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开发商获得可供开发土地的途径一般有: 一是划拨取得土地。这种方式对开发商最为有利,但是开发商划拨取得土地使用权并不是无偿的,而实际上以征地费名义支付了市场地价的成本部分,同时还有土地使用费。随着改革的深化,划拨取得土地这种方式将越来越少。 二是出让取得开发土地的途径。包括协议出让、招标出让和拍卖出让。协议出让的地价是“一对一”的计价还中形成的,对开发商较为有利,但这种方式将逐步减少。招标出让这种方式虽出价较高,但土地区位优势和增值预期比较明确,有助于提高企业的知名度。拍卖出让获得土地的方式则要求开发商有较强的  相似文献   

根据土地管理法的规定,在土地资源配置上,我国当前采用有偿使用和无偿划拨两种方式,有偿使用是指土地使用者通过向国家交纳有偿使用费以取得国有土地使用权,是取得国有建设用地的基本原则。无偿使用是指土地使用者在没有缴纳国有土地使用费的情况下,由国家行政划拨而取得的国有土地使用权。为防止国有资产流失和保护国有土地资源,法律法规对于划拨国有土地入市交易作了严格的禁止性规定:划拨土地使用权,除重新签订出让合同并补交土地使用权出让金外,不得转让、出租,抵押,  相似文献   

丁斌 《城市开发》2004,(11):71-73
土地在纵向范围上是一个立体锥形,包括地表、地面,也包括较深的地下.符合国家设计标准的地下汽车库位无法申领产权的根本原因,是其对应的地下空间土地使用权没有像地上空间一同被政府出让或划拨.开发商作为投资者,拥有使用收益权.要解决地下汽车库位产权问题,关键是政府尽快出台地下空间土地使用权有偿使用的法律法规.  相似文献   

程峰 《山西建筑》2010,36(25):236-237
通过分析土地收购的产权关系、土地收购性质定位、土地收购价格内涵,明确了土地使用权收购价格评估应遵循的原则,阐明了国有划拨土地使用权和国有出让等有偿方式取得土地使用权收购价格评估方法。  相似文献   

国土资源部通知要求推行招标拍卖出让国有土地使用权国土资源部日前发出通知要求,进一步推行招标拍卖出让国有土地使用权。据了解,目前各地出让国有土地使用权采用招标拍卖方式的比例很小,经营性房地产开发用地的出让主要以协议方式进行,不利于建设公开、公开、公正的土地市场,不利于国有土地资产价值的实现,也不利于集约用地、节省土地资源。国土资源部的通知要求,要严格控制建设用地总量,整顿土地市场,为推行招标、拍卖出让国有土地使用权创造良好环境。要严格限定行政划拨供地的范围,除按(土地管理法)和(城市房地产管理法激…  相似文献   

国家土地管理局表示,目前我国土地资产除了国家规定的三种处置方式,即“出让”、“入股”和“租赁”外,在实际操作中还出现了以划拨方式处置土地资产和以划拨土地合作权挂帐抵押的方式。 一、采取灵活的办法将土地使用权出让给企业。天津对享受优惠措施的股份制企业收取出让金时,对一次性不能全部补齐的企业,采取分期付款方式缓交,缓期  相似文献   

叶敏 《城市开发》1997,(11):29-31
论以原划拨地作价入股的土地使用权性质●叶敏自我国开始实行市场经济以来,国有企业改革措施层出不穷,成效不小,资产重组、股份改制日趋频繁。作为企业的一项重要无形资产———土地使用权的处置方式,主要有作价入股、出让、租赁这三种方式,在《公司法》与《房地产管...  相似文献   

国土资源部日前决定建立土地有形市场,以促进土地使用权依法公开交易。国土资源部在为此发出的通知中规定,原划拨土地使用权交易、出让土地使用权的首次交易(包括转让、租赁、抵押、作价出资、入股交换或赠予的土地等)、法律允许的集体建设用地的流转三类土地交易活动要依法公开进行。通  相似文献   

国有土地使用权出让是我国土地流转的一种重要方式,而出让合同则是出让过程中最重要的环节。目前我国法律针对国有土地使用权出让合同性质并没有明确的规定,司法实践中对其性质也认定不一。但认定该合同的性质对于解决国有土地使用权出让纠纷具有重要的意义。本文综合分析了目前关于国有土地使用权出让合同性质的各种观点,从理论和实践角度对该合同的性质提出了自己的看法,以期能够对认定国有土地使用权出让合同的性质有所启迪。  相似文献   

国有土地使用权出让的主体是国家,并由市、县人民政府土地管理部门代表国家行使国有土地使用权的出让权。但因土地使用权出让主体制度法律规范的不完善,导致在各级管理部门大量寻租行为的产生。本文针对这种现象,对土地使用权出让主体制度的立法现状、存在问题进行分析,提出了进一步完善的建议。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze land-use change system by the species competition concept among land-use types using network trophic dynamics (NTD). An multiple-feedback system (MFS) analogized from NTD was adopted to formulate the model whose dependent variable was the rate of the land-use change. The systems’ similarity, connectivity and diversity were introduced to test commonality of the systems among different regions. The evolution step among land-use types was tested using relative evolution levels defined by a standardized land-use change rate. The Chubu and Kinki regions in Japan were classified into three areas by their characteristics. Fourteen land-use types were analyzed to evaluate stability, connectivity, diversity and evolution level between the regions. The results showed high degrees of commonality of the land-use change systems and the evolution level in each area. This study showed that there are transition steps of land-use types and their probabilities of occurrence can be estimated, showing also that the land-use change system can be analyzed by the species competition concept of ecology.  相似文献   

The complexity of the landscape in Japanese metropolitan suburbs is the result of high competition among land-demanding economic activities. Although both urban and rural planning legislation has played certain roles in the ordering of land-use, lack of coordination among different zoning systems is still a key issue in the proper development and conservation of limited land. This study investigated the effects of land-use master plans on actual control of land use through maximal utilization of detailed grid data with advanced GIS functions. We analyzed land-use changes in the Osaka metropolitan area for three periods: 1979–1985; 1985–1991; 1991–1996, and compared these changes with the zoning status in each period. This study demonstrates that disordered developments resulted in an increase of vacant areas in urban fringes, which also accelerated the fragmentation of forests and farmlands, causing a disordered spatial pattern from which it will be difficult to recover with the present land-use master plans.  相似文献   

Effects of land-use master plans in the metropolitan fringe of Japan   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The complexity of the landscape in Japanese metropolitan suburbs is the result of high competition among land-demanding economic activities. Although both urban and rural planning legislation has played certain roles in the ordering of land-use, lack of coordination among different zoning systems is still a key issue in the proper development and conservation of limited land. This study investigated the effects of land-use master plans on actual control of land use through maximal utilization of detailed grid data with advanced GIS functions. We analyzed land-use changes in the Osaka metropolitan area for three periods: 1979–1985; 1985–1991; 1991–1996, and compared these changes with the zoning status in each period. This study demonstrates that disordered developments resulted in an increase of vacant areas in urban fringes, which also accelerated the fragmentation of forests and farmlands, causing a disordered spatial pattern from which it will be difficult to recover with the present land-use master plans.  相似文献   

土地利用动态监测是一个复杂过程,而TGIS技术的应用能够清晰反应地表要素及其相互作用过程在时间和空间两个方面的特征。本文结合西藏自治区土地利用现状,对TGIS模型、开发平台选取、数据库建设等关键技术进行分析,结合ArcEngine及SQL Server,基于Visual Basic.NET平台构建了西藏土地利用与动态监测系统。研究表明,基于ArcEngine的土地利用TGIS系统能够实现对土地利用情况的动态监测与分析,及时掌握土地利用现状,对土地数据信息进行图文一体化管理。  相似文献   

This paper suggests that in order to analyze the effect of land-use policies on travel behavior an integrated framework that extend travel activity-based models to include various land-use issues such as residential location and work place should be developed and use. The importance of analyzing various land-use policies on travel behavior is continuously increasing as various policies such as transit-oriented developments, mixed land-use, different concentrations schemes, and more broadly Smart Growth, are often suggested as a means to mitigate transportation problems. Given our limited understanding of the effects of the various land-use polices on travel behavior it is imported to develop better approaches to analyze such policies. Activity-based models, that treat travel as a derivation of the demand for personal activities, provides an opportunity to better understand travel behavior as the explicit modeling of activities and the consequent tours and trips enable a more credible analysis of responses to policies and their effect on traffic and air quality. The theoretical framework of activity-based models starts with urban and land-use development as inputs; however, there is a need to translate this framework to analyze specific land-use policies. This paper discusses the advantages and potential of activity-based models for analyzing the effect of land-use policies on travel behavior. It suggests improvements that will extend the general framework to achieve a better understanding of travelers’ responses to various land-use policies and shows its advantages over tip-based models, which simply do not have such capabilities. The improved activity-based approach is illustrated through a case study based on the Portland activity-based model combined with a stated-preference residential choice model. A package of land-use policies— including improved land-use, school quality, safety, and transit service in the city center—is introduced, and its effect on household redistribution and regional travel is tested using this integrated framework. The results of this case study show that the effects of the land-use policies introduced had only marginal effects on regional travel.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence concerning the impact of neighborhood land-use externalities on residential property value is mixed. That is, no concensus has emerged in the literature as to whether locating non-residential land-use activities in residential neighborhoods can be expected to increase, decrease or leave unaltered surrounding property values. The purpose of this research was two-fold: 1) to construct a theoretical model of consumer behavior in which both the positive and negative effects of neighborhood land-use externalities are taken into account, and 2) to test this generalized model empirically, using hedonic pricing equations. The principal implication of the theoretical model is that the effect of non-residential activity on residential property values isa priori indeterminate, the outcome depending on the relative strength of the associated positive and negative external effects generated. The empirical test of the model was conducted for the city of Tucson, Arizona, where it is shown that over low ranges, increasing the amount of industrial, commercial, multifamily and public land-use activity in a neighborhood tended to increase surrounding residential property values. It is concluded that in locating future economic activity an optimal mix of landuse activities should be sought, not the regional separation of activities.  相似文献   

《Urban Water》2001,3(3):229-237
Sustainable groundwater management must take into consideration pollution sources and the potential of fluid percolation which could convey pollutants to the aquifer. The objective of this paper is to highlight the relationship between environmental factors and land-use types, and the adverse effects upon groundwater quality which may stem from that relationship. A clear understanding of the significant impact of land-use can generate guidelines for sustainable groundwater management. Appropriate conservation and remediation measures, could then be suggested, taking in consideration land-use and intensity of percolation potential from the ground surface to the water table. Guidelines for operational measures can be suggested to mitigate and correct adverse trends in groundwater quality. Integrated with such guidelines, planned land-use activities should harmonize with needs of both ecological and sustainable groundwater management. Two study areas located in different regions of Israel's coastal aquifer have been considered in this paper. Erez-Shiqma represents a pristine region, whilst the Ra'anana area represents a region suffering from significant eco-hydrological stress.  相似文献   

Lake areas in Chinese urban fringes are under increasing pressure of urbanization. Consequently, the conflict between rapid urban sprawl and the maintenance of water bodies in such areas urgently needs to be addressed. An integrated GIS-based analysis system (IGAS) for supporting land-use management of lake areas in urban fringes was developed in this paper. The IGAS consists of modules of land-use suitability assessment and change/demand analysis, and land evaluation and allocation. Multicriteria analysis and system dynamics techniques are used to assess land-use suitability and forecast potential land-use variation, respectively. Cost approximation and hypothetical development methods are used to evaluate land resource and market values, respectively. A case study implementing the system was performed on the Hanyang Lake area in the urban fringe of Wuhan City, central China, which is under significant urbanization pressure. Five categories of suitability were investigated by analyzing 11 criteria and related GIS data. Two scenarios for potential land-use changes from 2006 to 2020 were predicted, based on a systematic analysis and system dynamics modeling, and a hierarchical land-use structure was designed for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems. The IGAS may help local authorities better understand and address the complex land-use system, and develop improved land-use management strategies that better balance urban expansion and ecological conservation.  相似文献   

Land-use change is a key factor in the development of the human and physical environment. Models of land-use change help understand this intricate system and can provide valuable information on possible future land-use configurations. The latter is crucial for policy makers across the globe that have to deal with such varied topics as: urbanisation, deforestation, water management, erosion control and the like. This paper provides a concise introduction to the current state of land-use models, their applications to spatial policy issues and the main research issues in this field. It thus establishes the background for the six papers that make up this special issue on modelling land-use change for spatial planning support.  相似文献   

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