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较瘦 《微型计算机》2007,(8S):16-20,22
尽管它不是人人都买得起的高端产品,但是我们仍然要给予它足够的关注。因为这是一款广色域液晶显示器,仅此一点就值得我们对它寄予许多的期待。[编者按]  相似文献   

双鱼  李嘉 《网友世界》2008,(10):67-67
前两年液晶显示器业界最火的名词分别是“响应时间”与“对比度”,而今年各大厂商们又用“广色域”这个法宝来“色诱”广大消费者,一轮轮的广告攻势以及参数大战把消费者搞得晕头转向。那么“广色域”到底是个什么参数?它的具体意义在什么地方?为什么在今年被炒的如此火热?对于普通消费者的显示应用来说它能够起到一个什么杨的作用?接下来就让我们带着带着这一连串的问题开始本次的“广色域”探秘之旅吧。  相似文献   

WLED221wm的来头不小,是全球首款采用LED背光技术的118%超广色域22英寸液晶显示器。相对于目前普遍采用的CCFL灯管,LED背光技术拥有更加轻薄、省电和色彩更  相似文献   

八戒 《电脑迷》2008,(4):100-101
目前LCD的尺寸虽然越来越大,然而一直以来,"色彩表现力不佳"却是它心中难以抚平的伤痛,市面上绝大部分液晶显示器只具备了72%NTSC色域。为此,一些厂商开始采用新的技术,积极提高LCD显示器的色彩表现能力,而"广色域"、"LED背光显示"俨然成为了继高对比度、低响应时间后各厂商又一PK的焦点。  相似文献   

在24英寸成为全高清显示器之后,25.5英寸也开始逐渐步入人们的视线,这与产量提升、成本下降不无关系。甚至,现在您只需要3888元就可以买到25.5英寸全高清、广色域、HDMI、三年质保、一线大厂的显示器。  相似文献   

WLED背光大有一统整个LCD显示器的趋势。在环保节能方面,WLED背光确实非常优秀和突出,但让我们略感遗憾的是,以往WLED在色彩空间上不够宽广,我们测试过WLED的机型中,大部分产品的NTSC色域都低于70%,这多少影响到了整体的画质表现。三星PX2370是一款打破了色彩僵局的WLED产品。  相似文献   

生产厂商:HP联系电话:800-820-6616厂商网址:www.hp.com/cn $2250 POPHARD观点目前市面上工业设计最强大的22英寸显示器之一,实用性很强,价格不算很高,适合家庭以及特殊需求的用户使用  相似文献   

2008年,显示器什么是重点。那就只有广色域。在响应时间、尺寸等关键因素纷纷炒作过后。显示器朝着更高的技术标准前进,带给用户更高的色彩表现。 美格最近推出的新款22英寸液晶显示器WS223D就是一款高品质、低价位的产品。而且,从外观等方面来看,其带给我们的是区别以往的设计理念,原来国产品牌也可以设计出让世界瞩目的产品。  相似文献   

2008年,显示器什么是重点,那就只有广色域,在响应时间、尺寸等关键因素纷纷炒作过后,显示器朝着更高的技术标准前进,带给用户更高的色彩表现。美格最近推出的新款22英寸液晶显示器WS223D就是一款高品质、低价位的产品。而且,从外观等方面来看,其带给我们的是区别以往的设计理念,原来国产品牌也可以设计出让世界瞩目的产品。  相似文献   

Physically based spectral rendering has become increasingly important in recent years. However, asset textures in such systems are usually still drawn or acquired as RGB tristimulus values. While a number of RGB to spectrum upsampling techniques are available, none of them support upsampling of all colours in the full spectral locus, as it is intrinsically bigger than the gamut of physically valid reflectance spectra. But with display technology moving to increasingly wider gamuts, the ability to achieve highly saturated colours becomes an increasingly important feature. Real materials usually exhibit smooth reflectance spectra, while computationally generated spectra become more blocky as they represent increasingly bright and saturated colours. In print media, plastic or textile design, fluorescent dyes are added to extend the boundaries of the gamut of reflectance spectra. We follow the same approach for rendering: we provide a method which, given an input RGB tristimulus value, automatically provides a mixture of a regular, smooth reflectance spectrum plus a fluorescent part. For highly saturated input colours, the combination yields an improved reconstruction compared to what would be possible relying on a reflectance spectrum alone. At the core of our technique is a simple parametric spectral model for reflectance, excitation, and emission that allows for compact storage and is compatible with texture mapping. The model can then be used as a fluorescent diffuse component in an existing more complex BRDF model. We also provide importance sampling routines for practical application in a path tracer.  相似文献   

马鲜艳 《计算机工程》2006,32(12):261-262,268
针对当前色彩管理研究缺乏提取图像色域算法及可视化技术支持的现状,提出了一种打印机色域提取算法。先确定打印机色域边界点,通过这些边界点利用几何方法快速构造色域外壳,对设备色域进行精确描述,并对色域及其剖面进行真彩色可视化。利用对色域的剖分操作,构造基于剖面的色域匹配模型。  相似文献   

基于B样条色域描述的颜色匹配   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目前的色域匹配算法大多在等色调平面上进行,设备的色域边界以三角形近似描述,难以实现颜色的准确再现。该文分析了设备色域剖面的形状,提出了用准均匀B样条曲线来描述色域边界,设计了基于该样条曲线描述的CUSP色域匹配算法。实验结果表明,基于B样条色域描述的颜色匹配明显提高了色彩的再现精度,可显著提高打印输出彩图的质量。  相似文献   

The gamut mapping algorithm is one of the most promising methods to achieve computational color constancy. However, so far, gamut mapping algorithms are restricted to the use of pixel values to estimate the illuminant. Therefore, in this paper, gamut mapping is extended to incorporate the statistical nature of images. It is analytically shown that the proposed gamut mapping framework is able to include any linear filter output. The main focus is on the local n-jet describing the derivative structure of an image. It is shown that derivatives have the advantage over pixel values to be invariant to disturbing effects (i.e. deviations of the diagonal model) such as saturated colors and diffuse light. Further, as the n-jet based gamut mapping has the ability to use more information than pixel values alone, the combination of these algorithms are more stable than the regular gamut mapping algorithm. Different methods of combining are proposed. Based on theoretical and experimental results conducted on large scale data sets of hyperspectral, laboratory and real-world scenes, it can be derived that (1) in case of deviations of the diagonal model, the derivative-based approach outperforms the pixel-based gamut mapping, (2) state-of-the-art algorithms are outperformed by the n-jet based gamut mapping, (3) the combination of the different n-jet based gamut mappings provide more stable solutions, and (4) the fusion strategy based on the intersection of feasible sets provides better color constancy results than the union of the feasible sets.  相似文献   

王莹  曾平 《计算机应用研究》2004,21(10):120-121
色域匹配是色彩管理的一项关键技术。通过对彩色图像的特征描述的分析,提出了一种与图像空间特征相关的自适应色域匹配算法。该算法通过将图像增强技术与传统的色域匹配算法相结合,克服了传统算法不能同时保持明度对比度对比度和彩度的缺点,有效地提高了图像的再现效果和精度。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel solution to the illuminant estimation problem: the problem of how, given an image of a scene taken under an unknown illuminant, we can recover an estimate of that light. The work is founded on previous gamut mapping solutions to the problem which solve for a scene illuminant by determining the set of diagonal mappings which take image data captured under an unknown light to a gamut of reference colours taken under a known light. Unfortunately, a diagonal model is not always a valid model of illumination change and so previous approaches sometimes return a null solution. In addition, previous methods are difficult to implement. We address these problems by recasting the problem as one of illuminant classification: we define a priori a set of plausible lights thus ensuring that a scene illuminant estimate will always be found. A plausible light is represented by the gamut of colours observable under it and the illuminant in an image is classified by determining the plausible light whose gamut is most consistent with the image data. We show that this step (the main computational burden of the algorithm) can be performed simply and efficiently by means of a non-negative least-squares optimisation. We report results on a large set of real images which show that it provides excellent illuminant estimation, outperforming previous algorithms. First online version published in February, 2006  相似文献   

提出了一种用于高速传感器的宽带差分50%占空比校准电路。与传统CMOS模拟占空比校准电路相比,所提出电路结构简单工作稳定,并且证明了该电路的最高校正频率可达4GHz。所提出电路中的占空比检测器采用基于低通预滤波的连续时间积分器和带有源耦合逻辑结构的时钟缓冲器链。采用了0.18μmCMOS工艺,并针对高速应用条件进行了优化。实验结果表明,所提出电路在500MHz至4.0GHz频率范围内正常,可接受的输入占空比为30%?70%。在4GHz输入信号条件下功耗为5.37mW,输出抖动为19.3ps。测试芯片面积为550μm×370μm。  相似文献   

国内测绘行业单位的主要职责是承担境内基础测绘工作。工作范围包括基础测绘、重点测绘项目、地籍测绘、地理信息系统建设、编制出版自治区行政区域地图、地图集和其他专业性图集;向社会提供测绘成果,为各级政府及有关部门提供测绘保障服务。而对于此类单位的图纸文件主要是经过野外测量,采  相似文献   

国内测绘行业单位的主要职责是承担境内基础测绘工作。工作范围包括基础测绘、重点测绘项目、地籍测绘、地理信息系统建设、编制出版自治区行政区域地图、地图集和其他专业性图集;向社会提供测绘成果,为各级政府及有关部门提供测绘保障服务。而对于此类单位的图纸文件主要是经过野外测量,采集,综合处理后的彩色线条地形图(80%的文件输出),另外还有卫星和飞机航拍的遥感图(加%)。  相似文献   

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