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为了提高Bi2Te3热电材料的性能,采用Bi2Te3纳米粉体前驱物快速熔炼烧结法,制备了在室温条件下具有温度敏感性的Bi2Te3合金材料,在425K时此材料的热电优值达到0.548。在此基础上,研制了热电模块,并对其性能进行了测试。结果表明,以该Bi2Te3合金材料制备的热发电模块具有良好的伏安特性和稳定的内阻,当热冷端温度分别为140和60℃时,模块的最大输出功率可达到0.39W,显现出潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

Bi2Te3薄膜是室温下热电性能最好的热电材料,利用磁控溅射在长有一薄层SiO2的n型硅样品上制备Bi/Te多层复合薄膜,经后续退火处理生成Bi2Te3。通过分析Bi2Te3薄膜的生长和退火工艺,探讨Bi/Te中Te的原子数分数对薄膜热电性能的影响。采用XRD和SEM对薄膜的结构、形貌和成分进行分析,并测量不同条件下的Seebeck系数。薄膜Seebeck系数均为负数,表明所制备样品是n型半导体薄膜,且最大值达到-76.81μV.K-1;电阻率ρ随Te的原子数分数增大而增大,其趋势先缓慢后迅速。Bi2Te3薄膜的热电性能良好,Te的原子数分数是60.52%时,功率因子最大,为1.765×10-4W.K-2.m-1。  相似文献   

采用电场激活压力辅助烧结(FAPAS)技术制备了(Bi2Te3)0.2(Sb2Te3)0.8热电材料,采用无电场、低电场强度和高电场强度三种烧结方式作为对比实验,研究了烧结过程中施加电场强度对(Bi2Te3)0.2(Sb2Te3)0.8热电材料微观结构和热电性能的影响。研究结果表明,在烧结过程中施加电场,可明显提高(Bi2Te3)0.2(Sb2Te3)0.8热电材料的电导率和Seebeck系数,从而提高其综合电功率因子;而采用大电场强度烧结则会使(Bi2Te3)0.2(Sb2Te3)0.8材料出现层状结构择优取向,在电性能相对较高的情况下亦使其热导率明显减低,从而获得较高ZT值。  相似文献   

Sb2Te3基半导体合金是目前性能较好的热电半导体材料.将材料低维化处理可以获得较块状材料更大的热电优值.通过磁控溅射工艺制备低维Sb2Te3薄膜,并通过AFM、XRD和XPS测试方法对薄膜的成分、薄膜表面以及原子偏析进行表征.通过退火工艺去除薄膜应力,观察退火工艺前后薄膜表面形貌的变化以及退火温度对薄膜表面质量的影响.试验结果表明通过磁控溅射工艺所制备出的Sb2Te3薄膜为非晶态,随着溅射功率增大,薄膜的表面粗糙度增大.退火可使薄膜变为晶态,但是表面粗糙度增大.较大或较小溅射功率下所制备的薄膜其合金成分与合金靶材有较大偏差.  相似文献   

采用助熔剂法合成Ca3Co3.9Cu0.1O9粉体。添加Bi2O3作为助烧剂,通过直流快速热压获得块体,熔融的Bi2O3能够促进Ca3Co3.9Cu0.1O9片流动以完成致密化过程,再通过液相反应烧结制备出了Ca3Co3.9Cu0.1O9/Bi2Ca2Co2Oy复合热电材料,对其物相组成、微观结构和热电性能进行了表征。结果表明,添加Bi2O3提高了样品的密度,降低了材料的电阻率,复合材料的功率因子在973 K时达到4.12×10–4 W·m–1·K–2。  相似文献   

碲化铋(Bi2Te3)作为近室温区热电性能最好的材料之一,在电子器件、航空航天等领域具有广阔的应用前景。但该材料热电转换效率较低,制约了其规模化工业应用。因此,如何提高Bi2Te3材料的热电转换效率成为重点关注的问题。在Bi2Te3材料中掺杂不同的元素或第二相,通过调整材料的晶体结构、化学组分及能带结构,调控载流子浓度和迁移率,降低热导率,可提高材料的热电性能。依据Bi2Te3热电材料的结构、性质及掺杂改性原理,以掺杂元素或第二相种类和数量作为切入点,总结了目前的部分研究成果,探讨掺杂对Bi2Te3材料热电性能的影响,并指出了今后的研究重点及方向。  相似文献   

张瑞英  史志铭  张秀梅  张秀云   《电子器件》2007,30(6):1998-2000
以Bi和Te的单质为原料,用固相反应烧结法制备Bi2Te3P型半导体制冷材料.实验采用X射线衍射仪、莱卡光学显微镜分析压制工艺对材料组织性能的影响.实验结果表明:压力增加,塞贝克系数减少.压力较小时有BiTe存在,压力增加BiTe减少,Bi2Te3增加,300KN时基本为纯Bi2Te3  相似文献   

基于二维拓扑绝缘体Bi_2Te_3材料利用微纳工艺制备了金属-拓扑绝缘体-金属(MTM)结构的太赫兹光电探测器.器件在0. 022 THz的响应率可达2×10~3A/W,噪声等效功率(NEP)低于7. 5×10~(-15)W/Hz~(1/2),探测率D~*高于1.62×10~(11)cm·Hz~(1/2)/W;在0. 166 THz的响应率可达281. 6 A/W,NEP低于5. 18×10~(-14)W/Hz~(1/2),D~*高于2. 2×10~(10)cm·Hz~(1/2)/W;在0. 332 THz的响应率可达7. 74 A/W,NEP低于1. 75×10~(-12)W/Hz~(1/2),D~*高于6. 7×10~8cm·Hz~(1/2)/W;同时器件在太赫兹波段具有小的时间常数(7~8μs).该项工作突破了传统光子探测的带间跃迁,实现了可室温工作、高响应率、高速响应以及高灵敏度的太赫兹探测器件.  相似文献   

通过熔炼,研磨制备N型(Bi2Te3)0.90(Sb2Te3)0.05(Sb2Se3)0.05热电材料的粉末,热压制备混合粉末热压合金。通过SEM和XRD研究热压合金的微观结构,在室温测量热压合金样品的电学性能。结果表明热压合金在微观结构和电学性能上存在各向异性,从而预示能够在增强材料机械强度的同时提高其热电性能。  相似文献   

随着全球经济对高效、无污染能源转换的强劲需求,Bi2Te3半导体作为最优异的室温热电材料取得了长足稳步的发展。本文在简述Bi2Te3热电材料的结构和性能的基础上,重点介绍了掺杂、纳米化、掺杂与纳米化相结合的方法对Bi2Te3热电性能的影响,详细分析了其影响机制。结果表明,以上方法均能很大程度上提升Bi2Te3热电材料的热电性能,尤其是掺杂与纳米化相结合对热电性能的提高更为显著。最后,对Bi2Te3热电材料改性的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Temperature variation-induced thermoelectric catalytic efficiency of thermoelectric material is simultaneously restricted by its electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity. Herein, Bi2Te3 nanosheets are in situ grown on reduced graphene oxides (rGO) to generate an efficient photo-thermoelectric catalyst (rGO-Bi2Te3). This system exhibits phonon scattering effect and extra carrier transport channels induced by the formed heterointerface between rGO and Bi2Te3, which improves the power factor value and reduces thermal conductivity, thus enhancing the thermoelectric performance of 2.13 times than single Bi2Te3. The photo-thermoelectric catalysis of rGO-Bi2Te3 significantly improves the reactive oxygen species yields, resulting from the effective electron–hole separation caused by the unique thermoelectric field and heterointerfaces of rGO-Bi2Te3. Correspondingly, the electrospinning membranes containing rGO-Bi2Te3 nanosheets exhibit high antibacterial efficiency in vivo (99.35 ± 0.29%), accelerated tissue repair ability, and excellent biosafety. This study provides an insight into heterointerface design in photo-thermoelectric catalysis.  相似文献   

Bi2Te3‐based compounds and derivatives are milestone materials in the fields of thermoelectrics (TEs) and topological insulators (TIs). They have highly complex band structures and interesting lattice dynamics, which are favorable for high TE performance as well as strong spin orbit and band inversion underlying topological physics. This review presents rational calculations of properties related to TEs and provides theoretical guidance for improving the TE performance of Bi2Te3‐based materials. Although the band structures of these TE materials have been studied theoretically and experimentally for many years, there remain many controversies on band characteristics, especially the locations of band extrema and the exact values of bandgaps. Here, the key factors in the theoretical investigations of Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3, and their solid solutions are reviewed. The phonon spectra and lattice thermal conductivities of Bi2Te3‐based materials are discussed. Electronic and phonon structures and TE transport calculations are discussed and reported in the context of better establishing computational parameters for these V2VI3‐based materials. This review provides a useful guidance for analyzing and improving TE performance of Bi2Te3‐based materials.  相似文献   

Following logic in the silicon semiconductor industry, the existence of native oxide and suitable fabrication technology is essential for 2D semiconductors in planar integronics, which are surface-sensitive to typical coating technologies. To date, very few types of integronics are found to possess this feature. Herein, the 2D Bi2O2Te developed recently is reported to possess large-area synthesis and controllable thermal oxidation behavior toward single-crystal native oxides. This shows that surface-adsorbed oxygen atoms are inclined to penetrate across [Bi2O2]n2n+ layers and bond with the underlying [Te]n2n− at elevated temperatures, transforming directly into [TeO4]n2n− with the basic architecture remaining stable. The oxide can be adjusted to form in an accurate layer-by-layer manner with a low-stress sharp interface. The native oxide Bi2TeO6 layer (bandgap of ≈2.9 eV) exhibits visible-light transparency and is compatible with wet-chemical selective etching technology. These advances demonstrate the potential of Bi2O2Te in planar-integrated functional nanoelectronics such as tunnel junction devices, field-effect transistors, and memristors.  相似文献   

Bismuth-telluride-based alloy is the sole thermoelectric candidate for commercial thermoelectric application in low-grade waste heat harvest near room temperature, but the sharp drop of thermoelectric properties at higher temperature and weak mechanical strength in zone-melted material are the main obstacles to its wide development for power generation. Herein, an effective approach is reported to improve the thermoelectric performance of p-type Bi0.42Sb1.58Te3 hot-pressed sample by incorporating Ag5SbSe4. A peak ZT of 1.40 at 375 K and a high average ZT of 1.25 between 300 and 500 K are achieved. Such outstanding thermoelectric performance originates from the synergistic effects of improved density-of-states effective mass, reduced bipolar thermal conductivity by the boosted carrier concentration, and suppressed lattice thermal conductivity by the induced phonon scattering centers including substitute point defects, dislocations, stress–strain clusters, and grain boundaries. Comprised of the p-type Bi0.42Sb1.58Te3 + 0.10 wt% Ag5SbSe4 and zone-melted n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3, the thermoelectric module exhibits a high conversion efficiency of 6.5% at a temperature gradient of 200 K, indicating promising applications for low-grade heat harvest near room temperature.  相似文献   

Fiber-based electronics are essential components for human-friendly wearable devices due to their flexibility, stretchability, and wearing comfort. Many thermoelectric (TE) fabrics are investigated with diverse materials and manufacturing methods to meet these potential demands. Despite such advancements, applying inorganic TE materials to stretchable platforms remains challenging, constraining their broad adoption in wearable electronics. Herein, a multi-functional and stretchable bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) TE fabric is fabricated by in situ reduction to optimize the formation of Bi2Te3 nanoparticles (NPs) inside and outside of cotton fabric. Due to the high durability of Bi2Te3 NP networks, the Bi2Te3 TE fabric exhibits excellent electrical reliability under 10,000 cycles of both stretching and compression. Interestingly, intrinsic negative piezoresistance of Bi2Te3 NPs under lateral strain is found, which is caused by the band gap change. Furthermore, the TE unit achieves a power factor of 25.77 µWm−1K−2 with electrical conductivity of 36.7 Scm−1 and a Seebeck coefficient of −83.79 µVK−1 at room temperature. The Bi2Te3 TE fabric is applied to a system that can detect both normal pressure and temperature difference. Balance weight and a finger put on top of the 3 × 3 Bi2Te3 fabric assembly are differentiated through the sensing system in real time.  相似文献   

空间近日等强辐照造成的高温严重影响光伏电池的转化效率,同时造成辐射能量的浪费.以单晶Si光伏电池和Bi2Te3热电电池为基本单元,构建Si-Bi2 Te3光热耦合电源器件模型.采用有限元分析法分析特定辐射条件下Si-Bi2Te3光热耦合电源器件的热分布情况,并结合光伏电池与热电电池的温度特性进一步计算了器件的转化效率.结果显示,Bi2Te3热电池的存在一定程度上降低了Si光伏电池的工作温度,在空间环境下Si-Bi2Te3光热耦合电源器件的转化效率相对于单一的Si光伏电池有2% ~3%的提高.最后讨论了该器件Si光伏电池和Bi2Te3热电池的功率输出方式.  相似文献   

In this work, we present in-situ monitoring of the growth of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) and antimony telluride (Sb2Te3) thin films as well as Bi2 Te3-Sb2Te3 superlattice using a spectroscopic ellipsometer (SE). Bi2Te3 and Sb2 Te3 films were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at 350 C. A44-wavelength ellipsometer with spectral range from 404 nm to 740 nm was used in this work. The optical constants of Bi2 Te3 and Sb2Te3 at growth temperature were determined by fitting a model to the extracted in-situ SE data of optically thick Bi2 Te3 and Sb2 Te3 films. Compared to the optical constants of Bi2 Te3 and Sb2 Te3 at room temperature, significant temperature dependence was observed. Using their optical constants at growth temperature, the in-situ growth of Bi2 Te3 and Sb2 Te3 thin films were modeled and excellent fit between the experimental data and data generated from the best-fit model was obtained. In-situ growth of different Bi2 Te3-Sb2 Te3 superlattices was also monitored and modeled. The growth of Bi2 Te3 and Sb2 Te3 layers can be seen clearly in in-situ SE data. Modeling of in-situ superlattice growth shows perfect superlattice growth with an abrupt interface between the two constituent films.  相似文献   

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