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The Authors analyse a series of 149 consecutive patients with carcinoma of the pancreas or the periampullary region. Curative surgical treatment was achievable in 55 patients, palliative procedures included surgery in 68 patients; biliary decompression with endoscopic or percutaneous procedure in 25 patients and chemotherapy in one patient with lymphoma. Perioperative complications consisted in gastroplegia (33%), pancreatic fistula (22%), biliary fistula (7.3%), abdominal abscess (5.5%) and hemoperitoneum (1.8%). Five patients died within 30 days after surgery (9%). The overall median postoperative survival was 37, 29 and 21 months in papillary, choledochal and pancreatic cancer, respectively.  相似文献   

目的 研究胃粘膜黄斑瘤的临床病理特征.方法 收集我院2009年1月至2010年12月行胃镜检查并经病理组织学诊断的胃粘膜黄斑瘤患者23例,分析其胃镜及病理特征.结果 胃镜特征:胃粘膜表面见一个或多个圆形、类圆形黄白色或灰白色粘膜隆起,大小以3~5mm居多,所有病例均伴有胃粘膜炎症表现.病理特征:全部病例均表现为胃粘膜上皮下固有膜有聚集成巢或片的吞噬脂质的巨噬细胞,固有膜均可见到不同程度的慢性炎症改变.结论 胃粘膜黄斑瘤一种在胃黏膜内形成的黄白色瘤样斑块,无特殊临床症状,通过胃镜检查和病理切片可得到确诊.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The efficacy of palliative gastrectomy in gastric cancer with peritoneal metastases remains uncertain. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the benefits of gastrectomy on the postoperative course of patients with gastric cancer and simultaneous metastases to the distant peritoneum. METHODOLOGY: A total of 122 patients who had gastric cancer and metastases to the distant peritoneum were studied with respect to survival. RESULTS: The extent of peritoneal metastases did not significantly affect the prognosis. Moreover, multivariate analysis indicated that surgery without gastrectomy was the only significant prognostic factor (relative risk, 2.587). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the decision to perform gastrectomy does not depend on the extent of peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer. Furthermore, palliative gastrectomy, if feasible, seems to have a beneficial effect on the postoperative course and is indicated for patients regardless of metastasis to the peritoneum, if the primary tumor is surgically resectable and there is no evidence of liver metastasis.  相似文献   

We report a first documented case in Senegal with simple transposition of the great arteries diagnosed in a 2 months old girl treated by Rashkind atrioseptostomy. Our patient benefited from clinical examination, ECG (15 derivations), chest X ray and standard laboratory tests. Pulsed-Doppler, two dimensional and TM echocardiography have been performed with an ATL MK 600 echocardiograph. Cardiac catheterism, angiocardiography and Rashkind procedure have been realized in our Department. These data are discussed and compared to the literature. At admission this patient presents with major cyanosis and polypnea. At examination, there is a 3/6 murmur at the left sternal border and a subclavicular continuous murmur. Laboratory tests showed metabolic acidosis and severe hypoxemia. Chest x-ray showed a cardio-thoracic ratio at 0.64 with increased pulmonary vascular markings. ECG showed right ventricular hypertrophy. Echocardiography-Doppler revealed ventriculo-arterial discordance with restrictive atrial septal defect and persistent ductus arteriosus. Rashkind procedure was followed by an increased aortic saturation. After 6 weeks there was an improvement of cyanosis and cardiac failure. Diagnosis of transposition of the great arteries is actually easier with development of ultrasonography which is useful when performed by experienced cardiologist. Spontaneous prognosis of this malformation is very poor. Rashkind atrioseptostomy is an important step for the initial treatment of transposition of the great arteries in terms of survival before open heart surgery.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized study was performed to assess the effectiveness of postoperative closed suction drainage. One hundred and twelve consecutive procedures involving autologous iliac-crest bone graft were performed, from December 29, 1992, to July 1, 1993, following a traumatic injury of the spine in 108 patients. Sixty of the sites from which the bone graft had been obtained were drained with a single large Hemovac device. The drains were maintained for two to five days postoperatively. The remaining fifty-two incisions were closed without a drainage device. All patients were evaluated clinically for problems with wound-healing. The incisions were considered to be healed when they had been asymptomatic for one year. Of eleven patients who had problems with wound-healing, six had been managed with a drain and five had not. The findings of this study do not support the routine use of drainage at the donor sites of iliac-crest bone grafts.  相似文献   

An aminopeptidase N (APN) with a molecular weight of 110kDa was released from the midgut membrane of Bombyx mori by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC), and purified to a homogeneous state. This 110-kDa APN was different from the 100-kDa APN that we previously reported, in chromatographic behaviors, substrate specificity, and N-terminal and internal amino acid sequences. However, the N-terminal sequence of 110-kDa APN, DPAFRLPTTTRPRHYQVTLT, was highly homologous with those of Manduca sexta and Heliothis virescens APNs, which were identified as a receptor for an insecticidal toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis. From a B. mori midgut cDNA library, we cloned the 110-kDa APN cDNA that possessed a 2958-bp open reading frame encoding a 111573-Da polypeptide of 986 residues. The sequence of the eicosa-peptide Asp42Thr61 deduced from the cDNA was completely matched with the N-terminal sequence of the mature 110-kDa APN. One potential N-glycosylation site, HEXXHXW zinc-binding motif and characteristic proline-rich repeats were observed in the ORF. Moreover, the primary sequence contained two hydrophobic peptides on N- and C-termini. The N-terminal peptide sequence showed characteristics of leader peptide for secretion and the C-terminal peptide contained a possible glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring site. Taken together, the deduced amino acid sequence suggests that the 110-kDa APN is a GPI-anchored protein and a specific receptor protein for B. thuringiensis CryIA delta-endotoxin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS OF THE STUDY: Surgical treatment of functional tricuspid regurgitation associated with advanced valvular disease remains controversial, mainly due to the difficulty in choosing between valve replacement or reconstructive surgery. Failure to correct tricuspid regurgitation during valvular surgery carries a poor prognosis, as reoperation may represent a significant risk to the patient. Thus correct tricuspid valve surgery is vital to achieve improved early and long-term clinical results. METHODS: A total of 142 patients underwent concomitant tricuspid annuloplasty with mitral valve replacement and their clinical outcome was assessed. RESULTS: Overall hospital mortality rate was 11.3%. Seven patients died during follow up. The overall actuarial survival rate for 10 years was 74.1 +/- 14.2%. Postoperatively, 75.8% of the patients had no residual tricuspid insufficiency, while 24.2% had first- or second-degree tricuspid insufficiency and were treated medically. All patients were in NHYA functional class I or II postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Clinically, it is important to assess the severity of functional tricuspid insufficiency before and/or during the operation. Bicuspidalization annuloplasty for functional tricuspid insufficiency has provided good results, with a low incidence of reoperation and significant clinical improvement. The technique could be used in most patients with functional tricuspid regurgitation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare mortality rates on hemodialysis (HD) to rates on continuous ambulatory/cyclic peritoneal dialysis (CAPD/CCPD), to contrast our results with those of other recent investigations, and to discuss reasons for discrepancies. DATA SOURCES: Patient-specific data obtained from the Canadian Organ Replacement Register on patients initiating renal replacement therapy (RRT) between 1 January 1990 and 31 December 1995 (n = 14 483). Recent mortality comparisons of CAPD and HD. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mortality rate ratio (RR) based on "as-treated" (AT) analysis incorporating treatment modality switches and adjusting for age, primary renal diagnosis, and comorbid conditions using Poisson regression. Hazard ratios (HR) were estimated using Cox regression and based on an "intent-to-treat" (ITT) analysis wherein patients were classified based on dialytic modality received on follow-up day 90. RESULTS: Adjusted mortality rates were significantly decreased on CAPD/CCPD relative to HD [RR = 0.73, 95% confidence interval (CI) = (0.69, 0.77)] based on the AT analysis. Most of the protective effect of CAPD/CCPD was concentrated in the first 2 years of follow-up post-RRT initiation. Based on the ITT analysis, the estimated CAPD/ CCPD effect was greatly reduced, with HR = 0.93 (0.87, 0.99). CONCLUSIONS: We provide further evidence that CAPD/CCPD is not an inferior dialytic modality to HD, particularly in the short term. Comparing mortality rates on CAPD/CCPD and HD is inherently difficult due to the potential for bias. Discrepancies between our results and those of previous investigations, and variability in findings among previous studies, relate to differences in clinical and demographic setting, patient populations, study design, statistical methods, and interaction between the dialytic modality effect and various other covariables.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is synthesised as an inactive precursor protein; this is cleaved to produce the mature peptide and a latency associated protein (LAP), which remains associated with the mature peptide until activation by LAP degradation. Isoform specific antibodies raised against the LAPs for TGF-beta 2 and -beta 3 were used to determine the myocardial levels of LAP (activatable TGF-beta) and full length precursor (inactive TGF-beta) forms during post-natal development in the rat. TGF-beta 2 was present predominantly as the precursor in 2 day old myocardium. There was an age-dependent shift from precursor protein to LAP between 2 and 28 days. A corresponding increase in the level of mature (activatable) TGF-beta 2 was found. TGF-beta 3 was detected in significant quantities only as LAP. However, a four-fold increase in the expression of TGF-beta 3 LAP was observed between 2 and 28 days. The substantial increases in activatable forms of TGF-beta 2 and -beta 3 that occur in myocardium during the first 28 days of life in the rat support a role for these proteins in post-natal cardiac development.  相似文献   

The results of an anatomic investigation performed in 40 fresh cadaver specimens and 80 consecutive clinical cases of the posterior interosseous reverse forearm flap are reported. It was observed that there is a choke anastomosis between the recurrent dorsal branch of the anterior interosseous artery and the posterior interosseous artery at the level of the middle third of the posterior forearm. Ink injections through a catheter placed in the distal part of the anterior interosseous artery stained the distal and middle thirds of the posterior forearm, but the proximal third remained unstained; this secondary territory cannot be captured through the choke anastomosis between the anterior interosseous artery and the posterior interosseous artery. Intravital fluorescein injection into the distal arterior interosseous artery revealed (under ultraviolet light) that the distal third of the posterior forearm is irrigated by direct flow through the recurrent branch of the arterior interosseous artery (the traditionally called distal anastomosis of the interosseous arteries). Therefore, we can assume that the blood flow is not reversed when the so-called posterior interosseous reverse forearm flap is raised. From this point of view, this flap could be renamed as the recurrent dorsal anterior interosseous direct flap; however, the classical name is maintained for practical purposes. From the venous standpoint, the cutaneous area included in this flap belongs to an oscillating type of venous territory and is connected to the deep system through an interconnecting venous perforator that accompanies a medial cutaneous arterial branch located at 1 to 2 cm distal to the middle point of the forearm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infestation with Ascaris lumbricoides is seen worldwide. Recently, there has been much interest in the pancreatic-biliary complications of Ascaris infection. In this study, we present our experience of 300 patients seen in a tertiary referral center. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case charts of patients seen in the Department of Gastroenterology, University of Damascus, Syria, were analyzed, retrospectively, over a 5-yr period (September of 1988 to August of 1993). During this period, 1666 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographic studies were performed and pancreatic-biliary ascariasis was diagnosed in 300 patients (18%). RESULTS: The most common presenting symptom was abdominal pain, seen in 98% of patients (294 patients). Complications observed were ascending cholangitis (48 patients; 16%), acute pancreatitis (13 patients; 4.3%), and obstructive jaundice (4 patients; 1.3%). History of worm emesis was present in 25% of patients (76 patients). Most patients (240 patients; 80%) had previously undergone a cholecystectomy or an endoscopic sphincterotomy (232 patients; 77%). Worms were successfully extracted endoscopically in all except two patients, and there were no procedure-related complications. CONCLUSIONS: In endemic countries, ascariasis should be suspected in patients with pancreatic-biliary disease, especially if a cholecystectomy or sphincterotomy has been performed in the past. Endoscopic management results in rapid resolution of symptoms and prevents development of complications.  相似文献   

The case of a 13-year-old female presenting with a 6 week history of significant vomiting resulting from a gastric duplication is described. At endoscopy, an antral mass which appeared to change in size and site with peristalsis was evident. Although rare, these lesions need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of gastric outlet obstruction. However, in the majority of cases, the diagnosis is rarely made prior to surgery.  相似文献   

The several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of breast cancer screening among women of ages 40 to 49 now collectively show a statistically significant reduction in breast cancer mortality. However, there have been numerous recent advances in mammography, such that it now is demonstrably better than when the RCTs were conducted. The use of surrogate measures of screening efficacy (tumor size, lymph node status, cancer stage), readily derived from modern service screening programs, demonstrates how the improved mammography of the 1990s should produce a greater degree of mortality reduction among women ages 40-49 than that already demonstrated in the RCTs. Indeed, these surrogate measures of mortality reduction are as favorable for women of ages 40-49 and 65+ as they are for women of ages 50-64, strongly suggesting that, since modern service screening is accepted as effectively reducing mortality among women of ages 50-64, it should also effectively reduce mortality among women in the 40-49 and 65+ age groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the causes, clinical presentation, diagnosis, operative management, postoperative care, and outcome in infants with intestinal atresia. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. SETTING: Pediatric tertiary care teaching hospital. PATIENTS: A population-based sample of 277 neonates with intestinal atresia and stenosis treated from July 1, 1972, through April 30, 1997. The level of obstruction was duodenal in 138 infants, jejunoileal in 128, and colonic in 21. Of the 277 neonates, 10 had obstruction in more than 1 site. Duodenal atresia was associated with prematurity (46%), maternal polyhydramnios (33%), Down syndrome (24%), annular pancreas (33%), and malrotation (28%). Jejunoileal atresia was associated with intrauterine volvulus, (27%), gastroschisis (16%), and meconium ileus (11.7%). INTERVENTIONS: Patients with duodenal obstruction were treated by duodenoduodenostomy in 119 (86%), of 138 patients duodenotomy with web excision in 9 (7%), and duodenojejunostomy in 7 (5%) A duodenostomy tube was placed in 3 critically ill neonates. Patients with jejunoileal atresia were treated with resection in 97 (76%) of 128 patients (anastomosis, 45 [46%]; tapering enteroplasty, 23 [24%]; or temporary ostomy, 29 [30%]), ostomy alone in 25 (20%), web excision in 5 (4%), and the Bianchi procedure in 1 (0.8%). Patients with colon atresia were managed with initial ostomy and delayed anastomosis in 18 (86%) of 21 patients and resection with primary anastomosis in 3 (14%). Short-bowel syndrome was noted in 32 neonates. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Morbidity and early and late mortality. RESULTS: Operative mortality for neonates with duodenal atresia was 4%, with jejunoileal atresia, 0.8%, and with colonic atresia, 0%. The long-term survival rate for children with duodenal atresia was 86%; with jejunoileal atresia, 84%; and with colon atresia, 100%. The Bianchi procedure (1 patient, 0.8%) and growth hormone, glutamine, and modified diet (4 patients, 1%) reduced total parenteral nutrition dependence. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac anomalies (with duodenal atresia) and ultrashort-bowel syndrome (<40 cm) requiring long-term total parenteral nutrition, which can be complicated by liver disease (with jejunoileal atresia), are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in these patients. Use of growth factors to enhance adaptation and advances in small bowel transplantation may improve long-term outcomes.  相似文献   

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