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通过数值模拟计算了采用轴向前掠、后掠及径向三种不同叶片型式的涡轮静叶栅流场 ,并根据计算结果分析了各流场流动参数沿流向、径向的分布特点 ,以及轴向前掠涡轮叶栅降噪增效、轴向后掠叶片恶化涡轮静叶栅气动及噪声特性的根本原因 相似文献
在大尺寸低速叶栅传热风洞中对一种高压涡轮导向叶栅的流场进行了流动显示实验研究。分别采用线簇和小球浮动法对五个雷诺数下的叶栅端壁区三维流场、叶片表面和端壁表面的流动进行了显示。实验结果表明 :涡轮叶栅中有强烈的二次流动 ,并存在复杂的涡系 ;三维流动区约占叶栅通道的 40 % ;雷诺数的增大将增强端壁区的三维流动。流场显示图片说明 :叶片吸力面靠近端壁有角涡形成与发展 ,并存在一个三角形区域 ;流场显示的通道涡大小与流场测量结果吻合。本文的实验结果可用于分析端壁表面和叶片表面换热特性的形成机理 相似文献
以某跨音速涡轮叶栅为对象,研究计算流体动力学数值计算方法,应用CFD软件ANSYS CFX,分析不同网格量和不同湍流模型对数值计算结果的影响,得到最理想且最吻合试验结果的数值计算方法,并与试验结果进行对比分析。结果表明,考虑权衡数值计算结果与试验值吻合度和所耗时间的均衡性,三维网格的S1流面网格量为1万最为合适,SST湍流模型的模拟结果最为理想。 相似文献
弯曲叶片是改善压气机近端壁流动的有效技术手段之一。为探索叶片弯曲对高负荷压气机叶栅流场的影响机理,在初始高负荷直列叶栅的基础上,设计了不同正/反弯曲水平的叶栅,并采用数值模拟方法对系列叶栅进行研究。研究发现:叶片正弯曲形成了中间静压低、两端静压高的"C"形静压分布,可有效改善压气机叶栅近端壁流场,显著抑制角区分离,使得端壁区域扩压能力提高;正弯曲可增大叶展中部区域负荷,恶化叶中流场,增大流动分离;叶片反弯曲形成了中间静压高、两端静压低的反"C"形静压分布,可显著恶化近端壁区流场,角区分离区增大,端壁区域扩压能力降低,叶中流场有所改善。 相似文献
叶片前缘气膜冷却数值模拟 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了研究叶片前缘区域的换热特性,采用非结构化网格和realizable紊流模型,求解三维N-S方程,对前缘带有一排冷气孔的涡轮叶片进行了换热特性的数值模拟.分析了不同动量比,湍流度,孔间距及径向角下冷气射流的运动规律,换热分布以及冷效分布特点.结果表明,当动量比Ⅰ大于1时,在相同孔型下,动量比越高,冷效越大.在相同动量比下,孔间距越小,冷效越大.但动量比,孔间距及径向角对换热系数影响不大.当湍流度增加时,换热系数增加而冷效降低.沿展向,气膜孔中心区域冷效较高,两孔之间区域较低;而换热系数则相反,气膜孔中心区域换热系数较小,两孔之间区域较大. 相似文献
A numerical analysis has been conducted in order to simulate the characteristics of complex flow through linear cascades of
high performance turbine blade with/without tip clearance by using a pressure-correction based, generalized 3D incompressible
Navier-Stokes CFD code. The development and generation of horseshoe vortex, passage vortex, leakage vortex, tip vortex within
tip clearance, etc. are clearly identified through the present simulation which uses the RNG k-ε turbulent model with wall
function method and a second-order linear upwind scheme for convective terms. The present simulation results are consistent
with the generally known tendency that occurs in the blade passage and tip clearance. A 3D model for secondary and leakage
flows through turbine cascades with/without tip clearance is also suggested from the present simulation results, including
the effects of tip clearance height. 相似文献
叶片是航空发动机的关键零件,以某型航空发动机转子叶片为研究对象,针对叶片电解加工阴极设计这一工程问题,着重考察了采用非线性电解液进行加工时,电解液的非线性特性对阴极设计的影响.本文首先建立了模型叶片的三维实体造型,在此基础上探讨了电解液的非线性特性对电解加工过程和阴极设计产生影响的机理,通过半实验法与数据库技术相结合的方式有效的将这种非线性特性集成到阴极设计方法中. 相似文献
Heat/mass transfer characteristics on the near-tip blade surface under combustor-level high inlet turbulence have been investigated
within a high-turning turbine rotor passage by using the naphthalene sublimation technique. The inlet turbulence intensity
and length scale are 14.7% and 80 mm, respectively. The tip gap-to-chord ratio is changed to beh/c = 0.74, 1.47, and 2.94 percents. Increasingh/c results not only in higher heat/mass transfer in the pressure-side tip region but also in more convective transport on the
pressure surface even far away from the tip edge. Severe heat/mass transfer is always observed in the suction-side tip-leakage
flow region which can be divided into two distinct high transport regions. There is a local maximum of heat/mass transfer
along the trailing-edge centerline. This arises from the interaction of a tip-leakage vortex with a trailing-edge vortex shedding.
Comparisons of the present data forh/c = 2.94 percents with the previous low turbulence one show that there is a large discrepancy of heat/mass transfer in the
pressure-side near-tip area, which diminishes with departing from the tip edge. The suction-side heat/mass transfer in the
tip-leakage flow region is less influenced by the high inlet turbulence than that at the mid-span. The leading-edge heat/mass
transfer under the high inlet turbulence is always higher than that in the low turbulence case, while there is no big difference
in the trailing-edge heat/mass transfer between the two cases. 相似文献
采用三种不同种类的刀具对碳化硅晶须增强铝基复合材料(SiCw/2024)进行车削试验,用Kistler三向测力系统检测切削力波形和三向切削分力Fc、Fp、Ff。试验结果表明,对增强相体积分数超过某一阈值(如17~18%)的碳化硅晶须增强铝基复合材料,用K类硬质合金(K10TiAlN)固定式刀具切削,会出现背吃刀抗力Fp、进给分力Ff大于主切削力Fc的现象,三者大小的关系为Fp>Ff>Fc,且随着SiCw含量的增高切削力差值越大;用硬质合金圆形自回转刀具切削,平均背吃刀抗力Fp减少(30~60)%;用PCD刀具切削,三向切削力都最小。 相似文献
Hot wire measurements have been made in a turbulent boundary layer subjected to a short roughness strip and concentrated suction. The suction is applied through a porous wall strip for a range of suction rate. The aim of the study is to examine the effects of short roughness strip and suction on the anisotropy of Reynolds stress tensor. The result indicates that the anisotropy of Reynolds stress tensor is increased marginally downstream of the combination of suction and roughness strip. Although, roughness strip control the magnitude of the variations of the effect of suction on the anisotropy of Reynolds stress tensor, they act independently on the mechanism of the wall turbulence of the layer. While suction acts to increase the anisotropy, roughness strip act to reduce the anisotropy. 相似文献