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A series of oxidized La2?x Sr x CuO4+y $(0.05 \preccurlyeq x \preccurlyeq 0.3)$ compounds has been prepared by treating the starting materials with a solution of Br2 in NaOH at room temperature. The structural modifications due to the oxidation of the materials have been studied by X-ray diffraction. Some of the observed changes are: (i) a large increase in the long parameter of the unit cell for samples with Sr content $0.05 \preccurlyeq x \preccurlyeq 0.15$ and (ii) a slight decrease in a along the whole range ofx. Interesting features have been observed regarding the critical temperatures of these materials: transition temperatures are higher for those containing lower Sr amounts (some of them were even nonsuperconducting before the oxidation treatment) in contrast to materials with x?0.15, whoseT c's do not change very much. The influence of both oxygen and strontium contents on the structural modifications and the superconducting properties of the oxidized materials will be discussed.  相似文献   

We have measured c (T) for La 2–x Sr x CuO 4 (LSCO) with x=0.15 under anisotropic pressures. The c-axis compression, which decreases c (T), reduces T c drastically, whereas the c-axis stretch, which increases c (T), enhances T c from 38K at the ambient pressure to 51.6K at 8GPa. The T c = 51.6K is the highest record so far reported for LSCO. The variation of T c is well scaled with variations of c . We deduce that the enhancement of T c in LSCO is mainly caused by the suppression of interlayer coupling, though two dimensionality is generally known as a destructive factor for conventional superconductivity.  相似文献   

Dependences of the superconducting transition temperature (T c) and chemical potential shift (????) on the hole concentration (n h ) for La2?x Sr x CuO4 cuprate is obtained taking into account of canonical two-band BCS model containing Fermi surfaces of p and d holes. The shift of chemical potential (??) leads to the curve T c(n h ) with a maximum. The dependences of T c(n h ) for our system compared with available experimental results. Downward shift (????) of the electron chemical potential (??) with the hole concentration (n h ) have been found. Self-consistent equations for superconducting order parameters ( $\bar{\Delta}_{p}$ and $\bar{\Delta}_{d}$ ) for both p and d holes are derived using Green??s function and equation of motion method. The temperature dependences of superconducting gaps and specific heat based on this model are also calculated. The enhancement of T c due to doping is observed.  相似文献   

Out-of-plane resistivity pc(T) of optimally-doped high-Tc superconductor La2–xSrxCuO4 has been investigated under hydrostatic pressure up to 8GPa. We found a drastic decrease in c which reaches 50% at 8GPa. The large change of c is understood as due to a small variation of the lattice parameter c. In comparison with a change of pc(T) estimated from a change of c due to thermal contraction, we conclude that the well known temperature-linear dependence of c is apparent metallic one; essentially c is nonmetallic over the whole temperature range, and can be described in terms of tunneling or quantum hopping conduction between CuO2 layers. Such tunneling conduction is enhanced by the scattering in the CuO2 plane at the oxygen defects which affect the in-plane resistivity only very weakly.  相似文献   

We adopt a t 1-t 2-t 3-J-G model for explanation of x = 1/8 anomaly in La2 ? x Sr x CuO4 family compound. The calculated charge susceptibility shows a maximum near Q = (π, π) at intermediate temperatures and near (π, π/2) as temperature approaches zero, in agreement with neutron scattering experiments. Coulomb repulsion G between the first neighbors turns out to be the source of Charge Density Waves (CDW) in narrow band t eff 1, t eff 2, t eff 3 < G. For physically realistic hopping values we obtain the CDW amplitude e Q = x. The in-phase domain structure as a candidate for “stripe” picture is proposed.  相似文献   

Using a Mori-Zwanzig projection operator procedure the relaxation function theory of doped two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (AF) system in the paramagnetic state is presented taking into account the hole subsystem as well as both the electron and AF correlations. At low temperatures the main contribution to the nuclear spin–lattice relaxation rate, 63(1/T 1), of plane 63Cu, arises from the AF fluctuations, and 17(1/T 1), of plane 17O, has the contributions from the wave vectors in the vicinity of (π,π) and small q ∼ 0. The effects of thermal spin-wave damping Γ q on 17(1/T 1) in lightly doped regime are investigated, suggesting either a polynomial of up to third order (not simply (T/J)3) or exponential temperature dependence of Γ q at low temperatures. It is shown that the theory is able to explain the main features of experimental data on temperature and doping dependence of 17,63(1/T 1) in the paramagnetic state of La2− x Sr x CuO4 compounds.  相似文献   

We investigate the electronic states of underdoped La 2–x Sr x CuO 4 (LSCO) by using a microscopic model, i.e., t-t-t-J model, containing charge stripes. The numerically exact diagonalization calculation is employed on small clusters. The physical properties observed in the angle-resolved photoemission and optical conductivity experiments are consistently explained in the model with vertical stripes, but not diagonal ones. These results demonstrate a crucial role of the vertical stripes in underdoped LSCO.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the high temperature hole-doped superconductivity was investigated by Raman scattering. The Raman selection rule is unique, so that anisotropic magnetic excitations in a fluctuating spin-charge stripe can be detected as if it is static. We use different Raman selection rules for two kinds of magnetic Raman scattering processes, two-magnon scattering and high-energy electronic scattering. In order to confirm the stripe effect, the Raman spectra of striped La2?x Sr x CuO4 (LSCO) and nonstriped Nd2?x Ce x CuO4 (NCCO) were compared. The main results in LSCO are (1) magnetic excitations are presented by individual energy dispersions for the k∥ stripe and the k⊥ stripe, (2) the charge transfer is allowed only in the direction perpendicular to the stripe. The direction is the same as the Burgers vector of an edge dislocation. Hence, we assume that a charge moves together with the edge dislocation of the charge stripe. The superconducting coherence length is close to the intercharge stripe distance at x<0.2. Therefore, we propose a model that superconducting pairs are formed in the edge dislocations. The binding energy is related to the stripe formation energy.  相似文献   

We report c-axis resistivity measurements in the mixed state of YBa2Cu4O8 with the magnetic field applied parallel to the a-, b-, and c-axes. For all orientations of the magnetic field, a kink is observed in the resistive transition, associated with the first-order melting of an anisotropic three-dimensional vortex lattice. Whereas the melting lines for Hb and Hc obey the expected relation H m = H 0(1 – T/T c ) n with n = 1.5, H m (T) for Ha follows a different temperature dependence with a lower exponent. This result is consistent with a suppression of the melting line due to a reduction in the dimensionality of YBa2Cu4O8 in this field geometry, as observed in normal-state magnetoresistance measurements.  相似文献   

The superconductivity depression mechanisms at x≈1/8 in La2−x Ba x CuO4 and Zn substitution in La2−x Sr x CuO4 were investigated by Raman scattering. About 80% of low-energy electronic states are two-dimensional at x≈1/8 and form the Fermi arc around (π/2,π/2). The low-energy states are composed of the resonant peak relating to the insulator–metal transition and the polaron states of the B 3u phonons. Zn substitution depresses the resonant peak, while the LTT structure depresses the polaron states. The superconductivity is suppressed if one of them is reduced.  相似文献   

The in-plane magnetoresistance (MR) of a single crystal La1.97Sr0.03CuO4 has been studied at low temperatures T using several experimental protocols. At T well below the spin-glass transition temperature, the MR becomes positive and exhibits several glassy features, such as history dependence, memory, and hysteresis. These observations are qualitatively similar to the previously reported behavior of the out-of-plane resistance. The results suggest that the memory effects in the MR are related to the onset of glassiness in the dynamics of doped holes.  相似文献   

For La2–x Sr x CuO4 single-crystals in the underdoped and overdoped regimes, we have measured the electrical resistivity along the c-axis, c , under constant magnetic fields, changing the field direction in the ab-plane. At x=0.08, 0.12 and 0.16 in the underdoped and almost optimally-doped regimes, clear anisotropy of c with the fourfold symmetry in the ab-plane has been observed. This symmetry is regarded as the fourfold symmetry of the upper critical field, H c2, and explained as being mainly due to the anisotropy of the superconducting energy gap owing to the dx 2-y 2 pairing. The magnitude of the fourfold component of H c2, H c2/H c2, is largest in x=0.08 among the three crystals. At x=0.20 in the overdoped regime, no clear fourfold symmetry has been observed. It appears that the fourfold symmetry is easy to observe in the underdoped regime rather than in the overdoped regime.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the impurity scattering due to a small amount of oxygen defect, ( < 0.01) on the anisotropic resistivity of La 2–x Sr x CuO 4– in a wide x range up to x = 0.26. In the superconducting region with 0.06 x 0.22, we found that impurity scattering by the oxygen defect remarkably decreases the c-axis resistivity c over the whole temperature range. The finding is interpreted in terms of the nonmetallic conduction along the c axis which is enhanced by scattering the confined carriers in the CuO 2 plane. On the other hand, the enhancement of the c-axis conduction diminishes in the nonsuperconducting region. This is consistent with the two-dimensional nature of the electronic state which stabilizes the superconducting ground state in the cuprates.  相似文献   

The external field dependence of the hyperfine field at La-site has been studied on La 2–x Sr x CuO 4 (x=0.115) and La 2–x Ba x CuO 4 (x=0.125), where the magnetic ordering in Cu-3d spins exists at low temperature. In La 1.885 Sr 0.115 CuO 4, a significant decrease in the resonance line width was observed above a field of H c 7.5T, which is the direct evidence of the spin-flop in the canted-spin system with Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction. The spin-flop field H c of 7.5T is slightly lower than that in La 2 CuO 4 (H c 10T), reflecting the decrease of the tilting angle of the CuO 6 octahedra by the substitution of Sr 2+ ion for La-site.  相似文献   

The ab-plane optical conductivity of seven single crystals, belonging to the family Bi2Sr2?x La x CuO6, has been measured for hole concentrations per Cu site 0.03≤p≤0.18, and for 6 K≤T≤300 K (500 K for p=0.16). At low doping, ten phonon lines are detected, which are due to the removal of the degeneracy of five E u modes (out of the predicted six). They are superimposed to a far-infrared band, which as doping increases, closes the insulating gap thus building up the Drude term. The insulator-to-metal transition occurs between p=0.7 and p=0.10 consistently with a Mott mechanism. In the metallic phase, a multiband analysis identifies a Drude term plus a mid-infrared band, which weakly depends on temperature and softens as p increases, like in other cuprates. The optical response of the crystal at optimum doping has been analyzed also in the superconducting phase. The Ferrel–Glover–Tinkham sum rule requires an integration up to Ω?6Δ and the penetration depth is 290 nm. The bosonic spectral function includes a strong peak around 50 meV, which survives up to 500 K and, therefore, might be assigned to an electron–phonon interaction.  相似文献   

From measurements of the magnetic penetration depth, (T), from 1.6 K to T c in films of electron-doped cuprates La2–x Ce x CuO4–y and Pr2–x Ce x CuO4–y we obtain the normalized density of states, N s(E) at T=0 by using a simple model. In this framework, the flat behavior of –2(T) at low T implies N s(E) is small, possibly gapped, at low energies. The upward curvature in –2(T) near T c seen in overdoped films implies that superfluid comes from an anomalously small energy band within about 3k B T c of the Fermi surface.  相似文献   

The second peak effect in magnetization curves for overdoped (La1–xSrx)CuO4– single crystals was examined by means of systematic variations of Sr content x and oxygen deficiency . Oxygen defect concentration was found to sensitively affect the critical temperature Tc and the macroscopic pinning force Fp, resulting in significant changes in magnetization hysteresis loops. Observations of dependence of M and Fp at the same reduced temperature T/Tc yielded an insight into the role of oxygen defects: increasing results in increasing the pinning center density N. The second peak field B2pk seemed to be determined by the development of a percolating network of magnetically reversible regions from the observation that the temperature dependence of B2pk showed similar behavior to the irreversibility field Birr.  相似文献   

La-NMR, Hall coefficient and sound velocity have been measured in order to investigate the correlation between the magnetic ordering, the prominent change of transport properties, the suppression of T c and the structural transformation around x1/8 in La 1.96–x Y 0.04 Sr x CuO 4. By the substitution of 0.04/2 Y for La-sites, the structural transformation to the low temperature tetragonal phase (LTT) is caused at 57±14 K for samples around x0.115. The. prominent decrease of the Hall coefficient followed by the sign reversal and the magnetic ordering are observed around x0.115 below temperatures T s and T N, respectively. T s vs x shows a bell shaped curve with the maximum value of 65 K at x00115 where most prominent suppression of T c appears. T N shows similar x dependence to T s with the maximum value of 40 K at x0.115. The change of the electronic state below T s and the suppression of T c become more prominent and the magnetic ordering is observed more wide range of x under the LTT phase.  相似文献   

The superconducting transition temperature in the cuprate is pointed to be enhanced by the self-organized spin-charge separated stripes. The magnetic excitations are very different in k?? and k???stripes. Therefore if one detects the different excitations, it is a clear evidence of the stripe. Neutron scattering, however, always observes the mixed excitations. We first succeeded to detect the k???stripe excitations of the separated dispersion induced by the super-lattice structure of the stripe in distinction from the k???stripe excitations by two-magnon Raman scattering. The stripe structure is ubiquitous in the whole carrier density range at low temperatures.  相似文献   

In studying the magneto-resistivity ρ(B) in high pulsed magnetic fields up to 55 T, it is often observed that the ρ(B) curves for different temperatures in the vicinity of the critical temperature cross at the same field value, B=B CP . We show how the crossing field changes as a function of the hole (or electron) doping x in La2?x (Sr/Ce) x CuO4. The resistivity ρ and the magnetic field B at different temperatures may be scaled as R/R CP and |B?B CP|/T γ , respectively. This kind of scaling resulted in a conventional critical exponent γ=1/ν z=1.35 (ν z~0.74) in our La2?x (Sr/Ce) x CuO4 thin films, and a much higher value of γ=4.35 (ν z~0.23) in the case of our disordered NbN films.  相似文献   

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