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The paper attempts to assess the effectiveness of the reduction of SO2 emissions over recent years for protection of ecosystems in both Europe and eastern USA by analysis of temporal changes in the acidifying potential (AP) of wet deposition defined as [SO4(2-)] - ([Ca2+] + [Mg2+]). Spatial and temporal patterns of acidifying potential were studied. The main result is that there is no statistical evidence for a trend towards improvement in the acidifying potential, because there have been declines in Ca precipitation. This suggests that the reduction of SO2 emissions has not been effective as an abatement strategy.  相似文献   

The reversal of the migration turnaround: resumption of traditional trends?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Cochrane and Vining's study of recent trends in core-periphery migration, while suffering from some weaknesses in methodology and interpretation, confirms very clearly that the reversal of the metropolitan migration turnaround is a widespread phenomenon in the developed non-Communist world. Evidence from the United Kingdom also supports this observation. An examination of the possible factors responsible for the rise and fall of counterurbanization over the past two decades suggests that two major forces--population deconcentration and regional restructuring--are operating simultaneously but relatively independently and that they both fluctuate in their nature and strength over time in response to prevailing demographic and economic circumstances."  相似文献   

Water demand management stresses the crucial roles of water user motivations in balancing actual water availability and competing human needs. This paper shows how the absence of such motivations influences artificial water scarcity, even in resource‐abundant countries, and how slight modifications to economic instruments (surface water charges in particular) might solve the problem. Data from the Czech Republic are used to illustrate the rationale behind the artificial scarcity problem and its solution. A model with feedback based on historical surface water abstraction data is built to simulate the impacts of different payment modification scenarios.  相似文献   

This article offers a fresh reading of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and of the Common Implementation Strategy guidance document number 8 on public participation (PP) aimed at identifying the conditions required for successful implementation. We propose that a central barrier to implementing Article 14 is that Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) problems are complex in character and that participation is a wicked process in practice. This article highlights some ambiguous interpretations of the WFD comparing and contrasting the ‘letter of the law’ and its ‘spirit’, based on a critical review of the nature of PP, who it concerns and when it takes place. First we articulate a complex system interpretation of IWRM in the context of the WFD. Second, we explain the difficulty to define blueprint for PP in IWRM. Finally, we present five interpretative challenging readings in order to highlight tensions between the ‘spirit’ and the ‘letter’ of the WFD.  相似文献   

One of the important issues related to world cities studies is the lack of systematic measurement of the formation of world cities. Such a measurement technique would be a useful tool for cities aspiring to attain world city status, especially those cities in Pacific Asia, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, and Shanghai. This paper approaches this task by devising a measurement methodology based on quantifiable indicators to generate a World City Index and then uses Shanghai as a case study to test how the city stands compared to 32 current and potential world cities. This paper is a part of the result of the research projects sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation of China with project numbers KZCX2-307 and 40171036.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study on the forms of urban public spaces governance that are emerging in the UK out of a rearrangement of governance responsibilities between local government, communities and private interests. Based on cases of public spaces in London under a variety of different governance arrangements, the paper critiques the dominant explanations of those processes, and suggests a far more complex picture in which empowerment and disempowerment of stakeholders of various types happen at the same time, along complex lines defined by geography, strength of stake and representation of that stake in a formalized governance transfer contract. As the paper suggests, the resulting ‘localization’ of governance, the devolution of governance responsibilities to those local actors with the stronger stake in them, does not intrinsically reduce the publicness dimension of public space, but it reshapes that notion towards one with a variety of ‘publicnesses’, with their own governance dynamics and positive and negative consequences.  相似文献   

The paper analyses changes experienced by Spain as a European peripheral region in the automobile global value chain (GVC). Our attention is focused on both spatial concentration of value‐added and high‐skill activities, and generation of technology in the components industry. The analysis of plants set up (investments) and relocated (divestments) by multinationals (MNEs) between 2001 and 2010 shows that Spain is no longer a place for labour‐intensive activities and standardized processes using simple technologies in comparison with other peripheral regions. However, the continuing majority presence of foreign‐owned companies is limiting decision power for generating and transferring technology, concentrating it mainly in the areas in which Spanish MNEs are specialized.  相似文献   

The traditional Dutch rental contract is permanent (i.e. time unlimited), but there are indications that in recent years the number of temporary rental contracts has increased considerably. Dutch housing policy appears to be responding to this by pursuing deregulation of the conditions under which temporary rent is permitted. It is in this regard startling that there is no reliable data available about the size or character of the temporary sector, and it has thus far not attracted any scholarly attention. Given that temporary rent can be viewed as a form of precarisation, a transfer of risk to citizens, with corresponding negative effects on the lives of those involved, it is imperative to close this knowledge gap. This paper is a first attempt to do this. Firstly, I systematically review the scarce evidence that is currently available, and secondly, I explore why the rise of temporary rent has thus far failed to stimulate any social debate; it appears to constitute a silent precarisation that contrasts with the politically sensitive issue of labour precarisation. In doing so, I will identify the research questions that must be answered if the significance of this process for both tenants and wider welfare-state restructuring is to be fully understood.  相似文献   

The general planning is aimed to protect the historic relics and their environ-ment while paying attention to the overall restoration of historic environment onthe basis of historic and present characteristics of the East Tombs of the Qing Dyn-asty.Attention should also be paid to the coordinated development in other as-pects of socio-economic and tourist constructions.  相似文献   

"With a more thorough examination of population changes in the Tokyo region, this article confirms with regard to Japan the reconcentrating trend of urban population observed more clearly elsewhere by Cochrane and Vining (1988). Through an examination of the factors which led to the turnaround in the 1980s in Japan and elsewhere, it is argued that conservative economic policy, as manifested by deregulation and privatization, is the principal cause for reconcentration of urbanization in the 1980s in the economically advanced Western countries."  相似文献   

In the second half of the 1990s, Dutch urban housing policy shifted from urban renewal to urban restructuring and the creation of more socially mixed neighbourhoods. Motives for restructuring stem from the ongoing debates on concentration, segregation and social mix. Here, we focus on the main instruments of urban restructuring, that is, the demolition of social housing and the construction of more expensive rental and owner-occupied housing. Continued restructuring may eventually lead to a shortage of social rented dwellings for low-income households, the target group of social housing. An important political question is therefore whether the dwindling supply of social housing still matches the potential demand in the target group. We addressed this question with an analysis of three Dutch cities: Rotterdam, The Hague and Breda. The results indicate that, although demolition has brought about substantial changes, the share of social rented housing remains high in most restructuring neighbourhoods and restructuring has not resulted in concentrations of social rented housing in other, non-restructuring neighbourhoods in any of the three cities. In Rotterdam, which had a very large social housing stock at the beginning of the restructuring operation, there are still sufficient affordable homes for lower income households. However, in The Hague and Breda, restructuring has tightened the supply of social rental housing. The municipal authority in The Hague has attempted to remedy the situation by entering regional agreements to secure sufficient levels of affordable housing.  相似文献   

This article discribes the comprehensive traffic planning of Cho-ngqing, an extra-large industrial city in the southwest of China,which has a geographical importance and hilly terrain. The plan-ning stresses the needs to meet the city's future socio-economic de-velopment strategy, the guarantee for the realization of urban devel-opment strategy and the solutions to the conspicuous traffic prob-lems.  相似文献   

 Research on varve clays and Miocene clays in the Warsaw area has shown that the chemistry of the interstitial waters affects the plasticity index of the studied soils. As a consequence, the standard van der Merwe swelling potential chart and the Seed activity chart which are based on the plasticity index do not provide an accurate assessment of swell potential.
Résumé La recherche sur les argiles varvées et les argiles miocènes de la région de Varsovie a montré que la chimie des eaux interstitielles affecte l'indice de plasticité de ce groupe de sols. En conséquence, le diagramme classique de gonflement de van der Merve et le diagramme d'activité de Seed qui sont fondés sur l'indice de plasticité, ne rendent pas correctement compte des gonflements potentiels.

This paper examines issues of culture and power in regard to the Mu sacred forest, Vietnam, a community forest. The research uses Foucault’s notion of ‘heterotopia’ as a heuristic tool to interpret forest management. It appears that the Mu sacred forest can be understood as a space of ‘self reflective construction’, but also a space that might dissolve, destabilize, interrupt and suspend power. The moment of power suspension frees people from their usual frames. They can escape to some extent from authority and repression. This suggests that sustainable forest management can be promoted through acceptance of local culture and that community forest can be a ‘space of suspension and learning’.  相似文献   

There have been important changes in the geographical mobility of the populations of post-socialist countries since the 1990s. Drawing on an extensive sample survey—the Geographic Mobility of the Labour Force survey conducted by the University of Latvia in 2006—this paper, examines the demographic and socio-economic differences between commuters and stayers in the suburbs, as well as commuting time. The results of the study indicate that people who have suburbanised over the past decade are much more likely to commute than stayers. We show that commuters to Riga differ from non-commuters with regard to most demographic and socio-economic variables. For instance, the probability of commuting is higher for the younger and more affluent suburban residents. Somewhat surprisingly, our analysis shows that there are no significant differences in commuting time between socio-demographic population groups.  相似文献   

Hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collectors have been evaluated according to the physical features of commercial photovoltaic (PV) cells; therefore, their commercial application is limited. The Tedlar collector has good electrical insulating properties, resulting in reduction in electrical efficiency. A researcher found that a glazed PVT system without Tedlar was the best among others, showing a significant increase in the overall efficiency. Inspired by this finding, we thought to study, for the first time, the feasibility of a new PVT that has been built by modifying a commercial PV panel and retrofitting it with the integration of two tubes in glass above the PV cell pasted on a thin metal ribbon before PV encapsulation. A heat transfer modelling/simulation in 3D was performed using COMSOL Multiphysics software.

The results show that under the no-cooling situation, the PV cell temperature reaches 74.87°C and the electrical power dropped significantly to 0.113 for electrical efficiency of 0.15 at the reference conditions. The water flow velocity is determined so that the cell can be effectively cooled. The cell temperature variation reaches to 45.9°C for a flow velocity of 0.5m/s, an irradiation of 1000W/m2 and ambient temperature equal to 20.15°C.  相似文献   

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