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由于中冷器、散热器酸洗液浓度过高,导致生成红色沉淀物,该沉淀物附着力很强,不能简单地通过清水清洗干净,致使水泵漏水。通过实验,制定了技术措施,校正了酸洗工艺,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

传统中冷器的改造与运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了东风4B型机车用传统的焊接中冷器经常发生漏泄的原因,介绍了新型胀接式中冷器的结构特点,提出了采用新型胀接式中冷器芯体改造传统中冷器的技术改造方案。通过对两种中冷器所做的性能对比试验,证明了新型胀接式中冷器具有明显的降低柴油机排温和油耗的作用,推广使用将会带来显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

为了提高汽车中冷器的工作性能及效率,基于计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)方法,针对芯体相同、气室结构不同的2种中冷器内部气体流场进行三维仿真分析,研究气室结构差异对中冷器工作性能及效率的影响。仿真计算和对比分析表明,中冷器气室是整个中冷器压力损失的重要部件,内部气体流动情况对其散热性能有直接影响。仿真结果表明:由于100-3型中冷器气室具有侧壁倾角,气体流动过程中压降较小,出口速度较100-2型高,整体流动性能较100-2型中冷器好。  相似文献   

冷轧翅片管式中冷器的设计计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了冷轧翅片管式中冷器的特点,导出了该种形式的中冷器冷却元件几何参数的计算公式;对管外流体侧的通道当量直径计算、对流换热和流通阻力准则方程的建立提出了一种新的方法,总结出一套完整的中冷器设计和校核的计算步骤,并对12V190B、X6160Z、X6160Z-1三种柴油机中冷器进行了设计计算和试验。由三种机型的计算和试验结果对比可知,增压空气进、出口温差的计算误差在5%以内,进、出口压力损失的计算误差在10%以内,说明该计算方法可以满足冷轧翅片管中冷器的设计使用要求。  相似文献   

一种多孔介质蒸发冷却中冷器性能的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中简介蒸发冷却中冷器的原理和结构,并通过风洞实验检验各种填料的阻力特性和降温特性,选取合适的填料介质试验。结果表明:蒸发冷却式中冷器原理简单,将其替换原有中冷器应用是可行的,可用于柴油机、燃气轮机进口及ICR船用燃气轮机上。  相似文献   

提出了一种仪器设计的新方法——虚拟仪器技术,介绍了采用该技术设计的中冷器故障诊断仪的结构、特点及故障诊断原理。通过检测中冷器空气压降、空气和冷却水进、出口温度等,提取反映中冷器技术状态的特征参数,可成功地诊断中冷器的状态及典型故障。  相似文献   

探讨利用列车行驶风直接冷却增压空气的空-空冷却器——行驶风中冷器,其性能远优于水冷中冷器;提出应将出气温度作为评价中冷器性能的另一关键性指标。  相似文献   

本文针对车用柴油机普遍采用的“管带式”结构中冷器,利用计算与试验相结合的方法总结出了中冷器冷却效率和阻力系数与柴油机工作参数相关联的中冷器数学模型,数学模型反映的关系与试验结果取得了良好的吻合,应用该模型于增压中冷柴油机工作过程模拟计算也获得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

介绍了铝翼散热管式中冷器的特点,导出了该种形式的中冷器冷却元件几何参数的计算公式;对管外流体侧的通道当量直径计算、对流换热和流通阻力准则方程的建立提出了一种新的方法,总结出一套完整的中冷器设计和校核的计算步骤,并对12V190B柴油机中冷器进行了设计计算和试验。由计算和试验结果对比可知,增压空气进、出口温差的计算误差在6%以内,进、出口压力损失的计算误差在10%以内,说明该计算方法可以满足铝翼散热管式中冷器的设计使用要求。  相似文献   

气-气中冷器内温度场的试验研究李国祥*⒇顾宏中**陆家祥陆辰张小印(山东工业大学动力工程系)1测试过程车用柴油机气-气中冷器内气流的温度一般不超过200℃,对于此类范围的气流温度测量,辐射传热的因素可以忽略不计,因此可以采用借助于红外热像仪对气流温度...  相似文献   

提出青藏铁路机车柴油机空 空中冷装置总体布置方案。在对空 空中冷器用冷却元件进行试验研究的基础上,优选出适合机车柴油机使用的空 空中冷器冷却元件。成功试制出青藏铁路公务动车用空 空中冷器并完成线路运行试验。  相似文献   

光伏系统在运行时,冷却太阳能光伏电池板使其达到更高的效率是一个关键因素。适当的冷却可以提高电力效率,并随着时间的推移降低电池退化的速度,从而使光伏组件的寿命最大化。综述了传统冷却技术中自然循环对流冷却、强制对流循环冷却和液冷技术,新型冷却技术浮动跟踪集中冷却系统、混合PV/T系统冷却、混合PV/TE系统采用散热器冷却以及通过使用相变材料来提高太阳能光伏电池板的性能。根据研究的重点、贡献和实际应用分析各技术的优缺点、适合应用的领域及各自技术的经济特点。未来的技术发展方向应是无论选择何种技术来冷却光伏板,都应该保持工作表面温度较低且稳定、简单可靠、能够利用提取的热能来提高整体的转换效率。  相似文献   

为了解决传统多孔材料孔隙结构不可控的问题,制备具有可控微冷通道的冷却结构对提高涡轮叶片冷却效率有着重要意义。为了研究不同冷却通道参数对叶片发汗冷却效率的影响,通过数值模拟方法研究了不同注入比下,仿生树形通道和传统直孔通道发汗冷却多孔板的换热特性及流动机理。同时,研究了6种不同模型参数多孔板在不同注入比下的冷却性能及流场的变化情况。研究结果表明:在内表面比和冷却剂出口面积基本一致的条件下,仿生树形多孔板具有更高的冷却效率;当注入比为2%时,仿生树形多孔板的平均冷却效率提高了5%,且存在一个最佳的注入比使得整体的冷却效率最高;冷却剂的出口面积是影响发汗冷却效率的关键性独立参数,与冷却剂的注入比大小有关;孔隙率对整体的冷却效率影响较小,内表面积比越大,发汗冷却的整体冷却效率越高。  相似文献   

Owing to its merits in energy savings, environmental protection and coke quality improvement, the Coke Dry Quenching (CDQ) technology is favorite in coke making industry today. In order to validate the mathematical model developed for the cooling process of real CDQ shaft, the one-seventh scale experimental setup was established. With the air as the working fluid and the coke as the packed bed, the coke and gas temperatures and the pressure drop in the cooling shaft were measured. A mathematical model based on the non-Darcian and non-thermal equilibrium model for the cooling process of the CDQ experimental shaft was presented. The computational results were compared to the experimental data. It was found that most numerical predictions were supported by the measured values.  相似文献   

介绍几种辐射供冷空调的末端形式,比较冷吊顶、楼板辐射供冷、毛细管席的供冷能力、热舒适性、能耗及投资等方面的不同,并建议完善辐射供冷系统试验研究方法,着重进行拥有自主产权产品的制造工艺的研究。  相似文献   

The target of this research is to study theoretically and experimentally the performance of spot cooling of a tractor cabinet including a single internal heat source (tested body) by using vortex tube. In the theoretical study, the cabinet is cooled from the roof by one port while the lower and side walls temperature is kept constant. The effect of inlet and outlet air ports positions in the cabinet is considered. Moreover, we study the influence of varying some parameters as velocity and temperature of inlet cold air to the cabinet, the pressure of inlet air to the vortex tube and the cold fraction of the vortex tube in the presence of a heat source with a constant heat flux of 120 W/m2. In this work, FLUENT 6.3.26 package is used in the numerical study. The steady of the 2-D incompressible viscous flow problem is solved by using the fluent package. Various spot cooling geometries are applied. Specific conditions for each case are defined, and the computational fluid dynamics is provided for three different groups containing twelve cases of local inlet and outlet ports. The calculations are performed for ventilation effectiveness factor (VEF) which is ranging from 0.58 to 1.29. The best position for the inlet locations in this study is found in upper right side of roof and the outlet locations in upper left side of cabinet. To validate the numerical model, an experimental test rig has been designed and constructed with the actual dimensions of a tractor cabinet. The experiments are carried out with the same conditions of the ideal case. The comparison of the experimental data, for that of best position of the inlet port, with the theoretical results gives a satisfactory agreement.  相似文献   

An analytical model was developed to describe thermodynamically the water evaporation process inside a counter‐flow wet cooling tower, where the air stream is in direct contact with the falling water, based on the implementation of the energy and mass balance between air and water stream describing thus, the rate of change of air temperature, humidity ratio, water temperature and evaporated water mass along tower height. The reliability of model predictions was ensured by comparisons made with pertinent experimental data, which were obtained from the literature. The paper elaborated the effect of atmospheric conditions, water mass flow rate and water inlet temperature on the variation of the thermodynamic properties of moist air inside the cooling tower and on its thermal performance characteristics. The analysis of the theoretical results revealed that the thermal performance of the cooling tower is sensitive to the degree of saturation of inlet air. Hence, the cooling capacity of the cooling tower increases with decreasing inlet air wet bulb temperature whereas the overall water temperature fall is curtailed with increasing water to air mass ratio. The change of inlet water temperature does not affect seriously the thermal behaviour of the cooling tower. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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