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应用表明,ERP系统是提高企业经营管理效率和水平的有效手段,目前许多大型企业已经走到了前列。根据国家“以信息化带动工业化”的产业发展战略,在数量上占绝大多数的中小企业应获得更多的关注,中小企业信息化与大型企业相比有着显著的不同特点。在这里,笔者仅从ERP项目的角度,阐述中小企业如何顺利进行ERP系统的选型和实施。  相似文献   

一种适合于中小企业的ERP系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业资源规划ERP作为一种推动企业信息化建设的手段已经逐渐被中小企业所知晓,然而实际应用并不理想,效果也参差不齐。分析ERP系统在中小企业应用中遇到的瓶颈以及需求特点,结合"智定ERP系统"的功能特点、应用环境及应用效果,阐述ERP系统成为推动中小企业发展的助推力,强调只有ERP系统不断改革、创新,才能为转型发展注入鲜活力。  相似文献   

ERP管理系统体现了现代管理思想和先进的计算机技术的完美融合,是为了企业管理发展的趋势之一。本文首先阐述了ERP的概念内涵,继而对企业实施ERP的条件进行了分析。国外软件公司开发的ERP软件尽管功能强大,但是往往与国内企业实际情况不甚相符。国内的很多适合国情的ERP软件系统又造价昂贵,不适合中小企业使用。本文在此背景下,探讨了中小企业在导入ERP管理系统时应注意的事项。  相似文献   

焦点关注“适合中国国情的ERP管理软件系统”课题启动10月9日,国家863专家小组对“适合中国国情的ERP管软件系统”的评审结果,在“国家企业信息化评测体系”发布会宣布:经过对30家国内外ERP企业筛选,和佳软件、金蝶软、金思维、浪潮通软、金航数码、西安交大博通、北京希门、上海械电脑公司8家国内ERP企业中标“适合中国国情的ERP管软件系统”项目。此项目的研究目标就是要针对我国企业管理集约化与现代化、企业间协同与动态联盟管理的问题,研究开适合中国国情,符合中国现代管理模式的先进性管理技术,适于多种生产方…  相似文献   

基于多Agent技术的中小企业ERP系统研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对中小企业运作对企业资源计划(ERP)系统的要求,剖析了传统ERP系统在中小企业应用中的缺点,提出了一种基于多Agent技术的中小企业ERP系统模型——SME—MAERP,并阐释了该系统的工作机制。该系统模型具有高度的开放性、分布性、智能性和灵活性,能很好地满足中小企业的运作要求。  相似文献   

ERP系统为人们所熟知已经颇有些时日了,但是它的推广应用似乎仍进展缓慢。人们已经形成了一种观念:ERP系统只适用大型企业,是众多大公司经理的时髦玩物,而对手国内众多的中小企业而言,ERP可望而不可及,或者根本不需要。但仔细考察企业的经营方法和经营状况,正是那些中小企业的经营有诸多不规范之处。ERP能够为众多的国内中小企业带来什么?请看记者与在中小企业ERP市场卓有建树的Scala公司众多售前技术顾问的谈话。通过他们对于技术及其产品的真知灼见,于字里行间,也许你能体会到中小企业的ERP之道。  相似文献   

文章以肇庆地区中小企业的企业信息化ERP系统为研究对象,研究与分析了在目前经济全球化和大数据时代环境下,基于云技术的ERP系统在中小企业运营过程中的作用,以及剖析了在肇庆地区搭建基于云技术的ERP系统的可行性,还对基于云技术的ERP系统进行架构分析、整体系统设计分析和系统采用的关键技术分析,以及预计应用该系统后所能带来的社会效益.  相似文献   

从2004年开始,众多ERP厂商纷纷加强对中小企业的投入,一场ERP普及应用的浪潮扑面而来。但如何才能尽快实现ERP的普及?4月6日,用友携手50多家ERP产业链上的技术平台厂商、管理咨询公司、系统集成商、增值服务商、培训教育机构等合作伙伴代表,宣布成立ERP普及产业联盟,共同打造中国ERP产业集群。会上,50多家企业共同发布了《ERP普及产业联盟宣言》,同时发布了庞大的针对中国用户的2005年产业联盟业务推动计划,计划中涵盖了技术及平台伙伴联合开发计划、产品伙伴联合推进计划、咨询伙伴联合推进计划、行业增值伙伴联合推进计划等。用…  相似文献   

任务/目标驱动的ERP系统构建的分析与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对传统ERP系统刚性大、动态适应性差等问题,提出了任务/目标混合驱动的系统设计思想,将ERP系统划分为三个层次:整体系统、子系统和功能单元并分别与共性的企业任务/目标的三个层次相对应,建立面向标准业务处理元过程对象的功能单元集,ERP系统通过对子系统中功能单元的配置与重组来实现任务/目标的动态适应性。给出了业务处理元过程模型的获取方法以及基于多Agent技术的ERP系统的实现,举例说明任务/目标驱动的ERP系统在纺织企业中的应用分析。  相似文献   

ERP是目前全球应用最为广泛,也最为有效的企业管理方法。我国也已经研究并应用ERP20余年,如今,不仅是大型企业,无数中小企业也纷纷引入ERP系统进行企业信息化建设。  相似文献   

This article complements and/or extends inquiries on information systems (IS) adoption; it develops an eight-factor framework within the T-O-E taxonomy and empirically tests it to explain the adoption of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software amongst small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Survey data were collected from executives of service SMEs in Nigeria. Purposive and snow ball sampling techniques were used and analysis involved partial least square (PLS). The T-O-E factors had a statistically significant effect on ERP adoption; factors within technology and organization had positive coefficients, and those within an environment had negative coefficients. On the average, unit increase(s) in the complexity of the pressures results in less likelihood to adopt ERP or vice versa. Thus, the observed T-O-E antecedent factors critically explain ERP adoption. Managers will make informed investment decisions on how integrated systems systematically improve competitive advantage.  相似文献   

The Future of Enterprise System-Enabled Organizations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Companies are beginning to expect to gain strategic value from the implementation and operation of enterprise systems (ES). Currently dominating trends in business are sense-and-respond business models, globalization, corporate realignment, virtual organizations and accelerated product life-cycles. Available and evolving features of enterprise systems are summarized in a framework, concluding that present capabilities of enterprise systems correspond only to some extend to the new practices required to respond to these corporate challenges, and that ERP vendors strive to fill the gap. By integrating higher management functions enterprise systems will also impact on the practice of executives. The future work of an executive is illustrated by a fictitious example.  相似文献   

Many small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) have already implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) and manufacturing execution system (MES) and began to start the journey of cloud manufacturing; however, the high cost of hardware and software investment, implementation, and maintenance usually hinder SMEs from adopting an advanced planning and scheduling (APS) system. This paper aims to develop a cloud-based APS (C-APS) system framework, the service structure, and approach of deploying the C-APS system in a public cloud infrastructure platform and service provider or hybrid cloud platform. The package diagram is proposed for building the C-APS system's virtual factory model to improve modeling efficiency and data stability. The C-APS system is a cloud-based and object-oriented software; its simulation-based scheduling engine can generate the significant production and operations schedule, and has the characteristics of on-demand self-service, quickly expanding and adjusting to the virtual plant model. The C-APS system's application in a leading automotive part assembly company's printed circuit board production scheduling shows that the input planning data model is easy to maintain. The scheduling quality is high; the computing time is short and acceptable for practical application.  相似文献   

The intelligence of infrastructure gradually becomes the straw for logistics enterprises to make data-based or date-driven optimization. The integration of heterogeneous logistics systems with existing enterprise information systems is one of the most critical steps to achieve the intelligent infrastructure. Unfortunately, the integration is always a time-consuming process with heavy investment, which suppresses the longings of enterprises, especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Aiming at simplifying the system integration, this paper proposed a cloud-based ubiquitous object sharing platform (CUOSP) to share the integration across SMEs based on the concept of sharing economy. CUOSP acts as a middleware system to make heterogeneous logistics systems universal plug-and-play (UPnP) for enterprise information systems. A kernel-based agent (KBA) is designed as the sharing entity of physical systems. It maintains the features of physical systems and is scalable for different application scenarios. A series of cloud gateway services are emerged not only to provide the basic running and sharing environment, but also to remedy KBA’s weaknesses in computing capacity. A prototype system is developed and implemented based on the framework of CUOSP and a laboratory case according to the consolidation scenario in E-commerce logistics is demonstrated. Comparison experiments are also conducted to explore the real-time and multitasking capacity of KBAs with different kernel characteristics and different computing resources.  相似文献   

This study explores the enterprise resource planning (ERP) variations in value on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across four commercial-packages (Microsoft NAV, SAP All-in-one, ORACLE JDE, and SAGE X3). Grounded on the resource-based view (RBV) theory of the firm, we assess a research model linking three determinants; ERP use, collaboration, and analytics to explain the ERP value in three effects (individual productivity, management control, and customer satisfaction). Using a survey data set of 883 firms across European SMEs we test the theoretical model through structural equation modelling. This study provides empirical evidence on how European SMEs find value from the top four commercial-packaged ERPs. Whereas for Dynamics and ORACLE the most important factor is analytics system capability, for SAP and SAGE it is greater collaboration system capability. Furthermore, for SAP and ORACLE greater ERP use is perceived as an important factor, but not for Dynamics and SAGE. In addition, the study finds that both collaboration and analytics capabilities are the greatest differentiators to ERP value, which is consistent with the RBV. The finding provide guidance to business implementation strategies and to software development. The limitations and future work of the study are noted.  相似文献   

ERP系统的组件化模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对ERP系统的组件化进行了研究,提出了ERP系统的组件化模型框架,该模型框架由企业视图层、系统构架层、生命周期层3个维度组成。企业视图维给出了组件化的企业对象,系统构架维给出了ERP系统的组件化层次,生命周期维给出了组件化的实施过程。从软件复用的角度对模型框架进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

There have been few studies of the adoption of custom-developed enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. An interpretive case study of a SME in the agri-food industry was thus conducted to analyze this phenomenon. The study shows that custom ERP seems to represent a credible alternative for ERP adoption by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and that to minimize risk at the adoption stage, a SME can proceed in a rather intuitive and unstructured manner, based however upon certain principles, policies, and practices.  相似文献   

基于深度强化学习的平行企业资源计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦蕊  曾帅  李娟娟  袁勇 《自动化学报》2017,43(9):1588-1596
传统的企业资源计划(Enterprise resource planning,ERP)采用静态化的业务流程设计理念,忽略了人的关键作用,且很少涉及系统性的过程模型,因此难以应对现代企业资源计划的复杂性要求.为实现现代企业资源计划的新范式,本文在ACP(人工社会(Artificial societies)、计算实验(Computational experiments)、平行执行(Parallel execution))方法框架下,以大数据为驱动,融合深度强化学习方法,构建基于平行管理的企业ERP系统.首先基于多Agent构建ERP整体建模框架,然后针对企业ERP的整个流程建立序贯博弈模型,最后运用基于深度强化学习的神经网络寻找最优策略,解决复杂企业ERP所面临的不确定性、多样性和复杂性.  相似文献   

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