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Although diagnosis of neurally mediated syncope (NMS) using head-up tilt (HUT) test has been established, the exact mechanism of NMS has not yet been elucidated. We evaluated beta and alpha-adrenergic function in NMS patients by pharmacological autonomic function test. The alpha-adrenergic sensitivity of NMS patients was significantly lower than that of control subjects. The patients who need low dose isoproterenol for provocation of syncope showed higher beta-adrenergic sensitivity than patients who developed syncope without isoproterenol. Thus, pharmacological autonomic function test was useful for evaluation of NMS patients.  相似文献   

Clinical, electrophysiological investigations, evaluation of autonomic nervous system reactivity with estimation of Kerdo vegetative and stability indices were carried out in 58 patients with cochleovestibulopathy (CVP) and 10 normal controls. CVP patients with compensated disease had sympathicotonia, those with decompensated CVP exhibited parasympathicotonia. Functional loading tests and the stability index values revealed compensatory nature of sympathicotonia. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the compensation were related to age (under 40, over 41) and pathogenesis of the disease (central or peripheral). In CVP decompensation poor tolerance of mental work load was reported.  相似文献   

Infections of the nervous system remain a significant source of morbidity and mortality in patients with cancer. This paper reviews the main pathogens and emphasizes some of the principles of diagnosis and management of nervous system infections in cancer patients. Due to immunosuppression, diagnosis is more difficult in this group, secondary to the multitude of potential pathogens, and often by their atypical presentations. Fever or headache are often the only symptoms. Clinical history and general examination should guide appropriate studies such as neuroimaging. CSF analysis, cultures, and brain biopsy. Diagnostic evaluation should be pursued rapidly and aggressively since specific treatments can often reduce morbidity and mortality. Bacterial infections are generally due to break-down of the natural barriers and neutropenia. In neutropenia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacteriae are the most frequent etiology. If all causes of immunodepression are included, Listeria monocytogenes meningitis is the main bacterial infection encountered. Fungal infections have emerged as a major cause of death among cancer patients. The prognosis of cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis meningitis are markedly improved with new antifungal therapy. Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis, which may cause cerebral abcesses and secondary vascular complications, are almost always fatal. The incidence of meningo-cerebral Candidiasis is often underestimated. Similar to Histoplasmosis, it is frequently disseminated. Viral infections are mainly seen in patients with T-lymphocyte defects. Herpes-simplex virus and Varicella-Zoster virus encephalitis should quicky lead to intravenous treatment with Acyclovir. As in AIDS patients, cerebral toxoplasmosis is the most frequent parasitic infection and appropriate therapy greatly reduces morbidity. It should be emphasized that multitude pathogens are often seen in cancer patients. Despite development of new therapeutic agents, central nervous system infections should still be considered life-threatening. Therefore, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral prophylaxis should be the rule for all cancer patients.  相似文献   

Hemostasis of 100 patients with severe diphtheria infection was studied throughout the disease. The patients were found to have marked procoagulant, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic disorders. Antithrombogenic activity of the vascular wall was also abnormal. The above impairments correlated with the symptoms severity and are interpreted as DIC syndrome which ran subclinically or as hemorrhagic syndrome. The majority of the patients underwent a hyperhypocoagulant phase of DIC syndrome.  相似文献   

The presence of lysozyme in the CSF is considered with regard to its value in the early diagnosis of primary or secondary CNS Tumours. Since the appearance of this enzyme in the CSF is secondary to the increase of protein in the fluid, the search for lysozyme in the CSF is of no practical help in the diagnosis of CNS tumours.  相似文献   

Infections due to nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are especially common in patients with AIDS. Meningitis due to NTM, however, is rare. A search for CSF cultures positive for NTM over the past 11 years at our hospital yielded 16 cases. Of these, 15 were caused by Mycobacterium avium-intracellular (MAI), and one was caused by M fortuitum. All patients with MAI infection had widespread dissemination and at least one risk factor for AIDS. Clinical features included weight loss, altered mentation, and seizures. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid revealed a mildly elevated leukocyte count with lymphocyte predominance and normal protein and glucose values. All direct smears were negative for acid-fast bacilli. In-hospital mortality was 67%. The patient with infection due to M fortuitum had a preexisting diagnosis of AIDS and had a right upper lobe pneumonia and headaches. Cranial CT showed an enlarged infundibulum of the pituitary gland. Results of CSF analysis were essentially normal, and direct smears were negative. He left the hospital against medical advice. Our study indicates that the finding of MAI in the CSF in patients with AIDS is associated with an in-house mortality of 67% indicating a very poor prognosis.  相似文献   

In the process of batch cultivation the strains under study are capable of prolonged growth at low temperature in rich and poor nutrient media (with the term of observation equal to 4 months), while at a temperature of 37 degrees C microbial populations quickly die (in 8-35 days). In the absence of compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in the nutrient medium, Listeria can proliferate under such conditions. As established with the use of gas chromatography and the radioisotopic method, they can uptake carbon dioxide, hydrogen and nitrogen from the air gas mixture, using carbon of the first gas for the synthesis of the main biopolymers (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, DNA and RNA) and the second one as the source of energy. During the cultivation of Listeria at low temperature in poor nutrient media (soil microecosystems, synthetic mineral media) they are capable of preserving and under favorable conditions also increasing their virulence. Its increase is facilitated by capsule formation, mobility, chemotaxis, adhesion and invasion enhancing under such conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) chemotaxis in Chinese patients with post-juvenile periodontitis (post-JP) and rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP). Peripheral blood PMNs were isolated from nine post-JP and 13 RPP patients. Eight patients with adult periodontitis (AP) and seven clinically healthy subjects were used for comparison. Clinical data, including the plaque index and gingival index, of each subject were recorded. The "modified Boyden chamber technique" was used for PMN chemotaxis assay. Our results showed that the PMN chemotaxis index in patients with post-JP and RPP were significantly depressed compared to that in healthy subjects or patients with AP. There was no significant difference in PMN chemotaxis between post-JP and RPP, or between AP and healthy subjects. There was also no significant correlation between the plaque index, or gingival index, and PMN chemotaxis in any group. These results suggest that there is a PMN chemotaxis defect in most Chinese patients affected by post-JP or RPP, and that the PMN chemotaxis defect is not associated with clinical parameters such as the plaque index or gingival index.  相似文献   

A 35-year-old Samoan male presented with intermittent headaches and hypertensive episodes for several months. A subsequent left adrenal gland phaeochromocytoma was discovered and surgically excised. An MRI of his brain demonstrated periventricular, basal ganglia, and centrum semi-ovale infarction. We suggest that catecholamine excess and neuropeptide Y may contribute to intracerebral haemorrhage and infarcts associated with phaeochromocytomas. Additionally, our surgical approach in removing the phaeochromocytoma is discussed.  相似文献   

Each abdominal neuromere of a Drosophila embryo contains about 60 glial cells [Kl?mbt C, Goodman CS (1991): Glia 4:205-213; Ito et al. (1995): Roux's Arch Dev Biol, 204:284-307]. Among these, the midline and longitudinal glia are described to some detail. The midline glia are located dorsally in the nerve cord ensheathing the two segmental commissures. They are required for the proper establishment of commissures. The longitudinal glia, the A and B glia, and the segment boundary cells (SBC) are covering the longitudinal connectives. The longitudinal glia prefigure longitudinal axon paths and appear capable of regulating the expression of neuronal antigens. In the following we summarize the knowledge on the function of these glial cells.  相似文献   

Kept under observation by the medical staff were 110 patients with mild or moderately severe generalized parodontitis in a sanatorium-preventorium setting. Depending on the severity of the process in the parodontium tissues the patients were given a differentiated treatment (mouth-baths with a chloridic-sodic mineral water, gum mud poultice applications, low frequency interference currents). Clinical, paraclinical, and laboratory methods were used to asses the studies results effectiveness. The greatest therapeutic benefit occurred in those patients who received a combined treatment with chloridic-sodic mineral water mouth-baths, gum mud poultice applications, and low frequency interference currents.  相似文献   

An intraluminal balloon was used to study the peristaltic reflex, which is mediated by the intrinsic nerves of the oesophagus. Serial balloon distension was performed in nine asymptomatic volunteers and 133 patients with oesophageal symptoms. Eight of the volunteers had a normal response with proximal stimulation and distal inhibition of motility. Only 42 patients (31.6 per cent) had a normal response. The commonest abnormal response (39.1 per cent) was some form of failure of the distal inhibitory reflex. Other patterns of abnormality were an unresponsive oesophagus (15.8 per cent) with no motility change during balloon inflation, or spasm (13.5 per cent) proximal to the balloon. These alterations of secondary peristaltic activity suggest that there are abnormalities of the intrinsic (enteric) nerves of the oesophagus. Different abnormalities were found in patients with similar symptoms. Awareness of this difference might allow a more rational approach to treatment. This hypothesis was tested in a small pilot study treating functional dysphagia with cisapride. Three of nine patients had marked symptomatic improvement within 4 weeks and all three had an unresponsive oesophagus. The remaining six patients, who had failure of distal inhibition or a normal response, did not improve.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical significance of bulky metastatic central nervous system disease in patients with leptomeningeal metastases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty patients (24 women and 16 men) ranging in age from 32 to 74 years (median, 56.5 years) with cytologically documented leptomeningeal metastases were demonstrated by cranial or spinal magnetic resonance imaging to have either no bulky central nervous system metastatic disease (group A; 20 patients) or bulky central nervous system metastatic disease (group B; 20 patients). Twenty-nine patients were treated with involved-field radiotherapy, and all patients were treated with sequential intraventricular chemotherapy. RESULTS: Median survival was 7 months in group A (range, 5-12 months) as compared with 4 months in group B (range, 2-12 months) (P < .01; Mantel-Cox log rank analysis). Cause of death was similar in both patient groups. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with leptomeningeal metastases, neuroradiographic demonstration of bulky metastatic central nervous system disease independently predicts survival and is useful in determining which patients are candidates for intraventricular chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Analysis of the clinical picture of periodontitis and the results of allergologic tests with administration of hemolytic streptococcus and staphylococcus allergens indicated the formation in the patients of delayed type bacterial hypersensitivity which was weakly manifest and more characteristic of patients with medium-severe or grave periodontitis. Changes in the peripheral blood were also indicative of total body reaction to the local process in the periodontium; immune defense mechanisms were found strained and exhausted.  相似文献   

A review is made of the current concepts on the several techniques (kinesitherapy programs) used with the purpose of recovering motor impairments caused by damage of the central nervous system. In this way data are gathered for the discussion and explanation of the intricate mechanisms involved in reeducation and recovery of the motor ability.  相似文献   

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