraging verification results.  相似文献   

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